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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
All I'm saying is if an elder evil starts rampaging through downtown Chicago tonight I definitely had something to do with it. But it was mostly Kurt.


Exactly what pattern did you lay those bricks out in, anyway?

No pavers yet. We uncovered something. A chamber of some sort.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Feros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
All I'm saying is if an elder evil starts rampaging through downtown Chicago tonight I definitely had something to do with it. But it was mostly Kurt.


Exactly what pattern did you lay those bricks out in, anyway?

No pavers yet. We uncovered something. A chamber of some sort.

I'm guessing old 1950s nuclear fallout shelter. Are there rations? You should definitely eat them if there are...

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NobodysHome wrote:

The Good:

- The dish was easy to make
- The dish took almost exactly the amount of time the recipe said it would (absolutely not true of Blue Apron)
- Everyone in the family agreed the dish was tasty

The Bad:
- Once I opened the "grocery bag", I found the same appalling overpackaging that plagued Blue Apron. Did every mini cucumber really need to be individually wrapped in its own plastic baggie?
- In order to be more cost-effective, the meat portions are tiny, made up for by lots and lots of grain. You know those little artisanal salmon filets they serve at high-end restaurants? About 1.5" x 3", and maybe 2 ounces of meat? The HelloFresh servings were half of one of those per person. Basically, "Here's your 1"x1.5"x1.5" cube of salmon to go with the rest of your dinner so you can't claim we didn't give you any meat." Once I'd plated everything the overall portions were reasonable and might suit those who prefer to eat less (or no) meat, but for a typical U.S. family that expects 4-6 ounces of meat with dinner, the little 1-ounce salmon niblets were unimpressive.

"Why he did this? He was incredibly pretentious. I'm sorry...I mean French."

captain yesterday wrote:
Feros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
All I'm saying is if an elder evil starts rampaging through downtown Chicago tonight I definitely had something to do with it. But it was mostly Kurt.


Exactly what pattern did you lay those bricks out in, anyway?

No pavers yet. We uncovered something.

You certainly did...

Drejk wrote:


Facebook showed me ad for a roleplaying game!

It's learning! LEARNING!!!

Though I am not sure if it was an actual roleplaying game or a guide for adult roleplaying games in bedroom... Not clicking to check.

Apparently it is some combination of both—no, I didn't clicked it to check—I saw a review by someone else who also was bombarded by the ad for the Kickstarter.

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Funny think is that I asked NobodysHome if he considered Hello Fresh for his kitchen ventures with Imps... Over a year ago. If you tried it then you could get a discount using Tasting History's code. No idea if there is one available now.

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(1) Yes, we got a discount code. HelloFresh is marketing themselves HUGELY, so if you watch YouTube at all you get a code. We used the one from Legal Eagle, because it's fun to watch a lawyer talk about the law.

(2) My experience with Blue Apron was so bad that I didn't want to try another service. You get a firehose of food so you HAVE to cook, Blue Apron's recipes were remarkably difficult (taking 60-90 minutes each), and the packaging was overwhelming. HelloFresh has easier meals and less packaging, so we'll see how it proceeds. And GothBard was the one who insisted on switching to a service, because now that I'm training for the backpacking trip and teaching Impus Minor to drive I'm losing another 2.5 hours a day, so I simply don't have time to cook.

(3) I owe HelloFresh an apology about their meat content. The salmon was delivered in two separate packets, one of which I cooked up, and the other of which fell behind a bunch of condiments in the fridge. So the meal I served had half the intended meat content. Given that, it really was quite a sufficient meal.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Made it home, unloaded the car, showered, got Hermione to her first rehearsal, picked up WW from the airport, got home, slept, and woke up to my worst arthritis flare in months.
Not sure if my body is rebelling to being back in the Texas climate, or three days of driving, or both, but everything hurts.
Going to go get a coffee and some groceries, and then come home and make bread and unpack and do laundry.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay. Interview done.

Next mountain? Taking a class/webinar/thing next week to take the first step towards becoming a certified sex education person thing.

Going forward.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Made it home, unloaded the car, showered, got Hermione to her first rehearsal, picked up WW from the airport, got home, slept, and woke up to my worst arthritis flare in months.

Not sure if my body is rebelling to being back in the Texas climate, or three days of driving, or both, but everything hurts.
Going to go get a coffee and some groceries, and then come home and make bread and unpack and do laundry.

Given the current nationwide weather nonsense, I'm guessing a significant change in barometric pressure did it. But who knows?

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OK, this week's "ridiculous meeting incompetence": Last week, someone invited me to a meeting at 7:00 am this morning. I accepted. At some point after that they withdrew themselves from the meeting without sending out notifications.

So this morning I found myself in a meeting where I was the sole attendee, and the original host even violated corporate policy by not including their name in the Zoom link so I have no idea who the culprit was.

I feel like I've been doorbell ditched.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay. Interview done.

Next mountain? Taking a class/webinar/thing next week to take the first step towards becoming a certified sex education person thing.

Going forward.

Can't you just present kids as proof of empirical knowledge?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Okay. Interview done.

Next mountain? Taking a class/webinar/thing next week to take the first step towards becoming a certified sex education person thing.

Going forward.

Can't you just present kids as proof of empirical knowledge?

Have you ever met people?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry, that may have come out more snarky than...but my point...ok, Honey Boo Boo exists and I'm not convinced her mother knows where she came from.

Limeylongears wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Feros wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
All I'm saying is if an elder evil starts rampaging through downtown Chicago tonight I definitely had something to do with it. But it was mostly Kurt.


Exactly what pattern did you lay those bricks out in, anyway?

No pavers yet. We uncovered something.
You certainly did...

Like most rules, dress codes don't apply to Captain's. Something the other Captain has been taking to extreme lengths of undress for the field of work.

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Multitasking today! In between waiting for truckloads of clear stone I can put in a hole so I can eventually build a patio atop the sealed elder evil chamber I'm also cleaning the hardscape trailer that former coworker and his guy have been trashing for the last 4 weeks.

Another resounding success for laziness!

I took a bag of (no longer) frozen Asian-style vegetables, a third of a kilogram of pork chops (I think those are chops, American diagrams of pork cuts are much less detailed than ours) that I sliced in smaller pieces, and half of a stock cube, put it all in a pot with some water and had it stew for... No idea how long, I didn't keep track of the time. I had simply let it simmer until it was done.


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LIB presents (A Limey's Cool Story Time Production): THE MYSTERY OF THE RUBBER LASH

This morning, when LIB was engaged in sorting out the godawful dog's breakfast of cabling in one of the rooms, they found a coiled-up length of rubber on a supervisor's desk.

It was not a network cable, nor was it a power cable, nor was it insulation, so what was it doing there? Both supervisors LIB spoke to denied knowing anything about it, but then again, they would do if they were flogging the staff of an evening. The item has been confriscratered for further study.

Silver Crusade

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Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Celestial Healer wrote:
Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Captain Yesterday unwisely unearthed a hidden chamber and most likely doomed us all. Other than that, same old-same old.

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Sounds like they dug too deep.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I always figured it would be Captain Yesterday who brings about the apocalypse.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Afternoon, all. What did I miss?
Captain Yesterday unwisely unearthed a hidden chamber and most likely doomed us all. Other than that, same old-same old.

In fairness, Kurt is the one that unearthed the chamber I just stood around and took pictures while whatever was in there probably escaped.

But, it was on a property adjacent to a golf course so unless it forms some sort of golfer amalgamation and gets into the genetically engineered bull semen down the road (oh yes, this is also in the bull semen capitol of the world) we should be fine.

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What is the digital camera equivilant of a photo developing to show spirits looming behind you that were not visible when you were merely looking?

Hello, everyone. Sorry I've been absent. My Broadband device was out of time for a while.

Hey John

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Good night, John!

Y'know, it's really nice to see a company take its compliance training seriously for once.

Announcement: "If you do not complete your compliance training, you will not be eligible for a salary increase this year."

It's simple. It's straightforward. And considering the entire set of compliance training takes under 2 hours, it's not particularly punitive.

PLUS you get a weekly reminder if you haven't finished your training. You have to try really hard to ignore it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Y'know, it's really nice to see a company take its compliance training seriously for once.

Announcement: "If you do not complete your compliance training, you will not be eligible for a salary increase this year."

It's simple. It's straightforward. And considering the entire set of compliance training takes under 2 hours, it's not particularly punitive.

PLUS you get a weekly reminder if you haven't finished your training. You have to try really hard to ignore it.

Now, if it was the compliance training about not using Reply All button...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Believe it or not, that actually is part of good compliance training.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:
I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Believe it or not, that actually is part of good compliance training.

...and, of course, it's NOT in ours...

lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.

Asterix or Obelix size?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Believe it or not, that actually is part of good compliance training.
...and, of course, it's NOT in ours...

Vany said good training.

Ech, Sniper Elite 5 is on a sale... But it's still far beyond of what I can pay anyway.

NobodysHome wrote:
(1) Yes, we got a discount code. HelloFresh is marketing themselves HUGELY, so if you watch YouTube at all you get a code. We used the one from Legal Eagle, because it's fun to watch a lawyer talk about the law.

Ours was from Binging with Babish. Probably unsurprising.

(2) My experience with Blue Apron was so bad that I didn't want to try another service. You get a firehose of food so you HAVE to cook, Blue Apron's recipes were remarkably difficult (taking 60-90 minutes each), and the packaging was overwhelming. HelloFresh has easier meals and less packaging, so we'll see how it proceeds. And GothBard was the one who insisted on switching to a service, because now that I'm training for the backpacking trip and teaching Impus Minor to drive I'm losing another 2.5 hours a day, so I simply don't have time to cook.

I've only found one incident with the numbers being off... and that turned out to be me doing something wrong. So not much to complain about there.


The Bad:

- Once I opened the "grocery bag", I found the same appalling overpackaging that plagued Blue Apron. Did every mini cucumber really need to be individually wrapped in its own plastic baggie?

We're not big on cucumbers so I haven't run into that bad of packaging yet, but yes they're pretty bad about "everything is individually wrapped/bagged". Except, for some reason, potatoes and onions - which are just left rolling around unpackaged in the bag - and mushrooms - which tend to come in those cling-wrapped styrofoam cubes that they're sold in at most grocery stores.

Survivor's guilt and Trauma in the wake of tragedy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We are gathered here to mark the sad passing of Limey's trousers, who perished in the line of duty this morning, 27/07/22. A moment of silence, please.

In lieu of flowers, the family have requested donations to the Mortimer J. Higgins Society For The Propagation Of Meat Pies Amongst The Pelicans.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

We are gathered here to mark the sad passing of Limey's trousers, who perished in the line of duty this morning, 27/07/22. A moment of silence, please.

In lieu of flowers, the family have requested donations to the Mortimer J. Higgins Society For The Propagation Of Meat Pies Amongst The Pelicans.


Grand Lodge

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?

Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?
Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.

Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?
Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.
Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...

LOL, we DO have a serious problem with packs of feral hogs, but although I've seen discussions about how to butcher and prepare them in a couple of online groups I follow, I wouldn't be up for trying it myself. Particularly since one recipe I read began with "Singe the hair of the boar off with a blowtorch..."

No skinning and entrails for this girl.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Feros wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?
Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.
Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...

LOL, we DO have a serious problem with packs of feral hogs, but although I've seen discussions about how to butcher and prepare them in a couple of online groups I follow, I wouldn't be up for trying it myself. Particularly since one recipe I read began with "Singe the hair of the boar off with a blowtorch..."

No skinning and entrails for this girl.

I suppose you could take the hog to a salon and have it waxed instead of using the blowtorch.

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I suppose it's only polite to give the hog a pamper session before turning it into chops.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Feros wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?
Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.
Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...

LOL, we DO have a serious problem with packs of feral hogs, but although I've seen discussions about how to butcher and prepare them in a couple of online groups I follow, I wouldn't be up for trying it myself. Particularly since one recipe I read began with "Singe the hair of the boar off with a blowtorch..."

No skinning and entrails for this girl.

I wouldn't eat them either - those hogs survived (until now) in Texas. Who knows what have they eaten?

Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Feros wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

How to make Teensy Valeros happy:

I just found a UK shop that had an Asterix and Obelix lunchbox for sale.
Asterix or Obelix size?
Asterix. He only eats like Obelix in the evening. With an additional wild boar right before bed so he doesn't get hungry during the night.
Considering you live in Texas, I'm not sure how much of that is exaggeration...

LOL, we DO have a serious problem with packs of feral hogs, but although I've seen discussions about how to butcher and prepare them in a couple of online groups I follow, I wouldn't be up for trying it myself. Particularly since one recipe I read began with "Singe the hair of the boar off with a blowtorch..."

No skinning and entrails for this girl.
I wouldn't eat them either - those hogs survived (until now) in Texas. Who knows what have they eaten?

Anything they can get their piggy mouths around.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

We are gathered here to mark the sad passing of Limey's trousers, who perished in the line of duty this morning, 27/07/22. A moment of silence, please.

In lieu of flowers, the family have requested donations to the Mortimer J. Higgins Society For The Propagation Of Meat Pies Amongst The Pelicans.

pours one out

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