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When I went to get some Asian-styled food after the movie, the lady at the counter was "oh, it's you sir? you are earlier than usual*".

Oh, come on, I am not getting food there that often!

Though I might be the only person going there still wearing face-mask in the mall.

*they have -20& off past 7 pm, -50% off past 8 pm, and close somewhere between 8 and 9, so I occasionally peek past 8.

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Not that kind of Asian-styled food.

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:

New guy requested to work with someone else.

Generally speaking, despite what your work culture is, many people don't like being hazed or intentionally setup for failure when new on a job and take it as a sign of disrespect rather than a welcoming thing so that probably put a bad taste in their mouth.

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Themetricsystem wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

New guy requested to work with someone else.

Generally speaking, despite what your work culture is, many people don't like being hazed or intentionally setup for failure when new on a job and take it as a sign of disrespect rather than a welcoming thing so that probably put a bad taste in their mouth.

Nothing like that at all, I gave him a rubber mallet, four feet level, and a Grabo (giant suction cup that lifts up pavers) and had him find any low spots, rockers, or toe stubbers and purposely left some toe stubbers that were super obvious. He found the rockers (there were no low spots) but somehow missed every single toe stubber.

The only place I've mentioned any of this is here, well away from anyone that I work with.

Shadow Lodge

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Oh, time to make some popcorn.

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Today was mostly spent being trained up as Official Safety Limey, by a man on a screen who told us harrowing tales of forklift driver duels, and some very irresponsible cartoon characters.

As soon as I'd finished, I had to take off my headset and listen to other peoples' conversations, and goodness me, do we have some thirsty, THIRSTY ladies in thr office at the moment. I could probably sculpt you a 1/1 scale model of Chris Hemworth's bum, sight entirely unseen, based purely on the lovingly detailed descriptions.

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Well, the next two hours will either result in magnificent triumph or horrific failure: The old computer Shiro gave me has been getting more and more unstable, and I'd finally saved up enough money to get an Impus Major machine. Yesterday I assembled all the core parts (case, motherboard, RAM, CPU, CPU cooler). In a few minutes I'll add the first two drives (a CD/DVD drive because I'm old and the first SSD hard drive) and try to boot it up.

I'll either have a kick-butt new computer, or an electrical fire. Should be entertaining.

I'm thinking I should invite BigNorseWolf over in case someone needs to hurl flaming electrical wreckage out the front door -- I hear he's experienced with such things...

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captain yesterday wrote:

New guy requested to work with someone else.

I didn't even get to ask what kind of municipal services his parents got him for his birthday.

Oh well, he's the other Captain's tax burden now.

Captain morgan?

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Limeylongears wrote:

Today was mostly spent being trained up as Official Safety Limey, by a man on a screen who told us harrowing tales of forklift driver duels, and some very irresponsible cartoon characters.


I spent 74 seconds on a forklift and a week later the entire park had to take safety lessons.

Someone MIGHT have mentioned that that forklift had no brakes BEFORE I drove it down the hill towards the gas station.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

New guy requested to work with someone else.

Generally speaking, despite what your work culture is, many people don't like being hazed or intentionally setup for failure when new on a job and take it as a sign of disrespect rather than a welcoming thing so that probably put a bad taste in their mouth.

Not hazing. Lessons in quality control and attention to detail.

People have to pay extra to get Yesterday's boss to assign a job to Yesterday. If it's not right, CY takes a reputation hit and the customer wonders why they paid extra. And then they have to go back out and do it again on the company dime.

This is nothing more than a professional test of a new employee.

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Every once in a while, I get a good surprise at work. Tonight, I was dreading coming in (which is normal) because the guy scheduled for 2nd shift is the one who will do the barest minimum to be able to truthfully say he "did some laundry", and frequently lies to me about how much he has done (as in saying "I did pretty much all of it" when he means "I transferred a load from the washer to the dryer, but didn't start any of the 4 more loads still waiting to be washed"). But I came in, and he wasn't there. Instead it was the GM working. Which is usually worse, because he refuses to even touch the laundry (because he's management, and therefore too good to do it). So with great trepidation I went in to see how much I had to do and there was...basically none. There were sheets in the washer, which I don't technically have to worry about, but also the cleaning rags to do. So I moved the sheets into a dryer, started the rags in the wash, and after while I will put them in the other dryer. And that's all.

I'll probably pay for it tomorrow, though.

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Bears can both run and swim faster than most humans. So, if you ever face one in a triathlon, you better hope your bike game is strong.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Bears can both run and swim faster than most humans. So, if you ever face one in a triathlon, you better hope your bike game is strong.

You're still hosed

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Bears can both run and swim faster than most humans. So, if you ever face one in a triathlon, you better hope your bike game is strong.
You're still hosed

That's just one more reason not to run a triathlon in Russia.

As if I needed more reasons.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

New guy requested to work with someone else.

I didn't even get to ask what kind of municipal services his parents got him for his birthday.

Oh well, he's the other Captain's tax burden now.

Captain morgan?

He does work as a bartender part time (to meet women).

But I'm pretty sure that's not his last name.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Bears can both run and swim faster than most humans. So, if you ever face one in a triathlon, you better hope your bike game is strong.

I can bike and I can run but as far as swimming goes I might as well stop on the shore and let him eat me because I do not like swimming at all.

I swim and bike but do not run. I should run more.

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There's an old saying, "Object-oriented programming means all of your programs are only as good as your worst programmer."

It's sad seeing this adage apply in other situations.

COVID-19 saw a massive uptick in food delivery. As is all too sadly typical, bad actors came out of the woodwork and you quite literally could not receive a full order in a timely manner from any food delivery service. 90% of the time there would be food missing. The other 10% of the time the driver would overbook and you'd get car-temperature food anywhere from 90 to 150 minutes after ordering.

Restaurants responded by putting a checklist on the outside of takeout bags, checking items off as they were put in the bag, and then stapling the bags shut once all the items were in.

Miraculously, missing items all but ceased.

All this leads to last night's order from Troy. We ordered 5 wraps, 2 fries, and a dessert, so not exactly a huge order. When Impus Major picked it up, he asked, "Is it all in there?" because he's left restaurants with only 1 of 2 bags before. The employee looked over the checklist, saw that everything was checked, and responded, "Yep. 5 wraps. 2 fries. A dessert."

He got home and my wrap was missing, indicating that a restaurant employee had checked something off without putting anything in the bag.

It's an incredibly simple system. "Don't check anything off unless you put it in the bag."

The fact that one of the restaurant's employees couldn't manage even that makes me sad.

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I've been checked into the hospital under the wrong name for the wrong procedure, twice.

No matter how good your system is, you're shooting for a percentage and its going to be less than 100 percent.

With a fast food check list you're going as fast as you can, in hot, cramped conditions for long hours standing, cleaning disgusting grease traps , bathrooms, and who knows what else.

In other words, your brain is going to do everything it can to NOT be there any more than it has to.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I've been checked into the hospital under the wrong name for the wrong procedure, twice.

No matter how good your system is, you're shooting for a percentage and its going to be less than 100 percent.

With a fast food check list you're going as fast as you can, in hot, cramped conditions for long hours standing, cleaning disgusting grease traps , bathrooms, and who knows what else.

In other words, your brain is going to do everything it can to NOT be there any more than it has to.

Agreed on high-speed, high-stress environments. But this is a small restaurant where Impus Major was the only takeout customer at the moment, and there was only one table with people at it. A very different kettle of fish.

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NobodysHome wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

I've been checked into the hospital under the wrong name for the wrong procedure, twice.

No matter how good your system is, you're shooting for a percentage and its going to be less than 100 percent.

With a fast food check list you're going as fast as you can, in hot, cramped conditions for long hours standing, cleaning disgusting grease traps , bathrooms, and who knows what else.

In other words, your brain is going to do everything it can to NOT be there any more than it has to.

Agreed on high-speed, high-stress environments. But this is a small restaurant where Impus Major was the only takeout customer at the moment, and there was only one table with people at it. A very different kettle of fish.

Doesn't matter, if you're working in food service as anything other than a chef chances are you turned your brain onto other things the moment you walked into work.

Why do you think so many musicians start a song writing story with "Yeah, I wrote this when I was working in that s#@& hole!".

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I think Lisamarlene butt dialed me earlier this morning. It is hilarious to think of a butt reaching out to me to say hello.

Meat talk, and there's a self-identified vegan in the thread:
Speaking of food service, this lawsuit fascinates me because I can't believe that, given a plate of food and told, "This meat is North American bison," there is no test whatsoever to tell whether or not that's true.

The TL;DR version: The case claims that Subway's tuna sandwiches don't actually contain tuna, and both the plaintiff and the New York Times did DNA testing and found no tuna, but Subway claims the DNA testing doesn't work because the meat has been processed and cooked. I'm more interested in what seems like a very simple question: Isn't there SOME test to determine the identity of the food on your plate? If you serve me something and say it's broccoli, there must be some chemical analysis I can do to prove/disprove it.

Ah, well, looking forward to seeing how the suit progresses, because it reminds me of the old McDonald's "worms in the burgers" scare that was finally solved when a marketer put up the price per pound of worms and the price per pound of ground beef and proved it would be financially ruinous for McDonald's to use worms instead of beef.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

No fencing tonight, because the instructor is livin' covida loca, poor chap. Last week he was impaling himself on 60-year old barbed wire in Scotland and having to have a tetanus shot as a result, so he's owed a few weeks of just having a nice time, I feel.

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The kids and I spent three hours hiking Wolf's Neck State Park outside if Freeport, Maine today. We watched a pair of osprey tending at least two chicks in their nest on an island just offshore.
It was pretty freaking awesome.
The kids picked wild blueberries along the trail as we hiked.

And I got to hear phoebes singing, which was lovely but bittersweet, because the winter storms in Texas over the last two years have devastated the insectivores, so phoebes there have gone from being annoyingly common to pretty danged rare.

And I came home and made chicken pies, so dinner would be ready when Eve came home.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
No fencing tonight, because the instructor is livin' covida loca, poor chap. Last week he was impaling himself on 60-year old barbed wire in Scotland and having to have a tetanus shot as a result, so he's owed a few weeks of just having a nice time, I feel.

So... your fencing instructor lost to a piece of barbed wire fencing?

Its literal irony

captain yesterday wrote:
Why do you think so many musicians start a song writing story with "Yeah, I wrote this when I was working in that s#~# hole!".

Case in point

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speaking of "la covida loca":

i tested positive yesterday. which is insane and insanely lucky.

it turns out that this week is another week in which that same pair of peers in leadership are on vacation, which means that if i weren't sick, i'd be up to my eyeballs in the misery of work in even more unpleasant circumstances. lol

i *kinda* hate not being there to help the team, but i **really** don't mind not being there.


so far, it hasn't been too bad an illness. compared to the typical seasonal URIs i get, this one has only been a 3-alarm fire, so to speak.


on an associated note:

when i went into work on friday, the temperature on the ground was 97 F. i have no idea what the heat index was, but i know it was as high as 104 at some point that day. after an hour and a half of working, i started my 30-minute break, and almost immediately entirely stopped sweating. i quite reasonably freaked out a bit, found an air-conditioned location in which to sit, and gradually drank down nearly 6 liters of fluids until i began to feel more myself.

i don't know if one contributed to the other (the covid or the [near-]heatstroke), but my respiratory symptoms kicked in just a couple of hours after i went back to work.

WHAT. a. weekend.

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I've been asked to do some investigation for a customer who doesn't want us to provide our normal IT services, but they ask us to occasionally do a project. We haven't worked with these guys for a while, our password no longer works, so I asked for our account to have the password reset.

Their new IT person replies with, "I have no idea what your password is."

Yeah. I know. Not what I asked. I just need you to reset the password.

"Oh, that's not what your email said." Yes it was. "I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it can be reset."

Yeah, I know. What I don't know is how did you get picked as this company's only in-house IT person after the last guy left? And can you please actually reset the password?

It's really hard to help you when you can't help us with basic access.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So... why does everybody hate the Epic Games launcher?

Final Fantasy XIV: "Oh, I see you have me installed already. Let me fix all the links so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!

Steam: "Oh, I found your Steam library for you. Let me link that so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!"

Epic: "I don't care that you have everything downloaded! Erase it all and re-download every last gigabyte! What do you mean, "But that's over 400 GB of games!?!?!?!!?" That just means you'd better get started bub!

And yes, my new computer is working nicely, thanks. Except Epic games, of course...

EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry, Epic! You do have an unbelievably kludgy workaround that involves copying-and-pasting hundreds of gigabytes of files rather than downloading them. That's SO much better!

NobodysHome wrote:

So... why does everybody hate the Epic Games launcher?

Final Fantasy XIV: "Oh, I see you have me installed already. Let me fix all the links so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!

Steam: "Oh, I found your Steam library for you. Let me link that so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!"

Epic: "I don't care that you have everything downloaded! Erase it all and re-download every last gigabyte! What do you mean, "But that's over 400 GB of games!?!?!?!!?" That just means you'd better get started bub!

And yes, my new computer is working nicely, thanks. Except Epic games, of course...

EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry, Epic! You do have an unbelievably kludgy workaround that involves copying-and-pasting hundreds of gigabytes of files rather than downloading them. That's SO much better!


I am not touching Epic Games Store even with a 10 feet pole.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... why does everybody hate the Epic Games launcher?

Final Fantasy XIV: "Oh, I see you have me installed already. Let me fix all the links so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!

Steam: "Oh, I found your Steam library for you. Let me link that so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!"

Epic: "I don't care that you have everything downloaded! Erase it all and re-download every last gigabyte! What do you mean, "But that's over 400 GB of games!?!?!?!!?" That just means you'd better get started bub!

And yes, my new computer is working nicely, thanks. Except Epic games, of course...

EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry, Epic! You do have an unbelievably kludgy workaround that involves copying-and-pasting hundreds of gigabytes of files rather than downloading them. That's SO much better!

They said it was "Epic". Not "Good".

gran rey de los mono wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... why does everybody hate the Epic Games launcher?

Final Fantasy XIV: "Oh, I see you have me installed already. Let me fix all the links so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!

Steam: "Oh, I found your Steam library for you. Let me link that so you don't have to re-download. All done! Go ahead and play!"

Epic: "I don't care that you have everything downloaded! Erase it all and re-download every last gigabyte! What do you mean, "But that's over 400 GB of games!?!?!?!!?" That just means you'd better get started bub!

And yes, my new computer is working nicely, thanks. Except Epic games, of course...

EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry, Epic! You do have an unbelievably kludgy workaround that involves copying-and-pasting hundreds of gigabytes of files rather than downloading them. That's SO much better!

They said it was "Epic". Not "Good".


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Hey Freehold, not sure if it's really your style, but have you seen Yowamushi Pedal? It's an anime where an otaku joins a bicycle racing team. I've been enjoying it, and it reminded me of you.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Hey Freehold, not sure if it's really your style, but have you seen Yowamushi Pedal? It's an anime where an otaku joins a bicycle racing team. I've been enjoying it, and it reminded me of you.

That doesn't sound like something Freehold would enjoy.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

It's Icyshadow's birthday today!

Also Tiny T-Rex's birthday!!

It is also SpongeBob's birthday.

Bastille Day.

Tape Measure Day.

And Shark Awareness Day.

I honestly don't know which I'm going to celebrate first!


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Woohoo! Let's all eat cake and throw the kleptocrats to the sharks!

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Eve to her daughter this morning:

"My love, generally a hug does not warrant a battle cry."

This is news to me.

Sometimes people's behavior out-and-out baffles me.

As I've mentioned, since there's only one parking space in front of our house, we put the Prius in the space and then have the Celica blocking the driveway, since we're not legally allowed to park in the driveway. So this at least gives the indication that around here it's OK to block your own driveway.

Our neighbors have a visitor. For a couple of days she grabbed the Prius' spot and we had to park the Prius elsewhere, in spite of the fact that the space directly in front of our neighbors was open. No big deal; maybe she wanted the shade and didn't know about the tree's predilection for dripping sticky sap onto everything below. Eventually we reclaimed the Prius' spot. So now she's parked blocking our neighbors' driveway... while our neighbors' car is in said driveway, and also while the space in front of our neighbors is still empty.

I don't understand. There is an empty parking space directly in front of the place you're staying. Your hosts have parked in their driveway. And you absolutely, positively refuse to use the open space to the point of blocking in your hosts' car.

What is so terrifying about that space, I wonder...

EDIT: And to answer the eternal, "Why does NobodysHome care so much about how other people park?" question, it's incidents such as this one. In short, Bay Area parking enforcement is very laissez-faire: Unless someone complains, you can do whatever the heck you feel like. As soon as someone complains, enforcement becomes over-the-top unmanageable. So my concern is that if too many of us block too many driveways, someone will complain that it's "unsightly" and suddenly we're all going to have to find legal parking, which will be a massive pain for everyone in the neighborhood as there aren't enough spaces (many houses have one space, two cars, and a non-functional driveway).

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Hey Freehold, not sure if it's really your style, but have you seen Yowamushi Pedal? It's an anime where an otaku joins a bicycle racing team. I've been enjoying it, and it reminded me of you.

I watched a few episodes a while back, but I didn't see the whole thing. I loved it, naturally.

captain yesterday wrote:

It's Icyshadow's birthday today!

Also Tiny T-Rex's birthday!!

It is also SpongeBob's birthday.

Bastille Day.

Tape Measure Day.

And Shark Awareness Day.

I honestly don't know which I'm going to celebrate first!

Please give Icy my best.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
What is so terrifying about that space, I wonder...

Since the guest and host can either carpool or at least coordinate their comings and goings, perhaps they're leaving the spot open for someone else?

That or pennywise....

Seriously, if you can't park in your own driveway I'd just assume your neighborhood is insane and stop trying to make sense of the situation. Trying to be the only sane person in an asylum is the fastest way to go crazy. If I saw a full road and empty driveways I'd wonder what twilight zone episode I'd walked into. Again.

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The very notion of not being able to park a car in your own driveway is an alien concept to me.

It's been like that for several years, my late former stepfather had a few stories about being ticketed for blocking his own driveway, to let you know how longstanding this is.

Vanykrye wrote:
The very notion of not being able to park a car in your own driveway is an alien concept to me.

For BigNorseWolf's benefit I'll repeat the situation:

(1) The houses are essentially tract housing from 1929. Being from that era, a 14' driveway was considered more than enough space to fit any car or carriage.

(2) Even my Celica is 14'6", so if I back up against the garage door I stick a few inches into the sidewalk. It is technically illegal in Albany to block any part of the sidewalk.

(3) I used to park in the driveway anyway, figuring no one would care about my car sticking 6" into the sidewalk, but someone filed a formal complaint with the police and I got a "move it or get ticketed" notice.

(4) Now that I've received a formal on-record complaint, if I park in the driveway again and someone complains again, I'll get an actual ticket and fine. While the amounts are trivial ($25-$50), I'd rather not bother, so I park blocking the driveway instead.

NobodysHome wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
The very notion of not being able to park a car in your own driveway is an alien concept to me.

For BigNorseWolf's benefit I'll repeat the situation:

(1) The houses are essentially tract housing from 1929. Being from that era, a 14' driveway was considered more than enough space to fit any car or carriage.

(2) Even my Celica is 14'6", so if I back up against the garage door I stick a few inches into the sidewalk. It is technically illegal in Albany to block any part of the sidewalk.

(3) I used to park in the driveway anyway, figuring no one would care about my car sticking 6" into the sidewalk, but someone filed a formal complaint with the police and I got a "move it or get ticketed" notice.

(4) Now that I've received a formal on-record complaint, if I park in the driveway again and someone complains again, I'll get an actual ticket and fine. While the amounts are trivial ($25-$50), I'd rather not bother, so I park blocking the driveway instead.

Similar situation with late former stepfather.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

It's Icyshadow's birthday today!

Also Tiny T-Rex's birthday!!

It is also SpongeBob's birthday.

Bastille Day.

Tape Measure Day.

And Shark Awareness Day.

I honestly don't know which I'm going to celebrate first!

Well, here, we celebrate them all at once as Icy Rex Shark Measuring Sponge-T Tape Bastiny Tille Bob Day.

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As an added "benefit" she's one of those people who idles their car for at least 5 minutes before driving. And it's an old, out-of-tune SUV so I have to close the front windows or risk asphyxiation. I always wonder how long it will take driving practices of the 1950s to finally go extinct.

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