Tequila Sunrise |

TriOmegaZero wrote:Tequila Sunrise wrote:I know that feel. Sounds so different from the inside...Oh and last night I was officially introduced to my local Democrats as a new Precinct Committeeperson! Mrs Sunrise took video of my impromptu greeting to the party, and when I watched it afterward all I could think was "Wow, I would really like to never hear recordings of my voice ever again..."
Yeah I didn't realize I sound like a little kid when I speak =(
Its sort of hesitant.
I thought I had that low, confident kind of voice.
From the inside I am Viggo Mortenson, or at least Ryan Reynolds. But on the outside, I am more of a Matthew Perry or Johnny Galecki.
I feel like this topic has high meme potential, like those what I think I do / what my parents think I do / what I actually do memes.

Vidmaster7 |

Just a Mort wrote:??????? 2-3 year olds eat solid food...they’ve got all their teeth and everything. I mean, you have to watch them like a hawk because they try to eat things they shouldn’t and bits that are too big to swallow, but they def eat full solid food....I remember that stage well because that was the age when the kiddo would steal all the food off my plate and if I wanted to not starve I had to sneak food when they weren’t around....Vidmaster 7 – I think I was around 5-6 at that time. 2-3 the kid in question wouldn’t be eating full solid food…and definitely wouldn’t be able to eat a large portion of the chicken rice up. Not sure how my parents handled that. I’m sure they apologized, not sure if they actually bought the poor guy another plate. Or maybe that guy said he didn’t mind it’s fine…
My cousin was swinging on the handbars like a monkey, right till she landed on her music teacher’s feet. That one at least she was embarrassed about. My brother fell in the zoo moat and didn’t dare to tell anyone about it.
I thought that but I wasn't confident enough to say so.

Vidmaster7 |
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Vidmaster7 wrote:You would get along with my fiance then.
So why can't we have high speed monorails to get us everywhere. That's what I want. Flying is such a pain.
Or if someone could hurry up an invent one of those star trek teleporter things... Although I won't be first in line to test it out...
The math alone to project where to send you would be OUTRAGEOUS.
Remember, not only are you figuring where on Earth you want to go, exactly, but the Earth itself is rotating - and as it is rotating, it is orbiting the sun, which ITSELF is traveling through our galaxy, which itself is stretching and changing its position as the universe expands. We're never in the same spot, and we're moving constantly through it at mach....a really high number. I can't remember exactly.
Fast enough that the change in velocity alone from our usual constant would cause the atmosphere to rip our skin to shreds like sandpaper were grinding over us at several thousand miles per hour.
Nah. Not going to happen in our lifetime. Even if you could figure where to put us, you'd have to change our momentum just so, which would have our organs splatter into billions of pieces.
Not to mention would we even be the same person if it all worked? The conceptualization is to destroy the matter entirely and recreate in the new location, exactly the same being. It would be a clone of ourselves, and not us.
That is why I said I wouldn't be first in line :)
Have you ever read the Ender novels past Engers game? I thought that was an interesting way to treat cloning in it. Basically it splits the soul and 1 was doable for the soul but 2 made it spread to thin and one of the clones started dieing. Star trek teleporting is a bit to much like killing you and cloning you with the same atoms somewhere else.

The Vagrant Erudite |
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Re: Best Healthcare in the world - It's been about a decade so, you know, things might've changed, but I remember learning in college the WHO declaring France had the best healthcare in the world, not us. We were really low when you take into account (or don't in our case) prevention.in addition to reaction.
Re: healthy food - We have it, it just costs more and you nees to eat much less than you're given. Raw eggs may lead to salmonela. I would boil it at least.
Re: Der Poop Chute - I just turned 36 in August. Please don't remind me of these things. I already can't eat spicy food anymore. (I used to eat 4/5 star Thai food with a smile on my face - I still can, mouth-wise, but I regret it in a couple hours. Heartburn is a b%+@!.) My beard is going white. It straight skips grey with copper hair. My back hurts all the time lately. I feel a LOT older than just two years ago, and my habits are BETTER than back then. I eat less food, drink more water, and walk every day at least a mile or two, sometimes more, biking regularly even more...I did not used to do that. Yet somehow my body just hates me of late, and it all started at 35. That is NOT fair and I am terrified of the future.

The Vagrant Erudite |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh and RE: voices - I sound so damn arrogant on tape. I genuinely apologized to everyone I know when I heard it. It's unintentional I swear, but I sound like a snarky confident ass...
...and I'm sure no one is surprised by that who's talked with me here. I don't know how but I manage to sound like a douche saying somsthing as simple and non-threatening as "I enjoyed breakfast." I want to slap me hearing it.

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oh and RE: voices - I sound so damn arrogant on tape. I genuinely apologized to everyone I know when I heard it. It's unintentional I swear, but I sound like a snarky confident ass...
...and I'm sure no one is surprised by that who's talked with me here. I don't know how but I manage to sound like a douche saying somsthing as simple and non-threatening as "I enjoyed breakfast." I want to slap me hearing it.
Ha your type has a subtle ring to it but I figured it was unintentional. (and I was right ha.)

Drejk |

YouTube did break for a full hour I kept thinking it was my computer messing up. I was so confused. It didn't even occur to me till the internet told me it was down that it could be down.
The first thing I did when I could not start another song on YT was to check if I still had internet connection.

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:YouTube did break for a full hour I kept thinking it was my computer messing up. I was so confused. It didn't even occur to me till the internet told me it was down that it could be down.The first thing I did when I could not start another song on YT was to check if I still had internet connection.
Yeah I reset connection, Restarted computer, reinstalled browser. It didn't even occur to me that the website could be down.

The Vagrant Erudite |

I'm confident. I will always admit when I know I'm wrong, but...I don't mean this offensively but I'm rarely wrong with fact recall. I don't have a totally eidedic memory, but if I'm actually paying attention I just can't forget things. It's a blessing and a curse. I can remember weird quirky useless facts, but I've also caught my parents goin at it as a kid. Some things never die no matter how much pot you smoke to kill the memory.
When you're confident people assume and associate that with arrogance. But man even my tone is. I get why I'm a "love him or hate him" type.
That and I'm unapologetic when offensive if I believe what I said. You have to be as a comedian or you'll throw out everything funny you ever write.
But I really am quite swift to admit when I know I'm wrong.

Vidmaster7 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm confident. I will always admit when I know I'm wrong, but...I don't mean this offensively but I'm rarely wrong with fact recall. I don't have a totally eidedic memory, but if I'm actually paying attention I just can't forget things. It's a blessing and a curse. I can remember weird quirky useless facts, but I've also caught my parents goin at it as a kid. Some things never die no matter how much pot you smoke to kill the memory.
When you're confident people assume and associate that with arrogance. But man even my tone is. I get why I'm a "love him or hate him" type.
That and I'm unapologetic when offensive if I believe what I said. You have to be as a comedian or you'll throw out everything funny you ever write.
But I really am quite swift to admit when I know I'm wrong.
We have a lot in common sir. I can remember thoughts I had at a young young age, and things I did even the reasons I did them from a ridiculously young age. I'm also stubborn and believe I'm never wrong. If I am wrong and you prove it however I will apologize profusely and then blame where the wrong knowledge came from. (DARN YOU PUBLIC SCHOOLS! *Shakes Fist*)
Oh and I enjoy doing the "Umm Actually its this way" thing way to much.

Vidmaster7 |

Oh back to the teleporter thing. What about the fact that we replace every cell in our body every 10 years? (except apparently not the Neurons in our Cerebral cortex.) Its the weirdest thing to think about how much of us is us and at what point are we not use anymore. Even disney's wall-E made a stab at that one at the end when Eva replaced so many parts that he didn't seem to be him anymore.

Limeylongears |

Nobody's Home: yes, it was a research grant. 14 pages of "you keep using that word, but I don't think it means what you think it means."
Just a Mort: You convinced me to go out.
Tequila: These were fancy M&Ms (they were actually Unreal Quinoa Crunch Dark Chocolate Candy Gems, which look like M&Ms but are made of organic ingredients and crack)OKAY: Lisamarlene and Kjeldorn got closest.
I went home, ate the Unreal Candy Gems to raise my blood sugar, and went out for comics and tasty burger and am now home. Games for a half an hour, then bed.
I had a beer at the burger place so I probably don't need the bourbon, but we'll see.
(Alternately, we could call this "option E," Cap.)
Why am I here? I had no decision making skills left. Asking y'all for advice? Well, I had no decision making skills left. ;)
(And all y'all are the cool kids table. :) )
Feel better Lynora and fam.
What beers did they have?

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That is interesting. So is is like a anarchistic streak? Rebelling against patterns type thing? Does the idea of doing the same thing everyday remind you of a time where you did that and hated it maybe?
Maybe your a chaotic outsider and if the boss hears about you being to orderly he will do a recall?
Whoa it just clicked with the constant avatar changes. My mind was blown.

captain yesterday |

You really do have an alias for everything. (also it wouldn't so much be how she held but how MUCH she held you. unless when she held you she dangled you by the leg or something...where you dangled by the leg cap'n?)
I don't know, you'd have to ask my mother.
Hands Vidmaster a Ouija board, retreats a safe distance.
Good luck with that! Hopefully you don't channel Kathy Bates instead.

Vidmaster7 |

Lol you reminded me of those old dumb horror movies with the OuiJa boards. I think they made 3 of them all with the exact same plot of the girl using one by herself and getting possessed. Longest build up for the least pay off. I think they were simply called Ouija too. Why is it it clearly spelled Ouija but we tend to say it like ouijy?

Vidmaster7 |

Lol also If I was really gonna analyse you I would of asked if you were a middle child. :D :devious face: Yeah I don't know how to make a devious face emoji. don't judge me.
very Freudian its funny to me that is still the go to to what everyone thinks psychology is no a days when it is soooo past that. I guess neo-Freudians still do some of that stuff but its really not that big anymore. Also I've never heard of a real psychologist hypnotizing anyone.

The Vagrant Erudite |

Freud was a quack disproven in the early 1900s by Skinner. His theories were based on work primarily with rich middle aged white women...a very skewed group...and his own gross impulses.
I'm not going to try to be sensitive. If you want to f~ your mom you're gross. End of story. No matter how popular Game of Thrones is.
One reason I stopped watching. It's one thing when the bad guys are performing incest...but the protags? I'm out.

Vidmaster7 |

Wow big family. *in best armchair psychologist voice* Hmm Very interesting.
That's like my grand parents on my fathers sides I have/had 9 uncles and aunts. The family dynamics got so complicated. I was mostly around my moms side which was just my grandpas and his brother and sister and they never talked to each other. It was two different worlds.
I said middle child btw because usually the middle child makes the biggest effort to be different from the rest of the family.

Vidmaster7 |

Freud was a quack disproven in the early 1900s by Skinner. His theories were based on work primarily with rich middle aged white women...a very skewed group...and his own gross impulses.
I don't disagree but he was an important building block and he blew the Victorian era out of the water which I approve of. I always thought Jung's theories were more interesting.

Vidmaster7 |

Freud was a quack disproven in the early 1900s by Skinner. His theories were based on work primarily with rich middle aged white women...a very skewed group...and his own gross impulses.
I'm not going to try to be sensitive. If you want to f*%~ your mom you're gross. End of story. No matter how popular Game of Thrones is.
One reason I stopped watching. It's one thing when the bad guys are performing incest...but the protags? I'm out.
You apparently do not live as close to Alabama as some of us and are desenstised to the stuff. I'm actually not a big fan but mostly because they tried to turn Jaime into some kind of hero but I still remember him pushing a young kid off a building to hide his incest with his sister!

The Vagrant Erudite |

I was referring to
As I said it's one thing when it's the bad guys, but the obvious good ones?
Also I just moved from Florida. North Florida for over 10 years as part of 30 in Florida overall. I know Alabama. I've been. The bigger threat there is boredom. It's so boring.

Vidmaster7 |

Yeah I can get behind the shadow, and his mask theories and such.
Still not concrete enough for me. Gestalt psychology and biopharmacology are the present. The FMRI is the future. This quasi-spiritual mumbo jumbo is going to be broken down to which neuron is misfiring where. Trust me.
I don't know I think a lot of religions and even some soft sciences do sort of enforce the idea of a collective unconsciousness.
I think the problem with treating all mental illness with medicine is its like using a sledge hammer when you need a chisel. I think all psychoactive medication should be accompanied with some sort of therapy.

Vidmaster7 |

I was referring to
** spoiler omitted **
As I said it's one thing when it's the bad guys, but the obvious good ones?
Also I just moved from Florida. North Florida for over 10 years as part of 30 in Florida overall. I know Alabama. I've been. The bigger threat there is boredom. It's so boring.
To be fair they didn't know!