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Actually I found those 3 hyenas Shenzi, Banzai and Ed singing with Scar hilarious and laughed so much I lost my clothes...
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Just a Mort wrote: Actually I found those 3 hyenas singing with Scar hilarious and laughed so much I lost my clothes... there names are Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed.
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Happy now? Those 3 hyenas is a lot easier to type on my phone then Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. And since it was a new page, copy paste was a pain too.
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Just a Mort wrote: Happy now? Those 3 hyenas is a lot easier to type on my phone then Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. And since it was a new page, copy paste was a pain too. Yes.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: You got to keep Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in line. I'm talkin' 'bout it!
Who hangs out in elephant graveyards, anyway?
They're not even necromancers! Dang it!
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If you wanted to bring reality into it, hippos, I'd argue deal bludgeoning and piercing with their teeth.
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Tacticslion wrote: Vidmaster7 wrote: You got to keep Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed in line. I'm talkin' 'bout it!
Who hangs out in elephant graveyards, anyway?
They're not even necromancers! Dang it! Poachers? Less effort tracking and hunting one down then looting the dead.
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I just hear that name and I shudder.
Ooh, do it again.
Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa!
It tingles me!
I'm surrounded by idiots.
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Just a Mort wrote: If you wanted to bring reality into it, hippos, I'd argue deal bludgeoning and piercing with their teeth.
20 inch canines you say.
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Up to a metre and other articles indicate that hippo bites are B, P and S
"During the fierce battle the sharp canine tusks are used to stab and slash the opponent's head and shoulders."
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In other words don't screw with hippos. Also 150 pounds of food equals a lot of hippo poo.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: Huh go figure. One would think it would vary. Like a hippo's bite would be all bludgeoning. while a cat is slashing and piercing. Mort's proof that you are wrong aside, that rule likely exists so you can know that all bites deal all three instead of having to look up each creature's entry. Also to avoid arguments over "realism".
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Vidmaster7 wrote: Huh go figure. One would think it would vary. Like a hippo's bite would be all bludgeoning. while a cat is slashing and piercing. Mort's proof that you are wrong aside, that rule likely exists so you can know that all bites deal all three instead of having to look up each creature's entry. Also to avoid arguments over "realism". Shouldn't you be posting jokes or something >.>
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Your face.
There, how's that for a joke?
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If people forget where they put their food for too long, it goes bad. If squirrels forget where they put their food for too long, it becomes a new home for them.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Your face.
There, how's that for a joke?
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If you ever wonder how creative and unique you are, just try making a username on a popular website.
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It's kind of weird that Mothers and Fathers each get one day, but sharks get a whole week.
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If we, as a species, were as easily injured as soccer players pretend to be, we would have died out long ago.
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HA I'm like 7 digits away from being unique! considering the other 6 are also me I'm pretty happy with that.
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It's quite lucky that video game protagonists are all such good cartographers.
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The reason adults aren't worried about there being monsters under the bed is that they hope there are and that they will be eaten instead of having to go to work the next day.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: It's kind of weird that Mothers and Fathers each get one day, but sharks get a whole week. To be fair sharks are WAY more interesting then parents.
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If someone calls you argumentative, it's hard to dispute. If you try, then you are proving their point.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: The reason adults aren't worried about there being monsters under the bed is that they hope there are and that they will be eaten instead of having to go to work the next day. That is pretty well how I feel about anything that threatens my life. I have no fear of death I welcome its cold embrace!
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gran rey de los mono wrote: If someone calls you argumentative, it's hard to dispute. If you try, then you are proving their point. NO your argumentative!
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In the song "You're Welcome", from Moana, Maui states that he "can do everything but float". Despite this he repeatedly tries to escape the boat by swimming away. This means he would rather die than spend time with Moana.
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Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything.
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Bungee jumpers probably wish that the Earth was flat so they could have the ultimate jump.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything. You think really hard about that one.
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Humans may be the top of the food chain, but (most) animals will never have to experience the crippling shame of s$@~ting themselves in public.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Bungee jumpers probably wish that the Earth was flat so they could have the ultimate jump. If the world was flat wouldn't that mean if to many people wound up on one side of it the whole thing would tip over then we would all slide off?
Being grounded becomes less of a punishment once you learn about masturbation.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Humans may be the top of the food chain, but (most) animals will never have to experience the crippling shame of s!++ting themselves in public. Really animal do that all the time but they just don't consider it shameful.. except for our dogs when we shame them for it.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything. But you were telling people to fk off when you've hung out the "no rooms available" sign. How is that good Manners?
You could have told them politely, sorry, we're full.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Being grounded becomes less of a punishment once you learn about masturbation. Lets just take a moment and be thankful for the internet.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: If someone calls you argumentative, it's hard to dispute. If you try, then you are proving their point. NO your argumentative! What about my argumentative?
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Just a Mort wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything. But you were telling people to fk off when you've hung out the "no rooms available" sign. How is that good Manners?
You could have told them politely, sorry, we're full. Yay Mort is in on the action too.
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Just a Mort wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything. But you were telling people to fk off when you've hung out the "no rooms available" sign. How is that good Manners?
You could have told them politely, sorry, we're full. If they'd had the manners to read the sign and go away, then I wouldn't have to tell them to f$!# off.
And I don't actually say it. To their face. I wait until they've left and then say it.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Just a Mort wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Manners cost nothing, yet can cost you everything. But you were telling people to fk off when you've hung out the "no rooms available" sign. How is that good Manners?
You could have told them politely, sorry, we're full. If they'd had the manners to read the sign and go away, then I wouldn't have to tell them to f#+# off.
And I don't actually say it. To their face. I wait until they've left and then say it. It is better manners if you do it that way.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Bungee jumpers probably wish that the Earth was flat so they could have the ultimate jump. If the world was flat wouldn't that mean if to many people wound up on one side of it the whole thing would tip over then we would all slide off? No, the elephants prevent it from tipping over.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Being grounded becomes less of a punishment once you learn about masturbation. Lets just take a moment and be thankful for the internet. Don't need the internet for a bit of self gratification.
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gran rey de los mono wrote: Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Bungee jumpers probably wish that the Earth was flat so they could have the ultimate jump. If the world was flat wouldn't that mean if to many people wound up on one side of it the whole thing would tip over then we would all slide off? No, the elephants prevent it from tipping over. So we just need to hope the turtle doesn't decide to do a barrel roll or anything.
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And now I'm wondering what the Postmonster's neural net would make of the last few posts.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: Bungee jumpers probably wish that the Earth was flat so they could have the ultimate jump. If the world was flat wouldn't that mean if to many people wound up on one side of it the whole thing would tip over then we would all slide off? No, the elephants prevent it from tipping over. So we just need to hope the turtle doesn't decide to do a barrel roll or anything. Just keep that damned rabbit away from him, and I think we're fine.
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Actually the most dangerous animals are the mosquitoes that spread malaria and dengue. Not your lions or bears etc.
Also, herbivores like rhinos and hippos are bad news. Bad tempered and poor eyesight=behave unpredictably, possibly charging at everything that moves.
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By the way, type "do a barrel roll" into Google. You're welcome.
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Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: If someone calls you argumentative, it's hard to dispute. If you try, then you are proving their point. NO your argumentative! You two sound like Vitriolic Best Buds
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gran rey de los mono wrote: By the way, type "do a barrel roll" into Google. You're welcome. Just did it. That's so cool!
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Just a Mort wrote: Vidmaster7 wrote: gran rey de los mono wrote: If someone calls you argumentative, it's hard to dispute. If you try, then you are proving their point. NO your argumentative! You two sound like Vitriolic Best Buds I'm pretty sure he's the Vitriolic, while I'm the Best.