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Geez... nothing like a slap in the face to remind you just how ruthless Corporate America is.
California is an "at will" state, and they just gave us infinite vacation so we don't carry vacation balances.
Just had a colleague laid off. No notice. No payout. Just, "Sorry, don't need you any more. Clean out your desk. Today is your last day."
Kind of thing that makes you wake up and say, "Holy s***! What would I do if that happened?"
The good news is that the jobs are out there: The tech industry is still booming, though not as stupidly as in the 1990's. But, "Hey, guess what? You have to live without your income for 2-3 months while you round up another job," is a kind of scary proposition.
No severance? I would think in that type of industry they would use severance to protect intellectual property or the like. In my industry, folks get severance package if they sign an agreement not to steal their clients.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:No severance? I would think in that type of industry they would use severance to protect intellectual property or the like. In my industry, folks get severance package if they sign an agreement not to steal their clients.Geez... nothing like a slap in the face to remind you just how ruthless Corporate America is.
California is an "at will" state, and they just gave us infinite vacation so we don't carry vacation balances.
Just had a colleague laid off. No notice. No payout. Just, "Sorry, don't need you any more. Clean out your desk. Today is your last day."
Kind of thing that makes you wake up and say, "Holy s***! What would I do if that happened?"
The good news is that the jobs are out there: The tech industry is still booming, though not as stupidly as in the 1990's. But, "Hey, guess what? You have to live without your income for 2-3 months while you round up another job," is a kind of scary proposition.
Oh, no. When you get hired you agree to not poach workers for 2 years after leaving, have to declare all your existing intellectual property, etc. You don't even get in until you've signed all your revenge options away.

Freehold DM |
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NobodysHome wrote:No severance? I would think in that type of industry they would use severance to protect intellectual property or the like. In my industry, folks get severance package if they sign an agreement not to steal their clients.Geez... nothing like a slap in the face to remind you just how ruthless Corporate America is.
California is an "at will" state, and they just gave us infinite vacation so we don't carry vacation balances.
Just had a colleague laid off. No notice. No payout. Just, "Sorry, don't need you any more. Clean out your desk. Today is your last day."
Kind of thing that makes you wake up and say, "Holy s***! What would I do if that happened?"
The good news is that the jobs are out there: The tech industry is still booming, though not as stupidly as in the 1990's. But, "Hey, guess what? You have to live without your income for 2-3 months while you round up another job," is a kind of scary proposition.
what a package!

Tacticslion |
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NobodysHome wrote:Grumbly NobodysHome:
I already despise roundabouts in the U.S. because not even the engineers understand their purpose; I point you to every traffic circle in the Bay Area, all of which have either traffic lights or stop signs surrounding them. Which clearly demonstrates that traffic engineers in the U.S. have no concept whatsoever as to the purpose of traffic circles. This must be a west-coast problem. None of your complaints match the reality of roundabouts here. They've been nothing but a blessing for congested roads all over Chattanooga. The road I use to get home from work used to have a consistent, daily, every-single-time backlog of at least five minutes - and not rarely as long as ten or fifteen - from a four-way stop halfway down. Since turning that intersection into a roundabout (and removing all the signs and lights, I have no earthly idea why anyone would put those near a roundabout) there is rarely if ever any backlog on that road or the one that intersects it longer than one or two cars.
This has held true in every east-coast city I've visited (which I admit is limited to Tennessee, parts of Virginia and West Virginia, and the northern half of Georgia, so take that for what its worth) so I'm inclined to say this is a local problem for your area, not for the US as a whole.
This has mostly been my experience, though sometimes they are either poorly understood, or poorly marked for navigation.
... or sometimes people just ignore the clear, obvious road rules and go the wrong direction because "what does it hurt when no one is around?" and then, of course, someone comes around...

NobodysHome |
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Orthos wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Grumbly NobodysHome:
I already despise roundabouts in the U.S. because not even the engineers understand their purpose; I point you to every traffic circle in the Bay Area, all of which have either traffic lights or stop signs surrounding them. Which clearly demonstrates that traffic engineers in the U.S. have no concept whatsoever as to the purpose of traffic circles. This must be a west-coast problem. None of your complaints match the reality of roundabouts here. They've been nothing but a blessing for congested roads all over Chattanooga. The road I use to get home from work used to have a consistent, daily, every-single-time backlog of at least five minutes - and not rarely as long as ten or fifteen - from a four-way stop halfway down. Since turning that intersection into a roundabout (and removing all the signs and lights, I have no earthly idea why anyone would put those near a roundabout) there is rarely if ever any backlog on that road or the one that intersects it longer than one or two cars.
This has held true in every east-coast city I've visited (which I admit is limited to Tennessee, parts of Virginia and West Virginia, and the northern half of Georgia, so take that for what its worth) so I'm inclined to say this is a local problem for your area, not for the US as a whole.
This has mostly been my experience, though sometimes they are either poorly understood, or poorly marked for navigation.
... or sometimes people just ignore the clear, obvious road rules and go the wrong direction because "what does it hurt when no one is around?" and then, of course, someone comes around...
G'night, John!
And since it's popped up again, yep: EVERY roundabout they put in the Bay Area is surrounded by either Stop signs or traffic signals, completely defeating the purpose of the roundabout.
It is beyond my comprehension.

Tacticslion |
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Tacticslion wrote:Tacticslion wrote:It should be noted that I love Thundercats to this day.Vidmaster7 wrote:Noone summoned you Mum-Ra do back to your crypt and keep playing with your cats you crazy cat mummy.
As a side note does anyone else think that thunder cats is secretly the story of a crazy cat lady just embellished and animed up?
Munda was always humorously incompetent as a villain - even his hypothetical “minions” (who, truth be told, didn’t particularly want to be there anyway, and only worked with him out of effective necessity) didn’t really respect him.
“Raaaahhh! Now I will destroy y- OH GOSH, IS THAT WHAT I LOOK LIKE AAAAGGGGHHHRUNAWAY!” /first episode
Yeah, me too, but it's been the source of much social awkwardness.
Like, a couple of years ago, I started noticing that a lot of young, well-built guys were walking around sporting tee shirts with what I thought I remembered as the Thundercats logo. And I thought, "Hey now, geeks are getting hotter!"
And I may or may not have actually said "Thundercats OOOOOOOO-oooohhh!" to one of them. Or two.
And didn't understand the blank stares.
And then one day I drove past the Ralph Gracie Jujitsu school in Berkeley and realized that all the shirts I had been seeing were Berkeley Ralph Gracie shirts.
This makes me so happy.

Tacticslion |

John: goodnight!
NH: expect "it's come up again" to happen for a while - I've 85 more pages to go, er, 86, dang it, and I'm workin' on 'em (admittedly, sometimes I forget whether I'm in modern conversation or "ancient" two-months-ago conversation, so ooooooooooooops). Also: sssiiiigggghhhh. Just... what.

Tacticslion |
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That's the difference between Lawfuls and non Lawfuls. Non Lawfuls see piracy as fine while Lawfuls....find it >.<
Wrath of the righteous I know is just messed up because of mythic.
- 1) I find the idea of of the mythical piracy quite alluring, even if the reality is absolutely awful; it's the separation of the notion of the Robin Hood myth from what thieves and robbers and hoods actually are. Hence S&S could be a great AP, even if pirates in real life are awful. Same disconnect between chopping people with swords. Swords are super cool. Killing people is not. Doing it in AP is super cool. Disconnect.
- 2) Mythic is literally no more broken than the Core. It is broken in different ways, and the scale is off because people hadn't deep-dive tested it enough, but the basic mechanics are sound... at least as sound as the CRB. So take any issues you may have up with a wizard. He did it*.

Tacticslion |

Dr Pirate wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Oh, I can't run skull and shackles either. I mean I'm not into the pirates and yaaarrrgghh thing. I cannot imagine how you can be a pirate without being evil.
You're freaking robbing people! On a ship!
'Tis merely freeing ocean commerce from burdensome, enterprise-sappin' regulations, me hearty, and besides, I 'ave signed the Hippocratic Oath and 'as Healin' Hands.
And Israel Hands* 'n' all.
** spoiler omitted **
I had a NG anti-slavery life oracle in Skull & Shackles. It was awesome because she did her utmost to "reform" the crew; she stabilized downed enemies, encouraged the captain to have a "catch and release" policy on merchant crews, etc.
And the captain got a reputation for treating well with anyone who surrendered, so he started making a LOT more money for a LOT less damage to the ship as crews said, "It's Captain Finn! Let's just surrender!"
So it's possible, and it makes for... interesting... roleplay!

Tacticslion |
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Scintillae wrote:Orthos wrote:You really want to screw with traffic? Put one by a high school. No. No, put two. It'll be fine. Until 3:00, anyway.NobodysHome wrote:Grumbly NobodysHome:
I already despise roundabouts in the U.S. because not even the engineers understand their purpose; I point you to every traffic circle in the Bay Area, all of which have either traffic lights or stop signs surrounding them. Which clearly demonstrates that traffic engineers in the U.S. have no concept whatsoever as to the purpose of traffic circles. This must be a west-coast problem. None of your complaints match the reality of roundabouts here. They've been nothing but a blessing for congested roads all over Chattanooga. The road I use to get home from work used to have a consistent, daily, every-single-time backlog of at least five minutes - and not rarely as long as ten or fifteen - from a four-way stop halfway down. Since turning that intersection into a roundabout (and removing all the signs and lights, I have no earthly idea why anyone would put those near a roundabout) there is rarely if ever any backlog on that road or the one that intersects it longer than one or two cars.
This has held true in every east-coast city I've visited (which I admit is limited to Tennessee, parts of Virginia and West Virginia, and the northern half of Georgia, so take that for what its worth) so I'm inclined to say this is a local problem for your area, not for the US as a whole.
The school the kidlet goes to sees your challenge and raises it to four, four roundabouts! I have to go through three of them every day multiple times. So much fun before coffee! </sarcasm>
I’m from the Midwest. Roundabouts are a new thing for us. So you literally have a bunch of drivers who were never taught the traffic rules for roundabouts giving it their best guess. Yeah, it goes about as well as you would expect.
They should print the traffic rules on old-fashioned rhyming commercial signs as you approach.
"When you reach..."
"A round-about..."
"Just keep moving..."
"Don't sit and pout..."
"Just go right..."
"And get off when..."
"Your exit comes..."
"Up once or again..."
"Yield for entry..."
"But don't full stop..."
"Or else get yelled at..."
"By a cop!"
"(Use roundabouts responsibly)"
It's a flawless plan and will surely lead to nothing but perfect conduct by everyone forever!*
* This statement has been certified by NO ONE AT ALL

Tacticslion |

No worries Kitty!
Lawfuls just created Privateering so they too could get into the pirating business with their consciences intact :P

Tacticslion |
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John Napier 698 wrote:Ah, 4/20. AKA every day in Mount Oliver. I swear, I can't step onto Brownsville Road without smelling Marijuana. Sometimes, the concentration is so bad, I physically get nauseous. To me, a lit "joint" smells like a combination of a Neoprene Rubber glove, a sweaty armpit, and a burning, used diaper. No, no marijuana use for me. Not even if it were free.I have that issue just with a lit cigar or cigarette, let alone marijuana. I have an unusually sensitive nose (which supposedly helps make up for my unusually bad eyesight, but I'm not Daredevil so this power kinda sucks).
There was a day that Aiymi and I were getting ready for bed. We lived in a townhouse at the time, and I suddenly started smelling cigarette smoke. A lot of it. I thought it was coming through the wall from our neighbors, but I hadn't smelled it from them before. Aiymi didn't smell it, thought I was nuts. Our second floor bedroom windows were shut and our then roommates didn't smoke either. I was adamant that I smelled this. She gets up and started looking out the window. She then saw the lit cigarette in a parked car one driveway over.
It's like you're describing my life, except you're in the wrong place. Dang it, Vanykrye, why didn't you tell me you were my displaced temporal clone from the second darkest timeline?!

Tacticslion |
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NobodysHome wrote:a far superior filmcaptain yesterday wrote:Of course, the fun part will be converting it to Starfinder.It's been done.
Don't know the one Freehold mentioned - I'll have to check it out - but I loved Treasure Planet, warts and all.
Well, actually, I hated Treasure Planet for all the wrong reasons. Then I watched it, ignoring the science (or lack thereof) for a hot minute, and loved the film.

Tacticslion |

Vanykrye wrote:School shooting in TL's town of Ocala. One kid wounded as they were getting ready for a walkout against gun violence.
Edit: Bring the flaming bikes. This s*"' has got to stop.
Is tacticslion okay?
For the record, Orthos is correct; in all likelihood, we won't end up there anyway (unconnected to any shooting - we get discounts elsewhere due to my wife), but yeah, we're too young for that; neither of my boys go to that school (one is only going to start preschool next year), and ours was entirely unconnected, though my Eldest's school had a lock-down because of violence in the area.

Tacticslion |

Introducing The Extraordinaire, D&Dish's answer to the rogue, the ranger's monster-hunter shtick, and other fighty-skillmonkey concepts. All of its combat features proc on a skill check, either directly or indirectly.
Similarly to the fighter, the extraordinaire chooses one skill to 'specialize' in, but can swap specialties with 8 hours of practice. So there's quite a bit of flexibility to avoid the "Whelp, I'm a feint-master and we're fighting lots of animals and mindless undead, so I'm useless this adventure" problem.
Not sure how the extraordinaire will be balance-wise, as skill bonuses will diverge as levels increase. Not as much as in 3.x, but still.
Dot for later, dang it.

Tacticslion |

Yeah, I may need to loosen backstab up a bit. But I am limiting it more than the other Tactics for a reason -- it's the only class feature to add +level to damage, and it's meant to be a shock-and-awe tactic, rather than an every-combat-round tactic.
Wait, I'm limited what, now, with what?
...Oooh I just thought of another extraordinaire Tactic! Climb checks to debuff and damage large creatures, a la legolas...
Hey! This world isn't big enough for just one of me...!
No snow clones for you!
EDIT: DANG it, autocorrect, let me have this pun!

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Why isnt magic real? It should be. It is like science but with less math b$+&@$@!!
As renowned British sci-fi writer Cheryl Tunt once said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
Wait, that was renowned psychopath Cheryl Tunt quoting renowned sci-fi writer Arthur C. Clarke. Damn, never mind.

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NobodysHome wrote:Considering that Pokemon is fundamentally a game about enslaving wild animals and forcing them to fight for your entertainment, I don't really think it's ever been a kids' game...i dont know what you are talking about..
puts 20 bucks on red chicken to win
Well there's chicken fighting where they put metal spurs on the chicken in question...
Just had a busy day at work, now I know how TL feels catching up with posts. Also going out with BF later so likely no posts.

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Just a Mort wrote:Tacticslion wrote:John Napier 698 wrote:Good luck on your belt test Today, Tac. And take care of your hand.Oh! I'm done - I was finished on Saturday. Thanks!
Anyway: made it!
This time I picked a fight with a guy that weight almost half again my weight and may have been almost that as tall.
It's okay, though, I went easy on him, and didn't beat him too badly.
I'm really sorry to hear about your mom, the car, and whatever else occurred. That's madness! Hope things get fully resolved and in your favor, soon. EDIT: to be clear, I'm glad everyone's okay, but that is really dangerous stuff that could have long-term issues, so I hope it all susses out quickly and well.
I will never understand how people enjoy beating other people up.
*Mostly non violent cat, except to Gran*
Because he's someone I make an exception for.
What you fail to realize is that I don’t like hurting people at all. Neither guy nor I were actually hurt - quite the opposite. But I do like competing against someone else while growing my physical ability Andrew learning how to defend myself in case of emergencies. When people get hurt, it’s an accident, like in any sport, and something you usually try to avoid. “Violence” isn’t actually a part of martial arts competition, any more than football (either type), baseball, or basketball - and, in fact; there are seemingly fewer long-term injuries and brain injuries in many martial arts than hockey, American football, soccer, or boxing (aka “the worst sport ever made”) because we tend to take care of our heads and joints, and actively avoid harming our opponents, when possible.
(And yes, I mean soccer/int international football: while banging your head against a ball isn’t directly deleterious, it can lead to brain damage if repeated.)
What is perf Ever as violience is actually quite the opposite: a controlled environment for physical challenge that also has the side benefit of preparing for violence...
I'm just clumsy period, so I don't really wish to pick up contact sports. Chances are I'd look like a nub and possibly injure the other guy by mistake. Cos nublet.
You know the saying the best swordsman does not fear the second best, but the worst, because there's no predicting what the fool will do? That's me.

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Yes, life could get busier, why do you ask?
Campaigns I'm currently running:
- Mummy's Mask - Aiymi only, and had been on hiatus for a year.
We just picked it back up for a couple hours a week.- Reign of Winter - Aiymi and Zelda
- Ruins of Azlant - Aiymi, Zelda, Zelda's kids - theoretically alternates weekends with Reign of Winter
- Giantslayer - Aiymi, Zelda, and three of my old college friends
I was just asked if I could run a campaign with 6 players remotely over Skype.
So...like I said, Mummy's Mask is just Aiymi and I and we get in a couple hours a week with it on a random week night, provided we don't have any work that has to get done that evening for our jobs.
Reign of Winter and Ruins of Azlant potentially alternate weekends.
Giantslayer is only one weekend every month or two for everybody's schedules to line up. Giantslayer is one of the APs where it's generally easier to keep track of the plot when game sessions don't happen for 30-60 days.
So...yeah...I *could* do that, provided it's more of a Giantslayer scheduling than the other three. What I have issues with is really knowing which game I need to spend time prepping next.
Then again, I won't know for sure what kind of commitment is really going to happen from 3 of the players yet. This may just pass by the wayside for all I know.
*Salutes Vanykyre for being able to run so many APs at a time
I only run one at any given time. I know where my limits are. Again I'll push it as fast as I can go,and to the best of my ability.
I know I have flaws as a GM like I can't describe locations or people's expressions very well.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:Vanilla is an extremely complex flavor made from over 250 chemical compounds, and yet we use it as a synonym for simple and boring.Just be careful you are getting real vanilla and not castoreum (fake vanilla).
And when enjoying a real vanilla-flavored snack, make sure you know where your milk comes from. Yes, really.
I'll stop posting gross stuff now.
If they offer free samples I'll try it. Milk is milk. Besides I eat fried grasshoppers and a scorpion lollipop so I shouldn't be prejudiced towards other insects.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:you never have to tell a cat to shut up.Saving Cap'n Crunch wrote:Nonsense. Dogs are superior in every way.Just a Mort wrote:Not that you need reminding, but cats are just plain better than dogs (evidenced here)
*Cowers in anticipation of angry dog-lovers, then straightens up*
A collection of photos we took of our childhood cat, more recently brought to the Almighty Internet for all to see. Wow, I don't like old pictures of myself looking back on them.
Yes you do. Especially when they are stays mating in the backyard while you are trying to sleep.

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Re kitties and doggos.
Love both. Different critters with different personalities, and a very different instinctive disposition (TL said it best in his post). Miss not having my own :(
Would be nice, to at least have someone who would like to smuggle up to me in bed, for once…Re Me…
Still down.
Gotten over the firing and started looking for a new job. Haven't really helped my depression. Hate my summer depressions, luckily they are somewhat rare.Re Freeholds anime choices.
I guess that means no turtle - Freehold anime night. Tend to fairly like deconstruction shows ^^ (Heck even most of those you've mentioned).
Consider myself a "Anime cretin", meaning that I adore all the lowbrow stuff that would make your curl your toes if shown in a traditional movie - excessive violence, plentiful T&A, extremely harmful social behaviour and utterly deplorable "heroes".
I don't watch anime but even if I did I wouldn't watch lowbrow stuff. There's enough happening in the world that you don't have to. And well that's nice to be told that cats like being in control, because yeah I definitely have leanings in that direction.
I speculate it may be the reason why I chose to GM and not play. I find that the player side of me just isn't present anymore. There's no drive to adventure, just the knowledge that I'm better off not playing due to vastly different GM/player expectations.
It probably isn't good for me in the long run (since it decreases my player empathy) and possibly could lead me to burning out in the long run. But I suppose I'll face that day when I get there.

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Freehold DM wrote:Yes you do. Especially when they are stays mating in the backyard while you are trying to sleep.gran rey de los mono wrote:you never have to tell a cat to shut up.Saving Cap'n Crunch wrote:Nonsense. Dogs are superior in every way.Just a Mort wrote:Not that you need reminding, but cats are just plain better than dogs (evidenced here)
*Cowers in anticipation of angry dog-lovers, then straightens up*
A collection of photos we took of our childhood cat, more recently brought to the Almighty Internet for all to see. Wow, I don't like old pictures of myself looking back on them.
Try when they're fighting. The sounds... Like somethings getting murdered in your backyard.
And yeah like all cats, I yowl very loudly.

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Freehold DM wrote:I know. You told me, (last year, was it?) that you won an award from the show's producer.John Napier 698 wrote:Kjel, by utterly deplorable "heroes", do you mean the main characters in an anime like Black Lagoon?i cosplayed dutch a few times....
OMG Freehold, that is so cool! *Squees*

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Tacticslion wrote:Just a Mort wrote:Winged kitties!Tressym!I remember those. Forgotten Realms Forever!
*mews happily*
*gamboles with kitties*

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This might have already been shared here, but Cumberbatch saves the day!
Do you think as part of him acting the role of Sherlock Holmes he was given some training in martial arts?

gran rey de los mono |
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Epic Systems is based in Verona, I'm pretty sure with your resume you'd get a call back almost instantly.
Especially if you put "can shave an angry bear with a skid loader" on your resume.
I think that applying there might cause some of my friends to attack me. They work in IT at a local hospital and have had plenty of stories of trouble with EPIC. Usually just after an update screwed things up, which isn't unusual for software, but still. When you hear about how an entire hospital full of doctors and nurses can't access any patient files or order tests or whatever because the new update has royally screwed the pooch you have to wonder about the company that did that.

Vidmaster7 |
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Honestly if I saw someone getting attacked, I'd sneak away and go get help. Heroics doesn't pay off imo, and I'm a little bit.
I definitely wouldn't help a random stranger on that.
That is called the bystander effect. well actually since you know your going to do it and plan to do it I don't know if that counts.
Me personally I don't know when to keep my nose out of things. I've gotten up in someone much larger then me's face twice now. once because he was going to jump someone who was already in a fight with someone else (highschool) cause I didn't think 2 v 1 was fair. the second time I got up in some punks face who was cussing out some woman. Both times I lucked out and the both backed down even though they were bigger then me.

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:Squirrels are rather skittish. Take it from a cat who goes around taking pictures of wild critters.Tacticslion wrote:dog/cat/rat stuffRats with fluffy tails and prettier fur? So, squirrels?
Maybe that's because you're a cat and they think you are going to eat them.

Vidmaster7 |
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Just a Mort wrote:Maybe that's because you're a cat and they think you are going to eat them.gran rey de los mono wrote:Squirrels are rather skittish. Take it from a cat who goes around taking pictures of wild critters.Tacticslion wrote:dog/cat/rat stuffRats with fluffy tails and prettier fur? So, squirrels?
He might be on to something ^^^

gran rey de los mono |
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gran rey de los mono wrote:He might be on to something ^^^Just a Mort wrote:Maybe that's because you're a cat and they think you are going to eat them.gran rey de los mono wrote:Squirrels are rather skittish. Take it from a cat who goes around taking pictures of wild critters.Tacticslion wrote:dog/cat/rat stuffRats with fluffy tails and prettier fur? So, squirrels?
Hmm...that's different. Usually people say that I "might be on something".