Tacticslion |
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Also, I apologize for any offense given by my aliases and encourage everyone to realize that their words are for parodic purposes and do not necessarily represent any views of the poster who makes them. I just kind of thought it would be funny for Vlaeros to.confuse "touché" as French form for "touch" and from there, I'm pretty sure I've been watching too much Archer, and it's influencing his dialogue. Hm. I might have to take a break after Season four...
NobodysHome |
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What really gets me about the news coverage is, they use the highest number possible, "700 trillion gallons of water!" they say, who measures rain by the gallon, that doesn't help me understand how much rain they've gotten!
Be safe Rags! the last thing you need is more rain.
So... we were in the 1989 Loma Prieta quake. In fact, we were amazingly lucky in that quake:
- NobodysWife was driving on the Cypress Structure... 10 minutes before it collapsed and killed 40+ people- NobodysWife's stepfather was driving on the Bay Bridge... but had passed the section that collapsed during the quake
- NobodysWife's father got up to use the restroom... just as a large 3'x2' mirror crashed down on the chair he'd been sitting in
- NobodysWife's husband was in a house in the Berkeley hills that wasn't bolted to the foundation, but it amazingly didn't decide to go for a run down the hill
HOWEVER, my older brother was in North Carolina at the time, and CNN was a brand-new network and wanted to make a name for itself. It sure did!
For some reason, my brother was... concerned for us.
On the other hand, I was sitting there in the Berkeley hills, standing on the porch of the (unbolted) house, and there, miles away, I could see the fires burning in San Francisco.
So at least some tiny iota of truth had been contained in the news reports...
Ygorl Lumbergh, division VP |
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You're not my frog supervisor!!!!
{wanders up} Bonjour Cherlene, ce qui se passe? Ummm, je suis gonna need vous to go ahead come in tomorrow. So if vous could be here around neuf that would be great, mmm-kay... oh oh! and je almost forgot ahh, je suis also gonna need vous to go ahead and come in on Dimanche too, 'kay. Nous ahh lost certaines personnes this week and ah, nous sorta need to play catch up.
captain yesterday |
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While waiting for someone to walk into my duck riding a bear analogy (because the analogies weren't making any sense anyway) so I could link to the True Facts about Ducks video, I suddenly realized Owlbears aren't as far fetched as I thought.
All you need is a wizard with some slow jams, a candlelit den, and a lot of wine.
Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
While waiting for someone to walk into my duck riding a bear analogy (because the analogies weren't making any sense anyway) so I could link to the True Facts about Ducks video, I suddenly realized Owlbears aren't as far fetched as I thought.
All you need is a wizard with some slow jams, a candlelit den, and a lot of wine.
What would Tammy's party make of a combat encounter with a tanuki brawler (or bloodrager) and his pet swarm of male ducks?
Edit: Great. Now my FBI file will have a note about my Googling about owls' and various other avians' penises.
NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:Now I'm just dying of curiosity...So... if your new character's background is so over-the-top dark that your GM says she's a bit uncomfortable with it, do you:
(1) Win
(2) Lose
(3) Both?
Since it's FaWtL, and it's not against the rules (I think), here's the GM-approved version, with a couple of notes about the changes at the end. (Yes. I'm a good player. I worked with my GM to come up with a back story we could both enjoy. So sue me...)
Delphinia never knew who her mother or father were. She figures she’s just another tiefling abomination born of some unholy union between something unspeakable and a dockside whore. At Lady Adelaine’s Home for Planar Children, she often fantasized that she had really been lost by a noble Cheliaxian family, and some day they would come and find her and take her home. But she knew deep down that she was an abomination, and that such a day would never come. But Lady Adelaine was kindness incarnate; a devout Sarenrae worshipper, Lady Adelaine believed that there was no behavioral problem that could not be overcome by excessive love and kindness. She took in all the planar misfits: Tieflings, of course, but also ifrits, undines, and others inevitably born of man’s encounters with the sea. And she believed she could raise them all to be fine, upstanding citizens, all through love, kindness, and generosity. Delphinia always considered Brutus as a horrible counterexample.
Ah, Brutus! Delphinia wondered whether the Lady had named him because of his personality, or whether his personality was because of his name. She’d named all of them. Delphinia’s original name was Rayne, though she gets the controllable shakes whenever she thinks of herself by that name. Then there was Holly, and Umber, and Penny, and Narwhal, so named because another kid had teased him about the single horn in the center of his forehead, and he decided he liked the name better than the one the Lady had given him. A tassle of tieflings, running amok in Ilizmagorti, getting into whatever trouble Brutus could think up, and getting out of it only because Rayne could make the big, innocent face and combine it with the big, innocent eyes like no other tiefling child in Ilizmagorti. If Lady Adelaine ever knew of their misbehaviors, she never let on, and Rayne never caught on, even when she might have accidentally been served an extra helping of dessert the day she talked Brutus out of stringing that young human noble boy up by his Achilles tendons, or when all of Brutus' shirts were dirty and he had to wear one of hers, just the day after he beat up some human for being “unmanly”.
The day of reckoning finally came, as it always must when you’re a tiefling. Brutus went too far and stabbed a shopkeep over a stolen trinket. As the gang scattered to the four winds, leaving Rayne sobbing and holding the dying shopkeep in her arms, Silas Tauranus walked in. And looked at the beautiful young tiefling girl, soon to come of age, helpless, alone, and confused, and pounced.
The first thing he beat out of her was her name. At the House of Exotic Blossoms, every girl had a flower’s name. And Rayne was something that fed flowers. He took all the time he needed, with a sadistic streak a mile wide, to beat, burn, whip, starve, freeze, and drown her name out of her, until she was well and truly “Delphinia”. Only then did he start on the obedience lessons. Once he was satisfied she was cowed, he set her to waiting tables, washing dishes, and attending the other girls. He was a by-the-books man, even outside of his native Cheliax. She was still too young in the eyes of some, and he didn’t need that kind of trouble at the House. But he found that parading his underage girls around the room for a couple of years, so the regulars got used to them, and they got used to the regulars, eased the transition for everyone involved, and made him quite a bit of cash on the side, as the regulars bid on their former waitresses.
Puberty was a rude awakening for everyone. Delphinia started growing scales. Not the smooth, soft scales many tieflings sported, but steel-hard, sharp little teeth all over her body. Silas was so put out he beat her nearly to death, breaking both her arms and one of her legs before letting up. When the healers came to patch her up (Silas grumbling about the price the entire time), he asked about removing, or at least softening the scales. His worst fears were confirmed: It would take a miracle or wish to remove them.
Silas was nothing if not optimistic. He auctioned Delphinia off on the (approximate) night of her coming of age to one of his regulars, warning them all against the scales. The man came fleeing from the bedroom not 10 minutes later, covered with tiny cuts, his manhood a bloody mess, and, worst of all, a bite mark in his cheek that cut nearly to the bone. Delphinia had NOT been tamed!
This was enough! Silas went in, fully intent on beating her to death. And a normal woman would have died. But the steely scales protected her. As Silas raged and pounded, his favorite beating stick snapped. As he reached for another, he heard her faint singing, and saw the wounds he had given her sealing. By the Gods! Was she a healer as well!?!?! He beat her for another few minutes, until, exhausted, reason got the better of him. She was useless to him as a whore, but as a healer she could save him hundreds of gold a month! And she WAS very fond of the other women of the house… a plan slowly hatched as a smile crept over Silas’ face over ths sobbing form of Delphinia.
He had Jaxo do it. Jaxo was always rough and brutal to the girls, and Silas had spent more than a few hundred gold patching them up after Jaxo’s ministrations. He gave Daffodil, a frail, blond girl from somewhere up north, over to him. Jaxo nearly killed her. Then Silas told the guards to turn a blind eye to Delphinia’s room. Sure enough, in the middle of the night she crept to Daffodil’s room, and in the morning Daffodil was fully recovered.
The next few years were extremely profitable for Silas. He pretended he didn’t notice Delphinia’s nightly outings, and in return he no longer had to pay an outside healer! He even went so far as to hire a private tutor to train Delphinia in dance and courtesanship. Even if she couldn’t earn her pay in the proper way, she was still beautiful and exotic and might draw customers in other, more mundane ways. Sure enough, she was an absolute natural dancer. Whether it was her tail giving her extra balance, or some other aspect of her demonic heritage, her dances were amazing enough to draw even legitimate people to the establishment. All the while, Silas watched her carefully: She was growing in power very rapidly, and soon he would have to snuff her out, or risk another rebellion.
Fortunately, opportunity came knocking at Silas’ door. While he maintained the darker aspects of his establishment very discreetly (even Ilizmagorti had SOME standards on treatment of whores and slaves, and he was well aware that many of his customers violated even those), there were those in the world who knew who he was, and knew they could order “special deliveries” from him. When an anonymous buyer in Blood Cove offered him 5,000 gold pieces for a “cowed healer”, the price was too good to pass up. In fact, the price was too good to entrust anyone else with such a precious cargo. He equipped himself as well as he could and booked passage on a Chelaxian merchant ship bound for Blood Cove. One thing you could count on in Chelaxians: They didn’t bat an eye at a chained tiefling woman in a cage being loaded into his stateroom.
The trip to Blood Cove was uneventful. A fearful Delphinia made very little trouble, and favorable weather allowed them to arrive several days before the planned transfer. A careful inquiry to some crew members allowed Silas to find an inn that would not object to him bringing Delphinia in in chains, and he had a pair of crew members help him escort her there. He wasn’t happy about losing the cage, but there was no reasonable way to get it to the inn without making a spectacle, and the last thing he wanted was to be noticed. With a hood and cowl covering her collar and most of her chains, passersby saw naught but another tiefling slave being led along by her master and thought nothing of it.
That evening, as he sent word to the buyer that he had arrived, he caught a glimpse of something in Delphinia’s eyes. Something… rebellious. He sighed, figuring she needed one last beating to put her in her place before he handed her off to become someone else’s problem.
As he pulled out the iron-shod stick he now kept especially for her, she started desperately casting spells. Silas figured she was just trying to protect herself. Again. And it would only prolong the beating. He was getting tired of trying to teach her the inevitability of her fate. He turned to grab the poker as well… and heard the chains snap.
She was on him before he could even turn around. She was stronger, faster, and wilder than him, with divine magics adding to every blow. She ripped the club from his hand and quickly caved in his head. She continued beating his corpse until the spells wore off, minutes later. Looking around desperately, a plan hatched: She had heard the men speaking of a “Captain Finn” who’d burned another ship in the harbor, but had a reputation for letting those who surrendered to him live or even join up. And he was looking for crew. In particular, he was looking for a healer. She’d never been aboard a ship before, but she’d been healing for the last few years, and was sure she could handle a pirate ship.
First, more important business. She searched his body, found the keys, and removed the now-ruined shackles and collar. She awkwardly strapped on his armor and shield, grabbed what coins and articles she could find and put them in his backpack, then covered herself in the cowl and slipped out the window, plummeting awkwardly to the ground. The cowl caught and she had to leave it behind, but no one had raised any kind of alarm at Silas’ screams. He had chosen this particular inn for a reason, and now it was working to Delphinia’s advantage.
Not entirely positive she was going in the right direction, Delphinia headed for the docks, mace in hand, looking to find a “Captain Finn” and become part of his crew…
And the changes:
So as long as all the bad guys die and the house will go up in a nuclear blast of glory once Del hits level 14 or so, she's good.
Freehold DM |
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That's a bit long, even by my standards. I would be more worried that this character was going to take over the game, but that's just me and my experiences. I can see how it would br a bit too dark for a dm, I would edit things down to off camera suggestions/implications as opposed to open descriptions.
Tacticslion |
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That's a bit long, even by my standards. I would be more worried that this character was going to take over the game, but that's just me and my experiences. I can see how it would br a bit too dark for a dm, I would edit things down to off camera suggestions/implications as opposed to open descriptions.
I'd not be too terribly worried, personally.
But that's just me.
(Bear in mind, that's the "short" version for each of those - the "long" version is in document form I don't care to look up because it's on a storage device that backed up stuff from a now-dead computer.)
Tacticslion |
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Related: not sure if should mic-drop, or wait for... two more hours (based off of yesterday's posting history)*.
- (Also not sure if my posts would be engaged with this time or ignored.) -
((Or if, unlike the first time they were engaged with, the point was completely missed and the post was taken with umbrage for the exact reasons I noted that two people could both look at the same situation and come to differing conclusions without being wrong. Heh.))
* EDIT: To be clear, I really didn't expect to end discussion or "win" or be in a position to "mic drop" anything. It's just... so daggum quiet. That post has been unchallenged for... seven hours. And it claims that "greater good" can be a "lawful good" mindset. Like, I don't know if I actually made a solid enough argument that people actually agree or at least can't come up with solid counter-arguments; that I've grown well-known enough to be verbose/tenacious enough that people ignore me and/or have me on block/ignore lists of enough people that participate there that no one is willing or aware enough to challenge; it's just that somehow all the active participants in that thread happen to be on a timezone shifted "off" of mine; or that all enthusiasm from others died for the thread immediately before I posted. I'm just... stunned that there's a (currently active?) alignment thread that's been still for seven hours and I was the last post in it. It's... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrriiiiiiieeeee...
EDIT: 2 and 3 are for minor typos and just making it look better on most screens.
NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
That's a bit long, even by my standards. I would be more worried that this character was going to take over the game, but that's just me and my experiences. I can see how it would br a bit too dark for a dm, I would edit things down to off camera suggestions/implications as opposed to open descriptions.
LOL. The length of her description is pretty much "standard" for ALL my characters. And they're all carefully crafted to be offscreen so no one other than the GM ever knows the story.
I write my characters kind of like Paizo writes its APs: 90% of the back story is stuff for GM flavor the players will never know about. If she dies, meh. I'll write a new one. (Encourages the GM not to kill me too often! :-P )
And yeah, she's a 6th-level life oracle.
Freehold DM |
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Well, this con is off to a rough start.
This is the slowest Friday at a con I have seen this year, and indeed the slowest since 2014. Barely 700 bucks in business.
Second, and perhaps worse, is that Fred perry cancelled. I went into my storage space and dug around for nothing, it seems. *sigh*
Third, my cell phone was not delivered to my mom's house like I thought it would be. I will be going over to her house stupidly early in the morning and picking up the tag so I can see where it is waiting and if it will be re-delivered or if I can just pick it up. According to what I see here, the nearest pickup point is in the middle of nowhere in queens. *SIGH*
I'm disappointed, but tomorrow is another day. Maybe I'll hit the jackpot at the casino or something.
lynora |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
lynora wrote:NobodysHome wrote:Now I'm just dying of curiosity...So... if your new character's background is so over-the-top dark that your GM says she's a bit uncomfortable with it, do you:
(1) Win
(2) Lose
(3) Both?
Since it's FaWtL, and it's not against the rules (I think), here's the GM-approved version, with a couple of notes about the changes at the end. (Yes. I'm a good player. I worked with my GM to come up with a back story we could both enjoy. So sue me...)
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh. Okay. I've...actually seen worse. But then I'm a big fan of let evil be evil...so it's way more satisfying later on when you get to destroy it. :)
But I can see how that might not be the right tone for every campaign.Tacticslion |
Well, this con is off to a rough start.
This is the slowest Friday at a con I have seen this year, and indeed the slowest since 2014. Barely 700 bucks in business.
Second, and perhaps worse, is that Fred perry cancelled. I went into my storage space and dug around for nothing, it seems. *sigh*
Third, my cell phone was not delivered to my mom's house like I thought it would be. I will be going over to her house stupidly early in the morning and picking up the tag so I can see where it is waiting and if it will be re-delivered or if I can just pick it up. According to what I see here, the nearest pickup point is in the middle of nowhere in queens. *SIGH*
I'm disappointed, but tomorrow is another day. Maybe I'll hit the jackpot at the casino or something.
That... that sucks, my friend. :/
EDIT: To be more positive: here's hoping and praying things go better from here on out! Keep us informed!