Aniuś the Talewise |
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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:the idea appears in most cultures/religions with written language.Idk if this is just me having read too much manga, but the idea of "sealing"/"attacking" with pieces of spiritually imbued text (a la ofuda) makes such an inherent amount of sense to me that it appears in my legendarium. (runic inscriptions on birch bark or something similar)
Actually reading about ofuda as it is used in real life makes me feel more secure about my portrayal of sīdsa/seiðr and runes in my work. Since in real life ofuda has no combat function, and seiðr has no combat function either, it is no surprise that sīdsa becomes "magical dancey spindle fighting" in my comic.
And the choreography of sīdsa might be inspired too much by the sending in FFX... augh.
Speaking of, I recall watching an anime that took place in the West years ago (I think it was Chrono Crusade) where a demon was sealed away with what looked like Western ofuda
Like it was basically ofuda, but with roman text on it. This was an anime all about the catholic aesthetic so I imagine it was Latin.
I was, of course, naked the entire time I was watching it. Not that you should be thinking about that since I was like 14 at the time.

NobodysHome |

Rosita the Riveter wrote:..it's Italian food in San Francisco. You really shouldn't expect any sort of quality...I have had good luck in North Beach with italian, in particular the North Beach restaraunt 1512 stockton st.
Good to know. Our experience is similar to Rosita's; it's nigh impossible to get even decent Italian anywhere around here, including North Beach.
I'll make a note of 1512 Stockton. Easy to get to, and if we're on that side of the bay to eat we'll give it a try.
(Un)fortunately there are so many good restaurants within walking distance of my house we never feel a need to go to the city to eat...

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Afternoon FaWtLanteans! I hope everyone is well and having a good week. :) A so-called Indian summer here at the moment, surprisingly sunny for this time of year, though the temperature is still what you'd expect. I find myself missing the rain a bit, but I'm sure I'll have an over-abundance of it again in no time at all. :P

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:Rosita the Riveter wrote:..it's Italian food in San Francisco. You really shouldn't expect any sort of quality...I have had good luck in North Beach with italian, in particular the North Beach restaraunt 1512 stockton st.Good to know. Our experience is similar to Rosita's; it's nigh impossible to get even decent Italian anywhere around here, including North Beach.
Cafe Venezia on University in Berkeley was a go-to place for "mediocre-plus" Italian, but I think it's gone now
There's ONE place in North Beach that was just an old husband-and-wife-and-piano-in-a-small-room that was incredible, but we so rarely go to the city for anything I have no idea whether or not it's still there.
I'll make a note of 1512 Stockton. Easy to get to, and if we're on that side of the bay to eat we'll give it a try.
(Un)fortunately there are so many good restaurants within walking distance of my house we never feel a need to go to the city to eat...
Also if you want really good neopolitan pizza try Tony's in North Beach, I personally am a whore for Zachary's

Kajehase |
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Hugo Solis wrote:What's the current count of "official" FAWTLy members?Let's see...
Captain, Nobody, FHDM, Sharoth, Treppa, Lynora, myself, Scint, Anius, Icy, Limey, Drejk, David, CH, Aeglos, Tacticslion, Amby, Aranna, Gran Rey, Ivan, TFY, Rosita, TOZ, and I'm sure I'm missing two or three more.
Oi! ;)

Drejk |
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Afternoon FaWtLanteans! I hope everyone is well and having a good week. :) A so-called Indian summer here at the moment, surprisingly sunny for this time of year, though the temperature is still what you'd expect. I find myself missing the rain a bit, but I'm sure I'll have an over-abundance of it again in no time at all. :P
We call it Babie Lato (Old Woman's/Grandma's/Crone's Summer). It's not atypical here and when pulled out properly it's the nicest season in Poland. Not too hot, not too cold, and lovely colors all around.

Kajehase |
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Totally changing the subject here (because... why not), but WHY do teachers think that turning assignments into art projects in any way, shape, or form makes them "fun"?
True story: In 6th grade, our teacher told us to draw an aerial map of our block. And this was before Google Earth, Google, or even the (publicly-accessible) internet.
So I got out my graph paper, my ruler, my colored pencils, and I eagerly spent HOURS doing the best job I possibly could. I am not an artist. In fact, I have always had a shake in my hands that makes it nearly impossible for me to draw anything recognizable. (A running joke when I was a math teacher was, "OK, we're going to call that a circle," and then letting the kids run with what THEY thought it looked like.)
After a good 15-20 hours of work, I proudly turned it in and got a... D+, with a comment that, "I've seen kindergartners do better drawings."
To say I was devastated would be an understatement.
Unfortunately, Impus Major inherited my artistic ability. And all of a sudden, EVERY class wants to turn every other assignment into an art project, because art is "fun", right?
Do a poster of the biological hierarchy (kingdom, phyla, etc.). Make a mural of important events in Mexico in the 19th century. Create a shadow box depicting a critical scene from, "The Giver".
Impus Major can type at 60 wpm. He can use any computer program you ask him to, and do a tiny bit of coding. But he can't do art, and forcing him to do so over and over and over again is just misery for us both.
Do we really need to be expert artists to pass Biology?
The Mexico mural makes sense from an art historical point of view, but as someone who hated art class with a passion and kept getting "but it's fun for you to not have to read a book for a while" from adults whenever I brought it up (I loved, and still love reading - and could've happily researched and written a 30-page thesis on the impressionists, but no. I had to sit and paint a friggin' still life both me and the teacher already knew would be awful before I started), I feel your kid's pain.
And don't get me started on Carpentry or Technology (technology? More like "listen to 60+ years of age teacher who's not fit for the job anymore rant about something not relevant to the subject for 40 minutes).

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:Oi! ;)Hugo Solis wrote:What's the current count of "official" FAWTLy members?Let's see...
Captain, Nobody, FHDM, Sharoth, Treppa, Lynora, myself, Scint, Anius, Icy, Limey, Drejk, David, CH, Aeglos, Tacticslion, Amby, Aranna, Gran Rey, Ivan, TFY, Rosita, TOZ, and I'm sure I'm missing two or three more.
Yeah I knew I was gonna forget some. Forgot Doomkitten and Synos too. My memory's not the best!

Aniuś the Talewise |
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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:Hulu does not work outside of the US. I advice kissanime for other streamers, I have used it to great success over the last while.captain yesterday wrote:Hulu has a s*!!load of anime, worth a look at least :-)Yes I like Hulu for streaming anime c:
The trouble is kissanime and the like isn't really legit
Not saying that streaming anime through kissanime is wrong morally because I don't care about that, but if someone is looking to stream anime through legit means if they can (which I try to because the more shady sites are a mess if nothing else; but I'm not fervent about it), then kissanime is not one of those options.
I think crunchyroll is legit, but I don't know whether or not it's international

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Thursday night game ahead, the pace of the game has slowed significantly as the scale has increased. The werewolf Goddess of Rebirth has declared war on the BRCK, who are currently running the US, and has allied herself with Russia so that they wouldn't kick her out of Siberia. At the end of the last session, a reporter for Vice China got an exclusive interview with her, where she displayed her supernatural powers, and the interview was put online. Within hours, the entire internet was brought down, so we'll see how that works for them.
At the same time, with a mixed use of temporal loop devices (created by a True Mage stuck in a personal time loop of getting shot in the head), and oneiromancy (dream magic), we extracted a bunch of information from some captured BRCK agents and are escalating a shadow war against them. Looking forward to continuing it tonight.
And as a small aside and reminder, anyone interested in PC gaming should feel free to follow this link for games on Steam, and let me know if you'd like any of them. :)

Aniuś the Talewise |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:The Mexico mural makes sense from an art historical point of view, but as someone who hated art class with a passion and kept getting "but it's fun for you to not have to read a book for a while" from adults whenever I brought it up (I loved, and still love reading - and could've happily researched and written a 30-page thesis on the impressionists, but no. I had to sit and paint a...Totally changing the subject here (because... why not), but WHY do teachers think that turning assignments into art projects in any way, shape, or form makes them "fun"?
True story: In 6th grade, our teacher told us to draw an aerial map of our block. And this was before Google Earth, Google, or even the (publicly-accessible) internet.
So I got out my graph paper, my ruler, my colored pencils, and I eagerly spent HOURS doing the best job I possibly could. I am not an artist. In fact, I have always had a shake in my hands that makes it nearly impossible for me to draw anything recognizable. (A running joke when I was a math teacher was, "OK, we're going to call that a circle," and then letting the kids run with what THEY thought it looked like.)
After a good 15-20 hours of work, I proudly turned it in and got a... D+, with a comment that, "I've seen kindergartners do better drawings."
To say I was devastated would be an understatement.
Unfortunately, Impus Major inherited my artistic ability. And all of a sudden, EVERY class wants to turn every other assignment into an art project, because art is "fun", right?
Do a poster of the biological hierarchy (kingdom, phyla, etc.). Make a mural of important events in Mexico in the 19th century. Create a shadow box depicting a critical scene from, "The Giver".
Impus Major can type at 60 wpm. He can use any computer program you ask him to, and do a tiny bit of coding. But he can't do art, and forcing him to do so over and over and over again is just misery for us both.
Do we really need to be expert artists to pass Biology?
please dont tell me teachers are actually grading based on the quality of art, because that's absolutely awful, discouraging, irrelevant and they shouldn't even try unless you are trained to be an art teacher. I want to slap them.
If I had to make those kinds of assignments (unlikely since altho I may consider teaching at a college I would never ever go into teaching grade school or high school) I'd just grade for effort/participation alone. not everyone is an artist and not everyone plans to develop art skills. If my class isn't about developing art skills I have no business grading them in my opinion.
Although to be fair when I was in high school, when we were assigned to do posters mine were always last minute and pretty rough in spite of being an artist because ADHD prevents me from working on anything in a timely manner and my art skills were better spent elsewhere. I'm sure they were graded poorly even though all I cared about was showing the information content. I don't really care.

Orthos |
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** spoiler omitted **
Yay Synos game time has come again!
Unfortunately all the ones on the list I wanted, I think I already have =) Your generosity is still greatly appreciated! Hopefully there'll be someone here who wants some of these and doesn't have them yet =D
Seriously people, some of these are great games (even if they're not for me, for example I tend to avoid horror and shooters), and Synos offers them completely free, no strings attached, all you need is a Steam account. I highly advise you take him up on the offer =)

Aniuś the Talewise |
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Sometimes I feel like I know a lot about the migration period/viking age, but then the next minute I feel like I know nothing.
Some things I know/believe about heathen germanic cultural continuum (particularly about gender) come more from prolonged deep contemplation than direct archaeological/historical evidence due to the relative lack of the latter, and I worry about the stability of that kind of knowledge

Drejk |
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** spoiler omitted **
Taking down internet was probably a worst move than simply dismissing the interview as a hoax/movie trailer...
It just occurred to me that turning any such revelations into movie teasers and trailers and following with production of movie based on the revelation would be a great way to reduce awareness of supernatural/conspiracies...
What do you mean by saying that the new X-Files isn't a documentary?

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

LordSynos wrote:** spoiler omitted **Yay Synos game time has come again!
Unfortunately all the ones on the list I wanted, I think I already have =) Your generosity is still greatly appreciated! Hopefully there'll be someone here who wants some of these and doesn't have them yet =D
Seriously people, some of these are great games (even if they're not for me, for example I tend to avoid horror and shooters), and Synos offers them completely free, no strings attached, all you need is a Steam account. I highly advise you take him up on the offer =)
Must resist asking for so many of them...
Must resist asking...

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Could I get (if no one else wants)
Blades Of Time
Cthulhu Saves The World
Darkest Hour
Dungeons Of Dredmor
Legend Of Dungeon
Ah, what the hell...
The Chaos Engine... It won't be the same without joystick, but still... Chaos Engine! According to the terrible reviews the port is complete failure. *sigh*
With that in mind I close the list to stop myself from checking every game on the list on steam... That's far more than enough for now anyway. I already have tons of games that I haven't played through yet.

Aniuś the Talewise |
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I'm highly tempted to post my drawing of bēowulf in the worst asatru group I happen to be a member of on facebook and see what happens.

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Some days are just distracting by their very nature.
NobodysWife is off at an all-day interview for a job she really wants. Considering I'm usually at the other end of such processes and they've already invested 3 phone interviews, a writing request, and a work request, and all have come back without comment, I think today is just, "Does she spew fire, eat cats, or want $500k a year?"
So I'm on pins and needles waiting for a phone call with the good news.
Unless she eats one of their cats...

Rosita the Riveter |
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Some days are just distracting by their very nature.
NobodysWife is off at an all-day interview for a job she really wants. Considering I'm usually at the other end of such processes and they've already invested 3 phone interviews, a writing request, and a work request, and all have come back without comment, I think today is just, "Does she spew fire, eat cats, or want $500k a year?"
So I'm on pins and needles waiting for a phone call with the good news.
Unless she eats one of their cats...
When I interviewed for the job I have now, things went from "interview mode" to "let's discuss how your new job is going to be" within five minutes. It was the damndest thing.

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:When I interviewed for the job I have now, things went from "interview mode" to "let's discuss how your new job is going to be" within five minutes. It was the damndest thing.Some days are just distracting by their very nature.
NobodysWife is off at an all-day interview for a job she really wants. Considering I'm usually at the other end of such processes and they've already invested 3 phone interviews, a writing request, and a work request, and all have come back without comment, I think today is just, "Does she spew fire, eat cats, or want $500k a year?"
So I'm on pins and needles waiting for a phone call with the good news.
Unless she eats one of their cats...
Well, what's sad is that I somehow come across as "Mr. Diplomat", so I always get hurled into the role of "lead hire guy" no matter where I go:
- In grad school I became the T.A. Training Coordinator, in charge of teaching other T.A.s how to teach- Even as a gypsy professor, one school put me on its hiring committee just because "[I had] a good eye for such things."
- At my first tech job, it became a running joke that, "NobodysHome's going to take the candidate to lunch." I'll never forgive my director when we had one guy who was so terrible we knew he was a no-go after 45 minutes, but my director kept him around all day just because he didn't want to be rude. Since everyone else knew he was a no-hire, I got stuck hanging out with the poor guy for 5 hours, not allowed to tell him he might as well go home.
- At my current job, my manager has me on every hiring team, and wants my honest evaluation of every candidate. Unfortunately, while I've been dead-on on the "do not hire" category, we did make a pretty big mistake with one woman who was absolutely wonderful in every possible way, but not very tech-savvy. We figured it was better to have someone who could do all the other work and we could teach her the tech. We were wrong.
So anyway, I know exactly what's going on at the interview: NobodysWife's getting passed from team member to team member, chatted to, grilled, or talking video games, and each team member is giving a thumbs-up or thumbs-down to the manager. NobodysWife is beautiful and charming (old story of the princess stuck marrying the troll), so I figure they'll finish that off at around 2:00 pm, then she and the manager will spend an hour or two hashing out the details of her hire.
So I *know* I won't hear anything 'til 3 or 4 pm.
Doesn't mean it doesn't drive me crazy waiting...

lynora |
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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:Now that I finally read the guide to PbP playing I want to give it a try, but a story-light one shot adventure sort of thing. How do I find one?Try here, PbP can be a really excellent experience if you find the right group. Unfortunately most games fizzle out.
And after being in a few fizzled out games you'll realize the only way to get the game you want is to run it. Good luck! :P
But seriously, I hope you find a good game. PBP is actually pretty awesome. But it can take a while to find your groove with it because things function so differently than they do in a tabletop game. So be patient with yourself when you hit that learning curve.

Freehold DM |
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Gorrammit. I just got addicted to Kingdom Hearts this morning, and I have to leave for work in an hour and won't be home until, like, 11, and this weekend I have to study for a midterm and a term project.
removes game from ps2, tosses it in microwave, sets it for 30 seconds, lets sparks fly
There you go. Safe from Disney rpg horrors and bad grades and unemployment woes.
My work here is done. No need to thank me.