It's all good. Wifi = phone/kindle connectivity.
Nekkid connectivity?!? Woot!
Although I can't use the kindle unless the boy's in bed. Otherwise he'll bug me to play Angry Birds.
And the unplugging of my DVR box lost me my recorded shows. Luckily, I had already watched them all.
Orthos wrote: Found the guy who didn't watch Looney Tunes growing up. are we getting old?
gran rey de los mono wrote: It snowed today. Snow. In the middle of April. I know there are places where such a thing is not uncommon, but I don't live in any of those places. Normally I would blame Freehold for this, but I feel like mixing things up. Therefore, I blame YOU, Orthos. You are the one responsible, and I shall never forgive you for this climatical heresy. this is a great day.
Sucky part is, when the AT&T guy was out at the house yesterday, the wife tells me he hooked the DVR into the TV spot upstairs, where (a) the kid's TV will be, and (b) where we don't even have a f+@+ing TV yet. Why the wife let him do this I do not know. It's something I'll have to correct today.
Freehold DM wrote: BluePigeon wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Must be Monday... Everyone's busy at work. Did I ever mention the fact that I drive a cab? I recall, but don't believe. How can you drive a car with wings for hands? It isnt easy I'll tell you that much.
And good morning everybody.
All right, time to go figure out complex thingamajigs. Y'all have a good one.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote: And we now have Internet/phone/TV in the new house. Although I can't set up my computer until I get my desk fixed. It sort of broke during the move. The desk sacrificed itself for the greater good.
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3 people marked this as a favorite.
DSXMachina wrote: "For the greater good." THE GREATER GOOD.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote: DSXMachina wrote: "For the greater good." THE GREATER GOOD. shut it!
Boss is being a bigger a~~%+*~ than usual today...
Aberzombie wrote: And we now have Internet/phone/TV in the new house. Although I can't set up my computer until I get my desk fixed. It sort of broke during the move. People are still using non-mobile phones?!
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote: Aberzombie wrote: And we now have Internet/phone/TV in the new house. Although I can't set up my computer until I get my desk fixed. It sort of broke during the move. The desk sacrificed itself for the greater good. Desk sacrificed itself for the greater wood?
Kajehase wrote: Now, this is what a troll is supposed to look like! You went to a forest for a walk again?
long weekend over here,
national holidays on good friday aand easter monday
Sabines grandma had surgery today, ametal plate was put into her hip, the procedure went well and she already called after she woke up
she is in a specialized hospital in Fulda
Glad to hear some is doing better.
I work holy Thursday and am off for good Friday. Easter Monday is not a holiday here.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Leaving tomorrow to drive up to Minnesota via Wisconsin to spend Easter with my youngest son and my parents. I plan to visit some old work friends on the way up and way back.
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Only in Syracuse, NY can you get 80-degree weather, a thunderstorm, and snow, all in a 24-hour period. Seriously, f~&& this town.
David M Mallon wrote: Only in Syracuse, NY can you get 80-degree weather, a thunderstorm, and snow, all in a 24-hour period. Seriously, f!&! this town. Not only in Syracuse. We had pretty much that same weather system. It sucked. A lot.
The kidlet says that spring is a combination season when you get all the seasons at once. Way too true.
And now back to the four page paper that I only have one paragraph of done that's due in.....four hours and some change....I am so screwed. >.<
Drejk wrote: Kajehase wrote: Now, this is what a troll is supposed to look like! You went to a forest for a walk again? Gotta keep the number of trolls down before the Moose-safari season begins - those darn German tourists don't know how to act around them.
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lynora wrote: And now back to the four page paper that I only have one paragraph of done that's due in.....four hours and some change....I am so screwed. >.< Write like the wind!
And yes, moose safari season is a thing 'round here.
Packing, Packing, Packing. It's sad to see my hobby room so disassembled.
The Minis Maniac wrote: Packing, Packing, Packing. It's sad to see my hobby room so disassembled. Do you have a place lined up in England? Will it have a hobby room?
No place yet. we have made inquiries though. As for a hobby room I will most likely have one.
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Celestial Healer wrote: Mmmm. Duck breast. Something something Gilbert Gottfried something Aflac!
Typing on bluetooth keyboard I got to be able to internet better since my wifes laptop has kinda died. Working like a dream- even the arrow keys seem to work, despite concerns that it might not. Will be posting even more often now!
Celestial Healer wrote: Mmmm. Duck breast. I, too, love boobs.
World's slowest blitz...But yeah, I love this keyboard.
I've discovered something startling-- I can make fried venison sausage taste EXACTLY like Jack Link's teriyaki beef jerky. World's most useless superpower, I guess.
Really REALLY liking this keyboard. I know my phone isn't a computer, but I really hope I can do my edits of LGBTQBSDM on my phone...I have microsoft office on this phone, but I'm not sure I have all the funky stuff my publisher/editor/boss requires for it to be acceptable. Still, only one way to find out....
David M Mallon wrote: I've discovered something startling-- I can make fried venison sausage taste EXACTLY like Jack Link's teriyaki beef jerky. World's most useless superpower, I guess. ...Now I want beef jerky.
I fail to see how anything related to beef jerky could be useless.
Man...I'm really liking this keyboard...
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David M Mallon wrote: I've discovered something startling-- I can make fried venison sausage taste EXACTLY like Jack Link's teriyaki beef jerky. World's most useless superpower, I guess. I can make paper-wad wastebasket shots from anywhere in the room without looking. At least yours is edible.
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Freehold DM wrote: David M Mallon wrote: DSXMachina wrote: "For the greater good." THE GREATER GOOD. shut it! So I just watched this movie for the first time, after hearing my gaming group quote this scene several times.
That was certainly a thing.
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Freehold DM wrote: David M Mallon wrote: DSXMachina wrote: "For the greater good." THE GREATER GOOD. shut it! {nods} Yarp. {looks around, wonders where Arya Stark wandered off to}
Michael "Lurch" Armstrong wrote: Freehold DM wrote: David M Mallon wrote: DSXMachina wrote: "For the greater good." THE GREATER GOOD. shut it! {nods} Yarp. {looks around, wonders where Arya Stark wandered off to} *applause*
Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Wednesday! Chilly again this morning, but it's supposed to get up to 70 with plenty of sunshine.