ebon_fyre |

Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.
7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.
Managed some chicken soup, don't think we have any Sprite/7-up/etc. in the house but we have some green tea that Mom recommended.

Treppa |
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ebon_fyre wrote:Managed some chicken soup, don't think we have any Sprite/7-up/etc. in the house but we have some green tea that Mom recommended.Orthos wrote:Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.
Real ginger ale is good for a tricky tummy. I've heard sucking on frozen ginger slices is also soothing, but never tried it.

lynora |

Orthos wrote:Real ginger ale is good for a tricky tummy. I've heard sucking on frozen ginger slices is also soothing, but never tried it.ebon_fyre wrote:Managed some chicken soup, don't think we have any Sprite/7-up/etc. in the house but we have some green tea that Mom recommended.Orthos wrote:Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.
I find ginger ale icky. But I like ginger tea....not the kind where you have a little ginger mixed with actual tea. The kind that is nothing but ginger and sweetener and is strong enough you think it could maybe get up and walk away on its own. ;)
Eating a piece or two of candied ginger also works wonders.And for those that hate ginger, peppermint is also good for a sick stomach. Oh, and rooibus tea, too.

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Treppa wrote:Orthos wrote:Real ginger ale is good for a tricky tummy. I've heard sucking on frozen ginger slices is also soothing, but never tried it.ebon_fyre wrote:Managed some chicken soup, don't think we have any Sprite/7-up/etc. in the house but we have some green tea that Mom recommended.Orthos wrote:Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.I find ginger ale icky. But I like ginger tea....not the kind where you have a little ginger mixed with actual tea. The kind that is nothing but ginger and sweetener and is strong enough you think it could maybe get up and walk away on its own. ;)
Eating a piece or two of candied ginger also works wonders.
And for those that hate ginger, peppermint is also good for a sick stomach. Oh, and rooibus tea, too.
Don't think I have any of that in the house.
Thankfully I'm feeling much better now, after a long morning sleep, soup lunch, and some green tea on and off through the afternoon. Here's hoping it was either one of those 24-hour bugs or just something I ate that didn't settle well.

MagusJanus |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've heard both good and bad things about Cthulhu Tech, but I am not interested in it. On the contrary, I just had a discussion with a friend about how Lovecraft seems to pop up everywhere and it's getting a bit tiresome. Unlike my friend (who just dislikes everything related to Lovecraft), I do like some of the Eldritch Abomination stuff, but Lovecraft fans tend to get on my nerves. Most of them seem to be either obnoxious, elitist or both. And yeah, I'm knee-deep in D&D and GURPS either way, what with more campaigns to juggle piling up each day.
Lovecraft has been popping up everywhere ever since he died. Part of the reason why is just how many genres are actually part of the Cthulhu Mythos, how many writers helped bring it into being, and how many other writers Lovecraft drew on for inspiration. Before Lovecraft's death, you're probably looking at a writing team larger than the total staff of Paizo.
For example, Conan the Barbarian is part of the Cthulhu Mythos. Most people don't know that. If they did, they would realize that the influence that series had on pulp adventures and later on DnD means that the entire pulp genre is in some way touched by Lovecraft.
There's also authors, like Stephen King, who got a portion of their writing style from emulating Lovecraft. Others, like Brian Lumley, are still continuing to expand the Mythos.
Oh, and the entire idea of fiction that has people visiting other worlds while asleep? While it may draw on things like Alice in Wonderland, the mechanism is typically the one Lovecraft designed for his own Dreamlands stories. A lot of virtual reality stories in science fiction use an altered variant of Lovecraft's Dreamland physics.
So, it's really kinda hard to not see him everywhere when the Cthulhu Mythos itself is everywhere. I've not found a single aspect of fiction writing it hasn't influenced in some way, and I've noticed aspects of it beginning to touch nonfiction as well. It's hard to avoid the touch of the Mythos because, really, it permeates American fiction.

MagusJanus |

MagusJanus wrote:Orthos wrote:MagusJanus wrote:Is it because they might be between the arrows and the target?She is, but she's on the safe side of the door.
She just wants to hit it with her sword rather than stand there and be a bellhop.
My paladin understands that ^^
ebon_fyre wrote:As does my knight.Well the bad news is, when the opportunity came for her to get in melee with the thing (a big, nasty barghest - exactly the same statblock that I threw at my party that caused my first PC kill in Kingmaker, I later learned), she did, and it hit like a Mack truck, especially when its blink ended and it could full attack without miss chances. Ended up knocking her into the negatives, and could have killed her very easily, even after our warpriest burned a healing on me.
The good news is, the dice (or the GM's pity, heh) were on my side in the end, and it chose to blast us with a spell instead of full-attacking me to death, and we killed it in the next round.
Siobhan has a new respect for "fish in a barrel" type tactics when it comes to powerful demons bound inside a room they can't leave. Also she has a longbow now (she couldn't afford a ranged weapon prior to this) so she can participate in fights like that without getting eviscerated again.
Sounds like she learned an important lesson ^^ I hope it serves her well.

MagusJanus |

ebon_fyre wrote:Managed some chicken soup, don't think we have any Sprite/7-up/etc. in the house but we have some green tea that Mom recommended.Orthos wrote:Not today though =/ Today I'm home sick with some kinda stomach bug. Spent all last night barely getting any sleep due to nausea. Hoping a day of rest and some soup later will help.7-Up helps settle my stomach (better than Sprite) or Snapple. But you're caffine free, so 7-Up is my recommendation. And saltines.
I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow.
Now, if everyone will excuse me, I need to put on my NBC suit. It seems everyone on this thread is getting sick.

Icyshadow |

Icyshadow wrote:I've heard both good and bad things about Cthulhu Tech, but I am not interested in it. On the contrary, I just had a discussion with a friend about how Lovecraft seems to pop up everywhere and it's getting a bit tiresome. Unlike my friend (who just dislikes everything related to Lovecraft), I do like some of the Eldritch Abomination stuff, but Lovecraft fans tend to get on my nerves. Most of them seem to be either obnoxious, elitist or both. And yeah, I'm knee-deep in D&D and GURPS either way, what with more campaigns to juggle piling up each day.Lovecraft has been popping up everywhere ever since he died. Part of the reason why is just how many genres are actually part of the Cthulhu Mythos, how many writers helped bring it into being, and how many other writers Lovecraft drew on for inspiration. Before Lovecraft's death, you're probably looking at a writing team larger than the total staff of Paizo.
For example, Conan the Barbarian is part of the Cthulhu Mythos. Most people don't know that. If they did, they would realize that the influence that series had on pulp adventures and later on DnD means that the entire pulp genre is in some way touched by Lovecraft.
There's also authors, like Stephen King, who got a portion of their writing style from emulating Lovecraft. Others, like Brian Lumley, are still continuing to expand the Mythos.
Oh, and the entire idea of fiction that has people visiting other worlds while asleep? While it may draw on things like Alice in Wonderland, the mechanism is typically the one Lovecraft designed for his own Dreamlands stories. A lot of virtual reality stories in science fiction use an altered variant of Lovecraft's Dreamland physics.
So, it's really kinda hard to not see him everywhere when the Cthulhu Mythos itself is everywhere. I've not found a single aspect of fiction writing it hasn't influenced in some way, and I've noticed aspects of it beginning to touch nonfiction as well. It's hard to avoid the touch of the Mythos because,...
I have less issues with Lovecraft undertones than I have with Lovecraft overtones.

ebon_fyre |

Orthos |

Orthos |

** spoiler omitted **
These three issues of Dungeon have it. The first one (#112) has the first three levels, then one more level in the other two each.
The final piece, Warlock's Walk, you can pick up from The Oerth Journal (issue 25).
Note they're all 3.5 so if you plan to run them as-written you'll need to make any necessary adjustments. I want them mostly for the maps, admittedly ;) though I will be using some of the encounters now that I've read them >=D

Jeff-Zilla |
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This summer Puny humans, bend over and grab your ankles.