Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

The ship has sailed from port.

Scarab Sages

Nekkid ship sailing!?!

Scarab Sages

The mummy has left the tomb.

RPG Superstar 2012

Elvis has left the building!

Scarab Sages

The demon has exited the planar rift.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The rainbow as emerged from the unicorn.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm assuming all these statements are some sort of sexual metaphor.

After all, this is FAWTL.

RPG Superstar 2012

The monkeys are out of the barrel.

Scarab Sages

taig wrote:
Elvis has left the building!

I hear he went back to his home planet.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm assuming all these statements are some sort of sexual metaphor.

After all, this is FAWTL.

The condom broke...

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm assuming all these statements are some sort of sexual metaphor.

After all, this is FAWTL.

Sure. Let's call them metaphors! Yeah, that's the ticket.....

Scarab Sages

Gotta get going. One last meeting at 1300, then I'm free!! Then tomorrow I begin the long journey home.

But first! Lunch!! I'm gonna head over to the base food court. It should be pretty crowded.....

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
taig wrote:


The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm assuming all these statements are some sort of sexual metaphor.

After all, this is FAWTL.

Either that or bowel movements.

Back from birthdays.

"I am a man who walks alone..."

Aberzombie wrote:

The caravan has left the fort.

The dragon has taken flight.

This reminds of me of silliness in our jade regent game.

The younger son of one of our players has joined our gaming sessions.
Seemingly a natural powergamer he created a strix gunslinger using a pistol.

Anyway, our caravan was attacked by an ice variant chimera with a white dragon head. After we had been seriously pounding it and the flying gunslinger shooting it, the chimera decided to not let him get away from it and stay close enough that he would provoke an attack of opportunity.

Finally, after a couple of rounds being flustered while we continued beating it, he decided to pistol whip the chimera because he was heavily wounded and didn't want to provoke an attack of opportunity. He rolled a nat 20 and did enough damage to kill it.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Back from birthdays.

"I am a man who walks alone..."

Nah, a FAWTL is never alone. We always have the voices in our heads. ;)

"Can I play with madness?!"

Watched 'We Bought a Zoo' with the kidlet tonight. It was a surprisingly good movie.

Drejk wrote:
"Can I play with madness?!"

So I had this poster/sticker thing on my old laptop (it's now stuck to my wall since the current laptop is a different size) that was from In big letters it says MADNESS, and then in little letter it says 'Madness does not always howl. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "Hey, is there room in your head for one more?"' So when I was taking Anatomy & Physiology, I always used to take my laptop since this was before I got an ipad and my classmates that sat near me would just call me Madness, since that was apparently easier to remember than my name. :)

That's how nicknames are born.

Silver Crusade

Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm assuming all these statements are some sort of sexual metaphor.

After all, this is FAWTL.

Either that or bowel movements.

The boys have been dropped off at the pool?

Ok, off to bed.

Moorluck wrote:
Nah, a FAWTL is never alone. We always have the voices in our heads. ;)

The voices in my head left me, so I have to make do with the voices in other peoples' heads.

aeglos wrote:

save at home now


The Exchange

Drejk wrote:
Ok, off to bed.

Night Drejk.

The Exchange

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Nah, a FAWTL is never alone. We always have the voices in our heads. ;)
The voices in my head left me, so I have to make do with the voices in other peoples' heads.

Feel free to share ours, after all, between the bunch of us we have a veritable United Nations of Crazy going on.

I would suggest ignoring my voices though, they get mean.

Moorluck wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Nah, a FAWTL is never alone. We always have the voices in our heads. ;)
The voices in my head left me, so I have to make do with the voices in other peoples' heads.

Feel free to share ours, after all, between the bunch of us we have a veritable United Nations of Crazy going on.

I would suggest ignoring my voices though, they get mean.

The voices in my head are all rainbows and sunshine....terrifying rainbows and that horrid old MLP movie where the curse thingy kept turning the ponies into these awesome shadow dragon sisters had nightmares for weeks after they watched that. :P

To recap, cute evil is the best evil. ;P

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

The caravan has left the fort.

The dragon has taken flight.

This reminds of me of silliness in our jade regent game.

The younger son of one of our players has joined our gaming sessions.
Seemingly a natural powergamer he created a strix gunslinger using a pistol.

Anyway, our caravan was attacked by an ice variant chimera with a white dragon head. After we had been seriously pounding it and the flying gunslinger shooting it, the chimera decided to not let him get away from it and stay close enough that he would provoke an attack of opportunity.

Finally, after a couple of rounds being flustered while we continued beating it, he decided to pistol whip the chimera because he was heavily wounded and didn't want to provoke an attack of opportunity. He rolled a nat 20 and did enough damage to kill it.


Our mail carrier Gene just retired less than a year ago.

I learned today that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The universe seems to posses a cruel sense of humor.

I feel very tired now.

Good night all.

The Exchange

lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Nah, a FAWTL is never alone. We always have the voices in our heads. ;)
The voices in my head left me, so I have to make do with the voices in other peoples' heads.

Feel free to share ours, after all, between the bunch of us we have a veritable United Nations of Crazy going on.

I would suggest ignoring my voices though, they get mean.

The voices in my head are all rainbows and sunshine....terrifying rainbows and that horrid old MLP movie where the curse thingy kept turning the ponies into these awesome shadow dragon sisters had nightmares for weeks after they watched that. :P

To recap, cute evil is the best evil. ;P


The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:

Our mail carrier Gene just retired less than a year ago.

I learned today that he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The universe seems to posses a cruel sense of humor.

I feel very tired now.

Good night all.

Good Night BT, hope sleep finds you a better tomorrow.

Aberzombie wrote:

Gotta get going. One last meeting at 1300, then I'm free!! Then tomorrow I begin the long journey home.

But first! Lunch!! I'm gonna head over to the base food court. It should be pretty crowded.....

Instead of base food why don't you treat yourself to expert or advanced food?

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And.....DONE!!! Except for delivering some data disks I am officially done with my inspection and can go home tomorrow.

Just a few last minute gifts to pick up, including some Sake. Mmmmmm.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I seem to have accidentally banished a demon.

Teach the cur to wake me up in the middle of the night...

The following OOC comments were made:

"Go to your room!"

"Damn you back to Hell... oops."

And so on.

Creating a 3.5 Warlock|Oracle build for a future campaign. This is going to be fun!

All I want for Christmas is a Dukla Prague away kit.

(And not some dodgy transformer.)

Liberty's Edge

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

My big problem with NY is that it is the Urban of Urbans. It is the biggest, boldest, and most glaring example of "metropolis" in the entire country. It is the extreme example of everything implied by "city".

I don't like big cities.

Too many people. Too much traffic. Too many buildings too close together. Too many lights. Too much noise. Too much... stuff. Just too much.

Tempe was bad enough, tolerable but still crowded and cramped. The few times I had to actually visit downtown Phoenix I was utterly miserable and never once thought, "You know, it would be nice to live here." Phoenix doesn't hold a candle to NYC. It's a speck, a drop in an ocean in comparison.

Growing up, I always wanted to leave my rural, tiny hometown and move to the nearby big city, Victoria. (Which compared to Phoenix is tiny, so NYers probably wouldn't even recognize it as more than a suburb.) After actually living in a city for eight years while I was in Arizona, I learned that no, I really like living in a rural community with lots of space and lots of quiet and very little of urbanization.

I don't think I could stand being in NY for more than a couple of hours. =/

Victoria TX? My uncle lives there.

I don't mind visiting big cities for the most part, but working in them makes my brain itch!

The only reason I can imagine for me to want to go to NYC at this point in my life would be to meet CH and FHDM. I expect that would be very cool.

Having had FHDM as our guest, I can say it would be worth it. Helluva great guy to hang with.
Have you met Pat, AZ, or Jess in person? Paizocon was awesome!

Ah, AZ is one of the three or four East Coast types I still need to meet.

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:

Houston has an AWESOME restaurant scene. While you will never be short of Tex-Mex options, we have an unbelievable range of restaurants.

Also, I love all pizza. I don't judge. :P

As long as I can find pulled pork BBQ with a vinegar based sauce I'm good. If not, I'll buy a cooker and make my own. ;)

We have a place or two that does vinegar based pork, Carolina style.

But, seriously, Houston is a very good city for exploring the world gastronomically.

I just wanted to say before I get banned, that I hope you all have a good weekend.

Yea. I am going to get banned. Oh well. Maybe Paizo will finally put a stop to some of this stuff. Besides, it is time for a break from Paizo. And it might just be for good too.

Have fun everyone. I think it is time for me to take a break from Paizo for a bit before I cause too much trouble. Or curse someone out for being an idiot and a fool. Have a good weekend.

Liberty's Edge

Jess Door wrote:

As I'd hoped, had a good birthday, even though I couldn't take the day off from work. Went to El Tiempo's for some tex mex, margaritas and tequila shots with friends, who kindly drove me so I could partake without worrying about how I was going to get home. So yeah, miles better than last year.

I think I've broken that rain of sucky luck we poor Sagitariuses have been experiencing, FHDM.

El Tiempo on Richmond?

Scarab Sages

Sharoth wrote:
Yea. I am going to get banned. Oh well. Maybe Paizo will finally put a stop to some of this stuff. Besides, it is time for a break from Paizo. And it might just be for good too.

I don't see why you should get banned, if you're thinking it'd because of the thread you started. Many of us have had the same complaint.

Scarab Sages

Good bye for now FAWTLY Folk! Unplugging the computer, to pack, so from this point until I'm back home the only connection I'll have is through the iPhone when I can find a wifi connection.

good morning FaWtL

feeling good, tired but no hangover

Sharoth wrote:
Yea. I am going to get banned. Oh well. Maybe Paizo will finally put a stop to some of this stuff. Besides, it is time for a break from Paizo. And it might just be for good too.

I don't think that thread will get you banned

and please stay, Sharoth

Kajehase wrote:
Jesszilla wrote:
Okay, I'll bite. Could you take care of this, and this?

nooooo, not the Friends Arena, I will see Maiden there in July

It's morning again? Or rather, it's 14:30 again?

Cold, wet, grey. Why did I get up today?

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