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Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Now all I can see is the rest of the Fawtlies, dressed as cowboys, saying "New York City!?".
I love those commercials. I enjoy laughing at their ignorance, as our culinary scene beats the absolute crap out of theirs, although hd may feel differently.

With the singular exception of pizza, you could not be more wrong. Unless by "culinary scene" you mean the snobby foodies rather than actual home-cooked meals. In which case no comment, as I don't really give a flip what those folks think.

New York style Deep Dish does beat the daylights out of any other kind of pizza though, I will give you that.

EDIT: Nevermind, corrected by Wiki. New York style is the thin, foldable crust. Chicago style is deep dish. So even on that New York loses.

Culinary scene refers to variety as much as it does quality. While other areas are making serious inroads there (I had better Indian in Iowa than I have had in ny, although I think raga isggetting better, but and there is the stretch of Indian places in Manhattan that is great for ambiance, also there is a growing morrocan scene in Brooklyn and hookah bars in manyvboroughs), when it comes to the intersection of quality and variety, ny is still on top.

We have excellent home cooking too, but that usually takes place on people's homes, although there are exceptions here too. I need look no further than my favorite takoyaki stand to find Japanese home cooking, and I am sure I can do so with other ethnicities, including my own(although Golden Krust is no longer the all time king, I can find other places that will make porridge for me if need be - and I must as my wife prefers grits *sigh*).

And if you prefer deep dish over real pizza, then you have no soul. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars, go to purgatory.

Freehold DM wrote:
And if you prefer deep dish over real pizza, then you have no soul. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars, go to purgatory.

Of course I have no soul. Ebon Fyre keeps it in a cookie jar, remember?

Nekkid ny superiority for TOP. Starting to believe Jess Door re :sagittarius luck returningto bnormal.

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
And if you prefer deep dish over real pizza, then you have no soul. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars, go to purgatory.


"Good deep dish" is an oxymoron.

Orthos wrote:

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.


'Good Deep Dish' is an oxymoron. Like 'Jumbo Shrimp'. ;P

Pizza is meant to be thin and crispy, and just barely able to hold all of the yummy goodness that is the pile of sauce and toppings you pile on top said thin crust.

Did I mention that the crust should be thin? And that the toppings should be piled on high and deliciously?

EDIT- Ninja'd by CH

Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?

come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
And if you prefer deep dish over real pizza, then you have no soul. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 dollars, go to purgatory.


"Good deep dish" is an oxymoron.

hugs CH

Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.


'Good Deep Dish' is an oxymoron. Like 'Jumbo Shrimp'. ;P

Pizza is meant to be thin and crispy, and just barely able to hold all of the yummy goodness that is the pile of sauce and toppings you pile on top said thin crust.

Did I mention that the crust should be thin? And that the toppings should be piled on high and deliciously?

EDIT- Ninja'd by CH

hugs ragadolf

Sovereign Court

Houston has an AWESOME restaurant scene. While you will never be short of Tex-Mex options, we have an unbelievable range of restaurants.

Also, I love all pizza. I don't judge. :P

3 people marked this as a favorite.

At precisely 12:03 pm of today, the 12-12-2012, I turned 28. Missed the world-ending mark by just 3 minutes!

In other news, I took my sister's cat to the vet and he pissed all over me. I'll be smelling funny for a few days, it seems.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aw, I'm sorry about the cat.

While my birthday was freaking awesome, it would satisfy some obscure, weird number loving slightly OCD part of me to have had a birthday on 12-12-12.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ragadolf wrote:
Orthos wrote:

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.


'Good Deep Dish' is an oxymoron. Like 'Jumbo Shrimp'. ;P

Lies and slander. On both parts. Jumbo Shrimp is also awesome.


Pizza is meant to be thin and crispy, and just barely able to hold all of the yummy goodness that is the pile of sauce and toppings you pile on top said thin crust.

Did I mention that the crust should be thin?

You can have your sauce-covered cracker. You will never be able to convince me it is superior to deep dish. Me, I'm going to stick with this thick, soft, flavor-slathered fluffy deep dish dough.

In my particular school of thought, pizza is meant to be tasty. Even if that involves throwing potatoes and icecream on top of it.

You never know where the perfect flavour is (though we all know it does not involve celery or eggplant in any conceivable way).

Oh yeah. Pizza is still pizza, and even mediocre pizza is generally still good, provided all the toppings are in good condition and such. It's just a question of HOW good.

You lost me at potatoes and ice cream though.

Also HAPPY BDAY Klaus =)

Silver Crusade

Happy Birthday, Klaus!

Sovereign Court

The Japanese make doing pizza wrong into an art form. Potato salad pizza. American pizza consists of ham and corn. Yes, corn. On pizza. And they also commited the mortal sin of producing an asparagus and mayonaise pizza, consisting of 10 spears of asparagus like spokes of a wheel, with an entire spoonful of mayonaise plopped between each asparagus spear.

It was an offense to god and man.

That is all.

I'll gladly eat thick pizza, thin pizza, or any in between as long as it has lots of toppings: various cheese, various sausages and other meats, onions, mushrooms, olives and various sauces.

Corn on pizza is good for me. As long as it is in minority when compared to sausage, chicken meat and cheese.

Happy Birthday Klaus!

May your olives be bountiful.

I don't hate deep dish pizza. I spent too much time in and around Chicago growing up to not at least have some appreciation for it. But I vastly prefer NY style pizza. Even though I shouldn't have pizza due to the whole problem with cheese and lactose intolerance, once in a while I do choose to indulge in some delicious NY style pizza even knowing how sick it will make me. It tastes that long as you're getting it from the right place. :)

Happy birthday Klaus. :)

Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

My big problem with NY is that it is the Urban of Urbans. It is the biggest, boldest, and most glaring example of "metropolis" in the entire country. It is the extreme example of everything implied by "city".

I don't like big cities.

Too many people. Too much traffic. Too many buildings too close together. Too many lights. Too much noise. Too much... stuff. Just too much.

Tempe was bad enough, tolerable but still crowded and cramped. The few times I had to actually visit downtown Phoenix I was utterly miserable and never once thought, "You know, it would be nice to live here." Phoenix doesn't hold a candle to NYC. It's a speck, a drop in an ocean in comparison.

Growing up, I always wanted to leave my rural, tiny hometown and move to the nearby big city, Victoria. (Which compared to Phoenix is tiny, so NYers probably wouldn't even recognize it as more than a suburb.) After actually living in a city for eight years while I was in Arizona, I learned that no, I really like living in a rural community with lots of space and lots of quiet and very little of urbanization.

I don't think I could stand being in NY for more than a couple of hours. =/

lynora wrote:
Even though I shouldn't have pizza due to the whole problem with cheese and lactose intolerance, once in a while I do choose to indulge in some delicious NY style pizza even knowing how sick it will make me. It tastes that long as you're getting it from the right place. :)

It's why I carry around lactaid pills wherever I go =) I eat what I want, and medicate the stuff that bugs me, heh.

Orthos wrote:

Lies and slander. On both parts. Jumbo Shrimp is also awesome.

Jumbo shrimp IS awesome, actually. In a variety of ways.

It is still an Oxymoron. ;P

Actually, I don't really hate deep-dish. I'll eat almost any kind of pizza. (Except for those above-mentioned Japanese concoctions, that's just wrong)

I just have a problem with paying more for a deep-dish, and getting more bread, when what I really want is toppings! Lots and lots of toppings, preferably sauce, meat and cheese. You can toss a few veggies on there if you must, as long they are merely color compliments for the REAL toppings :)

Orthos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Even though I shouldn't have pizza due to the whole problem with cheese and lactose intolerance, once in a while I do choose to indulge in some delicious NY style pizza even knowing how sick it will make me. It tastes that long as you're getting it from the right place. :)
It's why I carry around lactaid pills wherever I go =) I eat what I want, and medicate the stuff that bugs me, heh.

For me all the lactaid does is moderate the sickness. It helps, but I'm still going to be in pain for a day or two if I eat dairy. Some things are good enough to be worth it, but they have to be really, really good. But yeah, I carry lactaid pills around because anything that reduces the sickness is good.

Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

I have been to NYC exactly once.

I would love to go again. I have a desire to grab tickets from the TCKTS booth and run to see shows. 2 a day. And while I did get to see a fair bit of the city the almost entire week I was there, there is still a lot I never got to see.

Living there? ,... Hm,... Probably not.

Maybe if I was single. Or just me and the missus. (She would HATE living in NYC I know that much.)

If I had money I could definitely go for some vacation action there though!

Silver Crusade

Ragadolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

I have been to NYC exactly once.

I would love to go again. I have a desire to grab tickets from the TCKTS booth and run to see shows. 2 a day. And while I did get to see a fair bit of the city the almost entire week I was there, there is still a lot I never got to see.

Living there? ,... Hm,... Probably not.

Maybe if I was single. Or just me and the missus. (She would HATE living in NYC I know that much.)

If I had money I could definitely go for some vacation action there though!

My tip: Skip the line at TKTS. Go to the theater box offices and see what they have available for Rush tickets. The price is usually the same, and during tourist season you can end up waiting 2 hours at TKTS vs 5 minutes at the box office.

At any rate, NYC wants you to visit!

lynora wrote:
Orthos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Even though I shouldn't have pizza due to the whole problem with cheese and lactose intolerance, once in a while I do choose to indulge in some delicious NY style pizza even knowing how sick it will make me. It tastes that long as you're getting it from the right place. :)
It's why I carry around lactaid pills wherever I go =) I eat what I want, and medicate the stuff that bugs me, heh.
For me all the lactaid does is moderate the sickness. It helps, but I'm still going to be in pain for a day or two if I eat dairy. Some things are good enough to be worth it, but they have to be really, really good. But yeah, I carry lactaid pills around because anything that reduces the sickness is good.

DAY? Yours is MUCH worse than mine then, I'm never worse off than a couple of hours >_<

I would love to live in NYC. I absolutely fell in love with the place the one time I was there, and I know there is so much more of it I never got to see. But I doubt it would be a great choice for my little one with his fear of crowds and super sensitive hearing. If I were going to move to a big city (which I would love to) I'd probably choose a different one than new york, provided I had any choice in the matter.

Looks at the borther's sms:

"I discovered answer for a question "what the universe is and how to teleport". I will reveal it publicly on 21 December. If you want to read before come here immediately. It isn't joke."

Silver Crusade

My first clementine of the season was bland and disappointing.

Drejk wrote:

Looks at the borther's sms:

"I discovered answer for a question "what the universe is and how to teleport". I will reveal it publicly on 21 December. If you want to read before come here immediately. It isn't joke."

Is your brother known for drinking/other intoxicants on a regular basis? >_>

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:

At precisely 12:03 pm of today, the 12-12-2012, I turned 28. Missed the world-ending mark by just 3 minutes!

In other news, I took my sister's cat to the vet and he pissed all over me. I'll be smelling funny for a few days, it seems.


ultrasonic sagittarius battle cry

A beer or two regularly but rarely more.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

I have been to NYC exactly once.

I would love to go again. I have a desire to grab tickets from the TCKTS booth and run to see shows. 2 a day. And while I did get to see a fair bit of the city the almost entire week I was there, there is still a lot I never got to see.

Living there? ,... Hm,... Probably not.

Maybe if I was single. Or just me and the missus. (She would HATE living in NYC I know that much.)

If I had money I could definitely go for some vacation action there though!

My tip: Skip the line at TKTS. Go to the theater box offices and see what they have available for Rush tickets. The price is usually the same, and during tourist season you can end up waiting 2 hours at TKTS vs 5 minutes at the box office.

At any rate, NYC wants you to visit!

This. We will also find you a new wife for you.

There are quiet, isolated parts of ny and other boroughs, but the buildingsewillaalways be too close together for you, I suspect. Still, come visit. With scint. We will blowtyour mind. And your eardrums . But mind, first.

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?
come to ny. I will show you things beyond imagining.

My big problem with NY is that it is the Urban of Urbans. It is the biggest, boldest, and most glaring example of "metropolis" in the entire country. It is the extreme example of everything implied by "city".

I don't like big cities.

Too many people. Too much traffic. Too many buildings too close together. Too many lights. Too much noise. Too much... stuff. Just too much.

Tempe was bad enough, tolerable but still crowded and cramped. The few times I had to actually visit downtown Phoenix I was utterly miserable and never once thought, "You know, it would be nice to live here." Phoenix doesn't hold a candle to NYC. It's a speck, a drop in an ocean in comparison.

Growing up, I always wanted to leave my rural, tiny hometown and move to the nearby big city, Victoria. (Which compared to Phoenix is tiny, so NYers probably wouldn't even recognize it as more than a suburb.) After actually living in a city for eight years while I was in Arizona, I learned that no, I really like living in a rural community with lots of space and lots of quiet and very little of urbanization.
I don't think I could stand being in NY for more than a couple of hours. =/

aeglos wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Yay for peace and quiet! Yay for birthdays! Yay for the prospect of the royal FAWTL family moving to the true headquarters of FAWTL, Houston! :D
We'll know by the end of this week if/when. I have never been so hopeful about anything before. :)
cool, best of luck with it, Lord President


Jess Door wrote:

As I'd hoped, had a good birthday, even though I couldn't take the day off from work. Went to El Tiempo's for some tex mex, margaritas and tequila shots with friends, who kindly drove me so I could partake without worrying about how I was going to get home. So yeah, miles better than last year.

I think I've broken that rain of sucky luck we poor Sagitariuses have been experiencing, FHDM.


The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Drejk wrote:
At least NY is closer and would be easier to invade for me, Aeglos, Icy and Kajehase. Especially Kajehase as he would be our transport.
Magic ships from Valhalla can fly, you can get to TX just as easy. ;)
How often there are rainbows in TX?

Doesn't matter, Solnes will be there. Better than any rainbow any day.

So...we are catapulting nekkid concave solnes into the sky so that all can gawk? If so, then I am all for it.

Exactly! It's a deal we worked out with the Texas Tourism Board, to boost visitors and stuff. ;)

The Exchange

Scintillae wrote:
Am I the only one who's really never had that much of a desire to go to NYC?

Until meeting Freehold, and now that CH has joined him there too, I would've agreed. But I could see going up there to hang with either/both of them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.

I'm with you on this one Orthos.

I like mine thick, layered, mighty, and loaded with enough meat to stagger a vegan at 20 meters! ;)

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

But yes. Pizza is meant to be thick, soft, and stuffed with flavor. Thin crust pizza is barely a third of what pizza is meant to be, if that.

No place around here serves good deep dish that I'm aware of, though. Sadness.

I call thin crust pizza "pepperoni crackers". Not that I won't eat it, but give me a thick, gooey pie, oozing cheese and toppings and I'm a happy LPM.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Happy Birthday, Klaus!


Jess Door wrote:

The Japanese make doing pizza wrong into an art form. Potato salad pizza. American pizza consists of ham and corn. Yes, corn. On pizza. And they also commited the mortal sin of producing an asparagus and mayonaise pizza, consisting of 10 spears of asparagus like spokes of a wheel, with an entire spoonful of mayonaise plopped between each asparagus spear.

It was an offense to god and man.

That is all.



*twitch twitch*

The Exchange

Jess Door wrote:

Houston has an AWESOME restaurant scene. While you will never be short of Tex-Mex options, we have an unbelievable range of restaurants.

Also, I love all pizza. I don't judge. :P

As long as I can find pulled pork BBQ with a vinegar based sauce I'm good. If not, I'll buy a cooker and make my own. ;)

The Exchange

And also...

Happy Birthday Klaus.

Drejk wrote:
May your olives be bountiful.


Is this code? ;)

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