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There's nothing about it on the school's website, but you could always contact them direct-like. They didn't mention anything about making the play available on DVD the night I went, but somebody may have taken it on as a project.

ghaladen |

Sneaky |

I know it's not a DVD, but my group is playing through and recording our RotRL campaign. The first two sessions are up on YT so far.
Ghaladen your recordings are wonderful and very useful, and I'm following them entusiastically, but the post here is referred to a real theatre play that was performed by an artist school about two years ago if I remember well.

ghaladen |
Ghaladen your recordings are wonderful and very useful, and I'm following them entusiastically, but the post here is referred to a real theatre play that was performed by an artist school about two years ago if I remember well.
oh lol. I thought they meant play as in "actual play"... oh well.
Hmm? A Rise of the Runelords play. I think Kingmaker would make for better film, imo. Maybe if Paizo wants to get the Pathfinder name onto the silver screen (And hopefully not botch it like the D&D movie).

Old Drake |
I guess lots of half-nude fey makes for a decent movie, but I think other adventuring paths would be better suited. Building a Kingdom over years is far too essential to the Kingmaker plot to make it into a movie or even a book series.
Runelords is well suited but requires two or three movies, so it's not a good idea for a first project. It's important to remember that sword fights tend to last a lot longer than gun fights, so movies using swords will either have a lot less fighting or be a lot longer.
Crimson Throne would work decently well, but again it's a bit much for a single movie, especially since you'd need to include the dragon's first defeat for people to be able to understand what's going on.
Second Darkness is probably the first AP that could make a good movie. Calling down asteroids is a pretty powerful image, and it has more than enough stuff that doesn't add to the storyline that can be cut.
Legacy of Fire could visually be very impressive, but it's too much for a single movie. With locations like the city of brass, there just needs to be enough time to really show a location.
Council of Thieves has powerful imagery, especially the devils as energy source and pillars of fire, but it's probably not suited for the screen. It would be too much law enforcement crossed with sword and sorcery; not the most compatible fan bases.
Serpent Skull could probably make a good movie; something like Predator with S&S. Or perhaps a bit more like Alien in the jungle.
Carrion Crown and Jade Regent sound like they'd make decent horror movies. I'm not sure is S&S crossed with horror has a large enough fan base to make it worthwhile. Although those would be more about hte setting rather than following the plot.
But the written APs aside, I think a movie about an adventuring group setting out to close the Worldwound would be a good idea for testing the audience. Really capturing an AP is very hard to do in a single movie.

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I guess lots of half-nude fey makes for a decent movie, but I think other adventuring paths would be better suited. Building a Kingdom over years is far too essential to the Kingmaker plot to make it into a movie or even a book series.
Runelords is well suited but requires two or three movies, so it's not a good idea for a first project. It's important to remember that sword fights tend to last a lot longer than gun fights, so movies using swords will either have a lot less fighting or be a lot longer.
Crimson Throne would work decently well, but again it's a bit much for a single movie, especially since you'd need to include the dragon's first defeat for people to be able to understand what's going on.
Second Darkness is probably the first AP that could make a good movie. Calling down asteroids is a pretty powerful image, and it has more than enough stuff that doesn't add to the storyline that can be cut.
Legacy of Fire could visually be very impressive, but it's too much for a single movie. With locations like the city of brass, there just needs to be enough time to really show a location.
Council of Thieves has powerful imagery, especially the devils as energy source and pillars of fire, but it's probably not suited for the screen. It would be too much law enforcement crossed with sword and sorcery; not the most compatible fan bases.
Serpent Skull could probably make a good movie; something like Predator with S&S. Or perhaps a bit more like Alien in the jungle.
Carrion Crown and Jade Regent sound like they'd make decent horror movies. I'm not sure is S&S crossed with horror has a large enough fan base to make it worthwhile. Although those would be more about hte setting rather than following the plot.But the written APs aside, I think a movie about an adventuring group setting out to close the Worldwound would be a good idea for testing the audience. Really capturing an AP is very hard to do in a single movie.
I think you missed the entire point there.. no one is capturing an entire ap, but doing a book of the ap as a play. it would be like the harry potter movies.. each book of the ap a seperate production... maybe with the finale split in two as well.... or maybe an epic miniseries.... i could so get into a well done kingmaker miniseries...

ghaladen |
Yeah, sarokcat pretty much said what I thought. The half-nude fey wasn't exactly what I meant, and really is such a small sliver of the story.
I'm referring to the rise to power of a fledgling nation. Let's face it, high fantasy has been done to death (in games and movies), and RotRL, as great of an AP as it is, falls under the "done to death" category. Kingmaker, while it is nothing new, certainly is the record less played in the collection when it comes to HF, and would certainly be distinguishable enough to be popular.
And no, a single movie could not capture an entire AP. Something like an HBO series, would be perfect, as it would be long enough to include all the minor details, and have a realistic enough of a budget to be carried out long term by a small studio.

Old Drake |
Nation building/rise of a fledgling nation can make a good game, but a good movie or series? The nation literally rises over years. On the other hand the adventures take care over days. This disconnect in time frames - not to mention the issue of a national leader going out into the wilderness to explore - just don't work in a movie.
It might work as some pseudo documentary series; maybe.
I do like the AP, though I'm not going so far and say it's the best, but I have problems seeing it as a good movie or even book; a game, yes. But much like Civilization is a good game, it'd either be a boring story or too complex to tell in any accessible format.
If you kept the nation building out of the story or concentrated on it and left out the adventuring I can see it work; but not both together. At least I can't see how if could be.

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I agree with Drake. A combo nation building/ combat tv show would likely not work very well, as you would have far too much meaningless combat in order to fill the time that it takes to build the kingdom.
Since Kingmaker takes years, you could possibly do a season of a show for each book, and just fast forward in time a bit between each season, so you can advance the kingdom building a bit between each.
RotR, I think, would serve it self much more nicely to a series. Again, if you did one season per book, it could probably turn out pretty well.
Of course if any of these got made into a series, the big issue would be the crappy Spartacus-style blood and guts that screams computer-generation. Dont get me wrong, I really like the show, but the graphics on the blood and injuries suck.