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Alternate Racial Traits
Drug Addled: The drow are a race defined by excess in all things. While possessing life spans that stretch centuries many drow in the constant quest for pleasure cut this short by imbibing toxic concoctions. Drug Addled drow gain a +4 bonus against poison and addiction (GMG). This replaces keen senses and poison use.
Low Born: Many drow are born of carefully tended blood line stretching back to the exodus while others are poxed by demonic or aberrational ancestors. These so called low born drow are mongrels of their own race, losing their innate resistance to magic while gaining other strange powers. Roll once on the variant tiefling abilities table (Pathfinder #25). This replaces spell resistance.
Fratricide: While the drow are long removed from their kin that fled in their elf gates during the earth fall, millennia of brooding hatred has not soothed this betrayal. Drow who select this trait receive a +1 bonus on attack and damage roll against elves and half-elves. This racial trait replaces spell-like abilities.
Web Walker: Some drow keep monstrous spiders as work beats or proximity to their mutated drider kin. Web walkers gain a +2 racial bonus to climb checks and treat webs as rope for climbing purposes. This replaces poison use.
Favored Class Options
Alchemist: Add a +1/2 bonus to craft (alchemy) when making poisons.
Cleric: Add +1 round to the duration when casting the summon monster series.
Oracle: Add +1/6 towards a new revelation of your mystery that has no level requirement.
Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus on Stealth checks while in low light or darkness.
Summoner: The summoner’s eidolon gains energy resistance 1 against acid, electricity, or fire. Each time the summoner selects this reward, increase the eidolon’s resistance to one of these energy types by 1 (maximum 10 for any one top).
Wizard: Add a +1/4 bonus to overcoming spell resistance.
Exotic Weapons
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Elven Longblade; Cost 120gp; Dmg (S); 1d6 Dmg (M); 1d8 Critical (19-20/x2); Weight 2lbs; Type P
An evolutionary link lost to the surface elves between the rapier and the elven curve blade. The blade is longer and wider than the normal rapier causing more grievous wounds. The elven longblade is used by noble or otherwise well to do drow as a status symbol.
Without the proper proficiency treat as a long sword.
You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with an elven longblade sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. In addition the critical range becomes 18-20/x2.
Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Drow; Cost 400gp; Dmg (S) 1d4; Dmg (M) 1d6; Critical (19-20/x2); Ranged 30 ft.; Weight 4lbs; Type P
Perhaps copied from the minotaur’s double crossbow design, the drow crossbow is favored by raiders as it allows them to fire two poisoned tipped bolts at a time to ensure the poison takes.
You may choose to fire both bolts at once with a -2 penalty to your attack. If the attack hits, the target takes damage from both bolts. Critical hits, sneak attack damage, and other precision-based damage only apply to the first bolt. Reloading one bolt is a move action; the Rapid Reload feat reduces this to a free action.