Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |

We've been looking at it for years, and we'll continue to look into it. I don't think there's anybody at Paizo who *doesn't* want to see our characters and monsters in prepainted plastic form. And if it ever makes sense, we'll jump on it, but to be frank, it's not even *close* to viable these days.
I would just like to say that I would NOT like to see prepainted Pathfinder minis. The work done on the D&D miniature line was pathetic, and I can't say I've seen other prepaints that are much better. Especially on the scale of detail required to make them not look like melty junk.
That said, a set of high quality, thick, durable finished cardboard tokens with the art from Paizo's magnificent staff would be perfect. Especially if there was a way to order sets of duplicates for those monsters you always need a dozen of.

kelvingreen |

I think thats the only way I wouldnt buy if they changed away from the 1 inch squard and I dont see them doing that since the core book examples are full of one inch squares
The examples all use squares, yes, but the exact size is irrelevant. The game itself uses feet as its unit of measurement, and a half-inch square can represent that just as well as a one-inch square.
That said, I'd imagine that half an inch is the minimum size you'd be able to go to with counters, before they start becoming impractical.
Also, unless the intent is to replace miniatures, you'd want to retain compatibility, so keeping to the one inch scale is a good idea from that perspective.
I have just made some counters. The hardest part was creating the images, as I wanted to draw them myself, but even so I'd be happy to buy some official Pathfinder counters.

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? |

I occasionally make tokens myself, and creating a comprehensive downloadable set could make for a good community project. Although, it would be limited to images on the blog and in the Community Use package.
Since I just make mine for personal use, between the Paizo blog, PDF's (thanks to Paizo for not flattening their PDF images) and Google searches, I have as comprehensive an image library of monsters as I can imagine ever needing.
A quick run through Photoshop, TokenTool, or something similar and a quick print onto card stock and I've got the exact tokens needed for a given encounter.
And, if I want, I can mark directly on them and print new ones for the next session.
And, for anyone who prefers circular tokens, there are single-hole circle punches made mainly for scrapbooking that work well. I've seen them up to 3". You can find them for around 10 dollars or less.
I've occasionally made stand-up tokens as well, and actually have a PDF of 12 blank medium-size (1"base) standups you can download at https://sites.google.com/site/mgbeach/files/12BlankMinis.pdf. The Photoshop PSD file is available as well at https://sites.google.com/site/mgbeach/files/BlankMini.psd
Actually, just remembered that I've got a PDF of spell area-of-effect templates I made online as well at https://sites.google.com/site/pathfindertemplate/the-story/library/SpellAre aTemplates.pdf

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The examples all use squares, yes, but the exact size is irrelevant. The game itself uses feet as its unit of measurement, and a half-inch square can represent that just as well as a one-inch square.
Exactly right, Mr. Green. squares are squares, and the the size is largely unimportant, other than when I try to pick up tiny squares with my giant ogre-fingers. That being said, I would love it if some brave gaming company would start decreasing the SCALE of maps, so that we can have bigger battlefields.
Flip mats are nice, Map packs are nice, but my archers HATE those things.
what! another 8 square by 5 square fight? Great.
Where am I supposed to put two large trolls, a fighter, a mage, a cleric, and a rogue in a dad-blamed 8 square by 5 square room?
I have been playing with d20Pro lately, using maps that are on the order of 50-60 squares wide, I even have one that measures almost 500 feet by 750 feet. We opened the battle with orc sorcerers throwing fireballs at MAXIMUM range, and the zen archer answering fire at three range increments. AWESOME!
I think the current table-size 24" x 30" map format is a terrible handicap in interesting encounter design. That's one of the reasons I am infatuated with the virtual table top, you can zoom that sucker out and get some real distances going. Gaming Paper is cool for this, as well, at least in one of the dimensions.
Of course, the problem here becomes one of actual physical table size. Who out there has access to a table 12 feet long and 6 feet wide?
If we got away from the one-inch square rule, dropping to 3/4 or 1/2-inch, we could get a 50% or even 100% increase in playable battlefield. I know that I would be 2467% behind such a move.