Change Character Name

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange 2/5

It looks like your original post must've been eaten, but the way to change a character name (if it's your character) is under "my pathfinder society" in your account, click on "click here to make changes". On your player page, your characters should be listed under "my characters". Click edit to the right of the character whose name you want to change and change the name in the "character name" field.

If it's for someone elses' character on a mod you ran, I think you can still change if you go into edit mode on that session.

The Exchange 2/5

It says that once you've had 10 posts you can't change it. What if I have never played character X and rather than start a new one, I want to just change the name of the character to match what I am using?

The Exchange 2/5

Shieldknight wrote:
It says that once you've had 10 posts you can't change it. What if I have never played character X and rather than start a new one, I want to just change the name of the character to match what I am using?

I believe that's if you've actually posted on the message board as that character/alias. It's not referring to games you've played, etc. I just checked my 9th level cleric and I can edit her name.

The Exchange 2/5

Yeah, but I do have a character where I was posting with for about 11 or 12 posts. Unfortunately, that character now sits idle and unused.

The Exchange 2/5

Shieldknight wrote:
Yeah, but I do have a character where I was posting with for about 11 or 12 posts. Unfortunately, that character now sits idle and unused.

OOOOH. Comprehension dawns.


I bet that Vic or Mark could fix that for you, if you emailed them, though.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

We prefer not to change alias names after ten posts whether they're a PFS character or just a fun alias. In any case, it's a question for the tech team. I'll alert Ross to the issue and he can take care of it if possible, though I'll let him determine if this is a case to make an exception.

The Exchange 2/5

Nobody has to go through that kind of work. I'll just stop using it. I'm just a little freakish in my need to have a clutter free workspace.


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