Questions about prestige classes after monk

Homebrew and House Rules

Hello all,

My question today is: which prestige classes allow a monk to progress fully in their flurry of blows? (meaning: BAB, number of attacks, and damage)

Most of what I've seen (Pathfinder and D&D 3.5), the prestige class levels stack for unarmed damage (and/or AC and/or speed), seldom is the flurry progression mentioned.

For instance, a Monk level 8 gains the virtual feat Improved TWF (and BAB 8 for Flurry), and Greater TWF at level 15 (and BAB 15).
For instance, a Tattooed Monk has the "Monk Abilities" ability, which says "A tattooed monk’s class levels stack with their monk levels for determining their unarmed damage, AC bonus, and unarmored speed bonus."
Does that mean that a Monk 5/Tattooed Monk 10 never gains ITWF and GTWF and keeps a BAB of 12 (5+7) when flurrying?

So far, the only prestige class I've seen that includes this is the Shadow Sun Ninja (ToB/Bo9S).

As far as I know, the Psionic Fist PrC from Dreamscarred Press' Psionics Unleashed allows stacking of levels for flurry. It is also called 'Monk Abilities'.

Given RAW, I would say that the Tatooed Monk as you describe it does not improve FoB since, as you note, FoB increases attacks via virtual TWF, and it is advancement as a monk that grants those virtual feats.

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