Possible Swords & Wizardry PBP

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

Just wanted to gauge the interest in a Swords & Wizardry Play-by-post game. I'm in the process of adapting the Paizo module Crypt of the Everflame to the S&W rules, and if there's enough interest, would like to recruit some of you fine folk to take the system for a test spin. I'll be using the experience to gauge and adjust my conversion as well, and if everyone is having a good time I may even continue the group through the rest of the Price of Immortality trilogy (and possibly beyond!).

Assuming there is sufficient interest, here's some information:

Player Restrictions: Those who have played or read Crypt of the Everflame need not apply, sorry. I expect the players to be able to post at least once daily, but the more they are able, the merrier.

It's preferred if the players have access to the Swords & Wizardry Complete version of the rules, but not totally necessary. A PDF of the Core version of the rules is available for free HERE and you should be able to get by on them; any instance of conflict between the two will, obviously, be ruled in favor of S&W Complete. Anybody who isn't already familiar with S&W should look at the rules before replying; it's quite a departure from Pathfinder and I don't want to lose players from the shock of finding out exactly how different.

I want to keep the old-school feel that the rules invoke, so we'll be doing stats with 3d6 each in order, re-rolling 3's and 4's. Since characters will be pretty much totally random, I don't expect anybody to post concepts. Just bear in mind that all characters will be youngsters of about 16-18 years old, or their race's equivalent age.

Background on myself: I've got a few years GMing experience under my belt, mostly running various d20 based games. My experience with play-by-post is limited but has been positive; I have not yet played using the Swords & Wizardry system but I'm a pretty quick learner. I can and will post regularly; a desk job with significant down time will allow me to do so.

I'd be interested in trying it out. I've played a lot of original AD&D (before 2e), so it would be fun to go back and fulfill some of that nostalgia. I've only done one other PbP (a current 4e game that I really love).

I've never played with the SaW rules, but have downloaded them and read through them... and I've never seen the module/series mentioned.

Shadow Lodge

I created a character for a S&W game that she never got to play in (the GM disappeared, and I took it over). Would Maeve Steel be acceptable? I'd need to revise her a bit, as she was created with the Core Rules as opposed to the Complete Rulebook.

I've never heard of this game or played it, but i'm intrested and, since theres not much, i'm ready to learn.

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