Techpriest Vesper |
Heya, only recently joined but have lurked for a while. I have been working on some cenversion notes for Iron Kingdom in Pathfinder but the Gun Mage is giving me some problems.
Even in 3.5 it was a weak class played mostly for the "cool" factor more then anything else. I want to bump them up a bit with an extra Good Save, increase Skill points per level to 4, and increase their bonus feats to a bit more commonly.
So my basic idea so far is BAB +3/4 level, Good Ref and Will Saves, 4 Skill Points per Level.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: with all Simple Weapons, and all Pistols. Proficient with light armor but no shields. Can cast spells while wearing light armor without the Arcane Spell Failure.
At first level 'Bond with Magelock Pistol' being a combination of a Wizard's Item Bond and Familair (see Special Abilities in the IKPG pg 109, but added some of the Wizard's Item Bond advantages) and Arcane Focus (IKPG pg 107).
At 2nd level Reinforce Rune Bullet (need to bump this power on this a bit)
At 3rd level Cast Rune Bullet (again need to bump this ability)
At 4th level and every 4 levels after that they gain a bonus Feat including any Metamagic Feat and list of some more.
Now then I need to flesh this out with something. I am pretty much drawing a blank on what or how I should flesh them out somehow.
Any thoughts? What would make a Pistol using Sorcerer like character better and at least worth playing combared to other character classes from Pathfinder.

JadedDemiGod |

Well you could always try to give them gun "tricks" allowing them special abilities, kinda like the rogues special abilities. Or you could allow them to "enhance" the attacks of their gun (kinda like the arcane archer). Knowing some of the fluff might help people in trying to come up with ideas, but hopefully that helps a little.
From what i've read though they already seem to have a fair amount and if you give them the average attack progression, i think you can almost call it good. Keep in mind for balance, the gun sorc needs a rather limited spell set.