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From Chopswil over in the Core Rulebook errata thread:
Quicken Spell-Like Ability has pre-req of "Spell-like ability at CL 10th or higher." but to quicken a 0-level spell the table says CL 8th.
Seems to contradict itself.Same deal with Empower Spell-Like Ability, pre-req of 6th, 0 level spell 4th.

Astral Wanderer |

From Chopswil over in the Core Rulebook errata thread:
chopswil wrote:Quicken Spell-Like Ability has pre-req of "Spell-like ability at CL 10th or higher." but to quicken a 0-level spell the table says CL 8th.
Seems to contradict itself.Same deal with Empower Spell-Like Ability, pre-req of 6th, 0 level spell 4th.
The Prerequisite entry is the wrong one (in bothe Empower and Quicken), since it lists the minimum CL for 1st level spell-like abilities rather than the minimum CL for 0 level ones.
But more than listing the minimum CL for 0 level, it'd be best to list the prerequisite as "Spell-like ability at appropriate or higher CL (see table below)."
Astral Wanderer |

Spider, Giant Black Widow p. 256, skill point issue
not sure how Climb can be +20 like SB says
skill points = 0 vermin
Climb +12 = +0 ranks, +4 Str, +8 extra mods
Perception +4 = +0 ranks, +0 Wis, +4 extra mods
The listed +8 racial to Climb seem to be in addition to the normal +8 granted by having a climb speed (for a total of +16 racial, that added to the +4 Str gives +20, as in the stat block).
Of course, it'd be better if it is specified clearly.There's also an issue with Stealth. It is not listed but should (virtually, since I understand the space is limited).
Stealth +2* (+6 in webs)
* (+2 Dex, +4 racial, -4 size)
Spider, Giant Tarantula p. 256, many skill point issues
not sure how Climb can be +28 like SB says
skill points = 0 vermin
Climb +20 = +0 ranks, +12 Str, +8 extra mods
Perception +4 = +0 ranks, +0 Wis, +4 extra mods
Stealth -7 = +0 ranks, +1 Dex, -8 extra modsRacial Modifiers need commas between them "+8 Climb+4 Perception+4 Stealth (+8 in webs)"
If racial mod for Stealth in webs is +8 and Stealth is normally -7 how can Stealth in web be -3?
For Climb: same as above.
For Stealth: the "situational" racial modifier is not added to the base racial modifier, but overlaps it, so in the end the Tarantula only gets an additional +4 when in webs. -7 +4 = -3.

Astral Wanderer |

About the prerequisite multiattack feat, "three or more natural attacks"... does it mean three different types or three at all? I mean, a monster with one bite and two hooves, counts as having three attacks or two, for what Multiattack requires?
Depending on the case, this thing could make the assignment of Multiattack to certain creatures an error.

Astral Wanderer |

Titan, Elysian, page 266
The Maul of the Titans attack is listed as having a 17-20 critical range. Where is it from?
The Maul of the Titans listed among the wondrous items of the Core Rulebook says it uses a greatclub as a base, which has a critical range of only 20; the description of the maul itself says nothing about it having a larger range. Plus, the Titan has no feat or special ability that extends that range.

Distant Scholar |

Distant Scholar wrote:Totenmaske: Maybe it's just me, but I can't find the devour memories ability anywhere. Does it exist?I bring this up again because it's worth noting.
There was a discussion about this; I believe it was renamed "Charisma Drain" in the main text, but not in the stat block.

Astral Wanderer |

Undine, page 275
Other than already reported issues...
1) Saving throws: Ref is listed as +3, but should be +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex).
2) Skipping the fact that the Undine has the Weapon Focus (heavy mace) feat, and yet uses a trident...
Weapon Focus requires +1 BAB, which that Undine doesn't have, so the feat should be changed.

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Thrasfyr, page 263
Is the damage for the Powerful Charge gore attack correct? I mean, beside the fact that the Thrasfyr's normal gore deals d6 and the Powerful Charge one is d8, is there some unusual math behind the +24 damage or is it arbitrary (and thus, correct or not, as listed)?
Oh wow, you've opened up a can here. I went through the first Bestiary and looked at each creature that powerfully charges in that book. A definite pattern was discovered: all creatures deal double damage dice and 2x Strength damage*.
Bestiary 2 and 3 throw this pattern out the window and seem to assign the most arbitrary values. Some just deal a little extra bonus damage, some add more damage dice, some just seem to copy/paste the (4d8+24) from the example text in this ability's entry in the UMR at the back of the book. I'm not sure what happened during the design phase, but I'm thinking of converting all of these creatures to the standard the "core" bestiary implies.
*The exception being the minotaur and half-fiend minotaur, which "mistakenly" deal 1.5x since their gore is treated as a secondary attack with their manufactured weapons, which is a moot point since they don't have the pounce special ability and would only be able to use their powerful charge natural weapon only.

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Megafauna, Arsinoitherium - pg. 186
Several pieces of evidence point to the gore damage being incorrect for this guy:
1) Even though animal companions work differently than standard creatures, the fact that even the Large, animal companion version of this guy only deals 2d8 while this guy seems to do double that no problem is odd.
2) The powerful charge ability for this guy is still 4d8 (the same as normal), even though almost all creatures with this ability deal double damage dice than normal when using it. (and while we're on the subject, if going by how monsters in the first bestiary calculated their powerful charge damage, this guy would deal 4d8+18 with this ability, not +24)
3) This guy's trample is only 2d8, and without a slam attack trample would have to be based off this guy's only attack, his gore.
Basically it looks like this creature's gore damage should be (2d8+13).

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Megafauna, Megaloceros - pg. 187
Doesn't mention which attack actually deals the powerful charge damage. It's obviously the gore attack, but it should say.
Also if this guy followed the formula for damage that the creatures from the first Bestiary followed, his powerful charge damage would be (4d6+10).

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Herd Animal, Ram - Pg. 154
Not technically an error since we don't have an exact formula to go by, but for this creature's powerful charge ability, if you were to calculate the damage the same way every creature in the first Bestiary calculates its powerful charge damage, instead of (1d8+3) it'd be (2d4+4)
Edit: Same for its Animal Companion stats

Astral Wanderer |

Vemerak, page 278
About the Spore Cloud ability, since it activates as the Vemerak moves, it is unclear wether the affected area is the one centered on the space where the Vemerak starts its movement (as I would suppose), the one where it ends its move, or every space that would be touched by its aura during the entire movement.

Astral Wanderer |

Witchfire, page 284
Other than already reported issues...
1) The Witchfire Covens description says that the spell-like abilities' DCs are based on a Charisma score of 16, but among them are Waves of Exhaustion and Fire Storm, which, respectively, are level 7 and 8; shouln't the minimum Charisma score to use them both be 18?
And perhaps the CL should be raised to 15 or 16 too?
2) Since the Witchflame can be removed by Break Enchantment and Remove Curse, I think it should be labeled as a curse effect. Just in case a target is immune to curses.

Astral Wanderer |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Worm That Walks, page 286
Other than already reported issues...
1) Minor typo: in the Creating a Worm That Walks section, under the Type entry, "discorporate" has been spelled "discorperate".
2) A bit of trouble with the Engulf thing.
First, shouldn't the "Engulf Damage" table change name? Engulf is a specific kind of attack (an universal monster rule) that the Worm That Walks doesn't have in any form (normal or discorporated). This may be a little confusing. Perhaps it should be called "Swarm Damage".
Second, in that table each entry says "+ 1.5 Str bonus". Then, when the Worm That Walks is discorporated, what does it mean for its swarm damage? I mean, does it add Str anyway (and thus, since the discorporated Worm's Str score drops to 1, it would get a "fixed" -5 to swarm damage), or does it add Str only if it's positive (as the word "bonus" may hint)?
3) Discorporate special ability: it is not specified which size the worms of the swarm are (Fine size, I suppose).
Also, it states that, by discorporating, a Worm That Walks loses all its defensive abilities, but souldn't it lose all except those granted by the Worm That Walks template (except DR, which would become immunity to weapons)? Because, for example, the shift between the two forms would cause issues about being staggered/dying or not, if the "Worm That Walks Traits" are lost.

Astral Wanderer |

Worm That Walks, page 286
Maybe it should be mentioned that the template can be added to any corporeal and living evil spellcasting creature.
Or else, unleash the dread of Ghost Worms That Walk.
Xtabay, page 289
Flat-footed AC is listed as 10, but should be 11 (+1 size).
Zombie, Juju, page 291
Is a Juju Zombie supposed to keep its human traits (bonus feat, bonus skill points, favored class bonuses)? I can't see anything that says it loses them, but the stat block doesn't seem to use them.
It should, as per other templated human charcters; for the issues below, I assumed that it does. (Besides, through reverse-math of the sample stat block, either the Human's bonus skill points or the favored class bonus skill points may seem to have been used in assigning skill ranks.)
1) Excluding the two bonus feats granted by the template, the Human Juju Zombie should have 3 feats (one for 1st level, one for being Human, and one from the rogue talents). But it only has two.
2) The Type entry in the template description should mention "It gains the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skill ranks."
(In the stat block it does have the augmented subtype.)
3) The Armor Class entry in the template description says a Juju Zombie gains a +3 natural armor bonus "over" the base creature's natural armor bonus. An unusual wording; is that "over" meant to be "in addition to" or "in place of"?
This can't be discerned from the sample stat block, since Humans have no natural armor bonus at all to increase or replace.
Though, I suppose it is meant to add up.
4) CMD is listed as 19, but should be 20 (10, +1 BAB, +4 Str, +4 Dex, +1 dodge).
5) The sample Juju Zombie doesn't have any favored class bonus.
6) Total skill points (favored class excluded) are (8 base, -1 Int, +1 Human) x 2 HD = 16.
Doing the math with listed skill bonuses...
Acrobatics +8 (1 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
Climb +16 (1 rank, +4 Str, +3 class, +8 racial)
Disable Device +8 (1 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
Intimidate +5 (2 ranks, +3 class)
Perception +6 (2 ranks, +1 Wis, +3 class)
Sleight of Hand +9 (2 ranks, +4 Dex, +3 class)
Stealth +8 (1 rank, +4 Dex, +3 class)
Survival +3 (2 ranks, +1 Wis)
Swim +8 (1 ranks, +4 Str, +3 class)
Use Magic Device +5 (2 ranks, +3 class)
Adding ranks up, it makes a total of 15; there's 1 unused skill point.

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Witchfire, page 284
Other than already reported issues...
1) The Witchfire Covens description says that the spell-like abilities' DCs are based on a Charisma score of 16, but among them are Waves of Exhaustion and Fire Storm, which, respectively, are level 7 and 8; shouln't the minimum Charisma score to use them both be 18?
And perhaps the CL should be raised to 15 or 16 too?
Based on the description of Covens (found on the Green Hag's page in the first bestiary), it should absolutely have a a higher Charisma score, since it says the coven operates off of Cha 16 or the hag with the highest Cha, whichever is higher. The witchfire itself has Cha 25. The CL though still remains an issue.

Doresh |

There seems to be something off about the Wood Giant (p. 132) - besides the longbow and skill ranks: Its ranged attack bonuses for the longbow seems too low. Let's see:
+6 (BAB) +5 (DEX) -1 (Size) +1 (Masterwork) = +11
So the Wood Giant should have a slightly higher ranged attack bonus:
Ranged mwk composite longbow +11/+11/+6 (2d6+5/×3)

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There seems to be something off about the Wood Giant (p. 132) - besides the longbow and skill ranks: Its ranged attack bonuses for the longbow seems too low. Let's see:
+6 (BAB) +5 (DEX) -1 (Size) +1 (Masterwork) = +11
So the Wood Giant should have a slightly higher ranged attack bonus:
Ranged mwk composite longbow +11/+11/+6 (2d6+5/×3)
Actually it's correct as written. Notice how +9 is listed twice? That's because it's using its Rapid Shot feat, which incurs a -2 penalty on all ranged attacks.

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Nightshades, pages 200-203
Other than already reported issues...
Thanks to their Desecrating Aura, all Nightshades get a +2 bonus on attack rolls. Since such a bonus applies to CMB too, all the CMB entries should be 2 points higher.
I mentioned this on the B3 errata thread about the grave knight, but I think that that bonus would only apply for CMB rolls made in conjunction with a weapon attack (like a trip weapon making a trip maneuver).

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While I haven't checked it in detail yet, let me just thank the folks at Paizo for the newest Bestiary 2 errata document. The thing is intimidatingly huge, which gives me hope (and curious glee) that it incorporated many of the things we've pointed out in this thread. Congratulations to everyone who had a hand in it, both paizo employee and paizo fans.

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Pg. 10 - Aeon, Bythos
The errata (and presumably the 2nd printing) had the fly skill changed from "+8" to "+6", but let's take a look:
18 HD * (6 + 7[Int]) = 234 ranks
Bluff +26 = 5(Cha) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Fly (Let's skip this one for now)
Heal +30 = 9(Wis) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Intimidate +26 = 5(Cha) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Knowledge (arcana) +33 = 7(Int) + 9(ext. of all) + 17 ranks
Knowledge (nature) +33 = 7(Int) + 9(ext. of all) + 17 ranks
Knowledge (religion) +33 = 7(Int) + 9(ext. of all) + 17 ranks
Knowledge (history) +36 = 7(Int) + 9(ext. of all) + 3(class) + 17 ranks
Knowledge (planes) +36 = 7(Int) + 9(ext. of all) + 3(class) + 17 ranks
Perception +30 = 9(Wis) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Sense Motive +30 = 9(Wis) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Spellcraft +28 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Stealth +21 = 4(Dex) - 4(size) + 3(class) + 18 ranks
Use Magic Device +23 = 5(Cha) + 18 ranks
So ignoring Fly for the meantime, we've used 229 of our 234 ranks, with 5 leftover. Naturally we could assume that those 5 would go into Fly, resulting in:
5(ranks) + 4(Dex) + 4(maneuverability) - 2(size) + 3(class) = +14
The errata, however, says it should be +6:
Fly +6 = 4(Dex) + 4(maneuverability) - 2(size) + 0 ranks
It clearly meant for Fly to not have any ranks at all. So what happened to those extra 5 ranks? Let's take a look at the extension of all ability. It grants aeons half their HD as a bonus to Knowledge checks. Notice how all the Knowledge skills are an oddball 17 ranks instead of 18? Notice how there's exactly 5 Knowledge skills with ranks put into them? It seems like extension of all was incorrectly calculated using half this creature's CR (16) instead of its HD (18) which would result in a +8 bonus instead of +9 bonus, resulting in these skills mistakenly being calculated with 18 ranks.
TL;DR version: Either Fly should be +14, or it should be +6 like the errata says and all 5 Knowledge skills should receive an extra rank since extension of all was calculated by halving the CR instead of the creature's HD like its supposed to.

Drakir2010 |

The new errata has confused me. On page 3, it says "Page 73—In the Daemon, Purrodaemon stat block, [snipped]. In the Melee entry, change “+2 wounding halberd +32/+27/+22/+17 2d8+18/19–20/×3” to “+2 wounding halberd 2d8+18/19–20/×3”."
Why? Sure enough, the PRD and latest PDF both list an attack with this weapon but with the to-hit bonusses removed. As near as I can tell, they were correct before. What happened?

Drakir2010 |

On page 3 of the errata document:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Allosaurus stat block, [snip]. In the Skills entry, change the Perception bonus from “+28” to “+30”."
A) This makes the perception under the Skills entry different from the perception under the Senses entry.
B) "+28" appears to me to be correct.
11 ranks + 2 WisMod +2 Alertness +2 Alertness (10 or more skill ranks) +8 racial modifier +3 class skill. Am I missing something?

Drakir2010 |

Page 3 of errata:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Compsognathus stat block, in the Skills entry, change the Swim bonus from “+7” to “+10”."
+7 was correct. This change appears to go with the observed-but-never-codified (to my knowledge) rule of Tiny creatures using their DexMod for some movement based skills instead of Strength.
8 has swim speed -1 StrMod = +7
8 has swim speed +2 DexMod = +10

Drakir2010 |

Page 4 of errata:
"Page 100—In the Young Magma Dragon stat block, [snip]. In the ability scores line, change the Str score from “27” to “21”. [snip]"
The snipped data that follows adjusts CMB and CMD for the new lower Strength score, but there's no correction to the creature's offensive statistics. They all remain intact as if the Strength is 27.

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Page 3 of errata:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Compsognathus stat block, in the Skills entry, change the Swim bonus from “+7” to “+10”."+7 was correct. This change appears to go with the observed-but-never-codified (to my knowledge) rule of Tiny creatures using their DexMod for some movement based skills instead of Strength.
8 has swim speed -1 StrMod = +7
8 has swim speed +2 DexMod = +10
Errata was simply fixing it since it originally was linked to Strength and not Dex.

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The following list is a compilation of all errors reported in this thread that the errata didn't include. These are, to the best of the board users' knowledge, erroneous bits of information. Those bits that are preceded by a double asterisk (**) are issues that either the errata tried to fix but didn't fully, or issues that have arrisen because of the errata. Anyone who feels any of these are not in fact errors, please speak up. Lastly, because of the mathmatical nature of many of these errors, calculations have been (mostly) not included in order to present these as cleanly as possible.
Pg. 10 - Bythos aeon, spell-like abilities, plane shift should be DC 22 instead of DC 20. It WOULD be 20 if it were treated as a cleric casting the spell, but sorcerer/wizard comes first, making this 22. You'll see this happen a lot as plane shift gets miscalculated the most throughout this book.
**2) Skills, see my previous post above about the Bythos. The short version is that either Fly should be "+14", or it should be "+6" like the errata says and all 5 Knowledge skills should receive an extra rank since it seems the extension of all ability was calculated by halving the CR instead of the HD like its supposed to.
Pg. 12 - Pleroma aeon, Fly skill should be reduced from "+16" to "+14". It has 0 ranks put into it, as all 336 ranks are cleanly put into the other skills:
0(ranks) + 8(maneuverability) + 8(Dex) - 2(size) = +14
Pg. 14 - Theletos aeon, Spell-Like Abilities, 3/day subentry, change the DC of bestow curse from "14" to "15".
Pg. 18 - Draconal agathion, change the DC of hold monster from "20" to "21". (10 + 6[Cha] + 5[spell level] = 21)
2) Agathions also can lay on hands as a paladin of the same level as their HD. This WOULD mean that it should be treated as a 24th-level paladin instead of the 20th-level paladin as listed (increasing to 12d6 at 18/day). This may not be an error, however, as the Pathfinder rules don't have epic level rules as of now, and there simply is no such thing as a 24th-level paladin, so it caps at 20th-level.
Pg. 21 - Silvanshee agathion, Skills, Fly should be changed from "+6" to "+10". All other skill points have been used in other skills, leaving us with 4(maneuverability) + 4(size) + 2(Dex) = +10
2) Special Qualties, change lay on hands' uses from "1/day" to "2/day" (1[half level] + 1[Cha])
**3) Lastly, the errata clarified what spellcasters can take this creature as an Improved Familiar, but it simply said "good spellcasters" when every other Improved Familiar specifically mentions an exact alignment, such as neutral good in this case.
Pg. 23 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) The void death disease has a Fort save DC of 12, which at first glance seems like it should be changed to 14 (10 + 1[half HD] + 3[Con]). Based on the description, however, it sounds like this disease isn't transmitted via the actual bite itself, but rather by the tiny larval young living in its mouth (by another creature, in other words). This may mean the DC 12 is not erroneous, but it could also be flavor text and this should still be changed to DC 14.
Pg. 24 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) It seems as though the amoeba swarm should have the aquatic subtype, like its giant cousin.
Pg. 27 - Monadic deva angel, Spell-Like Abilities, At Will subentry, plane shift should have its DC changed from "19" to "21" since when figuring out save DCs for spell-like abilities that are on multiple class' spell lists, sorcerer/wizard comes before cleric
**2) Skills, the errata increased the Swim skill from +19 to +27, presumably because all creautures with the aquatic subtype have a swim speed, and thus a +8 bonus. Unfortunately the errata did not add a swim speed to this creature. Furthermore, the aquatic subtype also makes Swim a class skill, which would raise the Swim skill even further to "+30".
**Pg. 28 - Movanic deva angel, Skills, the errata says to change Perception from "+20" to "+26" and Sense Motive from "+16" to "+22", when that appears to be too high an increase (albeit an increase was needed). Based on the other skills, a full 12 ranks were put into each skill, meaning:
* Perception: 12(ranks) + 3(Wis) + 4(race) + 3(class) = +22
* Sense Motive: 12(ranks) + 3(Wis) + 3(class) = +18
The random extra +4 to both seems to indicate this guy was calculated as if having the Alertness feat or something, which he doesn't appear to have.
2) Spell-like abilities, At will subentry, the DC for plane shift should be changed from "19" to "21".
Pg. 32 - Star archon, Melee, the attack bonuses for the +5 holy starknife should all be increased by 1:
19(BAB) + 7(Str) + 5(magic weapon) - 1(size) = +30/+25/+20/+15
Pg. 33 - Athach, Melee, the heavy mace can be used two-handed if not using any slams, changing the damage to "(3d6+16)"
**2) Ranged, the errata correctly upped this creature's attack with thrown rocks by +1. Unfortunately it left in its iterative attacks with thrown rocks, which would only be possible if this creature had the Quick Draw feat. It should just be "rock +10". Lastly, based on the rules of rock throwing, the damage should be twice the creature's slam damage, plus 1-1/2 times the Str bonus, becoming (2d8+16). If this last part's not an error, maybe the text in the UMR for rock throwing should be changed.
3) Treasure lists a heavy shield, which this creature doesn't seem to be using (but would explain why he's only using his heavy mace one-handed).
**Pg. 36 - Axiomite, Melee, errata says to change the longsword damage from +6 to +7. Not really certain what this is referring to, since the melee line says:
"Melee +1 longsword +16/+11 (1d8+8/19-20)"
2) Spell-like Abilities, 3/day subentry, empowered order's wrath is impossible for this creature since it's only CL 9th, and this would require it be CL 12th. The feat granting this ability would need to be changed, as well.
Pg. 37 - Brijidine Azata, has both resistance to cold and vulnerability to cold
2) Spell-Like Abilities, 5/day subentry, Wall of stone's DC should be changed to "DC 21" (10 + 5[level] + 6[Cha]), 3/day subentry, fire storm's DC should be changed to "DC 24" (10 + 8[level] + 6[Cha]).
**Pg. 42 - Skaveling, Skills, the errata changed this creature's flight maneuverability from average to good, which means its Fly skill needs to change from "+13" to "+17".
Pg. 46 - Blindheim, Skills, though it has no ranks in it, "Climb +9" may want to be listed simply because of its +8 bonus from having a Climb speed, which usually warrants mentioning a skill with no ranks in a stat block.
Pg. 47 - Blink dog, Skills, has a +4 bonus to Survival when tracking by scent, but the source of this bonus is unknown. Possibly an unlisted racial modifier.
Pg. 63 - Astradaemon, Spell-like Abilities, 1/day subentry, energy drain should be changed from "DC 24" to "DC 26" (10 + 9[level] + 7[Cha])
**Pg. 66 - Derghodaemon, Skills, errata said to add a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks, which is fine, but the bonus to Perception is still too high:
14 ranks + 3(Wis) + 4(race) + 3(class) =/= +28 (4 points shy still)
Pg. 67 - Hydrodaemon, CMB, change "(+9 grapple)" to "(+19 grapple)".
**Pg. 70 - Olethrodaemon, errata added "(58 vs. trip) to the end of the CMD entry, but really the base CMD should be increased by 4, presumably because the bonus from unholy aura hasn't been added in:
10 + 20(BAB) + 12(Str) + 8(Dex) + 4(size) + 4(unholy aura) = 58
Thus, the whole CMD entry should read "CMD 58 (62 vs. trip)".
**Pg. 73 - Purrodaemon, Melee, the errata is all over the place when trying to describe how to fix this. What it should say is:
"change '+2 wounding halberd +32/+27/+22/+17 (2d8+18)' to '+2 wounding halberd +32/+27/+22/+17 (2d8+18/19-20/x3)'"
Pg. 80 - Shemhazian demon, Skills, Fly should be changed from "+2" to "+9". It left out the +7 bonus from adding 1/2 the caster level from the constant fly spell-like ability. It's likely the official ruling will be to delete fly from the list of spell-like abilities, turning its flight supernatural in nature instead, leaving the "Fly +2" currently in the stat block correct.
Pg. 82 - Denizen of Leng, Spell-Like Abilities, 1/day subentry, the DC for plane shift should be changed from "+20" to "+22".
Pg. 83 - Destrachan, Skills, Perception should be changed from "+27" to "+19 (+27 hearing)".
Pg. 85 - Belier devil, Spell-like abilities, 1/day subentry, the DC for plane shift should be changed from "22" to "24".
**Pg. 90 - Allosaurus, Skills, errata says to boost Perception from "+28" to "+30", but it's unclear why, since the math doesn't seem to add up:
Perception +28 = 2(Dex) + 8(race) + 4(Alertness) + 3(class) + 11 ranks
It seems odd, also, that Sense Motive doesn't get a mention from the Alertness feat...Come to think of it, maybe Alertness was meant to be Skill Focus (Perception). It would explain the errata making this thing +30, Sense Motive not being mentioned, and maintain that animals sensing motives is odd.
Pg. 96 - Adult cloud dragon, defense block, because adult dragons have a natural armor bonus equal to 15 + base (5,in this case), its AC should be changed from "29" to "27", its flat-footed AC changed from "+29" to "+27", and its natural armor bonus changed from "+22" to "+20".
Pg. 98 - (basic) crystal dragon stat block, razor sharp ability, may not be an error, but it's suspicious that this is a Spell-like ability and not an extraordinary ability. It seems clear that the creature's crystalline formations that make up its body grant it this ability, and down right strange to picture it losing this ability in an antimagic field
2) Tremorsense description, the main issue originally with this ability was that it said it gained this ability when it reached juvenile age, when the table beneath it and the adjacent stat block for the young crystal dragon both say the dragon gains this ability at young age. The errata, rather than fixing this, simply reworded exactly what it already said, that it gains this ability at juvenile and then improves at adult and old. Based on the fact that the errata doesn't remove this ability for the young crystal dragon, this was likely an error on the errata's part.
Pg. 98 - Adult crystal dragon, Spell-Like Abilities, change "concentration +18" to "concentration +19" (13[CL] + 6[Cha])
2) Spells Known, 1st level spells, "(4/day)" should be changed to "(5/day)". A Charisma of 22 gets you 2 extra first-level spells instead of 1.
**Pg. 100 - Young magma dragon, Melee, errata said to lower Strength but didn't say all that gets changed with that. Melee should be changed to:
"Melee bite +14 (1d8+7 plus 3 fire), 2 claws +14 (1d6+5), 2 wings +9 (1d4+2)"
Pg. 103 - Ancient umbral dragon, immunities, should have "cold" listed under its immunities, like its younger versions.
Pg. 118 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Small magma elemental, Melee damage is 1d3 when all other small elementals use a d4. When this thing hits Medium size, it jumps to a d6. It's possible "1d3" is an error and should be "1d4".
Pg. 127 - Fungal Crawler, skills, they have a racial modifier of +14 on Acrobatics checks made to jump, but in their skills entry, it says "Acrobatics +10 (+14 jumping)". Either the racial modifier should actually be +8 (because they have a base speed of 20 ft., incuring a -4 penalty to such checks), or skill line should say "Acrobatics +10 (+20 jumping)".
**Pg. 128 - Gar, AC entry, errata says to lower touch AC from "13" to "12", but touch AC is listed as "11", so it should be raised to "12". The "13" likely resulted from the errata author mistakenly looking at the AC value instead of touch AC.
Pg. 129 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Marsh giant, ranged, the UMR states that thrown rocks deal damage equal to twice the creature's slam damage plus 1.5 times their Strength modifier. If this is the case, then like the Athach before it "(2d6+9)" should be changed to "(2d6+12)".
Pg. 131 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Taiga giant, ranged, see marsh giant above, except adjusted thrown rock damage would be "(2d8+15)" instead.
Pg. 132 - Wood giant, ranged, change "mwk longbow" to "mwk composite longbow".
**Pg. 133 - Gloomwing, the errata says to raise Perception from "+8" to "+9". Don't forget to make the same change above in the creature's Senses entry.
Pg. 148 - Grindylow, CMD, nevermind the flavor text mentions this thing looks like an octopus below the waist (infering 8 tentacles), this creature's picture and tangling tentacles ability both describe it as having 6 tentacles. Its CMD of 12 says its 18 vs. trip, implying it has 5 tentacles total. This should probably say "CMD 12 (20 vs. trip)".
Pg. 151 - Gug, Skills, technically not an error, but it doesn't make sense that this aberration wouldn't choose its one and only Knowledge skill it has ranks in as its free-aberration-Knowledge-class skill. Knowledge (dungeoneering) would go from "+10" to "+13".
Pg. 153 - Hellcat, Melee, claws have an improved critical range of 19-20, but no Improved Critical feat or any similar ability allowing it.
Pg. 154 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Ram, Special Attacks, all creature from Bestiary 1 with the powerful charge ability calculate damage the same way (with the exception of the minotaur and by extension the half-fiend minotaur): double damage dice + (Str mod x2). If this formula were to be applied to this creature, "1d8+3" would change to "2d4+4". This change would/should then be reflected in the animal companion statistics, as well.
**Pg. 157 - Hippopotamus, hp entry, errata says to change the hp from "66 (7d8+35)" to "59 (7d8+28)" when that still appears to be too high. With only a Con score of 16, the total added to 7d8 would be "+21" (3 x 7) resulting in a total hp of 52. The extra +7 to hp either came from this creature being treated as having a higher Con score or mistakenly factoring in a nonexistant Toughness feat.
**Pg. 160 - Ifrit, Sorcerer Spells Known, 1st-level spells subentry, the errata says to change "burning hands" to "burning hands (DC 15)", but the only 1st-level spells listed in the Sorcerer Spells Known section are mage armor and magic missile. The only mention of burning hands is in the Ifrit Spell-Like Abilities section above, and it has the correct DC of 14 listed (it isn't elligible for the bonus from Fire Affinity).
2) The elemental ray spell-like ability located under the newly-renamed Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities should probably have its uses increased from "6/day" to "7/day", since it is a bloodline power which would definitely be considered a class ability, meaning fire affinity would affect it (3 + 4[Cha]).
Pg. 163 - Kolyarut inevitable, Spell-Like Abilities entry, 3/day subentry lists a quickened suggestion spell-like ability. Unfortunately at CL 12 this creature doesn't qualify, and would need to be CL 14 to be able to apply this feat to this spell-like ability. The feat granting this ability needs to be changed, as well.
**Pg. 164 - Lhaksharut inevitable, CMD, errata says to change "45" to "50", presumably because it neglected to add the +5 insight bonus it receives to AC from its perfect prediction ability. It should actually be raised to "54", as it receives an additional +4 from the deflection bonus to AC it enjoys from its constant shield of law spell-like ability
2) Spell-Like Abilities section, 3/day subentry, plane shift's DC should be changed from "20" to "22".
Pg. 166 - Marut inevitable, Spell-Like Abilities section, 1/week subentry, plane shift's DC should be changed from "22" to "24".
**Pg. 167 - Zelekhut inevitable, Spell-Like Abilities section, 1/week subentry, the errata mistakenly refers to this subentry as "1/day" instead of "1/week" and lists lesser geas's original, incorrect DC as "18" instead of "16". Either way it should be changed to "17" as the errata instructs.
**Pg. 168 - Jabberwock, melee entry, the errata fixed the bite attack's issue with the Str bonus to damage and the crit range, but the crit multiplier for the bite attack is still unusually high at x3 with no immediate explanation as to how it's possible.
Pg. 170 - Jellyfish, Special Abilities, Poison, Fort save DC should be changed from "17" to "20" (10 + 4[half HD] + 6[Con] = 20).
**Pg. 171 - Jyoti, Treasure entry, the errata fixed the melee entry for this creature to reflect that its Positive Energy ability lets it treat its weapons as if they were ghost touch weapons. What's strange is the errata also makes this change in its treasure entry, insinuating that this creature is carrying around ghost touch weapons when its positive energy ability confers this automatically.
Pg. 173 - Korred, Ranged, rock throwing rules state that the damage adds 1.5 times the Str mod, meaning "1d6+4" would change to "1d6+6".
Pg. 175 - Lamia Matriarch, wisdom drain ability, the fourth sentence, the one saying a lamia matriarch does not heal damage when she uses Wisdom drain unlike other kinds of ability drain, can be deleted. The ability drain ability says nothing about allowing those that can do it to heal damage, only specific creatures get this added benefit.
Pg. 180 - Lurker in the Light, Spell-Like Abilities section, 3/day subentry, blindness/deafness DC should be changed from "16" to "15".
Pg. 181 - Werebear (human form), special qualities should include "wild empathy +3".
Pg. 181 - Werebear (hybrid form), where to begin? Let me start by saying it seems the Bestiary 2 errata has made a decision about the lycanthropy size issue (there was some debate about what exactly happens to the equipment on a creature that transforms into a larger hybrid form. Logic suggested that armor gets destroyed under the stress and that weapons take a penalty to use due to being suddenly inappropriately sized). It seems the errata has declared these things grow somehow magically with the rest of the creature. The errata changed the battleaxe damage to reflect this, presumably, but it didn't increase the throwing axe's damage dice. The throwing axe should have gotten the same treatment, increasing its damage dice from "1d6" to "1d8".
2) The bite's damage dice was increased from "1d6" to "1d8" in the errata, which seems odd. The lycanthropy rules state that the hybrid form gains natural attacks as those of the base animal, and a grizzly bear has a bite attack that deals 1d6.
**3) The errata correctly instructed to raise the Str and Con scores of the hybrid form, albeit not enough. The values it mentioned were those of the grizzly bear, but the rules of lycanthropy in Bestiary 1 say to take these values (or the humanoid's values, whichever is higher) and then raise each by +2. This means that instead of raising Str to "21" and Con to "19" like the errata says, they should actually be raised to "23" and "21" respectively. This results in a few changes:
* hp would increase to "50 (4d10+24)"
* Fort would be "+9". [The errata actually forgets to mention the Fort increase, even for the new Con score it reported]
* Melee attack scores for battleaxe, bite, and claw would be changed to "+11", "+4", and "+4", respectively. Str bonus to damage for these same attacks would be increased to "+6", "+3", "+3", respectively.
* Ranged throwing axe's Str bonus to damage would be "+6".
* CMB would be "+11 (+15 grapple)"; CMD would be "23".
* Skills Climb and Swim would be "+11"
4) Ranged throwing axe attack should be reduced from "+7" to "+6" for the size increase.
5) Special Qualities should include "wild empathy +3".
Pg. 182 - Wereboar (hybrid form), AC entry, the lycanthropy rules in Bestiary 1 say that the hybrid form gains a natural armor bonus like that of the base animal + 2. A boar has a natural armor bonus of +4, adding 2 the hybrid form would have a natural armor bonus of +6. The end result for the AC line would be this:
"AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +6 natural, -2 rage)"
2) Hp should be changed from "30 (2d12+17)" to "35 (2d12+17)".
3) Not technically an error, but it's worth mentioning that the animal fury rage power selected for this wereboar barbarian has no use when in hybrid form.
4) The hybrid form has a bite attack, which was apparently added since the base animal doesn't have a bite attack, only a gore. Without a bite attack though, as written, this creature wouldn't have any way of delivering its curse of lycanthropy. Perhaps the lycanthropy rules in Bestiary 1 should state that if the base animal doesn't have a bite attack, it gains one.
**Pg. 183 - Weretiger (hybrid form), hp should be changed to "41 (4d8+20)". This is different than what the errata reported. More on that below.
**2) Like the werebear before it, the errata adjusted the values of the Str and Con scores. This time however, according to Bestiary 1's lycanthropy rules, it wasn't necessary. The tiger's Str and Con scores are 23 and 17 respectively, so by the rules the weretiger's Str and Con should be "25" and "19", as was what was originally in the stat block, pre-errata. This means that the following errors reported by the errata wouldn't be errors at all:
* Hp wouldn't decrease, but would instead increase as reported above. The increase is due to the fact that the original hp wasn't calculated correctly to begin with, regardless of the Con score.
* Fort save wouldn't decrease.
* Melee bite and 2 claw attacks would only decrease to "+9" each, only accounting for the size change to Large.
* Melee & Ranged Str bonus to damage for melee attacks and ranged thrown dagger wouldn't decrease.
* Rake's attack bonus would be "+9" and Str bonus to damage would both be "+7".
* Skills Climb and Swim skills wouldn't decrease.
Pg. 184 - Magma ooze, lava body ability says when an attack strikes a magma ooze with a weapon, the weapon takes damage unless the attacker makes a Fortitude saving throw. It seems odd that an attacker's fortitude would extend to the weapon it wields. It seems more likely a Reflex save would be in order rather than a Fort save.
2) Brimstone variant magma ooze, creation of this variant involves applying the fiendish creature simple template. This template grants resistance cold 10, whereas the base creature is vulnerable to cold. It's uncertain how these two features would react together.
**Pg. 186 - Arsinoitherium, the powerful charge was reduced to "4d8+13" in the errata. This is odd because this is the exact same damage as the standard gore attack. Its likely the errata meant to alter the gore damage but forgot, because 4d8 seems extremely high for the standard gore attack. This case is driven home further when you look at the animal companion version of this creature. The Medium creature has a 1d8 gore, and then when it jumps to Large (the same size as the standard creature) it increases to 2d8. Yes, animal companion versions of creatures differ from their standard versions, but this seems like a crazy leap in difference.
2) (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Back to the powerful charge ability. The UMR doesn't mention any uniform calculation for determining powerful charge damage, however every monster in Bestiary 1 with this ability (with the exception of the minotaur and by extension, the half-fiend minotaur) uses the same calculation for determining powerful charge damage: double damage dice + (x2 Str mod). If we were to extend this to the monsters of Bestiary 2, then the Arsinoitherium would deal "4d8+18" with this ability.
Pg. 187 - Megaloceros, not technically an error, but like our friend the arsinoitherium above, if this creature's powerful charge ability were to be calculated like his buddies from Bestiary 1, its damage would be changed from "4d6+7" to "4d6+10".
Pg. 188 - Mercane, Spell-Like Abilities, 1/day subentry, the DC for plane shift should change from "17" to "19".
**Pg. 189 - Saltwater merrow, the errata says to change hp from "73 (7d8+42)" to "80 (7d8+49)" but it's hard to see where the +49 came from. Con modifier is +6, and 6 x 7 = 42. This creature doesn't have the Toughness feat or class levels to put a favored class bonus into.
**Pg. 197 - Neh-Thalggu, errata says to change CMD from "56" to "35". The change to "35" is correct, but the "56" came out of nowhere since the original value is "28".
2) Sense Motive skill should be reduced from "+17" to "+14" and Use Magic Device from "+16" to "+13". They were considered class skills when they aren't.
Pg. 198 - Nereid, melee, touch attack should be changed from "+10" to "+15", unless the Weapon Finesse feat somehow doesn't affect this touch attack. If it doesn't, what is this creature doing with Weapon Finesse to begin with?
Pg. 200 - Nightcrawler, CMB should be changed from "+37 (+41 grapple)" to "+39 (+43 grapple)". 18(BAB) + 15(Str) + 4(size) + 2(desecrating aura) = 39. Don't forget if the combat maneuver involves using the creature's natural attacks at all, it increases another +1, thanks to the creature's constant magic fang spell-like ability.
Pg. 201 - Nightwalker, CMB should be changed from "+29" to "+31". 15(BAB) + 12(Str) + 2(size) + 2(desecrating aura) = 31. Don't forget if the combat maneuver involves using the creature's natural attacks at all, such as when using its swift sunder ability, it increases another +1, thanks to the creature's constant magic fang spell-like ability.
2) Feats, this creature does not meet the base attack bonus prerequisite for the Greater Vital Strike feat. It should be replaced by something else. Truly vindictive GMs with a vendetta against their players might consider Improved Natural Attack (claws), although what the next step up from 3d6 would be is beyond me.
Pg. 202 - Nightwave, CMB should be changed from "+48 (+52 grapple)" to "+50 (+54 grapple)". 21(BAB) + 19(Str) + 8(size) + 2(desecrating aura) = 50. Don't forget if the combat maneuver involves using the creature's natural attacks at all, it increases another +1, thanks to the creature's constant magic fang spell-like ability.
Pg. 203 - Nightwing, CMB should be changed from "+24" to "+26". 12(BAB) + 10(Str) + 2(size) + 2(desecrating aura) = 26. Don't forget if the combat maneuver involves using the creature's natural attacks at all, it increases another +1, thanks to the creature's constant magic fang spell-like ability.
**Pg. 205 - Oread, errata tells you to change "elemental affinity" to "earth affinity". Don't forget to do so as well in the Special Qualities entry.
2) Treasure line, it's worth mentioning that the composite longbow listed in the treasure has a Strength rating of 2.
Pg. 211 - Poltergeist, feats, "Ability Focus (fear)" should be "Ability Focus (frightener)".
Pg. 212 - Monkey swarm, skills, change "Climb +10" to "Climb +15". Tiny creatures use Dex for Climb, not Str.
1(rank) + 3(Dex) + 8(climb speed) + 3(class) = 15
2) Defensive Abilities list "half damage from weapons", but it's uncertain if this means all weapons or just the standard half damage from piercing and slashing weapons all Tiny creature swarms have.
Pg. 214 - Imentesh protean, creatures with detect law as a constant spell-like ability usually have it listed in their Senses line.
Pg. 215 - Keketar protean, creatures with detect law as a constant spell-like ability usually have it listed in their Senses line.
Pg. 219 - Augnagar qlippoth, descriptive flavor text, the description beneath the name of the creature at the top of the page mentions the creature has eight legs, but the picture and the CMD vs. trip all suggest it has six legs.
2) Special Attacks, usually bleed effects are detailed in this entry, but instead the damage for the bleed attack has been incorporated into the Melee entry.
Pg. 221 - Cythnigot qlippoth, Skills, Fly should be changed from "+15" to "+17". All skills got 3 ranks, so:
3(ranks) + 4(maneuverability) + 4(size) + 3(half CL) + 3(class) = 17
Pg. 225 - Shoggti qlippoth, Languages entry should include the constant tongues spell-like ability.
Pg. 226 - Thulgant qlippoth, Skills, Fly skill should be changed from "+33" to "+37". After adding up all other skills except Fly, we're left with 20 ranks, the full amount allowed, to be put into Fly:
20(ranks) + 12(Dex) + 4(maneuverability) - 2(size) + 3(class) = 37
Pg. 230 - Red Wyrm Ravener, this creature is based off of a red wyrm dragon, who has a Dex of 6. The ravener template doesn't increase Dex at all, so it's Dex score should be changed from "8" to "6". This affects a number of things:
* Initiative changes from "+3" to "+2".
* AC changes to "44, touch 8, flat-footed 44 (+4 deflection, -2 Dex, +36 natural, -4 size)
* Ref save changes from "+14" to "+13".
* CMD changes from "57 (61 vs. trip)" to "60 (64 vs. trip". In addition to subtracting 1, you add 4 from the deflection bonus to AC the ravener enjoys. This deflection bonus wasn't added into the CMD originally.
* Skills Dex based skills like Fly and Stealth need changes, but skills will get their own section because they're screwy.
2) The Senses line left out dragon senses, presumably because it goes ahead and mentions blindsense and darkvision specifically since they're boosted by the template, but there's a third part to dragon senses. They allow dragons to see 4 times as far in low-light, and twice as far in normal light.
3) Will save should be changed from "+23" to "+24". (15[HD] + 7[Wis] + 2[Iron will] = 24)
4) Melee, Str bonus to damage for the bite and tail slap should both be changed from "+24" to "+25". Str bonus to damage for the 2 claw attacks should be changed from "+16" to "+17".
5) Languages, this guy's missing 1 known language for his high Int score. Dragons start with Draconic only, and then we see only 6 additional languages listed. The Ancient red dragon had Dwarven and Orc, for anybody that'd like to maintain consistency.
6) Skills are a mess, so bear with me. Total ranks come to 351. Accounting for the change in Dex mentioned above with regards to Fly and Stealth, we have this:
* Appraise +37 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Bluff +37 = 8(Cha) + 3(class) + 26 ranks
* Diplomacy +37 = 8(Cha) + 3(class) + 26 ranks
* Fly +13 = -2(Dex) - 8(maneuverability) - 6(size) + 3(class) + 26 ranks
* Intimidate +45 = 8(Cha) + 8(race) + 3(class) + 26 ranks
* Knowledge (arcana) +37 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Knowledge (history) +37 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Knowledge (religion) +34 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 24 ranks
* Perception +45 = 7(Wis) + 8(race) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Sense Motive +37 = 7(Wis) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Spellcraft +37 = 7(Int) + 3(class) + 27 ranks
* Stealth +25 = -2(Dex) - 12(size) + 8(race) + 3(class) + 28 ranks
So the obvious error is Stealth can't have 28 ranks, so let's reduce it by 1. Knowledge (religion) looks like it wasn't treated as a class skill, so let's boost it by 3 ranks. Fly took a hit when we adjusted the Dex, so let's add 1 rank to it. Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate were all treated as if the Cha mod was +7, when it's +8, so let's add 1 to all three of these. Doing this, we end up with all skills having the maximum of 27 ranks assigned to them, but we're still left with 27 ranks left unassigned, meaning a GM can choose yet another skill and max it out completely. The choice is left to the GM. Also, for any that want the math done for them, the skills that should be changed to match the adjustments listed above should be: Bluff and Diplomacy both to "+38", Fly to "+14", Intimidate to "+46", Knowledge (religion) to "+37", and Stealth to "+25".
Pg. 237 - Sard, special abilities, poison, though it should be obvious, the Poison entry should mention that the save DC is Constitution-based.
Pg. 241 - Scylla, Skills, not technically an error, but it seems odd this aberration wouldn't choose the one and only Knowledge skill it put ranks into as its pick-one-Knowledge-skill to be a class skill, in this case Knowledge (nature).
2) Special Qualities, undersized weapons, the undersizd weapons ability states that creatures with it use weapons one size category smaller. This creature's description, however, says it uses "weapons wielded by their human-sized upper arms." Human-sized weapons would actually be two size categories smaller.
Pg. 243 - Seugathi, Melee, the bite is this creature's one and only natural attack, meaning it would normally get 1.5 times the Str mod to damage. Because it's wielding a weapon as well, however, it's treated as a secondary attack and only gets half the Str mod to damage. Change "(1d8+4 plus poison)" to "(1d8+1 plus poison)".
**Pg. 245 - Shining child, Spell-Like Abilities, 3/day subentry, the errata instructed the raising of the save DC for the wrong spell. The errata instructed raising rainbow pattern from "20" to "22", but 10 + 7(Cha) + 4(level) = 21, like the stat block says. Mirage pattern before it, was the intended culprit. 10 + 7(Cha) + 5(level) = 22, not the "20" as what is currently in the stat block.
2) Special Abilities, Blinding Light, second sentence, "DC 25" should be changed to "DC 24". (10 + 8[half HD] + 4[Con] + 2[Ability Focus] = 24)
Pg. 247 - Siren, Special Abilities, Bardic Performance, this ability allows a siren to use bardic performance as a 4th-level bard, but then says "9 rounds/day". A 4th-level bard, however, with a Charisma of 21, can use bardic performance 15 rounds/day.
Pg. 249 - Slime mold, Senses entry should include "blindsight 60 ft."
**Pg. 250 - Slithering Tracker, Racial Modifiers, the errata says to boost the racial bonus to Stealth from "+4" to "+8", which is correct, as per their Transparent ability. The errata also said to raise the Stealth skill itself, although this wasn't necessary. 4(ranks) + 4(Small) + 8(race) + 3(Skill Focus) = 19.
Pg. 254 - Soul Eater, Skills, this creature has a random, unexplained -12 penalty to Acrobatics checks made to jump and a +8 bonus to Stealth checks in darkness or smoke. It's likely these are racial modifiers that were not mentioned.
Pg. 256 - Giant black widow spider, skills, racial modifiers mention a bonus to Stealth, so the main skill entry should probably include this skill, ranks or no ranks. Add "Stealth +2 (+6 in webs)".
Pg. 259 - Tendriculos, Special Attacks, swallow whole, AC should be changed from "15" to "16" (10 + 6[half natural AC]).
Pg. 260 - Tenebrous worm, Will save should be changed from "+8" to "+10". Looks like Iron Will wasn't factored in.
Pg. 261 - Tentamort, Special Abilities, Poison, the frequency simply says "2 rounds" which is a little confusing and nonsensical. It may have meant to say "frequency 1/round for 2 rounds."
2) Additionally this poison says it leaves the victim with the nausea condition, but it doesn't say for how long. It may have meant for as long as the Con damage from this poison remains.
Pg. 263 - (MAY NOT BE AN ERROR) Thrasfyr, special attacks, powerful charge, as mentioned before, all Bestiary 1 monsters with the powerful charge ability calculate the damage for it the same way (with the exception of the minotaur and by extension the half-fiend minotaur): double damage dice + (2x Str mod). If this were calculated this way, then "4d8+24" would be changed to "4d6+20".
Pg. 266 - Elysian titan, Melee, the maul of the titans has listed a 17-20 crit range, but there doesn't seem to be any source to this high crit range. The maul of the titans normally only threatens a critical hit on a natural 20.
**Pg. 267 - Thanatotic titan, Ranged, the errata makes a number of changes that they were correct to change, namely the higher attack bonus and the change in damage for the thrown rocks. Unfortunately it left in the iterative attacks with thrown rocks, which is impossible for this creature since it does not have the Quick Draw feat.
Pg. 268 - Giant toad, Skills, change Stealth from "+5" to "+1". The size penalty wasn't factored in.
Pg. 268 - Glacier toad, Senses, magical beasts typically have darkvision, but the glacier toad does not. This could technically not be an error, as the glacier toad may represent an exception to the rule, but it is worth mentioning.
Pg. 271 - The ice troll's battleaxe should list it as having a x3 crit multiplier.
Pg. 272 - Rock troll, special attacks, rend, change the damage from "1d6+9" to "1d6+10". Rend gets 1.5 times the Str mod to damage.
Pg. 273 - Snapping Turtle, Skills, change Swim from "+5" to "+7". Tiny creatures use Dex to modify Swim checks.
Pg. 274 - Twigjack, Feats, the Agile Maneuvers feat should be replaced by something else since it does nothing for this creature (Tiny creatures already use Dex to modify combat maneuvers instead of Str).
Pg. 276 - Urdefhan, Melee, the second bite attack listed is being used by itself, and because it's the creature's one and only natural attack, it would get 1.5 times the Str mod to damage. Change "(1d4+4 plus 2 Str)" to "(1d4+6 plus 2 Str)".
2) Skills, the Ride check hasn't had the armor check penalty factored in. Change "+4" to "+3".
Pg. 277 - Vampiric Mist, CMB and CMD, it's odd that this creature doesn't have any CMB or CMD values. The misty form ability is likely the reason for this, it just doesn't specifically say so.
Pg. 278 - Vemerak, Special Abilities, Spore Cloud, third sentence states "When the vemerak moves, the mold exudes a cloud of spores in a 30-ft. radius". It's uncertain if this happens at the start of their move, the end of their move, or persists throughout their entire movement, affecting a 30 ft. radius from all squares they travel through.
Pg. 284 - Witchfire Covens description, sentences 2 and 3 list a number of spell-like abilities a hag coven gains if a witchfire is a part of it and says they are cast at CL 9th and based on a Charisma score of 16. The hag rules, however, state that hag covens operate off of a Charisma score of 16 OR the score of the hag with the highest Charisma. A witchfire has a Charisma of 25, but this may not be an error, as the description could be saying that witchfire hag covens aren't like normal covens, and that they operate at the lowest Charisma possible for covens, since witchfires aren't true hags. Regardless...
2) A CL of 9 is not high enough to cast a number of the spell-like abilities listed for a witchfire hag coven, namely waves of exhaustion and fire storm.
Pg. 287 - Worm that Walks, Discorporate supernatural ability, the ability says the creature collapses into a shapeles swarm of worms as a free action. It fails to mention specifically the exact size of the individual creatures that make up the swarm. It's likely Fine.
2) The table at the bottom of page 287 details the creature's engulf damage (not to be confused with the engulf ability found in the Universal Monster Rules), adding 1.5 the Str bonus to a die roll, depending on the worm that walks' HD. This is confusing because swarms have a Strength of 1, a -5 penalty. The use of the word "bonus" and not "modifier" is also confusing, as it implies this penalty would not be applied.
Pg. 289 - Xtabay, AC, flat-footed AC should be changed from "10" to "11".
Pg. 291 - Human Juju zombie, this creature doesn't appear to have the bonus feat for once being human factored in.
2) On the same note, its skills are a little funny. It looks like it has 2 extra skill points that are either from it being human or from favored class bonuses. Whichever one it is doesn't matter, if these are favored class bonuses, then it should get 2 extra skill points for being human; if they're extra skill points for being human, then it should either get 2 more skill points or 2 more hit points.
3) CMD should be changed from "19" to "20". Looks like the dodge bonus wasn't factored in.
4) Creating a Juju Zombie section, Type entry should include the following two sentences at the end of it:
"It gains the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, or skill ranks."
Pg. 302 - Split entry, if this ability was intended to work identically to the ability of the same name of the black pudding and ochre jelly from the first Bestiary, then somewhere in this description it should mention that an attack that splits a creature deals no damage to it, just the normal act of splitting the creature and dividing its current hit points among the two new creatures (rounded down).
Pg. 308 - Inevitable Subtype (from previous page), Truespeech subentry, this was probably unintentional, but because inevitables ONLY speak truespeech, they technically can't read at all.
Pg. 308 - Nightshade Subtype, Summon (Sp) subentry, second sentence says undead summoned cannot create spawn themselves, but it should probably broaden this to say they can't cast spells that summon either, otherwise another nightshade could be summoned and they could summon undead themselves.
Pg. 308 - Protean subtype, Change Shape subentry, currently there is a big issue with this ability, as each individual protean bases their change shape ability off of a specific polymorph spell to determine how it works. Many of the creature types listed in this description would be restricted from use by these spells, while others, like monstrous humanoid, ooze, and vermin, wouldn't be allowed at all. One poster, who I unfortunately can't find the name of currently, offered a revision to this description:
"Change Shape (Su) A protean's form is not fixed. Once per day as a standard action, a protean may change shape into any Small, Medium, or Large animal, elemental, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin, unless otherwise specified and as long as the spell it uses as a base for this ability allows that form (for this purpose consider monstrous humanoid forms as humanoid forms, and vermin and ooze forms as animal forms). A protean can resume its true form as a free action, and when it does so, it gains the effects of a heal spell (CL equal to the protean's HD)."
Pg. 310 - Empower Spell-Like Ability feat, one and only prerequisite for this feat is to cast spell-like abilities at caster level 6th or higher, but the table on page 311 says you can use this feat to empower 0-level spells as early as CL 4th, contradicting this.
Pg. 311 - Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat, one and only prerequisite for this feat is to cast spell-like abilities at caster level 10th or higher, but the table on page 311 says you can use this feat to quicken 0-level spells as early as CL 8th, contradicting this.
**Pg. 312 - Animal Companions Table, errata mentioned 3 additional animal companions to add to this list, but it missed one. Add "Giant Toad" to this list, with a page reference of "268".
2) The table mentions a "snapping turtle" on page 273, but this should be changed to "Giant snapping turtle". The normal snapping turtle is actually a familiar option.
**3) The errata shows us that "compsognathus" is a difficult word to spell.
Pg. 314 - Monsters by CR, CR 9 list, change every instance of "(Gargantuan)" to "(greater)".
Pg. 314 - Monsters by CR, CR 11 list, change every instance of "(Colossal)" to "(elder)".

Drakir2010 |

Drakir2010 wrote:Errata was simply fixing it since it originally was linked to Strength and not Dex.Page 3 of errata:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Compsognathus stat block, in the Skills entry, change the Swim bonus from “+7” to “+10”."+7 was correct. This change appears to go with the observed-but-never-codified (to my knowledge) rule of Tiny creatures using their DexMod for some movement based skills instead of Strength.
8 has swim speed -1 StrMod = +7
8 has swim speed +2 DexMod = +10
Sorry Strife, I'm not following you... It should be linked to Strength (remaining +7), shouldn't it? Or has someone finally definitively answered the question of tiny creatures using Dexterity for Climb and Swim instead of Strength?

![]() |

Strife2002 wrote:Sorry Strife, I'm not following you... It should be linked to Strength (remaining +7), shouldn't it? Or has someone finally definitively answered the question of tiny creatures using Dexterity for Climb and Swim instead of Strength?Drakir2010 wrote:Errata was simply fixing it since it originally was linked to Strength and not Dex.Page 3 of errata:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Compsognathus stat block, in the Skills entry, change the Swim bonus from “+7” to “+10”."+7 was correct. This change appears to go with the observed-but-never-codified (to my knowledge) rule of Tiny creatures using their DexMod for some movement based skills instead of Strength.
8 has swim speed -1 StrMod = +7
8 has swim speed +2 DexMod = +10
The text saying so is on page 131 of the first Bestiary, at the top under where it says "Familiar". True, it should be noted in a Special subentry under both the Climb and Swim skills in the Core Rulebook, but it doesn't. Further evidence that this is the case still (and not just a relic from a previous edition that sneaked its way in) is in the stat block of every Tiny or smaller creature in all 3 bestiaries, as their Climb and Swim skills are linked to Dex. Again, unfortunately that page reference I mentioned above is the only physical proof of the rule, but it's been upheld ever since.
EDIT: The text I was referring to specifically says "Small animals like these use Dexterity to modify Climb and Swim checks." The use of the words "Small animals" is an unfortunate choice, as it implies Small sized creatures of the animal type only. We know it's not Small, though, as every familiar listed after this is either Tiny or Diminutive, and we know it's not just animals, as the rule is applied to all Tiny and smaller creatures.

Astral Wanderer |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |

Fly should be +14
The new errata has confused me. On page 3, it says "Page 73—In the Daemon, Purrodaemon stat block, [snipped]. In the Melee entry, change “+2 wounding halberd +32/+27/+22/+17 2d8+18/19–20/×3” to “+2 wounding halberd 2d8+18/19–20/×3”."
Why? Sure enough, the PRD and latest PDF both list an attack with this weapon but with the to-hit bonusses removed. As near as I can tell, they were correct before. What happened?
The original error was that the damage didn't list the "19-20/x3" of the critical; in the errata, it came out a little messy, with missing parentheses, the critical data listed as if it was present in the original version, and the correction bringing the worst error.
True correction: just add "19-20/x3" to the damage. Nothing more.On page 3 of the errata document:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Allosaurus stat block, [snip]. In the Skills entry, change the Perception bonus from “+28” to “+30”."A) This makes the perception under the Skills entry different from the perception under the Senses entry.
B) "+28" appears to me to be correct.
11 ranks + 2 WisMod +2 Alertness +2 Alertness (10 or more skill ranks) +8 racial modifier +3 class skill. Am I missing something?
Maybe they took my past suggestion (hah, failed save! You'll see when I get Dominate Person) of exchanging Alertness with Skill Focus (Perception), since the Allosaurus has no use for Sense Motive. That makes Perception +30, and yes, you'd have to change it in the Senses entry too, as well as you'd have to change the feat.
Page 3 of errata:
"Page 90—In the Dinosaur, Compsognathus stat block, in the Skills entry, change the Swim bonus from “+7” to “+10”."+7 was correct. This change appears to go with the observed-but-never-codified (to my knowledge) rule of Tiny creatures using their DexMod for some movement based skills instead of Strength.
8 has swim speed -1 StrMod = +7
8 has swim speed +2 DexMod = +10---------
It should be linked to Strength (remaining +7), shouldn't it? Or has someone finally definitively answered the question of tiny creatures using Dexterity for Climb and Swim instead of Strength?
In addition to what Strife said:
As of today (after seeing the rule applied erratically, which may mean "when whoever writes the monster remembers that rule"), I guess you can take that rule for confirmed (I've always done it), and thus all Tiny or smaller creatures do use Dex for Climb and Swim in place of Str.
Astral Wanderer |

About the errata:
Page 1
Pleroma Aeon, page 12: it says "A pleroma can cast certain sorcerer/wizard spells as divine spells."
Silly question, but how do we know which are those certain spells, other than the ones that the sample Pleroma has prepared?
Avoral Agathion, page 16: I take it that True Seeing must also be added to the constant spell-like abilities.
**Pg. 36 - Axiomite, Melee, errata says to change the longsword damage from +6 to +7. Not really certain what this is referring to, since the melee line says:
"Melee +1 longsword +16/+11 (1d8+8/19-20)"
And that +8 is also the correct one.

Astral Wanderer |

Page 2
Leukodaemon Daemon, page 68: the bow to enlist in the Treasure and in the Ranged entries is a +1 composite longbow (+7 Str Bonus).
Or otherwise, the damage for the bow is wrong, but I doubt the Leukodaemon wasn't mean to have a Str bonus on it.
Page 3
Handmaiden Devil, page 86: the Fly skill bonus should be +7 (+7 Dex), since there's no other number to bring it to the listed +14.
Also, the Devil still lacks See In Darkness (as does the Immolation Devil).