Serpent's Skull- Star Wars SAGA (Spoilers)

Serpent's Skull

Hey all. My group just finished the RotRL campaign (started in January this year, ended in November) and we've decided to take a break from the Pathfinder system and run Serpent's Skull in the Star Wars SAGA system (mostly because Serpent's Skull RIFTS seemed cruel and unusual).

The story hasn't had to change much (other than races for the NPCs and some enemies; no undead in Star Wars worth mentioning). I'm running it during the KOTOR time period right after the Great Sith War but before the Mandalorian War breaks out in full conflict (they are still sacking Outer Rim planets).

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas to throw at me about various parts during the third part of the story so far. ones that are hurting my head are what to turn Yog'oltha (Part 3) into (I was thinking a Sith Worm, but it isn't as intelligent and complex as Yog'oltha), The Nightmare Dancer (maybe a Force Sensitive knobby white spider?), The Radiant Muse, and Tentagard. I'd also like to turn the Mantis Blade into a sith alchemy treated blade, but was wondering if I should inhabit it with a spirit? Honestly the biggest problem I have is converting all of the undead into something else (can't do droids everytime!)

I already thought of...

*I changed the Serpentfolk race to the Kissai. The City Seven Spears is now an ancient Sith city.

*All the monkey people in "Racing to Ruin" are Wookies. Palefur is just a badass albino Wookie.

*The charau-ka are degenerate cannibal Ewoks because...because.

*Grugonoth is a Massai Sith mutant.

*You know The Green God has to be a rancor with tentacles.

Just wanted to see if anyone thought of a winner winner chicken dinner.

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