Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

This is an expansive piece of work....how many Pages are you shooting for the PsiEx project?
However many it is. :)
The rough goal is ~200 pages.
Will you make a combined hardcover with both books?
Yes. Sometime in 2013 we'll be releasing Ultimate Psionics, which combines the two - including things like 0-level powers (Talents) - right from the get go.

Sandbox |

Sandbox wrote:This is an expansive piece of work....how many Pages are you shooting for the PsiEx project?However many it is. :)
The rough goal is ~200 pages.
Quote:Will you make a combined hardcover with both books?Yes. Sometime in 2013 we'll be releasing Ultimate Psionics, which combines the two - including things like 0-level powers (Talents) - right from the get go.
Nice... Get a handle on that title! Before paizo does lol

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Looking good! And I already have ideas for a Metaforge with the Shielded Blade archetype. Who needs loot anyway? :)
Do you have any plans for a revised Third Dawn book? If I'm not mistaken, Unleashed/Expanded obsoletes a lot of its crunch.
We'll be decoupling the Campaign Setting from the rules - so the Campaign Setting will be system neutral, after which we'll release Player's Guides - similar to the free Player's Guide to From the Deep - where we include rules / player options.
That's a project we'll be working on in 2012.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

So, it's been a while since we updated this thread, and that's largely my fault. My day job has been significantly busier this month - working a 50-hour week tends to push back everything else, and gotta find family time in there somewhere. :)
That being said, work on Master the Battle is still progressing - lots of playtest feedback still coming in.
We're going to be revamping the Exemplar class a little bit in the flavor aspect. While we haven't had any mechanical problems with it, the feedback we're getting is on the presentation... so we're working on that.
Much of the other material in the book is close to ready, although we still need to get some more artwork done.
After that, we'll be moving on to our Tactics-based release, then finally the Stealth-based release, then on to compiling all six parts into a single book!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Lots of stuff got posted up in the past day or two.
Revised Duration for some Tactician Strategies
The Sighted Seeker prestige class has been posted in the private preorder-only playtest forums.
And a discussion has been started about the advanced discipline for the Seer.
In addition, it's likely that the Mender option of the Vitalist class is going to get a nerf to his Mender's Pulse ability. The likely change is that it won't be eligible for use with Collective Healing to avoid a possible exponential healing combination.
Finally, the size of the Collective, both for the Vitalist and for the Tactician, is being discussed. The most likely change looks to be making it work off of the key ability modifier. Whether there's a scaling bonus to that or not is yet to be determined.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

And now the Battlemaster Path for the Psychic Warrior is up.
Would have edited, but can't. ;)

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

The seer's Advanced Discipline has been posted.
The Jaunting advanced discipline has also been posted.
I've also posted a new power - False Future - for playtesting.
As well as the Expanded Strategies feat.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Some new Tactician powers have been posted:
A couple new feats have been posted:
Explosive Power
In addition, a discussion has been started about creating some archetypes for the different core psionic classes. You can see that discussion here

Evil Midnight Lurker |

Do the iconic psionics (psiconics?) have names and/or backstories?
What's the deal with the illustrations of the aegis and metaforge? They both appear to have pieces of metal armor integrated into their astral suits, but I can't find any class features or feats that would involve such a thing. (It looks nifty though.)

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

I've started a discussion thread about the redesign the Exemplar base class is currently getting.
For the most part, the class is the same at its core. It is getting some refinement / modifications of the Paragon Paths to make them a more core aspect of the class, as they were intended to be.
You can see the changes as they develop and post feedback in the discussion here.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Happy Thanksgiving!
Revised Improved Response power and new Halt Combat power!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

And revised Delayed Response, Tactical Precognition, Halt Combat and Circumstance Shield all posted!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

The Freerunner archetype for the Psychic Warrior has been renamed and revised.
Check it out here
Psionics Expanded: Pawns and Powers (the 4th release, which includes the Tactician base class) should be released this month!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

![]() |

Jeremy, have you folks as Dreamscarred considered creating a psionic NPC class along the lines of the Adept?
I, for one, would love to see one.
They created the Augur class back in Untapped Potential, but that release was still 3.5, so you'd have to do a conversion, or else wait for them to do it, maybe for the hardback compilation.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Spiral_Ninja wrote:They created the Augur class back in Untapped Potential, but that release was still 3.5, so you'd have to do a conversion, or else wait for them to do it, maybe for the hardback compilation.Jeremy, have you folks as Dreamscarred considered creating a psionic NPC class along the lines of the Adept?
I, for one, would love to see one.
What he said. It's not really appropriate for Psionics Expanded - that's our version of an advanced player's guide. For our next GM-related release, it'd definitely fit.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

A redesign of the Exemplar has been posted.
Please feel free to critique and give feedback, as the class has been completely redesigned mechanically due to feedback from the initial version.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Cross-posted at the Dreamscarred Press forums:
So, the exemplar has been a bit of an issue in that we haven't found a way yet to make it work in a way that's interesting, that's balanced, and that adds value to the system.
What we're discussing is taking it out of Master the Battle, since we have a lot of other stuff ready or near ready for the book - 3 archetypes for the soulknife, wild surge options, a bunch of powers, a bunch of feats, crystal items for mind blades / armor / shield / aegis, etc.
What are folks thoughts on that?
Our initial plan was to have one new base class per book, but we don't want to have a new base class simply for the sake of having a base class...

Kelsey MacAilbert |

I think you should shelve it so that you can take your time with it and release it in a future supplement or, if it just doesn't work, not release it at all. An excellently designed book without a new base class would be far better than one with a mediocre base class. Such a thing would bring down the book as a whole. I'd rather have less materiel and everything superb than more materiel and half of it shoddy.
Also, what can I do to help the writing go faster so I can get me a print copy of Psionics Expanded?

Shizzle69 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I also agree with scrapping it. You guys have already expanded psionics wonderfully and I wouldn't want to see extra classes that are unnecessary or even worse unbalanced and perhaps "broken". The addition of the collective has given me plenty of new ways to play the game. Archetypes are more than welcome however. Perhaps the exemplar is similar enough to another class to fit it in there. Whatever your decision, I'm sure what does get printed is going to be rocking. Keep it up.

Sakuri |
Since I don't know where to ask; what's the ETA for all this new material being print-ready? Just roughly. I ask since I'd love to use the Aegis stuff from what I've heard but PDF's and basically any form of digital text hurts my eyes to read for any extended time period. So buying it digitally isn't really an option. XP

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Also, what can I do to help the writing go faster so I can get me a print copy of Psionics Expanded?
The biggest thing I can recommend is helping us find any typos / mechanical inconsistencies / etc.
We're still open to new concepts - especially when it comes to the Stealth release, since that's still pretty open, aside from the new class and a few concepts - psywar path, some powers, etc.
But what really helps us is identifying things that we overlooked / didn't think of and giving wording change to address it.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

A variety of powers have been posted up for playtesting.
Proximity Strike
Corrosive Aura
Summoning Strike
Distracting Strike
Bonding Strike

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Can't edit the last post anymore...
Dazzling Swordplay has been posted for Beta playtesting!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Alrighty, the new base class is posted.
I present...
The Dread, the Pathfinder successor to the 3.5 Morphean.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

10 feats have been posted for the Dread.
Check them out and let us know what you think!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Additional support material has been posted for the Dread.
As well as a psionic archetype for the Fighter class!

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

An unarmed archetype for the soulknife has been posted for playtesting.
We've had some great feedback on the Dread and plan to have a revised version posted soon. I also plan to get the power list posted up ASAP.

Shizzle69 |

I unfortunately have no account on the dreamscarred boards or I would post there. Too lazy to make one. I had a question about the dual imbue ability. Can you use the same ability twice (for instance greater psionic weapon for +8d6) or does it have to be different abilities. This could get super nasty with greater vital strike and an enlarged half-giant 2h fighter. (2d6-powerful build->3d6-enlarge->4d6-Vital->16d6-2xpsionic weapon->24d6 weapon damage)

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Some revised archetypes have been posted. Deadly Fist
In addition... a lot of stuff is going on - so get in while the getting's good - we want your feedback!
And a beta release of the Dread should be coming out soon - ideally this week!
We are trying for a February release of Master the Battle.
For those wondering, Master the Battle will include all of the following:
Dread base class
Soulknife Archetypes - Armored Blade, Deadly Fist, Shielded Blade
Psychic Warrior Paths - Dervish & Interceptor
Wilder Surge - Pain Surge
Over 20 new feats
Over 20 new powers
Alternate favored class options for the Dread
New prestige classes
New psionic items like the crystal hilt and crystal spaulders
We're currently at 35 pages and still working on material...

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

The Beta release of the Dread has been posted
Try it out and let us know what you think!