[Wicked K Games] A long overdue update...

Product Discussion

I would like to begin by apologizing for being out of communication for a while to all those out there waiting for updates or new product. I had some serious events come up in my home life and with family members that I had to see through. I have still been working on the updates to the spell cards and character sheets, albeit much slower then I've ever wanted to.

Due to some unforeseen financial concerns I have had to take up other work and have been more pressed for time. I am not however giving up, I've just slowed down a bit.

I will not be able to do the all the cross-promotional products I originally wanted to, but I will be happy to let any publisher use my spell card templates to create a set to accompany their products as soon as I finish.

Thank you all for your patience and I hope to make it up in the future. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hope all is well now.

I was starting to think you solved that puzzle box i sent you and got sucked into hell. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Hope all is well now.

I was starting to think you solved that puzzle box i sent you and got sucked into hell. :)

AHH..that would explain the odd puzzle box that came in the mail. Naughty naughty little succubus...

Wicked K Games wrote:

I would like to begin by apologizing for being out of communication for a while to all those out there waiting for updates or new product. I had some serious events come up in my home life and with family members that I had to see through. I have still been working on the updates to the spell cards and character sheets, albeit much slower then I've ever wanted to.

Due to some unforeseen financial concerns I have had to take up other work and have been more pressed for time. I am not however giving up, I've just slowed down a bit.

I will not be able to do the all the cross-promotional products I originally wanted to, but I will be happy to let any publisher use my spell card templates to create a set to accompany their products as soon as I finish.

Thank you all for your patience and I hope to make it up in the future. :D

I think we all understand that home / family trumps work. Any of us who have been through issues there do anyway. I hope it has all turned out well, and if it is still ongoing you have my best wishes.

Many thanks to you all for your kind words... Things are getting better.

Oh and DM the puzzle box is still sitting on my desk unsolved. ;)

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