Grand Canyon created in seconds!

Off-Topic Discussions

According to this...

Galdor the Great wrote:
According to this...


Careful when repeating this.

Its based on a fringe theory called the Electric Universe Theory or maybe more often the Electric Star Hypothisis. Its very much not the orthodox view. Its generally considered more or less a crackpot theory although that could, to a large extent, be the theories creator's fault.

David Talbott - who's theory this is more or less refuses to debate his theory with any other scientists generally responding to any form of criticism with a canned response of "If I'm right everything we know about physics is wrong."

In other words the Grand Canyon could not have been made in this manner and still keep the rest of physics. If it was made like this then there will be a grand reordering of how we view existence from the bottom to the top. This theory does not, and can't, sit on top of the rest of our understanding of the universe - it completely negates it.

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