Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Video Games

The Exchange

Anyone playing? I just brought it home this afternoon. Like it so far. Takes a bit of getting used to the controls again.

The story picks up pretty much right at the end of ACII for both Desmond and Ezio. Which makes it kind of frustrating when Ezio loses all his gear. I mean, you know it has to happen, but it still sucks.

I've been playing it. I like the multi-player and the single player game is good too. The repetition of mission types seems much less obvious.

Lantern Lodge

I haven't touched Brotherhood yet though my wife got me the Collector's Edition for my birthday. I have to finish AC2 up first which I'll be starting on today. However, if anyone has an Xbox with Live, feel free to add me. Tag is Severed Ronin.

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Anyone playing? I just brought it home this afternoon. Like it so far. Takes a bit of getting used to the controls again.

The story picks up pretty much right at the end of ACII for both Desmond and Ezio. Which makes it kind of frustrating when Ezio loses all his gear. I mean, you know it has to happen, but it still sucks.

I haven't finished AC2 yet, but I've kicked the tires on AC Brotherhood's multiplayer.

I like it. A lot.

The strategies required are completely different than your typical run-n-gun style multiplayer. If you've played the predecessors, it's quick to pick up, the rank & promotion system is nice, but I think the MP games themselves are much more nuanced than I was originally expecting.

The Exchange

Multiplayer is interesting. It's nearly impossible to avoid your pursuer if they are careful. Quite often my target walks right up to me unaware or occasionally jumps from a rooftop while chasing someone right on top of me. Of course I've done it many times to, that's not nearly as awesome for some reason. :-/

Liberty's Edge

I picked it up last week, but holding off until I finish AC2. If I could only take CoD Black Ops out of the system... :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The cliffhanger ending is kind of annoying again.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm waiting to buy this until after Christmas, just in case anyone decides to give it as a gift :p

I can't afford it before that in any case.

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