mdt |

I'm back!!!!!
The move is over, and I'm finally mostly settled. Been a long two months, lots of relatives having heart attacks or strokes (wow, those things come in batches it seems!). But everyone came through them fine. And neither me nor my wife self destructed after the move to TX. So, I'm finally back. You can start your flaming any time now. :)

wraithstrike |

I'm back!!!!!
The move is over, and I'm finally mostly settled. Been a long two months, lots of relatives having heart attacks or strokes (wow, those things come in batches it seems!). But everyone came through them fine. And neither me nor my wife self destructed after the move to TX. So, I'm finally back. You can start your flaming any time now. :)
*Targets MDT with brand new custom made ultra flame spell*
51d100 + 1 ⇒ (7, 39, 69, 24, 56, 33, 30, 100, 34, 88, 25, 66, 33, 91, 21, 76, 80, 5, 70, 34, 28, 12, 37, 67, 53, 91, 17, 35, 7, 60, 50, 55, 67, 36, 8, 21, 62, 9, 13, 84, 67, 95, 84, 17, 65, 14, 5, 69, 67, 76, 99) + 1 = 2452
*Flies off assuming the spell did the job*

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Does this mean I only get 1/2 xp for driving you off? Do I still get the 1/2 xp if I wasn't the one who drove you off, but believe I am because the universe revolves around me?
Hmm...do I get any xp for the universe revolving around me?
Wait...why am I asking you if I'm the center of the universe?
None of this makes any sense. Your return has ruined Paizo, Christmas, and, quite possibly, the universe. Please leave.

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Sebastian wrote:Does this mean I only get 1/2 xp for driving you off?We get XP for flaming people off the forum? Why wasn't Mr. Fishy told about this? Damn airbreathers!
Why are you still here? The horse asked you to leave.
Do all mammals look alike to you? I'm a PONY, not a horse.
XP is for closers only. You think I'm f%$$ing with you? I am not f@@!ing with you. I'm here from downtown. I'm here from D and M. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Your name's Fishy? You call yourself a flamer you son of a b$@#+?
The bad news is - you've got, all of you've got just one week to regain your Paizo posting privileges starting with tonight. Starting with tonight's postings.
Oh? Have I got your attention now?
Good. Cause we're adding a little something to this month's drive someone off contest. As you all know first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're banned. Get the picture? You laughing now? You got targets. D and M paid good money, got their names to drive them off. you can't close the targets you're given you can't close s%%~. You ARE s@#!. Hit the bricks pal, and beat it 'cause you are going OUT.
Mr. Fishy has always been cool, and I anticipate he will get the joke, but just in case, the above is a Glengarry Glen Ross inspired quote.

Bitter Thorn |

I'm back!!!!!
The move is over, and I'm finally mostly settled. Been a long two months, lots of relatives having heart attacks or strokes (wow, those things come in batches it seems!). But everyone came through them fine. And neither me nor my wife self destructed after the move to TX. So, I'm finally back. You can start your flaming any time now. :)
Welcome back!

Justin Franklin |

I can't decide whether to move to Florida to game with Mr. Fishy or move to San Diego to game with Sebastian. Or maybe both.
Split the difference and commute to each?

Treppa |

Treppa wrote:I can't decide whether to move to Florida to game with Mr. Fishy or move to San Diego to game with Sebastian. Or maybe both.We're half-way. They should move here.
I doubt Mr. Fishy would want to live in the Mississippi River. The pony would be shot during deer season.

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Studpuffin wrote:I doubt Mr. Fishy would want to live in the Mississippi River. The pony would be shot during deer season.Treppa wrote:I can't decide whether to move to Florida to game with Mr. Fishy or move to San Diego to game with Sebastian. Or maybe both.We're half-way. They should move here.
We should move to Cancun. I'm sure they'll come game with us there.

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Treppa wrote:We should move to Cancun. I'm sure they'll come game with us there.Studpuffin wrote:I doubt Mr. Fishy would want to live in the Mississippi River. The pony would be shot during deer season.Treppa wrote:I can't decide whether to move to Florida to game with Mr. Fishy or move to San Diego to game with Sebastian. Or maybe both.We're half-way. They should move here.
If there's hookers and blow, you know Sebastian will be there.