Portal Born: Earth to Golarion

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I'm developing a campaign for a group of regular gaming friends. I've had problems in the past with introducing large, well-developed worlds to the players, who feel a bit lost in the details. What I'm planning this time around is certainly not original, but I hope to make it unique enough to be fun: the characters will come from our world, and will discover Golarion at the same time as the players.

I've been working up some back-story for this, and was wondering if I could get others to comment on how well this fits in with the setting and/or any nice hooks that already exist for me to latch on to.

Basic premise: Earthfall's impact on the magic of Golarion caused a semi-permanent series of random portals that open and close between that world and ours, occasionally moving items or even people between them. A society of "Portal Born," as they call those who come from Earth, was founded by an ancient Egyptian who arrived in what is now Andoran during the period just after the founding of Absalom. This society calls itself The Brothers of the Portal, and continues to seek new Portal Born and help them to acclimate. They have been trying to find a way to return them to their home, thus far, unsuccessfully.

That's the background on the Bothers, though I have quite a bit of plot related to what they believe can be done and how the players will be whisked up into their plans in a story very loosely based on the model of The Wizard of Oz.

The Portal Born all get a trait that has some heavy bonuses to skill use that their advanced tech-level background can assist with (medicine, political theory, etc.), plus a minus for just about everything else (which goes away for any class skills the characters pick up later).

Any thoughts?

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