Jlighter's Second Darkness Group - OOC Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Hello, members of my Second Darkness group. That would be Barnabus, Patrik Ström, Lynore, Alexander Kilcoyne, Severed Ronin. If you are not one of those people, please leave this thread immediately.

So, as far as the Player's Guide for Second Darkness. There is one, but it's a purchase-only one since it includes other information. I don't want you to have to spend money on it, so I think I'll try to send it to you all as an attachment. Please send a message to profusehairboy@gmail.com so that I know where to send the file to you. If you feel like purchasing it, the PDF or text versions are available here. If you don't feel like purchasing it, I can re-create the information here or send you the file. Here is also where you can discuss how you'd like the party make-up to go, who's doing what, back-story ideas, etc. I give bonuses for good back-stories.

I won't open up the campaign thread until you all have declared yourself ready here. So, with that in mind, have at it. Put yourselves together.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I am looking a summoner or a wizard. It looks like Barnabus is making a Witch, which is a nice character as well. What is everyone else thinking?

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

Thanks for the props on the name however I stole it from an old TV show called Dark Shadows, Barnabus Collins was the main character...vampire.....

But it fit the witch I am fairly satisfied with this character....

peek if you like!

My PC is done...just not enough moolah for a longbow!

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

On the plus side of things, I already have the Second Darkness Players Guide on PDF - just never cracked it open and have to track it down.

I statted up a human rogue since we'll need a skill monkey and, well, to be honest, I play rogues almost exclusively. I have branched out to the other classes though but you just can't stay away from what you love, right? Check under my profile for the info. Though I don't know what all races and languages are present for Second Darkness, I suggest we each get different languages with at least one that we all speak - Common, I would guess would be this one. This can cover our bases when it comes to the various races.

So from what I gather we have Barnabus the Man-Witch (Get it? =D) and my rogue if thats alright? What are you lot thinking?

Barnabus II wrote:
My PC is done...just not enough moolah for a longbow!

Would've lent it to you myself but my masterwork thieves tools put a dent in my pocket. Hopefully I'll be able to put a dent in someone else's pockets. Hehe.

Edit: Looking at Barnabus' profile, we have Orc, Sylvan, Celestial, and Abyssal and my Elven, Undercommon, Draconic, and Common down. Guess I take the language comment back. I think we have it all under control.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I watched Dark Shadows old and new shows :)

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Barnabus, I had a question for you. One of the traits you selected is one that won't affect you at all. Magical Knack can't raise your caster level above your character level. And also, one of your two traits has to be a campaign trait. Just pointing that out.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Actually, to clarify something for people on the subject of character traits. Each character gets one character trait out of the APG (not one of the campaign traits from that book), and one campaign trait from the Second Darkness Player's Guide. Please only select one character trait until such time as you can select one from that book. Please make sure that your traits will apply to your character as you intend to build/play it.

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

I think Magical knack is from second darkness........

I am actually seeing Barnabus going this route.....


Witch 1-5
one level of ranger (or magus if out of playtest)
Eldritch Knight

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

Both Barnabua' Magical Knack trait as well as my Reactionary trait are campaign traits located in the Second Darkness Players Guide. I was double-checking mine just to make sure and thought to check for his as well. Reactionary for me I think is in multiple books - I just didn't realize it. May be the sane for Barnabus.

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

I would go for the rich parents trait, but truthfully it is too much!

And does not fit the character background at all.....

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Reactionary is in the Second Darkness book, but that book was where they were introducing the traits concept. It's a Combat Basic Trait, not one of the Campaign Traits. My apologies for the confusion. The campaign traits are in a later section, and are as follows by title:

1 - Fools for Friends
2 - Into Enemy Territory
3 - Looking for Work
4 - Optimistic Gambler
5 - Researching the Blot
6 - Scouting for Fiends

So to clarify how the traits work. At the beginning of the campaign, level 1, you get one Campaign Trait. You also get one other trait, which can be from a Basic Trait sub-category, a Regional Trait, a Racial Trait, or a Religion Trait. You start the campaign with 2 total traits, unless you take the Extra Traits feat. You can have no more than 1 trait in each category or sub-category (i.e. one each from Combat, Faith, Social, Magic, Regional, Racial, Religion, and Campaign Traits). But you start with 2 and only 2, one of which is required to be of the above-listed Campaign Traits from the Second Darkness Player's Guide.

Sorry to rant on that. Attempting to clarify as much as possible.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Sorry. Didn't mean to b!&+$ people out over that. I was just attempting to clarify things in a way that addressed potential stumbling blocks.

i'll go for a fighter or cleric. i think i'll prefer the fighter since i already have a "concept" there, but at the same time i'm kinda curious about clerics...

i won't have time to get either ready today since i'm busy tonight, but i should be able to at least put up a "skeleton" tomorrow evening.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

So, for those of you who don't have access to the Second Darkness Player's Guide, the Campaign Traits for this campaign are as follows:

Campaign Traits are tailored to a specific Adventure Path and give your character a built-in reason to begin the first adventure in the new campaign. Some Campaign Traits also grant teamwork benefits if you choose to begin a campaign with your character having a pre- existing relationship with another PC.
You’ll notice right away that Campaign Traits assume a lot more about your character’s back story than Basic Traits do, and that those assumptions are mostly about very recent events in your history rather than formative childhood events. You have a certain amount of leeway in adjusting or changing a Campaign Trait’s expected back story once you’ve selected which Trait is right for you, but make sure to get your GM’s approval before you run with a modified back story.
All of the following traits revolve around one of two current events in the city of Riddleport. The first is the manifestation of the Blot, a strange and ominous shadow in the sky that looks like nothing so much as a cloud of darkness. The Blot captured the interest of Riddleport’s citizens when it first manifested, but that was months ago—now, after the strange cloud hasn’t done anythingparticularly dramatic for so long, most folk have grown accustomed to it. Most—but not all; some, such as the Order of Cyphers, remain concerned by the strange cloud, and worry that it may be the harbinger of something worse. The other event is a gambling tournament called “Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold.” Held at the recently reopened Gold Goblin Gambling Hall, talk of the tourney has spread throughout the town of Riddleport and has even reached some taverns in cities as far as Magnimar or even Korvosa. Excitement for the tournament has been building for a month, and now that the day is finally here, people from all over are flocking to take part. The somewhat restrictive entrance fee ironically makes it not possible for many of Riddleport’s own citizens to attend, but in the case of each PC who takes a Second Darkness Campaign Trait, that 1 gp entrance fee has been paid, either by an interested party or by yourself (this expense does not come from your starting cash).

1) Fools for Friends: You don’t think of yourself as a gambler. In fact, you rather detest the whole thing. Unfortunately, one or more of your friends (pick one or more of the other players’ characters) doesn’t think so, and you’ve recently learned that friend—or friends—have decided to go to the Gold Goblin’s “Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold” tournament. Which pretty much means you have to go as well, since if no one’s there to watch out for them, they’ll lose all their money and respect. Again. Sometimes it’s hard being the responsible one. Your devotion to your friendships (even when said friends seem, at times, to be trying to test that devotion) is a point of pride to you. Whenever you take the Aid Another action to help an ally, or whenever an ally aids you in this manner, a successful check grants an additional +1 trait bonus to the check for which aid was being rendered. Additionally, as long as one of your friends is within 30 feet, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

2) Into Enemy Territory: The shadow in the sky is visible from all around Riddleport, not just in town. It’s certainly come to the attention of several druids, rangers, and other rural folk who dwell in the nearby mountains, forests, and swamps—among them, yourself. You’ve consulted with several seers and Harrowers, and may even have performed some simple auguries yourself, and all the signs point the same way—something or someone in Riddleport is connected to the blot, and it means bad news for the region. You’ve avoided the sleazy, dirty town for most of your life, traveling there only when absolutely necessary, and although you don’t relish the prospect of going there now, you see little other choice (especially if one of your superiors is ordering you to go investigate). Fortunately, an eccentric friend of yours (pick another PC) is in town, and you’ve heard this friend will be taking part in some gambling thing at a place called the Gold Goblin. Your friend’s always had better luck interacting with the cityfolk, so you’ve decided to accompany your friend to this gambling tournament and plan on letting him find a safe place for you to stay while you’re in town. Your long life of self-sustenance has toughened you and made you more resistant to hardship, in any event—pick one of the three categories of saving throw. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type.

3) Looking for Work: Although out of work, you aren’t particularly keen on the prospect of gambling away your last remaining coins simply for a chance at riches. That said, if the Gold Goblin’s fortunes reverse after this big gambling tournament, you’re relatively certain its owner, Saul Vancaskerkin, will be needing to hire on some new staff members. You’ve secured payment for the tournament, and intend on attending mostly to check the place out, to decide if it’s a place you’d want to work at (as a bouncer, bartender, croupier, server, entertainer, spotter, or cook), and hopefully get a chance to catch Saul’s eye and make an impression. You’ve long worked at honing your skills, and are quite accomplished and certain that you have something to offer. Pick one of the following skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform (any), Profession (gambler), or Spot. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is always considered a class skill for you.

4) Optimistic Gambler: You’ve always seemed to have trouble keeping money. Worse, you always seem to have debts looming over your head. When you heard about the “Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold” gambling tournament, you felt in your gut that your luck was about to change. You’ve always been optimistic, in fact, and even though right now is one of those rare times where you don’t owe anyone any money (you just paid off a recent loan from local moneylender Lymas Smeed), you know that’ll change soon enough. Better to start amassing money now when you’re at one of those rare windfall times! You’ve set aside a gold coin for the entrance fee, and look forward to making it big—you can feel it in your bones! This time’s gonna be the big one! Your boundless optimism, even in the face of crushing situations, has always bolstered your spirit. Effects that grant you morale bonuses persist 1d4 rounds longer than they normally would as a result.

5) Researching the Blot: You may or may not be seeking membership into Riddleport’s most prestigious magical guild, the Order of Cyphers, but you certainly have heard their call for aid in determining the nature of the strange shadow in the sky above Riddleport. You arrived in town several days ago and had some issues with security and safety at several inns before you finally settled on the Gold Goblin; you’ve been staying there as a guest for several days now, and the owner, Saul Vancaskerkin, seems like a nice guy. He’s even given you a pass to attend the gambling tournament he’s about to throw—you’re not sure how into gambling you’ll be, but perhaps there’ll be some visitors from out of town you can talk to about the strange shadow in the sky. At the very least, you’re hoping someone at the tourney will be into magic—there’s not really enough folk in this town who seem all that interested in magic, you’ve found. Your interest in magic dates back quite far, and as a result, you’ve developed a knack for identifying common magical items at a glance. You can use Spellcraft to identify magic items in the same way you can use Spellcraft to identify a potion. The DC to identify a magic item is equal to 20 + the item’s caster level.

6) Scouting for Fiends: You belong to an organization (most likely a religion) that has definite views on the menace posed by the lower planes. The willfulness with which the city of Korvosa (they even allow a temple of Asmodeus to operate in broad daylight!) tolerates infernal influences is, to you and your organization, the greatest symbol of what’s wrong with civilization today. And now, in Riddleport, there’s news that a gambling tournament is using devils and Hell as an idle decoration. It’s likely that this is just an example of poor taste, but there’s a chance that something sinister may be lurking beneath the goings-on at the Gold Goblin. You have been contacted by your organization (or may have decided on your own) to travel to Riddleport (if you don’t already live there) and attend this tournament under the guise of a patron. Keep an eye on things there, even after the tournament is over; if you can, get a job working for the owner. Demons and devils can be subtle, and it could take weeks or even months to find proof of their involvement. Your near-obsessive hatred of all things fiendish grants you a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls made against foes you know to be evil outsiders.

One of your two character traits should be selected from the above. The other is free to be selected from any category available other than other campaign traits.

Sovereign Court

E-Mail sent. Until I get the players guide and understood a bit more about the AP i'll hold off on what my character will be.

DM how do you feel about heirloom weapon?

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:


DM how do you feel about heirloom weapon?

On a case-by-case basis, I'm willing to allow them. It depends on the weapon and what case you make. What are you thinking of?

Sovereign Court

jlighter wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:


DM how do you feel about heirloom weapon?
On a case-by-case basis, I'm willing to allow them. It depends on the weapon and what case you make. What are you thinking of?

Not sure yet, but its one of my favourite traits and i'm likely to play a meleer so it was worth asking (many people have strong opinions on it and house-rules; I personally house-rule away that you can use it to gain proficiency with a weapon you wouldn't be proficient with by virtue of your class.

Concept Stuff-

As for my concept, initially i'm thinking of beginning play as a Gnome Nature Oracle- very much flavoured as a spirit guide who converses with the spirits of nature and possesses unearthly charisma.

Nearing middle age, this Gnome found that abandoning himself to the life of a benevolent hermit was the best way to deal with the Bleaching and fend it off for as long as possible, leaving his life as a budding agitator and public speaker in Riddleport behind him many decades ago- good timing as he was beginning to antagonise the crime lords in the town.

All too familiar with the careful balance of the world, this Gnome is deeply disturbed by the Blot and its implications, and has travelled back into Riddleport with an old friend to investigate. The Gnome moves with an unearthly grace despite slow reflexes and a lame leg, and life in the wilderness has toughened him up. He tends to ride his tame wolf companion Moonchaser wherever he goes, and is fond of petting and playing with the wolf, who knows to be gentle with his lame companion. Moonchaser has been with the Gnome for almost five years now, and the amused Gnome gave him the name when he noticed the wolf's tendency to run uphill towards the full moon and howl longingly towards it.

The Gnome favours a ranseur known as Tooviricharis (roughly translated to Adventurer's Hope from Draconic)- the only remaining item of any sentimental value he keeps from his days in Riddleport. His father was a renowned adventurer and priest of Cayden Cailean, and spent many years as a slave in Cheliax, finding his faith in Cayden after his shackles had been broken by a noble Eagle Knight who died to give him and his fellow slaves freedom. When his father retired from adventuring to become a scholar, he gifted his Ranseur to his beloved son, fearful that the younger member of the family would run into trouble with his agitating and political movement.

My Gnome will need an old friend to be travelling back into town with- a Druid or Ranger would fit best but anybody who has reason to regularily travel into the wilds outside Riddleport may have encountered him. A note to anyone thinking of playing a Druid- it has wonderful synergy with a nature Oracle in the group.

DM, does this sound suitable? I will expand on the background if you find this acceptable, as well as name my nameless hero. As for gaining proficiency with the ranseur, I will be taking a barbarian level soon and its not an exotic weapon. For trait, if it wasn't obvious he'll be taking Into Enemy Territory and Heirloom Weapon (if permitted).

Draft stat array-

Strength- 13 (-2 Gnome, 7 points spent)
Dexterity- 7 (+4 points)
Constitution- 16 (+2 Gnome, 5 points spent).
Intelligence- 12 (2 points spent)
Wisdom- 8 (set 8 from array)
Charisma- 20 (+2 Gnome)

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Ah. I didn't realize you were thinking of Heirloom Weapon as a Character Trait. Yes, I'm willing to grant that as a possible character trait with a slight twist, typed as a Social trait since it's coming from family. This will be an option for all other characters as well. Wording as follows:

Family Heirloom
You received as a gift, whether through an inheritance or a family tradition, an heirloom. This heirloom is a treasured family item that was passed down to you by an elder relative upon the closing of one part of his or her life. This closing can take the form of death, retirement, or even something such as no longer being the youngest member of the family. The family heirloom is a mundane item of no more than 100gp in value, and can take the form of a weapon, a piece of armor, a spell-book or holy symbol, or any other item that bears special family significance to you and/or your family. If it is a weapon or armor, you gain proficiency with that one item and identical items (i.e. bastard swords or chain shirts). If it is a spell-book, you can read it, although being able to utilize it requires being able to utilize spell-books.

Also, I like your back-story and description. I'd like to see a bit more. I look forward to hearing more about This Gnome and Moonchaser. And you're right. That is an unearthly Charisma score. Clearly this is a very influential speaker, and ridiculously attractive to boot. Or something like that?


Barnabus, I suspect you might want to consider taking this, since you were wanting to be able to start with a longbow. The Additional Traits feat is an option for you, if you feel you need the extra ones.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

For Alchemists and Witches, there are a couple of additional resources available. Unfortunately, there are no equivalent resources that I know of for the other classes. Still, there are feats in the two resources that could be valuable to more than one class, excepting those that are dependent on certain class features. These extra resources are:

Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist
Advanced Feats: The Witch's Brew

If you wish to take a look at these, they are available for purchase on the front page at present, or I can send them to you if you e-mail me at the previously listed e-mail address. There are feats that are interesting, and they contain what seems to be a fair appraisal of their respective class, as well as interesting builds for different arch-types of the classes.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

I understand mostly now and will change things accordingly once I get off work. In addition, I'll be editing my concept a bit for flavor purposes and expand on the background later.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Is there anything I can do to clarify any points that remain mysterious?

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

So far we have

Oracle-Alexander Kilcoyne
Rogue-Severed Ronin
Fighter or Cleric-Patrik Ström
Wizard or Summoner-Me

Anyone see anything lacking? Oracle can heal fairly well I think, and the Witch has healing hex 1/day per person.

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

OK made the trait changes to Barnabus.....

Feel good about them....

I will put some more into background later today....

A lot of the traits seem to indicate that several of the PC's know each other.....
in some way.....

It might be good to discuss "who knows whom and how" any ideas?

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3

I have settled on an Elven Wizard, I will start filling it in as soon as I get off work.

at the moment i'm unable to come up with a cleric concept i like so i've decided to go for the fighter. just need to figure out if it's gonna be the down on his luck human mercenary Arden Quinn or Dufflin Boulderback, the dwarf noble semi fresh out of training.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Just to make things a touch more complicated for people before we start, I'm adding another race that I've adapted from 3.5 to Pathfinder.


    Racial Traits

  • +2 to One Ability Score: Changelings get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
  • Shapechanger Subtype: Changelings are humanoids with the Shapechanger subtype.
  • Medium: As medium creatures, Changelings have no special bonuses due to their size.
  • Changeling base land speed is 30 feet.
  • +2 on saving throws against sleep and charm effects. Changelings have slippery minds.
  • +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks: Changelings are inherently skilled in deception and intimidation, and though they cannot actually detect thoughts as dopplegangers can, they can intuitively read body language and attitude with surprising accuracy.
  • Natural Linguist: Changelings add Linguistics to their list of class skills from any class they adopt.
  • Minor Change Shape (Su): Changelings have the supernatural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of a changeling's facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. A changeling can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until she changes shape again. A changeling reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, a changeling receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a full-round action.
  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.

Sorry to throw this out there so late. I honestly forgot I had adapted it when I was putting things together. If any of you use it, great. If you don't, don't worry about it.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

-overly satisfied grin-

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Why am I entirely unsurprised that the Rogue is happy about this? :)

Sovereign Court

jlighter wrote:

Also, I like your back-story and description. I'd like to see a bit more. I look forward to hearing more about This Gnome and Moonchaser. And you're right. That is an unearthly Charisma score. Clearly this is a very influential speaker, and ridiculously attractive to boot. Or something like that?

Not particularily attractive, but definitely an influential speaker hence his career as an Agitator and enough success to attract the attention of the crime lords. Won't be taking Heirloom Weapon, instead I will take Animal Friend as a Gnome racial trait.


With your permission i'll build my Gnome mechanically and include a fully written backstory up in my character profile? Crazy day today at uni, sorry if i'm not keeping up.

Shadow Lodge

Undead masquerading as Human

Don't be in any particular rush. All of you, take your time, make sure you're happy with how your characters are set up.

Alexander, take whichever traits you feel you should take. And go ahead with your build. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

Alright! I think I've pretty much gotten my character set up. My profile has been edited and should be ready to go. I think there may be a few mathematical mistakes in the skills and a few other areas so if someone could take a look at it and let me know. Also I'm going to include my concept here for DM to take a look at (as well as the rest of the group). The background includes a nice batch of my own homebrew material thrown into it as flavor for the concept.



Abandoned as a small child, the being known as Skeith was found and adopted by Varilus Mourne, member of the Seven Sins Alliance out of Averinn, the City of Thieves, and guildmaster for the House of Pride. Seeing potential for the child as a master rogue, Varilus took the boy in and, along with Lady Alaria, Guildmistress for the House of Lust, the couple raised the boy in the ways of organized crime while still instilling in him the morals and philosophies he would come to wield in the present. Trained in the ways of stealth and subterfuge by some of the best scoundrels in the Alliance, he soon learned to master not only his occupational skills but the inborn talents that began to develop in him as well. Soon he would learn all that he needed in order to rise in status and become a member in good standing of the Alliance and rogue first class at the House of Pride.

His reputation has now brought him to the point where he is at now. The House of Pride has caught wind of numerous rumors coming from Averinn's far land sister city of Riddleport and they have called Skeith in to investigate. Among these rumors a dark cloud has appeared over the city shortly around the time of the announcement of a massive gaming tournament known as "Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold." He has been told to travel light and to appear as insignificant as a goblin. This mission comes from the Alliance Council themselves and the House of Pride has charged Skeith with gathering as much information as he can and reporting back to them.

He has arrived in Riddleport with the intent to do just that.

And there you have it! Skeith - a nickname of course - in a nutshell. Short version of it is this: He was adopted and raised by a guildmaster/guildmistress couple and taught the family business (hence the Rich Parents trait) and came to Riddleport because the bigwigs trust in his ability to get to the bottom of things. If there's anything vexing about it, let me know. Way I see it he could have a contact within the city (one of you guys maybe?) but they don't have to be a member of his guild. Just someone he's supposed to chat up.

Sovereign Court

What gold are we using? Maximum for class? Average? Not sure if they included a starting wealth for Oracle in the APG.

Female Wood Elf Cleric / 3
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
What gold are we using? Maximum for class? Average? Not sure if they included a starting wealth for Oracle in the APG.

Average, he has it listed in the gamer connection thread the exact amount for each. He listed 105 gp for an Oracle.

Sovereign Court

Lynore wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
What gold are we using? Maximum for class? Average? Not sure if they included a starting wealth for Oracle in the APG.
Average, he has it listed in the gamer connection thread the exact amount for each. He listed 105 gp for an Oracle.

I thought i'd seen it somewhere, expected to be in the discussion thread. Many thanks.

For those wondering, Davlamin has chosen to gain the cure spells rather than the inflict. Still hoping for a friend for him to travel into town with- any traveller is likely to have met the charismatic gnome hermit who lives just outside of Riddleport...

i've decided to go with my dwarf fighter version and can offer him up as a travelling companion.

Male Gnome Oracle 2

Here is Davlamin, fully statted out and with a slightly expanded background & appearance added. Patrik, if you look through Davlamin's background see if you can find a way to tie us in together.

Male Gnome Fighter (Mobile), HP23/23, AC 20 (24), FF 18 (22), Touch 13, CMD 16, F +4, R +1, W +0, Init +3, Perception +3, AOO +6 (+4)

And here is Moonchaser, mighty steed. (Info and stats are included in Davlamin's profile.)

Lantern Lodge

Male Human Lvl 12 American Hero

Alex, providing no one has a problem with my build and concept, Skeith could have easily met Dav while heading into Riddleport.

This is my wizard, still finishing up her, but mostly done. She could be with anyone as well.

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

I think I have finished my PC.

Also a wizard (Vesara) would be good for Barnabus to know coming into the game as he considers himself a sage of the arcane......

Patrik here, i've created the profile for my character. It's still under construction and i haven't checked the math yet, but it's a rough draft of the final thing.

I've used the following stats.

Str 18 (from array)
Dex 13 (3 points)
Con 16 (5 points to raise to 14, then 2 from racial)
Int 8 (from array)
Wis 12 (10 from array and 2 from racial)
Cha 10 (2 points to raise to 12, then -2 from racial)

I've got a question regarding traits. I was thinking about the Ancient Enmity trait as it would work for the character, but i'm abit worried that choosing it might be abit to much metagaming. I don't know much about the second darkness campain, but i do know that there's drows involved and i'm guessing that the trait will be useful. Would i be out of line taking that trait?

Sovereign Court

Remember that with a two handed weapon like a greataxe, the power attack ratio so -1/+3 so your greataxe does 1d12+9 damage on a power attack swing.

Sovereign Court

Severed Ronin wrote:
Alex, providing no one has a problem with my build and concept, Skeith could have easily met Dav while heading into Riddleport.

That makes sense. Just so you know, you could have taken weapon finesse at level 1 if you wished.

As far as tying their backgrounds together, Skeith and Davlamin likely found out in conversation they had a mutual interest in the Blot and sought to investigate.

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Remember that with a two handed weapon like a greataxe, the power attack ratio so -1/+3 so your greataxe does 1d12+9 damage on a power attack swing.

Oh, nice. I'll fix that right away.

Sovereign Court

Skrith you'll need a CMD listed. Also, your into a medium load with the weight of your equipment- this is very, very bad for a rogue as it limits your speed to 20 feet and means you can only use up to +3 of your max dex. I'd humbly suggest buying a mule to lug your non-essential gear around with your remaining cash.

Male Changeling Rogue
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

That makes sense. Just so you know, you could have taken weapon finesse at level 1 if you wished.

As far as tying their backgrounds together, Skeith and Davlamin likely found out in conversation they had a mutual interest in the Blot and sought to investigate.

I noticed that last second and have made the appropriate changes already. I'd kept looking through the feats looking for it and couldn't see it even though I knew it was there, and eventually I just got so frustrated that the words seemed to jumble together and I gave up and chose a different feat. Thanks for catching my fall on that.

Moving on, I have Skeith all statted up. You guys take a look and let me know what you think. The only faux paus I found was that I couldn't track down stats for the mule itself as its not listed in the bestiary. Bought all the necessities minus a ranged weapon which I may or may not regret along the way. Worst case scenario, I'll have to pick one up later on. Anyways, let me know if you guys see anything else wrong with it. Thanks again.

Sovereign Court

Strength 11
Dexterity 18
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

Its hard to tell here which stat you has as 8 from the array, perhaps it was Constitution? If so, I would advise against placing the precious +2 bonus in your lowest stat, it gives the most minimal reward compared to high stats which rapidly become expensive.

That said, 8 Con is also pretty much suicide.

Male Changeling Rogue
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:

Its hard to tell here which stat you has as 8 from the array, perhaps it was Constitution? If so, I would advise against placing the precious +2 bonus in your lowest stat, it gives the most minimal reward compared to high stats which rapidly become expensive.

That said, 8 Con is also pretty much suicide.

You're quite right in your guess as well. I did put my 8 into Constitution and divvied my +2 bonus into it to bring it up to even it out. I agree that the Con 8 is not a choice move and I wanted to give a little something to Skeith that would make him slightly more resilient. True I was considering some of the other stats, but I didn't want to take the hit on HP and a -1 Fortitude Save. That's just asking for bad juju. Besides, I've got no qualms that there will always be a thousand better choices one could have made down the line. It remains to be seen whether or not I'll regret this choice.

Besides I'm a rogue and what's a rogue to do if he doesn't trust in Lady Luck every now and again. -smirks-

Male Human Witch 3|| AC 14 /17 (mage armor) || hp 20/20|| Init +4 || Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +4 || Perception +5 || Condition: Normal

Or at least figuring a free CLW from a healing hex and positive energy will keep you up till 2nd level.....


Sovereign Court

Sounds like everybody's ready?

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