
Video Games

Dark Archive

My buddy loaned me Oblivion on the basis that since I loved FO3, I'm going to love this game. What am I in for? Is it another 100+ hour game? Because FO:New Vegas comes out soon and I don't want to get involved in 2 of those games.

Inquiring BRAIINNNNSSSSS want to know.

Liberty's Edge

You kind of nailed it on the head, but I enjoyed Oblivion much more than FO3. It is much better done in my opinion, and while the gameplay is similar it's not exact.

I have several friends that love this game. From what I see, it is a good game, but long.

I liked Oblivion a lot, but I’m always hesitant to take it out for another spin because of the way the game punishes you for leveling up.

Yeah, it's okay but if you want a powerful character with good stats so you can take on the cool monsters and get the best treasure, you have to invest a lot of time carefully levelling up. I got my warrior to about level 15 before it just became impossible because of monster scaling. The Fallout 3 levelling system makes that game just more fun in my opinion.

You guys do know there is a dificulty slider in the options menu.

Dark Archive

Xabulba wrote:
You guys do know there is a dificulty slider in the options menu.

Really??? o_O

I didn't know that.

Silver Crusade

I swear if I find another set of calipers in this game

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:
I swear if I find another set of calipers in this game

I have chest of nothing but odd objects i've pick up through the game (plates and such). My girlfriend has completely filled her house in <insert name of small city south of Imperial city> with potted plants she's stolen.

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