New ideas

Gamer Life General Discussion

Hello all. I'm hoping to get some assistance here. I'm currently running a game and have everything mapped out up to 9th level but now I've hit a wall. What I hoping for is to get some jumping off points, either with posters telling encounters they thought were interesting or with encounters they wish they could always do. So, feel free to post random stories about gaming in this thread, who knows maybe it will inspire someone else. Thanks in advance.

One of my all-time favorites was from a 3.5 game in Eberron. We were traveling via airship from one continent to another. About mid-flight, we were attacked by a group of Drow which had either teleported aboard or flown on deck while invisible. The memorable part of this encounter was that many of them stayed invisible, cast darkness over the entire deck, killed the pilot and captain, and then siezed control of the ship. They turned it around and steered it back to the city we had just left. While we were stumbling about trying to figure out what the heck was happening, and fighting the black dragon thier leader had summoned, the Drow driving got us back over the city and disabled the steering. She then hopped on the dragon and took off on the dragon. This left us alone on a ship we can't control heading staight towards the city port. Luckily, one of us was brave enough to try to steer the ship, the rest of us used feather fall potions and jumped off. He managed to just barely stop a full-fledged disaster, he only took the tops off about 30 buildings. One of the most memorable parts of this was when one the party decided to jump first and then drink the potion. He failed at this and ended up as little more than a steak of halfling across one of the city streets. We then spent the rest of the night trying to escape the citys guards (and the city mobs), get to the docks, and get out of the city.

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