Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote: Warnock is banned for using C++. BB is clearly superior. Kelsey and Adam are both banned for using the language of the gods to ban each other ( and poor Charles )
How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, it's a hardware issue, they can't do it.
DJ-Bogie is banned for careerism.
DJ-Bogie wrote:
How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, it's a hardware issue, they can't do it.
I take offense at that last one.
DJ-Bogie is banned cuz this. means. WAR!
AdamWarnock is banned for the following:
Being Ninja'd by Kelsey
Channeling Bugs Bunny
And misspelling Warlock
Geistlinger is banned for being a boche.
Kelsey is banned for being a francophile.
Gruumash is banned for not liking franks, on a bun, with mustard and ketchup.
Geistlinger wrote: AdamWarnock is banned for the following:
Being Ninja'd by Kelsey
Channeling Bugs Bunny
And misspelling Warlock
I wasn't ninja'd by Kelsey. I ignored her to go after the person who thinks a Comp Sci major can't take care of changing a lightbulb. Sure, it might take a month as we build and program a robot to do it, but we can do it.
Adam Warnock is banned for putting ketchup on a hot dog. The horrors. One only puts mustard relish and perhaps some onion, ketchup is for hamburgers you barbarian.
Sigmund is banned for using mustard. That stuff is disgusting. As is relish.
Pepper Maringo is banned for having no taste... mustard rules!
Geistlinger is banned for failing to mention onions, sauerkraut, chili, relish, and ketchup is also awesome on hotdogs.
Warnock is banned because all of those things, with the exception of chili and perhaps onions (raw is bad, cooked is good), are disgusting.
Banned for thinking sauerkraut's disgusting. And just to make the gross out factor a little worse, yes I have had all of that on a hot dog at once. I needed a fork.
Warnock is banned for stealing my appetite.
Kelsey is banned for having a naughty paladin from another thread. :P
Darksmokepuncher is banned for forgetting that that's an inquisitor now.
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert is banned because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Geistlinger is banned for making me want to go watch Monty Python.
Kelsey is banned for actually expecting the Spanish Inquisition. And also because Spiny Norman is looking for her (or possibly one of her sock puppets).
Kavren Stark is banned for being the puppet of one of Kelsey's sock puppets).
Geistlinger is banned for having an ambiguous gender.
Kelsey is banned for starting too many alignment threads.
Angel is banned for not realizing how difficult alignment is.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kelsey is banned for thinking alignment is hard.
There is evil and everything else is meaningless.
Charles Scholz is banned for being too shy to show his/her face...
Darksmokepuncher is banned for hypocrisy -- he's wearing a mask, too!
Kavren is banned for showing too much clevage.
Gruumash is banned for looking at man boobs.
Nightskies is banned because "he said boobs, heh heh heh heh"
and for making me quote one of the stupidest shows of all time.
DJ-Bogie is banned for not showing restraint...
Darksmokepuncher is banned for trying to restrain a fellow banner.
Kavren is banned for his oozing machismo.
Gruumash is banned for not being able to handle Stark's manliness.
Nightskies is banned for his delusions of thinking he can handle it.
You are all banned because I saw a horrible thread that led to my creation and you people did not object to it's content!!
Evil Finnish Chaos Beast is banned for assuming we all find the same things it does horrible and objectionable, and, for that matter, that any of us have seen the horrible thread in question.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Evil Finnish Chaos Beast is banned for lying. How could he be created by a thread he saw if he hadn't been created yet?
Kavren and Charles are banned for I shall now LINK YOU ALL THE THREAD THAT TURNED ME EVIL.
I am also banning you all a second time in case you actually prove me right and find nothing wrong with that thread (you're evil even by my standards, voi jumalauta!!), the illogical corruption of an Iomedaean and the unfunny humor that derived from it!!
BANNED. Banished be the tentacles that snared me into seeing that! BANNED I SAY!
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
I can't argue with Nightskies, so I will also ban Evil Finnish Chaos Beast for making my eyes jump out of my head and run away in horror. Do you know how hard and painful it is to regrow eyes.
Charles Scholz is banned for not investing in mind-bleach.
Geistlinger is banned for investing in mind-bleach in a forum where it shouldn't be needed. Then again, it being needed also resulted in that Chaos Beast's appearance.
Icyshadow is banned for over speculation.
DarkSmokePuncher is banned for that really creepy look.
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert is banned for denial. You know you like it.
Darksmokepuncher is banned because I really, really don't.
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert is banned because methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Geistlinger is banned for quoting Shakespeare. She will never approach his greatness.
Kelsey is banned for banning Shakespeare quotes; they're inevitable.
Stark is banned for supporting the imitation of the greatest fiction writer who ever lived.