Jeff de luna |
Golden-Esque wrote:I find it interesting that their position didn't budge enough to make a finesse-focused archetype for Fighter in either Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Combat 0_0.As do I.
As a lover of the swashbuckling genre, it's a little frustrating. I think a solid alternate class is needed, one that keeps movement fluid and fighting fast and interesting.
Have you seen Alatriste? It's in Spanish- but there is an import version with English subtitles available here, and it stars Viggo Mortensen. It's a historical swashbuckler - the fights are brutal, and the ambience is very... Chelish.
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
Golden-Esque wrote:I find it interesting that their position didn't budge enough to make a finesse-focused archetype for Fighter in either Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Combat 0_0.As do I.
I have been using a reworked 3.5 Swashbuckler until Paizo puts one somewhere like the Dragon Empire book...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:The gestalt rules are in the System Reference Document, so I'd think so.ulgulanoth wrote:are the gestalt rules from 3.5 OGL?I think so... they were in Unearthed Arcana, which I believe was mostly OGL, but I'm not sure for sure.
There ya go.
I'm actually not that big a fan of the alternative rules in Unearthed Arcana, so I'm really not all that familiar with the book these days.
LazarX |
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:I know you aren't an expert lawyer, but could you help me with a copyright question?
I love Eberron, and I just acquired some Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Iron Kingdoms books. Let's say I wanted to write guides to playing each with Pathfinder (I'm not promising to do it, but I'm considering it), and I wanted to offer these guides online for free. Does doing this violate any copyrights?
It does. All of those settings are copyright, and you'd have to secure permission from the owners of those copyrights before you could legally publish a Pathfinder guide to them. Even if you do so for free—copyright doesn't really care, as far as I understand things, whether or not you're doing things for free or not.
My take is that you could not offer these guides for free and would only be able to maintain them for personal use... UNLESS you get permission from WotC or whomever to do this.
Case in point. Back in the days of yore, when they made their first move beyond card games, WOTC put out a rpg collection called Primal Order. It was essentially a game for running diety-type characters. In the appendix of the book, they put in guidelines for using the material with a variety of game systems including AD&D, and Rifts. TSR politely asked them to stop. Rick Siembada of Palladium threathened to sic his lawyers on them.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:I have been using a reworked 3.5 Swashbuckler until Paizo puts one somewhere like the Dragon Empire book...Golden-Esque wrote:I find it interesting that their position didn't budge enough to make a finesse-focused archetype for Fighter in either Advanced Player's Guide or Ultimate Combat 0_0.As do I.
There's no swashbuckler in there.
New base classes are VERY tough to do, and not only that, they're big tentpole events. We're not going to "sneak" a new base class in to a small softcover book—they're used as big events for big releases.
That said, I have been working to get some more swashbucklery archetypes into the softcover books here and there... but I've been somewhat tentative on the hopes that some day... SOME day... there'll be a full-on swashbuckler class to play with. It's unlikely at this point, alas, since we're more or less done with the base classes for now.
dinketry |
dinketry wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Super-passionate fans are not a great way to encourage the idly curious.The type of fan I'm talking about are the fans that are, say, SO enamored with something (say, Firefly, for example) that their constant praising and near-worship of the entertainment property causes those who would probably enjoy Firefly a lot to never even give the show a try, simply because the fan was annoying.
On one level, it's quite delightful to have fans who are that dedicated... but they can cause more problems than they solve.
I think super-passionate might be the wrong word to describe those fans, then. Unrealistic or out-of-touch, possibly, but I don't see super-passionate as naturally a bad thing. It sounds like maybe you, like me, have a fear of the proselytizer - the missionary fan. There are those out there that do that and aren't super-passionate, however. Just megalomaniacal.
And yes, there are those fans of every genre and type of every media. And they can be repulsive. But I argue that the media that they're unfortunately representing need not be judged by their blinding zeal - don't hate on the musical because of all the Gleeks out there. Hate on it because it's a musical, if you're a hater at all.
Evil Midnight Lurker |
Case in point. Back in the days of yore, when they made their first move beyond card games, WOTC put out a rpg collection called Primal Order. It was essentially a game for running diety-type characters. In the appendix of the book, they put in guidelines for using the material with a variety of game systems including AD&D, and Rifts. TSR politely asked them to stop. Rick Siembada of Palladium threathened to sic his lawyers on them.
Kevin Siembieda doesn't count, he threatens to sic lawyers on people who look at him funny. Or don't look at him funny. Or who offer to proofread his books.
deinol |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
That said, I have been working to get some more swashbucklery archetypes into the softcover books here and there... but I've been somewhat tentative on the hopes that some day...
We can expect at least one swashbuckler archetype in Pirates of Golarion, right? I would expect Skull and Shackles to be another good place to expand on the concept.
Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
James Jacobs wrote:That said, I have been working to get some more swashbucklery archetypes into the softcover books here and there... but I've been somewhat tentative on the hopes that some day...We can expect at least one swashbuckler archetype in Pirates of Golarion, right? I would expect Skull and Shackles to be another good place to expand on the concept.
Someone get deinol a cookie and some bribe money for _____________ (who's name we need here James?).
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:We can expect at least one swashbuckler archetype in Pirates of Golarion, right? I would expect Skull and Shackles to be another good place to expand on the concept.
That said, I have been working to get some more swashbucklery archetypes into the softcover books here and there... but I've been somewhat tentative on the hopes that some day...
There's actually, I believe, going to be four piratey archetypes and one prestige class in that book, I believe.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Icyshadow |
How much weight do the genetics of the human side have when it comes to the appearance of a half-elf? I keep wondering if my character's human parent was a Keleshite, a Chelaxian or a Taldan. I already know what her elven parent looked like, but I feel like picking the wrong ethnicity for her human parent would make her seem unusual unless her elven genes were a bit more dominant. The other thing I worry of is if it would seem out of place for a Taldan or a Chelaxian to settle down in Osirion. Of course there could be many reasons for that, but still.
LazarX |
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:Do you like superheroes? What's your favorite?I'm entertained by superheroes, but I much prefer horror comics over superhero comics. If I had to pick a favorite superhero, said superhero would probably be Batman, although Swamp Thing is cool too.
Does Neil Gaiman stir your fancy then? My particular favorites are his Endless stories. He recently turned out a Dr. Who story as well.
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
Any class can serve as a priest, actually. Even arcane spellcasters. Even NON-spellcasters. It's unusual, sure, but we've deliberately kept the word "priest" generic as a term you can apply to any character who is part of a religion. I suppose the only REAL requirement would be ranks in Knowledge (religion).
That's something I actually love about Netyhs. It says in Faiths of Balance that in his church you just have to be a magic user. They don't care if it's divine or arcane, it's all magic to their faith. It really makes it more fun and in character I think for my bard/magus/sorcerer/witch/wizard characters to worship him because they don't have to stay lay worshipers, they can fully participate.
And.. PIRATES OF GOLARION? Is that a joke, or an upcoming book not on the announcements yet?
Jeff de luna |
James Jacobs wrote:
Any class can serve as a priest, actually. Even arcane spellcasters. Even NON-spellcasters. It's unusual, sure, but we've deliberately kept the word "priest" generic as a term you can apply to any character who is part of a religion. I suppose the only REAL requirement would be ranks in Knowledge (religion).That's something I actually love about Netyhs. It says in Faiths of Balance that in his church you just have to be a magic user. They don't care if it's divine or arcane, it's all magic to their faith. It really makes it more fun and in character I think for my bard/magus/sorcerer/witch/wizard characters to worship him because they don't have to stay lay worshipers, they can fully participate.
And.. PIRATES OF GOLARION? Is that a joke, or an upcoming book not on the announcements yet?
It's called Pirates of the Inner Sea, actually.
AbsolutGrndZer0 |
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:It's called Pirates of the Inner Sea, actually.James Jacobs wrote:
Any class can serve as a priest, actually. Even arcane spellcasters. Even NON-spellcasters. It's unusual, sure, but we've deliberately kept the word "priest" generic as a term you can apply to any character who is part of a religion. I suppose the only REAL requirement would be ranks in Knowledge (religion).That's something I actually love about Netyhs. It says in Faiths of Balance that in his church you just have to be a magic user. They don't care if it's divine or arcane, it's all magic to their faith. It really makes it more fun and in character I think for my bard/magus/sorcerer/witch/wizard characters to worship him because they don't have to stay lay worshipers, they can fully participate.
And.. PIRATES OF GOLARION? Is that a joke, or an upcoming book not on the announcements yet?
Ha thanks no wonder I didn't find it.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
How much weight do the genetics of the human side have when it comes to the appearance of a half-elf? I keep wondering if my character's human parent was a Keleshite, a Chelaxian or a Taldan. I already know what her elven parent looked like, but I feel like picking the wrong ethnicity for her human parent would make her seem unusual unless her elven genes were a bit more dominant. The other thing I worry of is if it would seem out of place for a Taldan or a Chelaxian to settle down in Osirion. Of course there could be many reasons for that, but still.
The "weight of the genetics of the human side" are left to you to decide, honestly, since said "weight" can certainly vary. Just as you can have a half-elf that looks more elven than human, you can have one that looks more human than elven, and that absolutely includes the human side's ethnicity. Or the elven side's for that matter.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James Jacobs wrote:Does Neil Gaiman stir your fancy then? My particular favorites are his Endless stories. He recently turned out a Dr. Who story as well.Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:Do you like superheroes? What's your favorite?I'm entertained by superheroes, but I much prefer horror comics over superhero comics. If I had to pick a favorite superhero, said superhero would probably be Batman, although Swamp Thing is cool too.
Sandman is one of my favorite comic books. Dream and Death and their brothers and sisters and all that are hardly what I'd call superheroes, though, and that's what the original question was about.
the Haunted Jester |
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:What are the chances of having an AP module, set in either the abyss or Hades?Relatively good.
Been a bit behind in the thread so sifting though 12 pages has been brutal. I can only imagine how difficult it is to keep up with this thread.
Expanding upon this idea, I think it would be awesome to have characters venture from, or through, the realms of the Abyss or Hades!! Especially if the PC's were contacted through the speak with dead spell by members of their former lives. Maybe an adventure that begins in the realm of the living, Golarion, and then part way through is "completed" in the realms of the Abyss. Implying that there can be a purpose to death itself in a way.
A question I have is: Will the Changeling be expanded upon in the Advanced Race Guide? If not expanded then at least included? Will the new Hag from the Bestiary 3 be added to the lineage of the Changeling?
Thank you for your time J.Jacobs...
James Jacobs Creative Director |
James: I just stumbled across this, and I wonder if it was the inspiration for the bell tower in Rhest from The Red Hand of Doom (which is my favorite adventure ever, BTW).
Woah... cool! Nope; not the inspiration, but still pretty nifty.
And glad you like the adventure! It was a blast to write!
James Jacobs Creative Director |
A question I have is: Will the Changeling be expanded upon in the Advanced Race Guide? If not expanded then at least included? Will the new Hag from the Bestiary 3 be added to the lineage of the Changeling?
There's nothing in Bestiary 3 that expands upon the changeling really, but I'm relatively sure the changeling will be talked about in the Advanced Race Guide.
Golden-Esque |
This may seem like a silly question, but I'm a silly guy who doesn't know much about how erratas work. My Core Rulebook is starting to look a little ratty (It's what I get for ordering my first one from Amazon; I bought all my other books from Paizo / bookstores and I've never had that problem >_>) and I'm thinking about buying a new copy for myself and letting my players squabble over the ratty copy during game nights. If I order a new one now, will its text be updated to accommodate the Fifth Edition Erratas that just went up a few days ago?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
What real life cultures, nationalities, or peoples are the Kellids based off of?
Second, if one wanted to steal shamelessly from the Pictish, Gaels or Celts for a character, what ethnicity and homeland on Golarion would you suggest?
Kellids are mostly based off of the writings of Robert E. Howard, if anything; they're not really based on a real-world culture as a result, but I suppose they do actually come pretty close to Picts and Celts. If Kellids don't do it for you, the Shoanti come pretty close as well.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
This may seem like a silly question, but I'm a silly guy who doesn't know much about how erratas work. My Core Rulebook is starting to look a little ratty (It's what I get for ordering my first one from Amazon; I bought all my other books from Paizo / bookstores and I've never had that problem >_>) and I'm thinking about buying a new copy for myself and letting my players squabble over the ratty copy during game nights. If I order a new one now, will its text be updated to accommodate the Fifth Edition Erratas that just went up a few days ago?
Depends on who you order it from. If you buy it in a store, of course, you can check the credits/legal page for what printing the book is, but if you buy it online... it's pretty much a gamble. ESPECIALLY this soon after the new printing hits shelves. I'm relatively sure that if you order from Paizo direct, you're guaranteed to get the fifth printing, since we don't pull the reprint lever until the previous printing is sold out of our warehouse... but that doesn't mean it's sold out of distribution or stores.
So yeah, if you absolutely want the newest printing, you either have to buy it direct from Paizo or from a store where you can check the printing yourself.
jonnythm |
You mentioned you didn't like the rules from unearthed arcana, but I think that's a little odd since I thought that the idea of archetypes came from there. Which leads me to ask: where did the idea come from? It makes TONS more sense than making a prestige class for every little thing the archetypes do and is much easier, and keeps the favored class bonus that we like. So if it didn't come from UA where did it come from?
GeraintElberion |
You mentioned you didn't like the rules from unearthed arcana, but I think that's a little odd since I thought that the idea of archetypes came from there. Which leads me to ask: where did the idea come from? It makes TONS more sense than making a prestige class for every little thing the archetypes do and is much easier, and keeps the favored class bonus that we like. So if it didn't come from UA where did it come from?
Did it come from 2e kits?
BeAuMaN |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I was going to make this long question thread, and then I found this, and I'm like "Wow, James is a totally agreeable dude".
Anyhoo, question:
The Make Whole spell can fix destroyed Magic Items. Can it also fix destroyed mundane items, or only destroyed Magic Items?
Also, I read about your intention for this spell here, and it's most appreciated, I always found the "save the magic items over myself" to be silly as well. So Thanks!
Gern Blacktusk |
Cross-polinating threads here, and I do apologise in advance, so I'll spoiler this.
Also, if Iconics do make it into the finished game, what do you think Merisiel would say to random PCS? Any examples?
And if there was a giant fiendish Tyrannosaurus Rex as a rare-spawn boss, would you be chuffed about it? What do you think it would drop?
James Jacobs Creative Director |
You mentioned you didn't like the rules from unearthed arcana, but I think that's a little odd since I thought that the idea of archetypes came from there. Which leads me to ask: where did the idea come from? It makes TONS more sense than making a prestige class for every little thing the archetypes do and is much easier, and keeps the favored class bonus that we like. So if it didn't come from UA where did it come from?
Archetypes came from the concept of variant class abilities, more or less... whether or not those originally showed up in Unearthed Arcana or not, I can't say. I can say that, personally, I prefer prestige classes to archetypes... but I do still quite like archetypes.
In any event... there's a LOT more than variant class abilities in Unearthed Arcana. Overall... I'm still not a fan of the majority of the alternative rules put into Unearthed Arcana still. Just a matter of taste, after all.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I was going to make this long question thread, and then I found this, and I'm like "Wow, James is a totally agreeable dude".
Anyhoo, question:
The Make Whole spell can fix destroyed Magic Items. Can it also fix destroyed mundane items, or only destroyed Magic Items?Also, I read about your intention for this spell here, and it's most appreciated, I always found the "save the magic items over myself" to be silly as well. So Thanks!
Make whole can indeed fix destroyed mundane items.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Cross-polinating threads here, and I do apologise in advance, so I'll spoiler this.
** spoiler omitted **
I'd actaully rather folks DON'T spoiler things in this thread, since it makes it trickier to quote. See above as an example... ;-)
ANYway... I don't know what the plan is yet for Pathfinder Online's dialogue and storylines. That's a decision that's still quite a bit in the future.
Personally, I'd LOVE to see the iconics in the game as NPCs controlled by Paizo and Goblinworks employees... we'll see.
As for a giant fiendish T-Rex... I wouldn't mind it, but the game's set in the River Kingdoms and that's not really a place where I'd expect to see a monster like that show up.
kaymanklynman |
dear James
1 - Is there a plan to present(in a book) the stats of Old Mage Jatembe ( for me the best npc EVER) and The Ten Magic warriors?
2 - It is possible that we see in the distant future some novels/tales of the past of golarion (like a novel discribing in the details the tale of old mage jatembe and his adventure in the Doorway to the Red Star)?
as you can see i finished reading the Heart of the Jungle , and men, what a book. thank you guys.
Long live Jatembe.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
What's your favorite splash book for World of Darkness (New or Classic)? I'm tied between New Werewolf and New Mage.
None; I've actually never really even looked in a World of Darkness book aside from an idle flip through now and then. I've never played a White Wolf game, in any case, except for the Vampire computer game back in the day.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
dear James
1 - Is there a plan to present(in a book) the stats of Old Mage Jatembe ( for me the best npc EVER) and The Ten Magic warriors?
2 - It is possible that we see in the distant future some novels/tales of the past of golarion (like a novel discribing in the details the tale of old mage jatembe and his adventure in the Doorway to the Red Star)?
as you can see i finished reading the Heart of the Jungle , and men, what a book. thank you guys.
Long live Jatembe.
1) No plans yet.
2) Unlikely; we want to focus on the present day in Golarion for various reasons at this time.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
martinaj |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I know that that Golarion is a human-centric setting, and personally, I like this about, due in no small part to the various human ethnicity. I, and others with whom I've spoken, agree that they really aid the verisimilitude of the setting. I was wondering, though, given the apparent success of this little injection of flavor, can we ever expect to see the addition of a couple of demi-human subgroups? Might we see, for example, a page or two on how the dwarves of northern Avistan differ physically and culturally from those from the Five Kings Mountains, or on similar differences between elves from Kyonin and the Mordant Spire?