Order 1461317 -- I fail at ordering

Customer Service

Scarab Sages

My order containing the APG is still not sent, which I'm sure is my problem. I've got a bunch of knick-knacks in there that I absolutely do not need right away, and I'm sure that is holding up this vital order (forget the physical books, I need that darn PDF).

I'm obviously screwing myself over on the subscriber bonus of getting the PDF early, because... I never do. Advice on how to better structure orders would be welcome.

Let me know what could be done to free this order up; if you need to split it up somehow, that's fine. :-(

Scarab Sages

For instance, all those miniatures... feel free to move them to another order, to be sent (whenever). I'm visualizing you guys searching through the warehouse for a bajillion little pieces of plastic and then saying "Ah, forget this... where's an order that requires less *walking*???". :-D

Lantern Lodge

Michael Suzio wrote:

My order containing the APG is still not sent, which I'm sure is my problem. I've got a bunch of knick-knacks in there that I absolutely do not need right away, and I'm sure that is holding up this vital order (forget the physical books, I need that darn PDF).

I'm obviously screwing myself over on the subscriber bonus of getting the PDF early, because... I never do. Advice on how to better structure orders would be welcome.

Let me know what could be done to free this order up; if you need to split it up somehow, that's fine. :-(

I just talked to the warehouse guys (this is a pretty recognizable order) and they are actually currently packing it. It will be going out today!

sara marie

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