Master Chymst and brutality

Product Discussion

If your going to play a master chymst then look at brutality and consider how this will affect your build. Feral mutagen is almost a no brainer if you don't have it already else you'd be limited to full attacking with a simple weapon. the calw claw bite is way better. The only issue becomes how do you hurt high level monsters with DR?

I feel there should be a discovery that allows your natural attacks while mutated to be xyz for the pruposes of overcoming DR. Or a magical item equivilent, which normally would be permenancy but you loose your claw and bite attacks when you transform, or would that stay in affect and enhance your unarmed attacks while not mutated? What about the bite attack?

This is a melee class for mid/high level but has no way of coping with DR compared to the rest of the party. I suppose youd have to get an enchanted club or mace but seriously no large 2 handed weapon to just bash on things? Why not just let it be any weapon they are proficient with, sense the alchemist already is relegated to simple weapons its a feat burn that wouldn't unbalance anything.

Just had it brough to my attention that it would be easy enough to use a 1 handed weapon 1 size category larger. I'm still learning here people.

Shadow Lodge

+3 enhancement bonus overcomes most DR. Greater magic fang is your friend. Carry a +1 adamantine mace for the rest.

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