[Wicked K Games] New Spell Cards Released!

Product Discussion

We are very excited to announce at long last the release of Core Spell Card Set has been released! Fully editable form fields and additional spell information in two formats. These cards incorporate the spell lists for the final playtest of the Advanced Player's Guide classes (I'm a big fan myself). Although this varied and changed a bit with from the initial concept, we are quite pleased with the end result.

The link to the product and preview is connected here.

This links to the development thread.

Any suggestions? This is the first independent publication from Wicked K Games...

EDIT: Updated preview and price. :D

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

preview page is blank when I click it. I see the product though.

I hope to afford it sometimes in early to mid august.

Dark_Mistress wrote:

preview page is blank when I click it. I see the product though.

I hope to afford it sometimes in early to mid august.

I'm actually working on that now... :) I've always had preview issues with rpgnow, but I think I might have a fix.

I have been looking for something like this, are they going to be sold on Paiz.com

and I am sure I will this in just a sec when i click the link but can I make up my own spell or add new one when the finle verstion of the APG

I would like to sell these on Paizo.com as soon as possible, but I have to wait for certain publisher compliances (like the website) to be finished. With this set you can create spell cards from the blank cards, save them, and print them. I was originally going to print spells that are PFS compatible, but decided against it.

I will be releasing a new set two weeks after the AGP hits (giving Paizo and I some time), but you are welcome to type them in if you like. I'll probably be adding a coupon to existing purchasers that want to buy the APG set. :D

I think I missed something in the description of these cards. I expected to find two sets of cards: RAW and Enhanced. Instead I seem to have four: RAW, Enhanced, Dual and Second sets, each with Quarters and an Index.

What are all these sets, again?

That was fast thanks, I am going to try and Download them to night on RPGNow if they will let me, and use them tomorrow in my game. Thanks

Damon Griffin wrote:

I think I missed something in the description of these cards. I expected to find two sets of cards: RAW and Enhanced. Instead I seem to have four: RAW, Enhanced, Dual and Second sets, each with Quarters and an Index.

What are all these sets, again?

Sorry, maybe this helps?

the Enhanced Spells are modified for improvement, and the RAW spells are their Rules as Written Counterparts. The Dual spells are mostly unmodified or minor changes. The second sets are the for the spells that were so long they required additional backs.

The quarter sheet cards are printed onto regular 11x8.5 paper or cardstock, and the index cards are either 4x6 or stretched 5x7 ones.

Depending on your paper size, you'd pick quarters or index cards.
Then print the dual cards and the second set cards you want (segmented by classes is coming in the next couple days). Either select the RAW (rules as written) cards or the Enhanced cards as you prefer. :D

If that doesn't make sense I'd be happy to clarify futher, just let me know what you need. :D

Dark_Mistress - Preview fixed and retested! The full-size is a no go.

Damon - If you have a wording that you think might make the wording easier, I'd love to hear it! I can update it now... I'm all for making this easier to use. ;)

The editable files are in a second set of zipped folders. They cannot be merged in Acrobat due to duplicate fields.

Wicked K Games wrote:
Damon - If you have a wording that you think might make the wording easier, I'd love to hear it! I can update it now... I'm all for making this easier to use. ;)

I'll take a close look at everything tomorrow and see if anything suggests itself. The "Introductions & Instructions" PDF explains RAW vs. Enhanced and Index vs. Quarters well enough as is, I think. I just wasn't sure how Dual and Second got into the mix since neither word appears in that PDF.

I think changing the wording will help. Instead of Dual perhaps rename it to Main Spells (Unmodified) and instead of Second it would be Rollover for Long Backs?

I appreciate the feedback! I realize that my wording makes sense to me, but I'd like to find something that makes a lot of sense to everyone.

I'm working on the print-by-class parts right now. I hope to have them up later. :D

I down Loaded them today, I really like the lay out, they line up well when you print back and fount, and you can modify and add spell. This is exactly what i wanted

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Pretty cool look forward to picking this up when I can afford it. If your character sheet is any indication then this will well be worth the money.

The Smitter - Pleased to be of service and thank you for the review! I appreciate that very much and I hope you like them!

Dark_Mistress - Many thanks! I'll be adding a little bit more content to the cards in the next few days. After any suggestions or errata get put to good use, I'll be doing a bit of update work to the sheets. Your vote of confidence on my sheets has me grinning. :D

I can't help but tweak things and constantly make them better. It's just in my nature to tinker. ;)

EDIT: the Smitter - Just curious, you mentioned before your game, how did it go?

Just fixed the "Quarters - Second Set" file. Included new errata txt file. :D

Does anyone have the new APG? I'm just curious if any of the classes spells have changed. I have an order for it from my FLGS, but I have to wait for the pdf till the 4th.

Wicked K Games wrote:
Does anyone have the new APG? I'm just curious if any of the classes spells have changed. I have an order for it from my FLGS, but I have to wait for the pdf till the 4th.

Ditto for me. And the wait is a killer...

Wicked K Games wrote:
Does anyone have the new APG? I'm just curious if any of the classes spells have changed. I have an order for it from my FLGS, but I have to wait for the pdf till the 4th.

I got my PDF yesterday. The book does have new spells, which can be added to the spell lists of existing Core spellcasters. Or were you asking whether the lists changed between the APG Preview and final release?

I was curious if the spells used out of the core rulebook on the spell lists have changed, or are still the same as the final playtest. I based all the cards released on the final playtest for which core spells were on the APG spellcaster lists. I didn't think they would change them, but wanted to be sure. :) I've been working on adding printing the core rulebook spells by class (APG spell casters included).

Thanks for the responses! :)

Just a little update... I've been talking to some 3PP about spell cards sets for their spells, and things are looking pretty positive! These won't start until after the 'Advanced Spell Cards Set', a series of cards to cover the new spells in the Advanced Player's Guide. Following the example of d20pfsrd.com, this release will not be until at least 2 weeks after GenCon. The updates to the core cards will continue, and I hope that the fix for 'Quarters - Second Set' was a timely example of this. :D

As WKG has grown and evolved as a designer, we've made some choices and taken some positions on things. One of these choices was the desire to include Adventure Path content in the development thread of the Spell Cards. Although originally we did not include the content of the APs because we would have to 'scrub' it, we have decided to not pursue using the AP content. In another thread James Jacobs had mention how the APs pay the bills to keep Paizo going. I saw others say they buy the APs for the crunch, and I can't help but feel that by scrubbing this content that we'd be stealing from Paizo's business. We love Paizo and want to see them thrive. As such this isn't a decision that will change, and hope that you all understand why we're doing this. Being socially responsible as a company is important to us.

On the other hand, as soon as the Advanced Cards are released, we will actively be seeking out 3PP to pursue adding spell cards to their content. We will be giving them these cards to add to their products for free (buy their product and the cards are free with it). We are cross-promoting with d20pfsrd.com and with their help, hope to get the word out about this great opportunity.

I am continually impressed by how great everyone has been on these threads and look forward to more great threads in the future!

Wicked K Games wrote:

Just a little update... I've been talking to some 3PP about spell cards sets for their spells, and things are looking pretty positive! These won't start until after the 'Advanced Spell Cards Set', a series of cards to cover the new spells in the Advanced Player's Guide. Following the example of d20pfsrd.com, this release will not be until at least 2 weeks after GenCon. The updates to the core cards will continue, and I hope that the fix for 'Quarters - Second Set' was a timely example of this. :D

Sounds good. The attention you pay to your products post release, along with their high quality, is what have made you my favorite for accessories like character sheets / spell cards.

Wicked K Games wrote:

As WKG has grown and evolved as a designer, we've made some choices and taken some positions on things. One of these choices was the desire to include Adventure Path content in the development thread of the Spell Cards. Although originally we did not include the content of the APs because we would have to 'scrub' it, we have decided to not pursue using the AP content. In another thread James Jacobs had mention how the APs pay the bills to keep Paizo going. I saw others say they buy the APs for the crunch, and I can't help but feel that by scrubbing this content that we'd be stealing from Paizo's business. We love Paizo and want to see them thrive. As such this isn't a decision that will change, and hope that you all understand why we're doing this. Being socially responsible as a company is important to us.

All very reasonable. Responsible is good too.

Wicked K Games wrote:

On the other hand, as soon as the Advanced Cards are released, we will actively be seeking out 3PP to pursue adding spell cards to their content. We will be giving them these cards to add to their products for free (buy their product and the cards are free with it). We are cross-promoting with d20pfsrd.com and with their help, hope to get the word out about this great opportunity.

Very nice. That way if you buy the product you get the spell cards for it. I like that.

Wicked K Games wrote:

I am continually impressed by how great everyone has been on these threads and look forward to more great threads in the future!

And I know I look forward to more great products from you. They are appreciated.

R_Chance - Thank you for your response! I've got a new free product coming out today or tomorrow. I'll announce the particulars soon, but this is the a tool for enhancing alignment and making it more interesting. I haven't done anything but tools so far, so this will be my first step towards expanding. Again, best of all it's free! :D

Wicked K Games wrote:
R_Chance - Thank you for your response! I've got a new free product coming out today or tomorrow. I'll announce the particulars soon, but this is the a tool for enhancing alignment and making it more interesting. I haven't done anything but tools so far, so this will be my first step towards expanding. Again, best of all it's free! :D

Sounds interesting. Probably spawn one of those incredibly long alignment threads too :)

Undoubtably so. There is no loss or risk in downloading the free item... if they don't like it, then the cost was negligible (a few minutes that is). I still had a bit of last minute proofing to do (parental sleeplessness). I had John @ d20pfsrd and Mark of Spes Magna taking a look and do a bit of proofing (thanks guys). I can't imagine anyone not having an editor or proofer do a "once over" on it. IMHO one's brain has a hard time catching little mistakes once they're made. :) I'll put release this with a link the moment the proofreaders are through.

Wicked K Games wrote:
Undoubtably so. There is no loss or risk in downloading the free item... if they don't like it, then the cost was negligible (a few minutes that is). I still had a bit of last minute proofing to do (parental sleeplessness). I had John @ d20pfsrd and Mark of Spes Magna taking a look and do a bit of proofing (thanks guys). I can't imagine anyone not having an editor or proofer do a "once over" on it. IMHO one's brain has a hard time catching little mistakes once they're made. :) I'll put release this with a link the moment the proofreaders are through.

Extra eyes are good. It's incredibly easy to let errors slip through. I teach, editing is second nature. If you need extra help let me know, I'd be happy to help.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So any idea when it might be for sale here?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
So any idea when it might be for sale here?

Sorry for the delay, I had more feedback from the proofreaders then I initially expected. I sometimes get a little ahead of myself... I expect to release this as soon as the last minute proofing is done.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

No worries was just curious.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
No worries was just curious.

I'm setting up the file now... this will be available in a few minutes. Be right back with a link.

Wicked K Games wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
No worries was just curious.
I'm setting up the file now... this will be available in a few minutes. Be right back with a link.

Here's the link, I hope you all like it!

I just got my APG pdf and it ROCKS! I can't wait to get started on updating everything...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Uh I was asking when the spell cards would be sold here at paizo. that link goes to a visual alignment tracker on RPGnow.

Wicked K Games wrote:
...Thank you for your response! I've got a new free product coming out today or tomorrow. I'll announce the particulars soon, but this is the a tool for enhancing alignment and making it more interesting. I haven't done anything but tools so far, so this will be my first step towards expanding. Again, best of all it's free! :D

Sorry, I thought you meant in response to the above. :p

I'm admittedly frustrated with trying to get the website set up, but I'm also a little swamped with updating for the new changes in the APG. I may have to seek out getting someone else to do it, but with the current budget it's gonna be a little while.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

No worries, sent you a email btw.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
No worries, sent you a email btw.

Awesome, I sent a reply as soon as I got home. :D

Working the Advanced Spell Cards Set... I'm thinking of making the following changes available for both sets:

Remove the Special Class Spell box. Replace with a 3 smaller boxes:
Bloodline / Domain / Patron

Shrink Page Box & Source Box

Remove the SSS class check box

Metamagic - Bouncing, Damage, Focused, Lingering, Persistent, Reach.
Class Boxes:
AP - Antipaladin
DM - Domain
EA - Elementalist Wizard (Air)
EE - Elementalist Wizard (Earth)
EF - Elementalist Wizard (Fire)
EW - Elementalist Wizard (Water)
SB - Sorcerer Bloodline
WP - Witch Patron

Do you like this or dislike this?

Wicked K Games wrote:

Working the Advanced Spell Cards Set... I'm thinking of making the following changes available for both sets:

Remove the Special Class Spell box. Replace with a 3 smaller boxes:
Bloodline / Domain / Patron

Shrink Page Box & Source Box

Remove the SSS class check box

Metamagic - Bouncing, Damage, Focused, Lingering, Persistent, Reach.
Class Boxes:
AP - Antipaladin
DM - Domain
EA - Elementalist Wizard (Air)
EE - Elementalist Wizard (Earth)
EF - Elementalist Wizard (Fire)
EW - Elementalist Wizard (Water)
SB - Sorcerer Bloodline
WP - Witch Patron

Do you like this or dislike this?

This is what it looks like...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks good.

I was originally going to sell the APG spells separate from the Core. However, I've decided to add the APG content to the Master Compendium. The price will increase, but not until after all of the content is added. The individual content will be sold separately as well later on. I also want to have it bundled by classes.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Sounds fine to me and are they for sale here yet?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Sounds fine to me and are they for sale here yet?

Should be up monday. I just finished adding the Subdomains. They're in "Sentence Case" and the regular domains are in "CAPS".

Wicked K Games wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Sounds fine to me and are they for sale here yet?
Should be up monday. I just finished adding the Subdomains. They're in "Sentence Case" and the regular domains are in "CAPS".

Nice. Thanks again for a solid product.

A pleasure to be of service! I'm working on the last of it now... should be all ready tomorrow (later today, since it's technically Monday now).

Still working on it... have been all day. I reached a snag in software limitations, but I think I have a solution to may peoples ink issue on the quarter-sheets. The new layout will allow you to print the 4 spells of your choice onto the quarter pages. It also means you'll be able to print by selected classes!

For those of you wondering what is taking so long, I apologize. The updated content has more fields then previously, to the point I was having issues with the software to create it. As a solution to both ink use (on printing the quarters - having to print unwanted cards) and the high numbers of fields, I have made a card that can be printed as multiple copies per sheet. I've also got an ISO version, but the issue is that it isn't lining up. I've been experimenting and printing a lot for the last few days and although I am close, it's not the same.

If anyone has any ideas for this, I'd love to hear it. The alternative is copying and pasting by hand each entry, which would take a LONG time. :p One way or another, I've resolved to see it through.

I think I've finally had a breakthrough. My apologies on the wait... Hopefully A4/A6 size support too!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Very cool so when can we expect to see it for sale here on paizo?

Working on it right now! I just completed the A4/A6 stuff. I just need to do a thorough quality check and I'll be uploading the new core stuff. It may be an hour or a couple days honestly. It just depends on if there's any final issues. If this goes as planned then the APG stuff will be a snap.

Also, I just uploaded the Advanced Character Portfolio and Initiative Cards to Paizo. They're not updated, but at least I can use the product discussion for feedback in updating it instead of a side thread.

Any new breakthroughs on having it here on paizo?

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