RiftFinder: Pathfinder RPG rules, RIFTS earth.

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Anyone tried this?

Dark Archive

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Anyone tried this?

I believe Palladium owner Kevin Siembieda will sic his lawyer on you if you try. Or something to that effect.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
joela wrote:
I believe Palladium owner Kevin Siembieda will sic his lawyer on you if you try. Or something to that effect.

Only if you shared it over the internet.

It might be interesting to replace mega damage with some kind of DR. Battlesuit: +10 AC and DR 20/plasma.

If you attempt this, Kevin Siembieda's disembodied spleen will creep into your house late at night and pour it's evil juices into your mouth.

joela wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Anyone tried this?
I believe Palladium owner Kevin Siembieda will sic his lawyer on you if you try. Or something to that effect.

Yeahhhhh...Zealotry aside, this sounds like something fun, but I fear something might be lost in translation.

While I think that Rifts could appeal to more people if you used a different system for the same setting, I would never consider PFRPG. It is a system built solely around a medieval setting with no real rules I know of for high tech stuff. It's just the wrong system for trying it, not that there aren't systems that could do it well if you did the work. Hero System and GURPS spring to mind.

Liberty's Edge

If it was a more mad maxed themed version of rifts then PFRPG would work just fine I think since they have rudimentary firearms.

If you used some of the skill sets out of modern and few idea's from their books you can make it work nicely i believe. Since modern has more tech in it.

I agree with Admiral Jose Monkamuck. There are systems better suited to handle the craziness of Rifts.

CourtFool wrote:
I agree with Admiral Jose Monkamuck. There are systems better suited to handle the craziness of Rifts.

We tried it in Silhouette (DP9's system) a few times. It was awesome and gritty, but everyone died when they ought to have died, which made the games basically one scene each.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I agree with Admiral Jose Monkamuck. There are systems better suited to handle the craziness of Rifts.
We tried it in Silhouette (DP9's system) a few times. It was awesome and gritty, but everyone died when they ought to have died, which made the games basically one scene each.

Not a system I'm familiar with. Could you provide a link?

The Exchange

Admiral Jose Monkamuck wrote:
Not a system I'm familiar with. Could you provide a link?

Dream Pod 9. They make the Heavy Gear stuff, and evidently a whole lot more, but I never really gave them much of a look. I bought one Jovian Chronicles book to kind of get an idea of what was going on and it was quite nice. I just didn't have anyone to attack with, so I never went any further.

Dark Archive

I would suggest Savage Worlds would be a good fit to run Rifts. For my next campaign I may very well be doing a rifts-esque setting with this system. Additionally, there are a few supplements for Savage that do the post-apocalpytic and sci-fi thing quite well. Also Day After Ragnarok (Atomic Overmind Press) is totally worth checking out. Its not Rifts but it operates at that level of delicious lunacy.

Huh? What? Did someone say Silhouette system? :)


The "Silhouette CORE System", or "SilCORE", is a pretty nice system. It uses d6's (or, alternately, d8's or d10's for more 'heroic' feeling). It's your typical target number system, with a "4" being an average/mediocre difficulty. You roll d6's, add adjustments, and need to equal/exceed the TN. For every extra 6 you roll, you add +1 to your first 6. So, if you get 4 dice and roll 6, 3, 6, 5, you have a total of 7 (6 base, +1 for the second 6). For every point over the TN you get, it counts as a "Margin of Success" (MOS). This is used to determine how fast/well something is done, how much damage you do, etc., by dividing/muliplying a base number.

There's a lot more to it, and it's based on "Points" to build characters, vehicles, etc.

Anyway, Rifts could work with SilCORE, but yeah, I can definitly see it being significantly more deadly than via the 'regular' Rifts system. Well, all things considered equal, of course. :)

What I am working on is a little 'quick conversion concept' to see if I can use Gamma World 3rd Edition as a system for a Rifts campaign. So far, it's working out pretty damn sweet! :)

I believe someone already mentioned the Palladium take on conversions and I also believe someone mentioned that as long as the conversion was not published in any format (For Public Consumption) they would be alright.

Slightly redundant I know but I just thought I would throw that out there first.

This being said I have seen a few conversion attempts in the d6,d20 and even a d10 system but the ones I have seen that seem to work the best are those based on a point system such as Gurps. I am not saying that it can't be done I am just saying that this was what I have seen. In my experience the biggest issues people have had was with the HP,SDC,MDC system for damage. I would love to try any conversions to see what people come up with just remember that if you don't want the Palladium Dog-Lawyers after you do not publish for general consumption.

In my not so humble opinion, when dealing with conversions, toss out the crunch and only look at the fluff. Why try to make one system play like another? So I would not bother with SDC or MDC and just use the system I picked and however it deals with damage.

CourtFool wrote:
In my not so humble opinion, when dealing with conversions, toss out the crunch and only look at the fluff. Why try to make one system play like another? So I would not bother with SDC or MDC and just use the system I picked and however it deals with damage.

This is one reason I would have chosen Pathfinder. Rolling a D20 to hit would just "feel right".

I wouldn't bother with their damage model though.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
In my not so humble opinion, when dealing with conversions, toss out the crunch and only look at the fluff. Why try to make one system play like another? So I would not bother with SDC or MDC and just use the system I picked and however it deals with damage.

This is one reason I would have chosen Pathfinder. Rolling a D20 to hit would just "feel right".

I wouldn't bother with their damage model though.

Mutants and Masterminds - from the tiny bit of mucking around I have done with converting things is very easy. I haven't gone into depth as I have only just purchased the rules but its d20 and points based and has rules for magic psionics and battlesuits so you are mostly there. The only problem is it appears to be a little abstract.

I was actually thinking of — get this — converting Kingmaker to play in Rifts earth. Heh.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The basic plotline for Kingmaker ("explore/clear wilderness, establish/protect civilization") is pretty easy to use in RIFTS. Actually, that's one of the most appropriate plotlines...

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
The only problem is it appears to be a little abstract.

I am a big fan of M&M and I believe this is a fair criticism. If you are looking for a grim and gritty system, M&M is not it. There are many things that M&M just hand waves away (number of rounds in a magazine, wealth).

Heh, the GM for my Rift's game (there's only three people actually in my gaming group) never bothered with rules anyway (I think I know them better than he does). We've considered either kicking the Rifts PCs into a PF setting without mega damage or guns and with a lot of their super powers weaker, and then letting them get beat up for the first time, or toss the PF PCs into the Rifts universe (powering them up) and let them think they've suddenly become gods until something attacks them.

Rifts had great background stories, decent art, and some cool weapons and concepts...and the single worst system I ever tried to play (see worst game ever thread for a few dozen that agree.)

So take what some call "fluff"--the backgrounds, stories, concepts and weapons...which are the "role" part and leave Pathfinder or another d20 for the mechanics...
Dont attempt direct conversions as they are a pain in the ass and rarely ever work.

Besides pathfinder, I would also suggest the Star Wars SAGA system (which Wotc is going to cancel...the @#$%7!). It is made for high tech, and the "force" can be turned into magic or psionics very easily.

With Pathfinder, I would simply stick to Fighters and Rogues mostly, make equilalents for Rifts abilities into Figher only feats or Rogue talents.

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