Hall of Harsh Reflections

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Are there stat blocks for this issue kicking around?

Scarab Sages

What ruleset are you using?

I have what I used, though I adjusted the stats for some, and their tactics.

Basically, some of the stats didn't make sense to me. Telaxan's gang are supposed to be impersonating important people in the Free City, which implies they need to go deep cover, for long periods.
They can't keep running back to the Sodden Hold, to read the minds of their prisoners, and it's an expensive business to hand them all a soul gem.
Therefore, they need to practice (and purchase) the skills to pass themselves off as a member of that profession.
Which is why it's bizarre to give them levels of Fighter, which is one of the most skill-starved classes going.
That's why I substituted the class levels on the advanced doppelgangers, to reflect a wider skill and ability set.
Not only does this aid them in their actual day-jobs, as spies, but makes them more of a viable opposition to an equally-varied party of PCs.

Snorter wrote:

What ruleset are you using?

I have what I used, though I adjusted the stats for some, and their tactics.

** spoiler omitted **

We are playing in 3.5 rules. What you did makes sense. If you have the blocks for the adventure I will take whatever I can get.

Thank you.

Scarab Sages

Drop us an email (address in my profile), and I'll dig them up.

Snorter wrote:
Drop us an email (address in my profile), and I'll dig them up.

I dont see your addy but you can reach me at jason_alex@sympatico.ca


Scarab Sages

My email's playing up, but I've found how to access them via Virgin home page.

I've sent the stats file, which should include all the official beasts, plus a few extras and variants of my own devising.

Have fun!

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