Can Anyone Send any of my Adventure Conversions Back to Me?

Gamer Life General Discussion

Recently I upgraded my home computer... but imagine my chagrin when I realized that literally hundreds of hours of work put into converting 1e/2e adventures to 3.5 and Pathfinder hadn't been properly backed up, and are now gone. Yeah, I know it's my fault, but if any of the Paizo community to whom I've sent past conversions would be willing to send them back to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I'm hoping that the people to whom I sent my...

  • Return to the Tomb of Horrors drafts (several section docs) and my
  • half-finished Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan conversion

    ...could send copies back, if you've still got them. Completed, play-ready Pathfinder conversions of Dwellers in the Forbidden City, Tamoachan, and others, I'll just have to learn to live without.

  • Kirth Gersen wrote:

    Recently I upgraded my home computer... but imagine my chagrin when I realized that literally hundreds of hours of work put into converting 1e/2e adventures to 3.5 and Pathfinder hadn't been properly backed up, and are now gone. Yeah, I know it's my fault, but if any of the Paizo community to whom I've sent past conversions would be willing to send them back to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Specifically, I'm hoping that the people to whom I sent my

  • Return to the Tomb of Horrors drafts (several section docs) and my
  • half-finished Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan conversion

    Could send copies back, if you've still got them. Completed, play-ready Pathfinder conversions of Dwellers in the Forbidden City, Tamoachan, and others, I'll just have to learn to live without.

  • Damn Kirth, I feel your pain!

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Recently I upgraded my home computer... but imagine my chagrin when I realized that literally hundreds of hours of work put into converting 1e/2e adventures to 3.5 and Pathfinder hadn't been properly backed up, and are now gone.

    Are we talking formatted hard drive or that the registry hive is now updated for a new file system and you can't locate the old files any more?

    There are ways of recovering such stuff, and I'm not talking about paying someone to go over your hdd with a fine electronic tooth comb either.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:

    Recently I upgraded my home computer... but imagine my chagrin when I realized that literally hundreds of hours of work put into converting 1e/2e adventures to 3.5 and Pathfinder hadn't been properly backed up, and are now gone. Yeah, I know it's my fault, but if any of the Paizo community to whom I've sent past conversions would be willing to send them back to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Specifically, I'm hoping that the people to whom I sent my...

  • Return to the Tomb of Horrors drafts (several section docs) and my
  • half-finished Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan conversion

    ...could send copies back, if you've still got them. Completed, play-ready Pathfinder conversions of Dwellers in the Forbidden City, Tamoachan, and others, I'll just have to learn to live without.

  • OUCH!! I'm really sorry man. That sucks. I have been there before and hope to NEVER be there again. Here's hoping you're able to update your stuff with a lot of help and a minimum of headache.

    Dazylar wrote:
    Are we talking formatted hard drive or that the registry hive is now updated for a new file system and you can't locate the old files any more?

    I mean that I removed the old hard drive and obliterated the platters with a hammer, and recycled the old machine before setting up the new one. :(

    Scarab Sages

    I'll see what I can do!

    I know I've got two of the campaign conversions in question.
    Can't say more, as Dazylar is my player!
    I may still want to surprise him with the <cough>DELETED<cough>, and the <cough>DELETED<cough> from <cough>DELETED<cough>!
    Not to mention, the <cough>DELETED<cough>, from <cough>DELETED<cough> could be responsible for his father's <cough>DELETED<cough>!
    And the <cough>DELETED<cough>, from <cough>DELETED<cough> could track them down, once they uncover the <cough>DELETED<cough>!

    Scarab Sages

    I assume all the stuff that isn't GMs-eyes-only, like the conversions of 3.5 classes and feats is OK?

    I assume that between Derek, Silverhair, Jess and the rest, there's plenty of copies floating round Houston?

    Damn, that sucks Kirth. Wish I had 'em to send back.

    Snorter wrote:
    I assume all the stuff that isn't GMs-eyes-only, like the conversions of 3.5 classes and feats is OK? I assume that between Derek, Silverhair, Jess and the rest, there's plenty of copies floating round Houston?

    Exactly right. The only thing not fully backed up was my "Adventures" folder. And my

    Rod of Seven Parts
    is intact, as I had it on the desktop. But the
    Return to the Tomb of Horrors
    would sure be nice to get back! And whomever I sent the half-finished draft of Shrine of Tamoachan, I'd love to not have to redo that whole thing.

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    I mean that I removed the old hard drive and obliterated the platters with a hammer, and recycled the old machine before setting up the new one. :(

    Oh - I'm sorry man - that is a real loss then. Hope the regulars can help!

    Snorter wrote:

    I'll see what I can do!

    I know I've got two of the campaign conversions in question.
    Can't say more, as Dazylar is my player!
    I may still want to surprise him with the something, and the something from something!
    Not to mention, the something, from something could be responsible for his father's something!
    And the something, from something could track them down, once they uncover the something!

    Damn your sore throat! And your diabolical plans! If only I saw some of this in game, I might be mollified :-P

    Quote edited just so I could read the damn post!

    Snorter wrote:
    I'll see what I can do!

    Cool. I'm still at egoldma (at) sbcglobal (dot) net.

    Scarab Sages

    Sent; I tried zipping them, but that took ages, and I don't know if it completed, then I saw they weren't huge, so sent them as-is.

    Let us know if you got them.

    Just got 'em! Thanks, brother. The zipping was a challenge to unload, but ultimately worked -- but no matter, the plain docs came through without a hitch as well.

    I definitely owe you one -- let me know what I can send to pay you back!

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