Street games

Shackled City Adventure Path

I'm pretty new to dm'ing, less than 6 months; and recently started this campaign. So far we're loving it, and I'm so thankful for these forums. I have to admit I dont have a great imagination though, and as such I'm looking for ideas for street games for the Flood Festival.

One game I have thought of, is a Homer Odyssey type one, with shooting an arrow through rings. Also contests from strong man competitions, Jacobs ladder and a riddler. What games have you played for the festival?

waya81 wrote:

I'm pretty new to dm'ing, less than 6 months; and recently started this campaign. So far we're loving it, and I'm so thankful for these forums. I have to admit I dont have a great imagination though, and as such I'm looking for ideas for street games for the Flood Festival.

One game I have thought of, is a Homer Odyssey type one, with shooting an arrow through rings. Also contests from strong man competitions, Jacobs ladder and a riddler. What games have you played for the festival?

In my campaign we had:

• archery skill contest (plain attack rolls)
• archery trick shot contest (mostly so players could come up with creative, wacky shots, then use magic/Acrobatics/whatever to attempt them)
• drinking contest! always a safe bet
• arm wrestling competitions with Asfelkir overseeing (good way to introduce him)
• Seance sessions by the Church of Wee Jas where each person could speak to a dead person (good way to meet Iverson and Embril, and flesh out backstories or tie up loose ends from slain foes)
• bear-wrestling contest in a cage
• cooking contest (our party has a bizarre culinary obsession)
• team tug-of-war by the lake (combined checks, nice way to kick off the rivalry with the Stormblades)

Another street game that would be relatively easy to set up would be an obstacle course, where people have to run/jump (Strength), dodge/weave (Dexterity), and then hit a target however they wish at the end (attack roll).

We had:

- Archery contest (introducing an elven arcane archer from the end of the path).
- Duel(melee weapon non lethal with a drow from the end of the path and the half dragon/half minotaur).
- Running around the city on Obsidian avenue (introducing a monk....)
- Boat running across the lake.
Other "background" events with none of the players (wrestling, juggling....)
I kept the dice rolling as simple as possible.

Ohh, obstacle course and juggling, I like those, and several others you 2 mentioned. Thank you. Chances are they wont want to play many games, but if I didnt plan any; they, of course, would want to.

As slow as my guys are going it may be another month till they actually get to the festival though. We've had at least 5 sesions now (dont have my notebook with me to double check) and they just met Drakthar; so about 2/3 of the way through Chap 2(hardcover). And they want to finish plundering Jzadirune since they almost bee-lined for the malchite fortress by chance; and didnt get much loot or save all the kidnapee's. I plan on introducing the Stormblades at that point; The PC's will run into them collapsing the tunnel and have already saved the kidnap victims the PC's couldnt get earlier. I'm letting them build up a stockpile since I plan on doing the demonskar ball writeup from another post, and they will need the money to spend. Unfortunately; that might make them have to decide between rez'ing a dead party member, or running with his new char.

Grand Lodge

Need to make a note of these, very good ideas.

There are a few other ideas here:

For a foot race around the city, how would you run it?

I'm thinkng of comparing speed of the contestants and doing fortitude checks at intervals with increasing DC's to simulate fatigue. If they fail a check they have to slow down for a couple rounds, till they pass one again. On a 20 they get a second wind and can make a sprint, on a 1 they stumble and have to spend a round getting thier balance again.

Does this sound workable? Is there anything I have overlooked? Also, how long do you think Lava Ave is?

I've also put in debates, for the wis based, high diplomacy, chars. I need some good debate topics, hehe.

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