A Paladin in Hell - The Game

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Well, the time is here. I am looking to run a session of A Paladin in Hell for Pathfinder Rules at Paizocon.

Based on interest (and, if there is none, "C'est la vie"), I could do:

- Friday night 6pm until midnight (or whenever); I'll take care of dinner.
- Friday morning
- Saturday night (after the Banquet)

I have been holding back on the latest updates in the hopes of giving people a little surprise.

It will be a streamlined version of the module - with a little more "role" playing thrown in for variety.

Assuming this gets going, my goal is for everyone to have a great and memorable time - And what is better than killing demons and devils, really?

This is high level, so I will provide (not too complicated) pre-gens or you can bring your own characters - Starting XP is 1.4M. Standard wealth. All pathfinder books are open, including Campaign Guide and Advanced Players Guide (or APG Beta). Given the environment, I'll be liberal in terms of race, class combos. However, try to tone down anything that could provide inter-party conflict (no overwhelmingly evil characters, undead PCs, etc.).

I have had a few mention they would be up for the game - Just post if you're interested and which time would work the best.

So - don't be shy! and remember to bring your lucky dice. Optimally, we would confirm 4-6 with a couple of backups in case of last minute drop outs.

My email = <my_avatar_name> at aol dot com.


Oh yes, as additional incentive, any players joining will get a (professionally) bound copy of A Paladin in Hell for Pathfinder Rules shipped to them when it is finished.

Dark Archive

I might be interested if it happens Saturday night after the banquet! 1.4M XP on what XP progression? It looks like slow would be 16th-level, medium would be 17th-level, and fast would be 18th-level.

I don't know anything about this mod either. Killing demons and devils sounds fun, but if there's anything else important to know about the mod, I don't!

Benn Roe wrote:

I might be interested if it happens Saturday night after the banquet! 1.4M XP on what XP progression? It looks like slow would be 16th-level, medium would be 17th-level, and fast would be 18th-level.

I don't know anything about this mod either. Killing demons and devils sounds fun, but if there's anything else important to know about the mod, I don't!

I'm interested if it's Friday morning until noon, or the 6pm to midnight slot.

Benn - Thanks for the catch. Its medium progression. Level 17.

My husband, Auspician, and I would both be interested in this as well. We'd prefer the Friday night schedule over the others, but could make any of them. We'd also be interested in the specifics listed above (level, if buidling the PC how would you like us to generate scores?). Also, the hubby asks "How taboo is it to play a Paladin in Hell?" :)

Generate scores based on a 25 point buy.

Funny - I figured at least one person had to play a paladin in A Paladin in Hell. ;^)



Liberty's Edge

Squeek! LOL. Alright, so to clarify, yes, we'd absolutely love to play in your game; it sounds awesome actually. But Friday morning would work far better (as long is it ends by Noonish). We could also do Friday evening, but officially we have events going on until 8PM Friday night; but we'd be happy to meet with you earlier (we enjoy building our own characters) so we'd be able to start right at 8PM if you wished to accommodate us. If there is demand for Friday evening at an earlier time, we'd be willing to cancel our last two events that night so we could start gaming at 6PM, if 8PM would be too late.

Paladin in Hell does sound like an outstandingly fun game, and after reading your story of past cruelty in Jason's Volunteer Needed thread, it just makes me itch even more wanting to play with such a ruthless GM. Tactics are kinda my thing. :)

Let us know if you can accommodate us at either time on Friday, and we're definitely down for this.

Color me interested. However, in the interests of full disclosure I should probably state that I've owned this particular adventure since it was first released, though I've never actually had the opportunity to run it. I haven't actually opened the thing for years though, so while I remember the general adventure background and storyline everything else is generally hazy. As a serious RPGer, I wouldn't be metagaming for anything I did happen to recollect; that's no fun.

So if that's not a problem, please consider me for the game. I'm open to any of the times you suggested, though I might be a little slow on Friday morning until the coffee kicks in.

17th level, medium progression, 25 point buy with standard wealth? I could probably do up a character for that. I was thinking of a rogue build, perhaps a baddie that was redeemed and now uses his talents in a divinely inspired attempt to rid the world of evil, ala The Boondock Saints.

Sovereign Court

I'd love to get in on this. I;m available both Friday morning before the con, and Saturday after the banquet.

If I get in, expect me to bring a gish of some sort, DD, EK, MT or AT.

Ok -

Lets do this the right way:

  • Each character should be 17th level
  • Each character should use a 25 point buy as laid out in Pathfinder Core Rules
  • Characters are not to be inordinately evil - e.g. they must want to save the good guys. Anyone that complains about their "motivation" may see the hand of god (as determined by the DM)
  • Each character will start with 410,000gp
  • Each character will be limited to 10 single use items (such as a potion or scroll)
  • Each character will be limited to three wands
  • Each character will not have any single item taking up over 50% of their wealth (unless it is a personal domicile)
  • Cohorts or companions will be available based on the rules set forth in the Pathfinder Core Rules book
  • Each character may have up to two companions of a non-humanoid sort (unsummoned; for example, a paladin's mount does not count toward this limit) or up to one humanoid cohort.
  • Not more than two humanoid cohorts will be allowed per party and will be given their personality traits by the DM;
  • Not more than four non-humanoid companions will be allowed in the party
  • Cohorts or animals that die in game may lead to an XP penalty depending on the style of their death (as determined by the DM)
  • The following books are allowed without limitation (other than the above): Pathfinder Core, The Bestiary, Pathfinder Campaign Setting, Advanced Players Guide; Additional capabilities granted by other Pathfinder (only) books will be available via negotiation (e.g. asking the DM)

    On the subject of Players:

  • We need a minimum of four players to game
  • We can have a maximum of six Players Characters at one time
  • Additional players may join to play cohorts or companions;
  • Based on character death, additional pre-gen characters will be introduced into the game; Given first to any Players relegated to playing cohorts and then to the original players. There may be a short period of time before additional characters are met during the game.

We will set the roster and final time slot by midnight Wed night (tomorrow) - Please post your intent to play and preferred time as well as other available times.

I will work on arranging a place to play. Worst case (or perhaps best), we will use my room, a Townhouse Suite (supposedly it's nice [and big]; I mean, it has a staircase in it fer cry'n out loud).

Assuming a Friday night, I'll work with the Hotel on dinner options (brought to us). BYOB. I plan on remaining lucid.

I will have a game mat, pens, the dungeon, a selection of figures, dice, 1 copy Pathfinder Core Rulebook, 1 copy The Bestiary, an iPad 3G with the PRD, various gaming related apps and pictures of the baddies for you to Squeek at.

A Note on Rules Lawyering: My preference is to listen to advice and make a call then we move on. I am not interested in flipping pages and waiting on an answer, I would rather keep things moving and live with a mistake. Hopefully this is OK with the group.

The name of the game is to have fun - combats that end with the baddies teleporting out generally mean you win (unless that is their planned tactic).

Be prepared to conserve your strength - My preference is to run this "tournament style" without much rest and recuperation (although we'll see how things pan out).

For those of you that know the original module - Heh, Heh, Heh. Great. For those of you that have read my posts - Be warned, not everything is as you may expect. And stop reading them until after the game ;^)

Let me know if there are any additional questions.


Oh yes, Paizonians will be given special consideration as they are a rare delicacy.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds fantastic; Squeek is putting together a Human Archery-Based Ranger, and I'm doing what I swore never to do: a old Human martial artist Monk who runs his own Dojo. It would be helpful knowing in advance how/why we find ourselves in the Hells so we can work out a suitable backstory for RP purposes.

In the meanwhile, we'll get working on our characters so we can submit them to you post-haste.

Sovereign Court

Okay, scratch my previous comment about a gish. I've been working on this concept for a cleric of Pharasma for a while, this sounds like the perfect opportunity to give it a shot. It should be pretty straight forward, mostly out of the PFCRB. Just two quick questions:

1) Would it be okay if I used a feat out of a Wayfinder magazine?

2) Should we be expecting to use traits?


Laughing Goblin wrote:

1) Would it be okay if I used a feat out of a Wayfinder magazine?

2) Should we be expecting to use traits?

1. Sure - Let me know what it is.

2. I'm fine with traits in the books mentioned. Otherwise let me know what you're looking at and I can give you the thumbs up. (assuming traits out of one of the race-type books or geography-type books rather than the adventures)


Well then Auspician, here you go:

In this world, one meets few true heroes and fewer true friends. The great paladin, Klysandral was both to you. He was old when you met him, but also full of light and wisdom.

It was not long ago that you had a dream where you walked with him again, in the gardens of the serene Temple of Neheod. He seemed insistent on relaying something to you - Something important. However, you could not understand him and, as with dreams, a rift of consciousness formed between you and you awoke.

Thus, it was not a total shock when the letter arrived - A summons to the Funeral of the Great Paladin. Klysandral had died and you were to go to the Temple for a reading of his Last Will and Testament as well as attend your friend's funeral. Being something of a pilgrimage, you traveled the mundane way, with other pilgrims - some more interesting (and formidable appearing) than others.

Your anticipation had been building as your arrival to the old Temple drew near - ever was it a place of healing, meditation, and rejuvenation. It would be good to see all of your old friends again, many of them should be there already. The band of pilgrims traveling with you mutters excitedly as you start to crest the hill looking down on the Temple, but, then, a note of wrongness creeps into your nostrils.

Brimstone. Hellfire. Hopelessness and Blight.

The pilgrims ahead scream and drop their walking sticks, falling to their knees. You move to the rise and look down on... nothing.

Where the Temple of the Twins was to be, there is only a smoking hole in the ground. It is as if a huge spiked claw came down from the heavens and scooped away the Temple as well as all of your loved ones. Men, women, the many young orphans that lived there - gone.

A hint of wavering in the air still hangs about the crater - Were there flames there somewhere? Almost like looking through water, you thought you saw a different, darker place with a silhouette of the Temple. In any case, the illusion is now gone. Gone with the Temple.

As you start to assemble you wits - How shall you find out what happened? A popping noise issues from nearby and a small humanoid with wings appears. The tiny homunculus buzzes about until it sees you and several people standing near you. It drops a scroll nearby and smiling apologetically, melts into a pool of green wax.

The scroll unfurls in the brimstone tinted breeze - It says: CLICK HERE

Thus the adventure begins.

Some background of Neheod -> CLICK HERE


Wow, This sounds great! I would love to get in on it if there is still room.
Friday morning works best for me.

So many choices.

Working up a character now. I'll email a copy and a brief background for your review sometime tomorrow, daemonslye.

Liberty's Edge

Game Backstory sounds fantastic. My character Sensei Raiz Shinobu has been completed and e-mailed to you for approval. Definitely looking forward to this game!

Sovereign Court

I present to you Arik, recorder of death, Cleric of Pharasma, uber channeler, & party healbot...

submitted via email for general approval and feedback

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

I'd love to play, but it sounds like you have a full house already, and I'm not sure how early I could get over there on Friday anyway. :(

If you still have a slot let me know (either here or by email at tjadenjason at gmail dot com) and I'll see if I can make it happen.

Here is what I'm thinking; We do an 8am game Friday morning until noon.
This will get the adventure started, call it "Round 1".

Then for any takers, including those who survived Round 1, we will run Round 2 Friday night starting around 6pm and going (officially) until midnight.

I already have talked to some that can't make Friday morning but can make Friday night and the other way around as well.

So.... Would this work? Based on my math, even a streamlined version will take at least this long to get to the end.

Let me know and give your final time preference - I'll post a roster tonight if I hear from everyone.

In terms of pre-gens, they will be done tomorrow night and I will attempt to match the rest of the party (e.g. We have a monk, archer and cleric for example, but I want to make sure both rounds have coverage).

For anyone else interested, looks like we may have some space.



Sounds doable to me. I emailed you a rough draft of my character and a background.

Sovereign Court

I am absolutely available Friday morning. I had some really tentative plans Friday evening, but would willing to instead finish up this game.

Liberty's Edge

Squeek and I can make Friday morning, but I'll have to cut out about 30 minutes before Noon to go help Jason with Fight Club 2. We can make that evening at 6PM as well, until whenever.

OK - Here is the roster:

Friday Morning:


- Eric: (a "brave, but dangerous") Fighter-type with buff spells
- Auspician: Monk (that scares me)
- Squeeks: (unknown) Archer
- Connor/L. Goblin: Cleric (that everyone will quickly love)
- Shadowborn: Rogue ("sneak attack!" ..against everything)

All seem OK with continuing Friday night. (until they experience Friday morning that is)

Other Possible Players:
- Magecore (Friday morning preferred)
- Jason Nelson (Friday morning only)

Possible gaps: Arcane casting; Party buff ("bard"); Pure play combat;

Friday Night:

- All in confirmed;
- New Player: "Ken" (confirmed attendance) - Very likely a fighter/ranger-type.

So, based on input, we have a quorum for Friday morning - We are set. The confirmed characters are accepted (assuming Squeeks will be within parameters). Magecore or Jason, please confirm interest; The first will get a player slot Friday morning, the second, a cohort slot. ;^)

I am going to leave Friday night somewhat open for now - in case we have any other takers; Otherwise, we will go with the same crew, assuming they are "game" after the mornings conflict.

In terms of keeping contact: text to 612 six seven oh; nine oh five two; or call the same number; Backup number is 612 eight oh three, three four six nine; or email me (as above).

Looking forward to it!


P.S. Ruleswise, to clarify a few points, lets go sans traits; Potions can be created by any class that has the ability; And any age penalties/bonuses apply normally;

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

daemonslye wrote:

OK - Here is the roster:

Friday Morning:


- Eric: (a "brave, but dangerous") Fighter-type with buff spells
- Auspician: Monk (that scares me)
- Squeeks: (unknown) Archer
- Connor/L. Goblin: Cleric (that everyone will quickly love)
- Shadowborn: Rogue ("sneak attack!" ..against everything)

All seem OK with continuing Friday night. (until they experience Friday morning that is)

Other Possible Players:
- Magecore (Friday morning preferred)
- Jason Nelson (Friday morning only)

Possible gaps: Arcane casting; Party buff ("bard"); Pure play combat;

Friday Night:

- All in confirmed;
- New Player: "Ken" (confirmed attendance) - Very likely a fighter/ranger-type.

So, based on input, we have a quorum for Friday morning - We are set. The confirmed characters are accepted (assuming Squeeks will be within parameters). Magecore or Jason, please confirm interest; The first will get a player slot Friday morning, the second, a cohort slot. ;^)

I am going to leave Friday night somewhat open for now - in case we have any other takers; Otherwise, we will go with the same crew, assuming they are "game" after the mornings conflict.

In terms of keeping contact: text to 612 six seven oh; nine oh five two; or call the same number; Backup number is 612 eight oh three, three four six nine; or email me (as above).

Looking forward to it!


P.S. Ruleswise, to clarify a few points, lets go sans traits; Potions can be created by any class that has the ability; And any age penalties/bonuses apply normally;

Alrighty, count me in.

I had been planning a fighter/shadowdancer killmonger, but if we're short on arcane I could go that direction instead.

ok - made it!

we will start at 8am - after some discussion with the hotel, we agreed, for an 8am game before the con, we should use the room.

They were kind enound to give us plenty of chairs and playing surface and I'll have breakfast items here. the room number is 244. it's a townhouse suite, so plenty of room to play downstairs.

if anyone is up for it, come by at 9pm tonight for a drink and we can meet before the game. otherwise I'll see you bright and early.


if it's after 1030pm and the do not disturb sign is up, I may have the unconscious condition...

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

daemonslye wrote:

ok - made it!

we will start at 8am - after some discussion with the hotel, we agreed, for an 8am game before the con, we should use the room.

They were kind enound to give us plenty of chairs and playing surface and I'll have breakfast items here. the room number is 244. it's a townhouse suite, so plenty of room to play downstairs.

if anyone is up for it, come by at 9pm tonight for a drink and we can meet before the game. otherwise I'll see you bright and early.


if it's after 1030pm and the do not disturb sign is up, I may have the unconscious condition...

Halfling sorcerer 17 in process. Stats assigned. Magic items picked (including a bunch of ones he made himself with item creation feats), spell selection in progress. Should be ready to go in the morning.

daemonslye wrote:

ok - made it!

we will start at 8am - after some discussion with the hotel, we agreed, for an 8am game before the con, we should use the room.

They were kind enound to give us plenty of chairs and playing surface and I'll have breakfast items here. the room number is 244. it's a townhouse suite, so plenty of room to play downstairs.

if anyone is up for it, come by at 9pm tonight for a drink and we can meet before the game. otherwise I'll see you bright and early.


if it's after 1030pm and the do not disturb sign is up, I may have the unconscious condition...


My partner and I got in about 6pm today. We've been catching up with an old friend, so I haven't been around to do introductions and such, but I'll be there. If you don't mind, my partner Kat might like to spectate, and possibly play should an opening arise.

P.S. According to the official word on another thread, registration for the con begins at 9am, so we might want to call a short break around that time to head down to the lobby and get our badges and goody bags.

Liberty's Edge

Might be best to wait until after the line and rush when they open registration. Trying to take a break in the middle of a 3.5 hour game will likely be rather unproductive. We'll probably have much better luck getting tickets by heading down around 11:30 after 'part one' of Paladin in Hell concludes. If we still have to wait in a line, at least we'll have 30 minutes to do so before the Con officially begins.

PS: I know you're excited; we all are. Paizo will make sure we get our tickets one way or another.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Auspician wrote:

Might be best to wait until after the line and rush when they open registration. Trying to take a break in the middle of a 3.5 hour game will likely be rather unproductive. We'll probably have much better luck getting tickets by heading down around 11:30 after 'part one' of Paladin in Hell concludes. If we still have to wait in a line, at least we'll have 30 minutes to do so before the Con officially begins.

PS: I know you're excited; we all are. Paizo will make sure we get our tickets one way or another.

I'm on the way - if I get lost en route feel free to call me at 206 229 9092

Well - our intrepid heroes made it with hardly a scratch!  Really, a walk in the park which ended with a bit of a cliffhanger (more on that later).

The heroes, six formidable adventurers, ranger, monk, rogue, shapeshifter, sorcerer, and cleric - legendary, each in their own right, started this day in the sun, surrounded by garland-covered singing pilgrims.  then things took a turn.

As described above, the temple was gone, but worse was the arrival of a cadre of hamatula (and if you don't know what those are, look it up: so sayeth the ranger).
The group made quick work of the devils, aided by the halfling sorcerer's several castings of horrid wilting and a perfectly timed magic missile.

The group deciphered the letter and who it was from.  This led them to Point Harrow and the Metalstorm.  A shrieking maelstrom of flying shard of metal, it was a quandary to figure out a way through.  Eventually, the cleric hit upon the idea that, in wind walk form, they could attempt to fly through it without too many rounds of damage (each one handing the lucky pc a d100 of damage without a save).  Bravely, the halfling went first, then the ranger, before the rest of the pcs starting wonder whether it was such a good idea.  The halfling teleported back to the group and brought them to the ranger in the eye of the storm.

Facing the walk through a broken path, the group stopped for some healing.  With each casting of the spell, a rift in reality broke open a tried to suck in the caster.  The cleric was almost lost to the ethereal, but the teamwork of others and a little luck, saw him safely back.

The group then had audience with the very strange but famous Emirikol, the Chaotic.  He bade them go to Hell to save the orphans and he could leer them use his ship, but for one minor issue.  His captain has been on a bit of a strike lately and needs his command terminated.  The group agreed.

The ship, Demonwing, was no ordinary ship, the rogue kept muttering about the feeling of walking into a creatures gullet.  indeed, the place was slimy and wet enough to be some creatures innards.

The monk, who mentioned his speed and agility more than a few times, was able to put those abilities to great use as some type of goo eat through his boots and consumed his lower extremities.  He arrived within range of the cleric who prolonged his pain with a timely restoration spell.  Several other methods were tried to remove the constitution sucking gloop before the group had pretty much settled on hacking off the monks legs to save the rest of him.  Luckily, the rogue tried a bit of fire and all was well.  Right as rain as they say.  The monk was attempting to convince the rest of the group to each light their legs on fire before the halfling cleared the way with cones of cold. 

A room full of water barred the way and so the shifter, ready for bear in the form of a fire giant, hefted two canoes discovered earlier and the team was off - rowing up a river of black water.

Now is where we come to our "cliffhanger" quite literally - an illusion and silence placed just before a terrific drop the shaft covered in anti-magic saw one boat of heroes plunge into the depths.  The ranger and the rogue were gone - The rest of the group saved by the quick action of the shifter who caught one skiff just as it slid over the side.  We ended with our heroes, climbing down a rope through pouring water in a dead-magic shaft, one end of the rope tied to an immovable rod, to go find their friends.

Cliffhanger, indeed.

We start again at 6pm tonight.  We may have a slot open so come on by room 244 for a drink or just to watch what happens to our heroes next.  The sorcerer and cleric have other engagements so we may need help in those areas as they tend to be handy in a pinch.  Their character sheets are here.


On behalf of Kat and myself, I'd like to thank you for a couple of great gaming sessions. You were a fine host and a fun GM; glad to have gamed with you.

This session took a turn toward the dangerous as the heroes made their way deeper into the ship Demonwing.

We start where we left off - The ranger and cleric (not rogue, mistake on my part) went over the side and were gone.

Their friends climbing down ropes, through a sluicing waterfall, in a magic dead zone (the halfling sorcerer strangely transmuted into a sorceress with some fighting ability - "well, I'm more of a fighter") of great aptitude and beauty. [Jason was replaced by Kat]

Unbeknownst to the group climbing down, the ranger and cleric hit a teleport pad and were teleported to tumble out of a waterfall in a previous room. As they did so, each was a target of a greater dispel magic effect before they tumbled into the blinding black waters of the previous room.

Waiting for them, having hidden in the waters as the group paddled by, were demons of several stripes - including two hezrou and two possessed water elementals. Additionally, the Abyss is home to deep and crushing depths which spawn a rare sort of monster with an adamantine bite. It was this horror that commanded the others and waited for the heroes plunging in the pool.

The demons had no trouble seeing through the murk, although mortals were blinded by the filth in the water. The ranger escaped by the skin of her teeth, but the cleric had no such luck. A final channeling marked his end, deep in the pool in the mouth of the terror from the deep.

The monk dove to the bottom of the shaft only to end up in the same predicament as the others - Only his supernatural ability to transpose himself outside of the limitations of spells or like abilities saved him. The sorceress made it though the waterfall with the ability to fly and so did not hit the water. The rogue plunged in and was about to share the cleric's fate when the demons disappeared with the body of the cleric, several of them killed by the ranger's deadly bow.

Healing and shaken, the heroes, less cocky, forged ahead across the dead magic shaft, now using a boat made from a magical feather in the shape of a beautiful swan (thanks to the ever-resourceful rogue) - a somewhat incongruous mode of transportation in these parts.

As they floated ahead, a door in the wall opened and a robed human came running out - "Thanks be to the Darkness! You are not demons!" it exclaimed. It's hood fell back and the face of a dire bodak was revealed to all - "killing" the sorceress and the rogue (they were reduced to -1 hit points). "Sorry! Sorry about that!" the creature pulled its hood down low, begging not to be dis-incorporated. It claimed to have important information of the travails that were to be found ahead. The bodak claimed it was one "Flerd Trantle" a cleric, and offered to "heal" any hurt PCs (none of them took the bodak up on its offer - waving about its holy symbol of Zon-Kuthon).

The sorceress was healed and the group was about to kill the wanderer, information or no, when it started a terrible keening. Were it not for a ring of regeneration, the rogue would have perished. Luck won out again.

At this point, a terrible roar was heard up the corridor and a horrid scuttling noise grew loud. Bebiliths, two of them, running across the walls, approached. The group focused their firepower on the two spider demons and they were destroyed. The corridor inexplicably grew wider and taller with a grinding noise - the way back was also closed off.

Two huge pig-like demons appeared out of the gloom with two additional bebiliths. Somewhere ahead, another ear-splitting roar could be heard and a loud metallic snapping noise. The heroes made quick work of these demons but grew concerned as an earth-trembling stomping noise grew loud and a giant horned demon appeared roaring in rage.

Several of the group, including the ranger panicked, which possibly saved their lives as the shifter and monk did battle with the demon giant. The shifter was swatted down, unconscious, and the monk landed on the creature's face activating an immovable rod to slow the creature down.

The player running Flerd Trantle chose this moment to keen. I mention this because, while I am normally evil enough to do this myself, I was rather busy at the time, and was not thinking of it, having considered Flerd one of the party for the moment. That said, the player made the call and the shifter was no more. Based on his cackling as this transpired, Jared is perhaps more evil than even I. *grin*

The monk, noting several of his companions were still panicked, bravely held ground and full attacked the demon giant - enough damage to get its full attention.

The demon giant ducked under the rod and full attacked the old monk. The sensei master of one thousand students and innovator of the art perished in the full onslaught of the demon's attacks.

The hard bought time paid off - The ranger shook off her panicked state, picked up her mighty bow - and, her whole life devoted to killing demons, devils, and like creatures, she unleashed a hail of deadly arrows. Never had the survivors seen such damage done by any weapon, much less a bow in the hands of a slip of a girl. The demon giant was slain (and took another 353hp of damage in one round by the ranger alone).

The bodak ran off into a portal opened in the side of the passage, chuckling and gurgling to himself. They may not have seen the last of him...

As the heroes took stock of their situation, a rogue, a sorceress, and a ranger, the darkness crept in and surrounded them. The bodak had mentioned prisoners held in a dungeon up ahead. Perhaps, freeing them could gain them some needed allies against the darkness. The bodak alluded to the power of the Captain. One could guess what brand of demon it was - "Fire and Death... Fire and Death."

They got back in their swan boat and continued ahead.

A big thanks to our players:

Auspician (Dustin) - Old human monk
Squeeks (Kimothee) - Ranger of Death
Jason Nelson - Halfling sorcerer
Eric Tillmans - Shape shifter extraordinaire
Shadowborn (Jeff) - A most resourceful Rogue
Kat - Sorceress, Fighter (whatever, "lightning bolt!")
Laughing Goblin (Conor) - Cleric of Pharasma
Jared - The Dread Bodak (who can be trusted. really.)

I salute you!


Thanks Dave!

All those bad-ass demons and my character gets killed by a whiny Bodak, how insulting! Despite that, I had a great time with Paladin in Hell and hopefully we can do part 2 next year.


Liberty's Edge

Eric Tillemans wrote:
I had a great time with Paladin in Hell and hopefully we can do part 2 next year.

I'd like it no other way. :)

Auspician wrote:
Eric Tillemans wrote:
I had a great time with Paladin in Hell and hopefully we can do part 2 next year.
I'd like it no other way. :)

Well, it's that time again! I've got the same room, table and libations.

A Paladin in Hell - Part Duex - couple of items I'm considering and would appreciate feedback on:

1. having a Thursday afternoon game to start things off then another session each night (still considering after the banquet or not)
2. number of players
3. the use of pregens
4. some sort of scoring for "best roleplaying" or "saved the party with brilliance" kind of thing. with "prizes"

looks like I may have one or two players join as well. if you're interested in being a player, please let me know as well as when you have availability.

looking forward to it! cheers!


daemonslye wrote:

Well, it's that time again! I've got the same room, table and libations.

A Paladin in Hell - Part Duex - couple of items I'm considering and would appreciate feedback on:

1. having a Thursday afternoon game to start things off then another session each night (still considering after the banquet or not)
2. number of players
3. the use of pregens
4. some sort of scoring for "best roleplaying" or "saved the party with brilliance" kind of thing. with "prizes"

looks like I may have one or two players join as well. if you're interested in being a player, please let me know as well as when you have availability.

looking forward to it! cheers!


Last year was a lot of fun and before my PaizoCon plans fell through I was going to plan my PaizoCon trip around when this game was running rather than fitting in the game between PaizoCon events.

For anyone wondering whether this will be worth their time, it will be!

Wow - Thanks for the plug Eric!

I'll be posting more info on the game and times once the official gaming stuff is announced.


Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

My game-running schedule is far lighter this year (thanks to me spacing out and missing the deadline to submit!), so I should definitely be in this time, and can probably stay a bit longer.

If I can't find last year's character, I may have to make a new one. What are the specs for character creation again?

Jason Nelson wrote:

My game-running schedule is far lighter this year (thanks to me spacing out and missing the deadline to submit!), so I should definitely be in this time, and can probably stay a bit longer.

If I can't find last year's character, I may have to make a new one. What are the specs for character creation again?

OK - You are in! Awesome. I am going to do pre-gen characters (I'll send them out soon; I may just rustle up your halfling for one of them although you can pick from any) this year to make it easier on folks.

I have two other players confirmed so that makes three so far.

I am planning to do night games:

- Thursday Night 6pm until whenever
- Friday Night 6pm until whenever
- Sat Night 6pm until whenever - may start after the Banquet based on a vote.

So - Anyone that wants a confirmed seat please post to this thread and indicate which night (or all three - We are gaming picking up where we left off each night). Otherwise, I'll put up a sign in the Townhouse rooms hall and leave the door open so people can mosey in and partake of death and libations.

Hope to see you there!


This sounds fun! And since Eric endorses it and can't be here this year (sorry man, you were fun to game with) that means it -is- fun and that you have at least one spare seat open (at least I hope so). If you do have a spot free, I'd love to occupy it and happy to take any unspoken-for pregen character.

I am attending the Banquet and signed myself up to go to the Meet and Greet on Thursday eve, but I am available after either of those events. But with the exception of the time that coincides with the Banquet (which I paid for already), I am not picky.

This was amazing, I'm just sorry Ausp and I will be missing it this year. :( We'll see you next year, Dave. Good luck to this year's players. This is an extremely fun module, and daemonsyle is a *great* DM. You'll have a blast. I promise. :)

I am SO IN!!! Yes please yes please yes please. This is my top priority, and I am so super excited I just polymorphed into a 14 year old anime girl and Squeed!!


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm in, D. Very excited for it.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Ouch - your times coincide with
Thursday - Meet and Eat
Friday - Grand Melee
Saturday - Banquet

I could come Thursday after the meet and eat, but I'll miss the beginning.

Squeeks - Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm really bummed you and Auspian won't make it. That said, a whole horde of demons just breathed a very loud sigh of relief. Well, there's always 2012!

Sasha, Jason, we'd love to have you join Thursday after the dinner event and whenever on Friday (Sasha, I'll assume you're in at 6pm).

Tom and Wilberforce - bring your lucky dice!

Once I get a sense for whether we will have more confirmed seats (likely after the lottery picks are announced), I'll post the pre-gens.

Looking forward to it!


I would love to play if ou have a friday evening slot open, or even early friday. me and my friends are trying to make it out Late thursday evening ( work and all that ). So a time slot for friday would be great.
Heck even a time slot for Saturday. I was there last year watching Shadowborn ( Jeff ) play and it looked fun.
Still same restrictions for character generation?

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