golden pony |
After hours of playtesting and help from various members from these boards, I present this version to the world:
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Feats: Cleave, Great cleave, Power attack, Endurance, Diehard.
Special: Strength Surge and Intimidating glare rage powers.
The Frenzied Berserker
Lv Special
1 Frenzy
2 Deathless Frenzy
3 Inspire Frenzy
4 Supreme pow. attack, Supreme cleave
5 Greater Frenzy
Hit die: d12
Attack bonus: High
Good saves: fortitude
Proficiencies: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class skills: Climb, Intimidate, Jump, Survival, Swim.
Frenzy (Ex): At 1st-level the Frenzied Berserker gains the ability to frenzy. Frenzy adds a +4 bonus to Strength and imposes a -2 penalty to AC. When making a full attack action, she can also make an extra attack that round at her highest attack bonus.
Also, each round of frenzy, the character takes 4 points of subdual damage and uses a round of rage use per day. At the end of a frenzy, the character is fatigued for twice the number of rounds she spent in a frenzy. Levels of frenzied berserker stack with barbarian levels for purposes of determining the number of rounds a barbarian can rage per day.
Furthermore, the frenzied berserker must make a will save (DC 20) to stop her frenzy before she spends her daily allotment of rage rounds and if hit, she must make a will save (DC= damage taken during the round) to avoid entering a frenzy.
When in a frenzy the character must attempt to engage in melee. If all enemies in charge range are dead or unconscious, a frenzied character must attempt to engage allied creatures in melee, attacking at the best of her abilities, as if that creature were an enemy. If all creatures in charge range are dead or unconscious, the frenzied character must attempt to move at maximum speed toward the nearest creature (enemy or ally), in an attempt to initiate a new melee. If no potential targets can be sensed, a frenzied character will go on a search for new targets, stopping at least once per round, to vent his fury by attacking inanimate objects or the ground itself.
The GM is within his rights to overrule any declared actions, which he/she deems to constitute a player pulling their punches, even to the point of (in egregious cases) running that character as an NPC.
Deathless Frenzy (Ex): At 2nd level, when the Frenzied Berserker is under the effects of Frenzy, she will keep on fighting until she is brought to a negative hit point score equal to her class level multiplied by her constitution score.
Inspire Frenzy (Ex): As a swift action, you can inspire frenzy in willing allies within 30 feet. Each affected ally gains the benefits and drawbacks of the first-level frenzied berserker Frenzy ability, lasting for 4 rounds plus the recipient's Constitution modifier. The recipient can end his or her frenzy at any time, suffering fatigue as normal for the Frenzy ability. Using Inspire Frenzy reduces your remaining daily rounds of rage by an amount equal to twice the number of affected allies.
Frenzied power attack, frenzied cleave: Whenever the frenzied berserker is under the effects of frenzy, the bonus to damage granted by power attack is increased by 50%.
When cleaving in a frenzy, the barbarian can use his 5ft free move between cleave attempts and also hit non-adjacent enemies, although with a -2 penalty.
Greater Frenzy (Su): At 5th level, the Frenzied Berserker gains a +8 bonus to Strength while under Frenzy instead of a +4. This effect is not cumulative with any other effect granting an extra attack such as haste or a speed weapon.
Alternatively, we thought of replacing the current supreme power attack ability you see by allowing the FB to get a penalty to his attack bonus (and the corresponding damage bonus), but we made that into a feat.
Great power attack
You can sacrifice even more accuracy for strength when using power attack.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +7, Power attack.
Benefits: When using power attack, you can opt to take a penalty of up to -1 per every +2 base attack bonus you have reached.
Normal: Without this feat, you can only take a -1 per every +4 base attack bonus reached.
Themetricsystem |
Any impressions?
I think the Great Cleave requirement is a bit much because as is you would have to be a human barb up to level 7 to get access simply due to that limit. Giving that as a bonus feat at first level would make up for that and streamline the BAB requirement with the feat requirement.
I also suggest finer tuning of the inspire frenzy, as it is you will hose your casters and experts every time you use it forcing them to drop frenzy and get fatigued simply for the fact that they cant use most of their abilities.golden pony |
I thought too about the heavy feats prerequisites.
Fastest route is barbarian 3, and fighter 2, any race. Or 4/1 human. I do not want to give extar bonus feats, the FB is already getting one (or more!) goodp owers per level.
When it was a 10 levels class, it had all those bonus feats, but a lot of empty levels. I tried to squish it in 5, and to keep it from having more than a power per level, made bonus feats prerequisites intsead.
For inspire frenzy, I should of course add that unwilling targets are not affected, and that the FB decides who to affect or not.
Yasha0006 |
I'd actually been thinking of reworking this PrC myself at some point, but it was far down my list. Personally, I'm not one of the GMs who is scared of it. The 10 level version really did seem too drawn out for a class that not too many characters were really that likely to pursue for so long.
One question is, what type of bonus is he Strength bonus from Frenzy? Currently you don't seem to have it typed. One of the biggest issues most GMs had with this class wasn't the Frenzy itself (personally I love this kind of berserker!) but that in 3.x Rage and Frenzy stacked pretty much, boosting strength to scary levels. Especially when paired with PrCs like the Weretouched Master from Eberron.
Honestly, I knew someone who was told to make the most powerful character for a game by their GM (at 16th level I think) and they made a Barbarian/Weretouched Master/Frenzied Berserker and ended up with somewhere near Strength 60 when Raging and Frenzied.
On its own, its a neat, flavorful class. You just need to make sure you are clear where those bonuses come from and if they stack, otherwise they can be really badly abused.
Yasha0006 |
Oh, and to answer some questions about the requirements of the PrC...
I think those are decent requirements for the class as far as feat requirements go. The +5 BAB requirement is okay...though I might go to +7.
This is a strong prestige class, it gives some really good benefits (albeit with drawbacks) over 5 levels. One of the reasons I actually suggest increasing the BAB requirement is that Prestige Classes work on the basis that the tougher the requirements to meet (or the higher the minimum level to get into the PrC) the stronger it can be. That is how I see PrCs at least, and I think that is the standard way to build them if I am remembering correctly. I'm not sure if Paizo has said anything different for PFRPG as yet.
Some people might argue that having the Strength bonus from Frenzy stack with Rage is the intent of the class, but I disagree. If you have, or intend for Frenzy and Rage to stack, then at 1st level of this PrC you have gained the same Strength bonus that a Barbarian only gets at 20th level. Its something to consider.
golden pony |
Agreeable, agreeable. We noticed that type bonys thing a week ago or so so decided it would be morale.
And yeah they are blenders but the drawback RPG wise is terrible, you could end up killing a village of innocent you just saved because
"Kor got boo-boo on knee =("
You are very vulenrable in big cities with guards and can end up going kamkaze on them with a clever ennemy knowing about your weakness and wanting to get rid of you.
Your party has to spend ressources to make sure you don't blend them.
The bonus are supposed to stack in 3.5 as untyped bonus, that's the rule and they do not mention an exception. They even have a rule for rage and frenzy and fatigue (not just stacking them, duh), but in my hasty 5secs read I couldn't see more. Gotta go.
Will post a slightly upgraded version later, mostly better wording and clarifications about skill use. Instead of putting an absolute blanket on not using int, wis, cha skills except intimidate, we give it a -10 to such checks. (Same for barbarian. We just do not really like absolutes in our game at all, and usually replace them with +10 or -10).
And after checking some maths, 2 improvements to power attack is too much. One is already a lot, so I will keep one.
golden pony |
Be careful what bonuses you choose, Barbarian Rage is already a morale bonus to Strength...
As far as I remember, same type bonuses don't stack except Dodge bonuses. So, it would need to be something different.
ERrr.... the correct sentence at the beginning of my last post was "it would be morale and as an exception to the rule stack with the bonus received from rage".
So yeah these 2 would stack with themselves but not wiith any other morale bonus. I do not want some frenzied non raged guy to receive morale bonus.I'll post my lil thing later.
There's a problem with the power attack though. There's great cleave and no great power attack because PA is already powerful enough by itself.
Improving it 2 times would be overkill. With one improved power attack and the extar strength and attack the FB is already a blender. But then part of the class flavor was this Supreme power attack capstone ability. hmm..
golden pony |
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Cleave, Endurance, Great cleave, Power attack.
Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks.
Special: Strength Surge, Intimidating glare and terrifying howl rage powers.
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Hit die/Attack bonus: d12/full
Good saves: Fortitude
Proficiencies: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class skills: Climb, Intimidate, Survival, Swim.
Lv Special
1 Frenzy, Berserker warrior
2 Frenzy power
3 Supreme cleave
4 Frenzy power
5 Great power attack
6 Frenzy power
7 Greater frenzy
Frenzy (Ex): The Berserker gains the ability to enter a frenzy, following the same rules to enter a rage.
Frenzy grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength, incurs a -2 penalty to AC and counts against the Barbarian’s daily rage rounds limit.
While in frenzy, a berserker takes a -10 penalty on any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. Furthermore, a frenzied character must attempt to fight every creature in sight at the best of her abilities, starting with her enemies if desired. Finally, the barbarian will enter frenzy during her next turn if damaged previously unless she succeeds a will save, DC equaling the damage received before the following turn.
To end a frenzy, the character must succeed a Will save DC 20 unless she has spent her daily allotment of rage rounds, at which point her frenzy ends automatically. Ending a frenzy is otherwise identical to ending a rage and incurs the fatigued condition twice the time spent in the frenzy.
As an exception to the rule Frenzy stacks with rage even though both provide a morale bonus to strength.
Berserker warrior: At 1st level, Frenzied berserker levels stack with
Barbarian levels for purposes of choosing new rage powers and their effect. Furthermore, the Berserker gains 2 extra rounds of daily rage use per class level.
Frenzy power: Starting ta 2nd level and every even level thereafter, the Frenzied berserker can chose one of the following powers:
Deathless Frenzy (Su): A Frenzied Berserker under the effects of Frenzy will keep on fighting below 0 hit points without any penalties until she is brought to a negative hit point score equal to her class level multiplied by her constitution modifier. Prerequisite: Diehard.
Improved Toughness: At 5th level, the frenzied berserker gains +1 hp per hit dice, and adds +1 hp to any future hit dice he earns.
Prerequisite: Toughness.
Inspire Frenzy (Ex): As a swift action, you can inspire frenzy in willing allies within 30 feet. Each affected ally gains the benefits and drawbacks of the first-level frenzied berserker Frenzy ability, lasting for 4 rounds plus the recipient's Constitution modifier. The recipient can end his or her frenzy at any time, suffering fatigue as normal for the Frenzy ability. Using Inspire Frenzy reduces your remaining daily rounds of rage by an amount equal to twice the number of affected allies.
Prerequisite: Inspire rage.
Tireless frenzy (Ex): At 8th level, the Frenzied berserker is no longer fatigued after ending her frenzy.
Prerequisite: 4th level.
Rage power: Alternatively, the Frenzied berserker can choose a Rage power from the barbarian’s list.
Supreme cleave: A 3rd level Berserker using Great cleave during a frenzy can take one single 5ft move between cleave attempts during his turn, and can also chose to hit non adjacent enemies. When cleaving in this way, he suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC.
Great power attack: A 5th level Berserker can use power attack to take a penalty of up to half his attack bonus (and add the corresponding bonus to his damage rolls) when in a Frenzy.
Greater Frenzy (Su): At 7th level, when a Berserker enters frenzy, the morale bonus to her Strength in increases to +8.
Furthermore, she can make an extra attack per round at her highest attack bonus. However, if she chooses to do so, all her attacks made within the round will incur a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
Ex-Frenzied Berserkers: Should a Frenzied berserker’s alignment change from chaotic, he loses his frenzy and inspire frenzy abilities and cannot take any more levels in this class.
This class could likely have a little continuation in epic levels through frenzy/rage powers, and etc up to level 10th. But not before.
Remco Sommeling |
stacking it with normal rage seems hopelessly broken imo, the frenzied berserker never was a playable class to start with because of the stacking rage and ridiculous power attack.. also I didnt think it added anything to a barbarian except more damage. Silly Prc with a lack of convincing flavor imo.
golden pony |
In comparison to 3.5 about 70% of the power attack damage got nerfed.
Also you obviously did not mention that it adds the risk of slaughtering all your party members or villages where you are around, and the risk of spending all your extra juice slaughtering your allies instead of ennemies. Here it is even more true as you can spend all your daily rage rounds on your party and be a liability in front of any trap or ennemy. That is why the whole flavor description of the class deals with battle being a drug for them. It gets neatly translated into the mechanics.
Everytime the party's players end up paying for more ressurrects because of the FB killing them more often than the ennemies and end up being chased by all kind of forces of good or law they had it coming. Every time the FB faces a boss with 0 rage left, he had it coming. Everytime he wastes some 4 spells and 200 hit points on the party because a little trap did booboo on his head, they had it coming. Everytime a party member gets power attacked by an 'ally' with a massive +18 to normal strength bonus and a rough 1 per 4 power attack conversion, she had it coming.
The more you play a FB, the more your chances of TPKing your own party and dying the next round approach 1. That does not seem so broken against ennemies, and if concerning the players, there is a talk to be had between them and the GM before allowing this thing in of course.
All of this sounds very different from 'just a barbarian with more damage'.
No sane player would take such a massive drawback without massive benefits as well. Even with the benefits no sane player would take it.
The Speaker in Dreams |
I like the updated requirements, but not the updated 7 level progression.
Keep the 5 level progression, and tack on that "Berserk Warrior" bit into level 1 like your initial post did.
Honestly, given the boons, it *should* be a brief class, IMO.
As for the nay-saying? It's coming from people that are all #'s and clearly NOT looking into the rp-elements. They're also looking at it from "that's a jack-ass PC class to be used!"
Point = they were NEVER fans in the first place, so they will NOT be fans now. Don't expect constructive criticism from such sources as the goal seems to be to get you to NOT have 'bad wrong fun' with a pet-peeve class of theirs.
You did good, Pony!
*applauds the effort*
Gorbacz |
How about running some math and then you will see how broken this class is ? :)
Also - PrCs should be something that more than 1 class can qualify for. I really don't like the 3.5 philosophy "hey, our core class sucked, so here are 1000 PrCs to compensate". What's a RP difference between a Barbarian and a FB - the latter produces 200% more saliva when foaming madly at the mouth ? :)
Dabbler |
Point = they were NEVER fans in the first place, so they will NOT be fans now. Don't expect constructive criticism from such sources as the goal seems to be to get you to NOT have 'bad wrong fun' with a pet-peeve class of theirs.
The Frenzied Berserker is the only class in the game that inflicts it's major disadvantage on everybody else in the party rather than suffering it themselves. That, if anything, was the one thing about the class that needed fixing that could have made it acceptable to us nay-sayers.
The only real 'badwrongfun' in the game is spoiling your fellow player's enjoyment of the game. I don't know about you, but my character getting his head cleaved open by a frenzied berserker 'ally' whose run out of real enemies to kill and is now chopping the rest of the party apart as he fails Will save after Will save is a pisser on my day every time.
While I appreciate good role-playing as much as anyone, I don't think it's fair to make my fellow players suffer for it.
The Speaker in Dreams |
Blanket statement to "attacks" coming my way:
I, for the record, agree with the #'s (I simply do NOT hold them as the absolute measure of a class - ANY class - period) and can probably back every statement by all of the nay-sayers.
HOWEVER - what does ANY of that do for helping this poster out with her game? Her conversion? or the thread as a whole? Not much ... so, while I *could* go and take up arms, grab my torch and pitch fork like the rest of you - I've chosen NOT to do this. Instead, I've chosen to stick to the thread topic and purpose and evaluate THAT as it is (leaving *my* baggage at the thread door so to speak). The one is helpful, the other - becomes annoyingly counter-productive on site (it's happened to me already and I REFUSE to do the same to other's posts).
To hit specifics ...
The Frenzied Berserker is the only class in the game that inflicts it's major disadvantage on everybody else in the party rather than suffering it themselves. That, if anything, was the one thing about the class that needed fixing that could have made it acceptable to us nay-sayers.
The only real 'badwrongfun' in the game is spoiling your fellow player's enjoyment of the game. I don't know about you, but my character getting his head cleaved open by a frenzied berserker 'ally' whose run out of real enemies to kill and is now chopping the rest of the party apart as he fails Will save after Will save is a pisser on my day every time.
While I appreciate good role-playing as much as anyone, I don't think it's fair to make my fellow players suffer for it.
Yes, it *is* a pain in the butt to have, literally, an "unreliable" ally at your side. However, that's also the risk of the class in the first place. No one says it has to be allowed, and if it's a game-breaker for you - don't use it. However, you should not run around trying to hit people w/the "not cool" stick that *do* want to use it in their own games.
Your point, though - stands and is irrefutable. If he fails his will save - suck-city for the party members, and the character himself. I would plead no contest on this point (I would *also* point out that those wanting to make use of it are FULLY aware of it's drawbacks as well and are willing to risk it/include it in THEIR games).
Strictly regarding your conversion, it looks good.
Regarding the actual class... no. Just no. The Frenzied Berserker is permanently banned from any game I run. One of the few non-negotiable houserules I have.
Criticism like this is fine ... an objection on a personal note, but otherwise giving at least a cursory review/feedback on the work itself. No one says that everyone needs to use it, but we have a member of the community looking for help and feedback - this is fine, IMO.
How about running some math and then you will see how broken this class is ? :)
I've done so - did it back in 3.x, and I'm quite aware of the #'s involved. At no point did I not claim importance on the #'s - just the implication that the #'s alone made the class forfeit for use in a game. If *you* don't like it - fine. No one says *you* must use it. However, this does nothing to help the OP, or really contribute meaningfully to the thread. It's a conversion thread, so comment on the conversion.
{and, yes - it's FREAKIN' crazy high with the numbers ... fully disgusting. If the GM and players are willing to sign off on it, though, let 'em.}
Also - PrCs should be something that more than 1 class can qualify for. I really don't like the 3.5 philosophy "hey, our core class sucked, so here are 1000 PrCs to compensate". What's a RP difference between a Barbarian and a FB - the latter produces 200% more saliva when foaming madly at the mouth ? :)
I ... really don't agree with that bit about *any* class qualification much at all.
I think there should be some for specific classes, some of *more* benefit to some and less to others, and some for any. In other words, I like a variety of PrC's with some specific purpose they bring to the setting/game/whatever they're being used in.
The rp-difference is one of being powered by fury/rage/whatever in combat and pulling off crazy stuff through adrenaline surges - but you're still *in control* of yourself. Whereas the other is so completely blinded and overtaken and he/she can *literally* lose herself to the rage and fury - it's almost the difference between a "combat style" and a "curse" really.
That your view does not allow for this possibility, or that you've side-lined it doesn't give me great faith in your evaluation anyway, though.
Dabbler |
HOWEVER - what does ANY of that do for helping this poster out with her game?
If I was doing something that would make my game vastly unpopular (and this class can) I would want to know about it. It's not a question of taking up pitchforks and torches, it's a case of: "Er, you DO know this class is horrible for everyone else in the party, don't you?"
Yes, it *is* a pain in the butt to have, literally, an "unreliable" ally at your side. However, that's also the risk of the class in the first place. No one says it has to be allowed, and if it's a game-breaker for you - don't use it. However, you should not run around trying to hit people w/the "not cool" stick that *do* want to use it in their own games.
Your point, though - stands and is irrefutable. If he fails his will save - suck-city for the party members, and the character himself. I would plead no contest on this point (I would *also* point out that those wanting to make use of it are FULLY aware of it's drawbacks as well and are willing to risk it/include it in THEIR games).
Yes, it is also irrefutable that it's up to other players and GMs how they run their games and what they play.
Yasha0006 |
Obviously this thread is generating some heated discussion. Here are my 2 cp.
1) I like the idea of the Frenzied Berserker. This class lets characters like Orson (Record of Lodoss War) or Guts (Berserk!) possible. Its a viable fantasy character concept in my opinion, YMMV or YOMV.
2) The biggest issues I have always had with the class are these:
-Inspire Frenzy: I don't really see the need for it. Frenzied
Berserkers are supposed to be something special...not something
shared. Some might think this includes attacking your own party,
personally I don't.
-Rage and Frenzy Stacking: I just don't go for it. I would prefer to
see Frenzy as a specialized form of Rage instead of an add-on.
Frenzy(IMO)should replace Rage once this class is taken. The character should no longer have the option of Raging or Frenzying....Frenzy is it.
Dabbler |
All this talk about FB being a danger to his party and everyone around and all it takes is one Hold Person or whatever else save-or-suck spell you have. Voluntarily fail the save, voila.
That assumes that you have a caster left with a spell at the end of the combat and that a foaming-at-the-mouth berserk maniac will voluntarily fail anything ...
golden pony |
-Inspire Frenzy: I don't really see the need for it. Frenzied
Berserkers are supposed to be something special...not something
shared. Some might think this includes attacking your own party,
personally I don't.-Rage and Frenzy Stacking: I just don't go for it. I would prefer to
see Frenzy as a specialized form of Rage instead of an add-on.
Regarding the first point, yeah now that you mention it, their core class feature should be... you know... their core class feature, not everyone's class feature. Could be introduced as an epic rage power.
About Frenzy and rage not stacking, there would be little to no point in taking a frenzied berserker then. At level 20, assuming we use a 7 levels version, you would be getting
*An extra attack per round.
*The possibility of taking another -5 to your PA.
*The possibility of screwing your attack bonus by another -4 if you use all your powers.
*Minus 8 to constitution when raging.
*Minus 4 to will when raging.
*Minus 14 skill points. I do not know about your game, but in mine I make sure these little skill points have an important role every so often.
*Three less DR/- or so.
If I was making my character I'd rather stay barbarian looking at the numbers. If I also checked at the Will save or go berserker and slaughter the allies, villagers, party members, and meaning going kamikaze in big cities or in a dungeon with a trap filled corridor and an ennemy at the end, I'd say "definitely not, not worth it :/".
That's why we decide they stack. Now, you could say that there's no rage or frenzy choice. The paperwork gain actually seems attractive. But not leting them stack makes the class kind of useless.
All this talk about FB being a danger to his party and everyone around and all it takes is one Hold Person or whatever else save-or-suck spell you have. Voluntarily fail the save, voila.
I'd read the "must fight every creature in sight at the bets of her abilities" as a counter to this. Can't fight to your best of abilitites if you decide to allow yourself to be paralyzed.
What my players do use, however, is a contingency spell, summons, and bluff checks and wizard-crafted bluff items so they can feign death after the berserker's charge and hit (never be adjacent to him). Originally (in 3.5) he can't roll sense motive. It's alittle cheesy to have some guy with 18 wis and 19 ranks in sense motive to suddenly think that some wis 6 0 bluff simpleton dies for no reason near him and drops. Ok it could happen, he is insane after all, but not every single
time. It's impossible or nearly impossible to believe such a thing.
In my group we do not use blanket absolute anyway. Usually it's a +10 bonus to the thing. So instead for said skills, the FB has a -10 penalty. The party members receive a -15 if they do such a weird bluff.
More than far fetched, not totally impossible. So they still need a bit of extra bluff to have a decent possibility of escaping the blender, which is one of the main liabilities if having a FB in your party, and thus should not be dismissed easily (Party taking bluff ranks and making items seems enough of an extra effort to me, and it just happens to work alright with the rules, amazing, isn't it :p?). We are considering abut a -20 penalty though. Not sure. -10 Instead of blanket absolutes has always worked nice so far.
Encouragment and constructive criticism
Well, thnx that's what I need =).
When we tested it, 5 levels seemed a bit too powerful. 7 Will be checked today. As you said, the 2nd levle ability does not need a whole level dedicated to it. But in a 5 levels format it has powerful power attack and cleave improvements on the same level, seems a bit over the top to me. Maybe 6 levels would be alright.
I would rephrase some of SiD's points, but he is more eloquent =). Yeah, obviously FB it dishes more numbers than any other melee class around.And it dishes more party deaths and key NPC deaths. All the time. If it's a jack-ass class or a pain in the ass depends on what you like and who you play with. We use it casually every month and we all like having this bomb time around. Again, that's besides the point.
FB is just a barbarian with more damage that breaks your game and is broken.
I never brought up any point about how game destroying this class can be because it seems to me that everyone is well aware of that.
It's like the third and last time I repeat myself, but to all peopel saying it's "just a barbarian with more damage/foam", well... refer to my previous post for a dozen lines of why exactly it's not that at all.
You could say that, yes, it's more than a barbarian, it's a barbarian with more damage. You could also say that, no, it's less than a barbarian because he is an unreliable psycho that will end up TPKing before dying himself in a city where everyone hates the party because he just killed a dozen innocents and a bunch of guards sooner or later just because he got a little booboo on his head. And if you chose ot play that, you should get some extra benefit. And the aproval of the party and DM of course.
The point of this conversion is
-Using the PF format of special abilities every level.
-Cut down on the power. It has giant drawbacks, so it has to be overpowered anyway. But there's a limit to be found.
As it stands, this conversion from 3.5 loses some 4 to attack roll at maximum level when using its abilities, more than 80% of it's maximum potential power attack damage, and 2 strength.
And about there not having any class-specific Prc, well we a few more of those. See them fluff-wise as old 2e kits.
The Speaker in Dreams |
Ottiluke's Sphere could neutralize the threat right nicely, too (hopefully he didn't have *superstitious* as a Barbarian rage power, though ... SUCK!!!)
Hell ... might be WELL worth it for all involved to pool some GP's together to always have at least 2-3 scroll of that spell there JUST to stop the "red haze of doom" from ending up with a TPK on all fronts.
I mean ... if you're gonna do it, might as well be prepared, no?
The Speaker in Dreams |
A few things since you posted as I was typing (lol):
1) When you tested the 5-level, was it with the +7 bab reqs or no? I think the +7 will immediately slow down the "power" just for hitting the buy-in point.
2) I'm not a fan of THAT many feat req's - that's a LOT of stuff, honestly. Maybe 1 of either 2 "paths" that you have would be better, and then *possibly* toss on a single 3rd. Great Cleave is a bit much (and it works differently in PF mechanically), and Endurance is just weird ... it's a good thing for a Barb as it can lead to Die Hard (which is damn near *required* for PF style barbarians), but for the FB ... it's just weird. I can see that *thematically* it might make sense - long, enduring rage-figure, but other than "feat tax" it does NOTHING for the PrC, and honestly, mechanically - Extra Rage makes more sense (or whatever it's called), than that feat. Since you're on the "lessen power" I'd say that the feat-tax/high feat buy-in is one way to achieve this, and that Extra Rage is better, and more fitting than Endurance for the PrC.
3) Again - since you want to downplay the power level a bit, how about this as a restriction/factor/whatever in the Frenzy Ability: "Soothing Anima" or something along those lines - the concept is that there is *something* whatever (favorite blanket as a kid, flowers of a certain odor/color, special sounds or sights, particular objects, or people, etc, etc - limitless, really) that can cause the Frenzy to immediately end if some sort of condition is not met (make a Will Save or something vs. DC of Ri-donculous!).
This opens up more of the rp-side of the class, and can really make for some serious drama as the party goes nuts looking to find the "anima" in order to calm the mo-fo down right quick. It's especially fitting if it's another character, too, for dramatics and such: overprotective brother can do this to his younger sibling, husband/wife relationships, "partners" or "best friends" can do this, too.
Now, on the flipside of the "anima" if the "anima" is in some way threatened or harmed, there's a real good chance of instant frenzy in which the character goes ape-poopoo trying to avenge/protect his "anima" (whatever it is - blanket, lover, lucky platinum, desert flowers, etc).
I'm getting this from Orson (since someone mentioned him already) overall, but I think it really brings more RP elements into the class and a way to temper the party threat a bit ... as long as the "anima" is present somewhere.
Just some thoughts.
Edit: on a finer review, the 3.x class has Jump, so I'd suggest adding Acrobatics to the class-skill list as well for this PrC you're working on.
I'd also suggest one less rage power req - just to avoid identical FB's on all points. 3 pre-determined rage powers AND 4 feats is a tough, tough price to pay ... it fully determines almost 90% of your advancement *just* to qualify to get in ... odd.
Oh ... and put me down on the list for not liking the "inspire frenzy" stuff either. I never liked it much in 3.x either, so if you're looking ot "power down" the concept - that's an easy one to go with, IMO.
golden pony |
A few things since you posted as I was typing (lol):
1) When you tested the 5-level, was it with the +7 bab reqs or no? I think the +7 will immediately slow down the "power" just for hitting the buy-in point.
2) I'm not a fan of THAT many feat req's - that's a LOT of stuff
3) Again - since you want to downplay the power level a bit, how about this as a restriction/factor/whatever in the Frenzy Ability: "Soothing Anima"
1)It was +5. It seemed a bit too powerful too soon, even despite the downgrades. Just a table feeling and some numbers in comparison to otehr PC.
2)Yeah, it is a choice actually. Endurance is for diehard which is required for deathless frenzy. And flavorwise, you need to be really endurant to push your body's adrenaline non-stop like that, you get my idea.
Your point makes sense, but I'll awnser a "why so many feats?". This is not part of a strict conversion ,it's an addition. The fighter fights a lot. The barbarian is toned down on fightning a bit 'cos more skill points and other stuff. He is less of a "fighter" (as in a person who fights). The FB puts all the focus on fightning alone and nothing else, so it made sene to put so many combat feats inside to show that and to encourage fighter/barbarians to take the class as well, since well, in the end the flavor of a FB would be like a psycho fighter/barbarian of sorts. That's where the choice comes from. You can always remove great cleave and endurance and it's not so much of a big deal I guess.
Also about the sheer number of rage powers and feats (you could remove terrifying howl as well, though a similar ability in a feat form was originally in 3.5, but then again it was just an ability and you need intimidating glare nowadays to access it), it's part of the price to pay for the benefits. But then again it is true that it should not determine your whole advancement, that's not fun.
3) Could do. Will look into that.
The Speaker in Dreams |
Just one more thing to keep in mind moving forward: whatever amount of levels you make this class, you should keep in mind the same number of levels are *removed* from the base class in exchange.
I'm sure you want fighter/barbarian as a pathway (and it's reasonable), but for a *baseline* thing consider what is given away in the process from both Fighter (if taking that path), and Barbarian (if taking that path).
If it's a 5 level PrC, the barbarian is losing out on {max barb level of 15}, 2 points of DR, 10 skill points, Tireless Rage, Trap Sense +1, and Mighty Rage {+8 con/str boon, +4 will boon}. Given that it's the *only* upgrade in key class ability from level 11 - this is a big hit, IMO, for diverting to the FB class. I'd say it's losing out on Rage Powers by 3 as well, but I notice your 7-level PrC has 3 "frenzy powers" mixed in, so call it even more or less. BUT ... on the 7 level loss, it's a max barb level of 13 ==> saves go down by 1 on all counts; 4 rage powers are lost {net of -1 less rage power, adn they're already weak}; loss of Indominitable Will which is even MORE crucial to this PrC than a regular Barb build; and loss of -2 on Trap Sense. It HURTS to make this a longer PrC build than 5 levels even more ... just an FYI here.
For a *mostly* Fighter - there's a LOT of loss. He'll lose all of the Barb req levels (4 levels JUST to get access 2 rage powers mentioned; and a full 8 levels to qualify for Terrifying Howl that has Barb-8 as a requisite for selection). So ... really, a *mostly* fighter, somewhat barbarian build is out of the question. 8 levels are dedicated to Barbarian *just* to get to the requisites OF NECESSITY as you've laid it out. From there, there's another 5 (my suggestion) or 7 levels of additional loss. On the fighter here's the loss:
5 level PrC ==> -13 levels of fighter, so max fighter level of 7. He's traded off 3 degrees of weapon training, 2 degrees of armor training, armor mastery, and weapon mastery (which is BAD-ASS!!!), as well as his 7 bonus feats and access to *most* of the high-level fighter requisite feats (as he won't have the fighter status to select them). He's also cut off from greater weapon focus and specialization on top of this.
Let's consider some build paths to take here:
1) The Fighter/Barbarian
3 feats can be taken as a level 1, human fighter - that would leave 1 more feat via barbarian/class levels to get the final one. So a 1 level dip into fighter can hit the req's, and the rest is barbarian (can't get great cleave until +4 bab anyway - so 3rd character level can't do it, but 6th can overall). Since you now need to hit +7 bab anyway, this is a good idea, IMO, as the 6th character level feat (+6 bab through this class mix) can meet the req's for great Cleave and only 1 level of fighter was taken. You still need a +7 bab, so there yet 1 more level anyway - fighter or barb will both do this - and at character level 8th is the first available opportunity to select this PrC (to get the +7 bab - the rest can *mostly* be satisfied).
One thing, though - you MUST be an 8th level barbarian to get Terrifying Howl ... so the earliest entry point is actually going to be as a level 9 choice (assuming you've got *at least* 8 levels in the barbarian), but we're going fighter/barbarian here, so ... with at least 1 level of fighter, this is bumped to a 10th level option for PrC entry (surpassing the BAB by 3 points outright with the Fighter/Barbarian path).
Since this is ALL over the place, and one req out-paces the others by A LOT, it's making for meaningless pre-req's in the first place and would suggest that they are in need of revision. Meeting a +7 bab, for example is meaningless of you need to be an 8th level barbarian to get a particular ability in the first place (ie: the +7 is irrelevant and should be adjusted to match the reality of the other req, OR the other req needs to be re-evaluated in relation to the +7 bab ... the feats, interestingly, are kind of ok as they are. Steep ... but ok as in "not a source of conflict. They *will* determine FULL feat selection right to the point of hitting that level 8 barb ability - eating every feat slot, but after that it opens up again).
So, fighter/barbarian is looking like a TERRIBLE option for this, actually, given the way the particulars of the req are falling out. So, Fighter 1, Barbarian 8, Frenzied Berserker 1 is the best/earliest way to make this one play out for you. If the PrC keeps 7 levels, then that's 16 levels down and only 4 left (in a 20 progression) to spread out amongst Fighter or Barbarian (or some other thing) ... not a lot, IMO. Even with my suggestion of a 5 level PrC, that's only 6 levels that are open with this concept.
2) Barbarian full class
This is the ideal rout given your PrC req's. At barbarian 8th level all feats can be taken by level 7 (4 class level feats, and +1 extra if you're human), and the terrifying howl can be picked up as the 8th level power, leaving 9th level the starting point of FB. As a comparison point, lets keep in mind that full casters are by now hitting 5th level spells, and the other melee-types are feeling their own potency (rogues w/LOTS of SA dice, Paladin's w/smite, Fighters w/wpn, training and the feats, rangers and the favored enemies, etc, etc). As a straight barbarian class, though - it's underwhelming (acknowledged by the company already), so jumping into something different would seem a good choice. So, 9 levels down as Barb 8/FB 1. With a 7 level progression, it's getting 15 levels down leaving 5 more to pick up as a barbarian - again.
So, we're back to the "what is lost" for the PrC dip in levels - which I covered above. For simplicity, though, 7 levels lost off the top of a Barb progression hurts a LOT more than 5 levels lost off the top.
I'm suggesting you go back in and really look at the interplay of the following things:
1) BAB requisite - a higher value will delay w/out feeling "too" powerful too quickly. Evidence of this comes from the abilities of other classes at similar level/bab values for comparison. NOTE: I've NEVER seen a PrC w/a BAB req higher than +8 {given the current build, though - this would at least be consistent w/the req of the level 8 barb power you have in there}.
2) # of feats - it shouldn't be too easy to get there, but you also do not want to straight-jacket a class in order TO get there in the first place (I've shown above how using Fighter actually HURTS this PrC from being realized, so keep that in mind as well - feats aren't THAT helpful for this class and accessibility).
3) Rage Powers - especially compared to bab values here, be careful to as well not straight-jacket players/PC's into particular absolutes in their build to achieve the PrC. {currently you're requiring that 3 of the 4 possible rage powers be pre-selected ... that's a LOT of choice taken away}
General Statement about +8 bab req types of PrC's:
1) The +8 bab tends to be THE hardest qualification part of the PrC in general. The others are relatively easy to manage by comparison to that one with the delay in gaining a sufficient level to be effective.
2) Barbarian-types of PrC's are very general in that they just require one feat and the "rage" ability. FB was the exception here in that it actually did require all feats to be spent in 1 specific direction, but it was achievable by that +6 bab req. Oddly - it didn't even have a RAGE as an ability pre-req ...
3) The few +8 pre-req PrC's I've looked over have some MAJOR advantages given to them - likely as a reward of a sort of the long wait for qualification. I think the Frenzy str boons and such can easily qualify for this.
4) I'd say that *maybe* feat req's should *maybe* total about 1/2 of the available feats by BAB of the *best* class from which to enter the PrC in general.
Note: to FB's original, I'd say that Cleave, Power Attack and Intimidating Prowess would cover the original "buy-in" feats nicely. There *is* no Destructive Rage correlative (yet), so I'd opt for ignoring it completely, OR re-introducing it to the game whole-sale. Either way, both of those options work better than what you have used currently (Great Cleave and Endurance - especially Endurance).
So ... yeah. A bit more of a crunchy break-down for you. Certainly longer than I'd initially intended.
Yasha0006 |
You know have a darned good point Golden Pony. For whatever reason (probably because I was focusing on what I've seen as wrong with the PrC in the past) I wasn't thinking about how the character might look at 20th level, which is part of the point. For most campaigns, lets assume level 15 instead since a lot of folks never go higher than then on a regular basis.
Lets compare:
Barbarian 15 Greater Rage
+6 Str (Morale) +6 Con (Morale) +3 Will Save (Morale) -2 AC
7 Rage Powers
Barbarian 8/Frenzied Berserker 7
+12 Str (Morale) +4 Con (Morale) +2 WIll Save (Morale) -4 AC
4 Rage Powers
3 Frenzy Powers (7 total, so thats comparible)
Extra Attack
Less skill points, DR, Trap Sense and such.
Thinking about it from that perspective, the stacking bonus to Strength isn't so bad. Sure its higher than on a Barbarian, but that is what this class does (i.e. its a highly specialized barbarian designed to kill things in scary fashion...).
Oh, one thing that caught my attention though:
Golden Pony, you put
"While in frenzy, a berserker takes a -10 penalty on any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration."
Whereas the Barbarian has
"While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration."
On that, I'd have to say that a FB should be just as restricted on the use of those skills as a Raging Barbarian.
golden pony |
I'd have to say that a FB should be just as restricted on the use of those skills as a Raging Barbarian.
[/yasha006]I forgot to mention than the raging barbarian suffers the same penalties at our table instead of blanket absolute "can't use". No biggie to put it as it was.
"The Speaker in Dreams wrote:
A lot of Cruch.
You left a lot of food for though, am happy :p. I'll have to take a good look at this and consider it when I've some more time in front of my PC. I forgot to mention that we declared howling rage a lv 6th rage power here, which changes a lot of things in regards to this PrC. In any case,I guess I should remove that prereq and rework the class taken into consideration some of this
The Speaker in Dreams |
Whereas the Barbarian has
"While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration."On that, I'd have to say that a FB should be just as restricted on the use of those skills as a Raging Barbarian.
Nice catch!!!
I missed this, but yes - I absolutely agree with this suggestion and observation.
Yasha0006 |
Oh, and I have to agree with Speaker in Dreams point, Golden Pony. Consider adjusting the BAB requirement and adjusting the class back to a 5 level PrC.
My suggestion in doing so would be:
1) Frenzy, Berserk Warrior, Frenzy Power
2) Supreme Cleave
3) Frenzy Power
4) Greater Power Attack
5) Greater Frenzy, Frenzy Power
Warforged Gardener |
The Speaker in Dreams wrote:Point = they were NEVER fans in the first place, so they will NOT be fans now. Don't expect constructive criticism from such sources as the goal seems to be to get you to NOT have 'bad wrong fun' with a pet-peeve class of theirs.The Frenzied Berserker is the only class in the game that inflicts it's major disadvantage on everybody else in the party rather than suffering it themselves. That, if anything, was the one thing about the class that needed fixing that could have made it acceptable to us nay-sayers.
The only real 'badwrongfun' in the game is spoiling your fellow player's enjoyment of the game. I don't know about you, but my character getting his head cleaved open by a frenzied berserker 'ally' whose run out of real enemies to kill and is now chopping the rest of the party apart as he fails Will save after Will save is a pisser on my day every time.
While I appreciate good role-playing as much as anyone, I don't think it's fair to make my fellow players suffer for it.
I just wanted to comment without getting into the actual frenzied berserker debate. The idea that a class advantages only the player(and by default should only have drawbacks apply to that player) implies that each player is in some sort of competition with each other rather than working as a team. This can be seen in the style of play where every found item goes on the auction block rather than to the player most able to use it(I even played in groups that wanted to put you in debt to the party if you took a treasure item that they would rather sell).
If a wizard gets a new level of spells and special abilities, it helps the whole group. If a rogue finds a ring of invisibility and wants to keep it so he can be more effective when combat starts and sneak attack the big bad without wasting a spell from the wizard, that helps the whole group. Whatever the frenzied berseker's disadvantages(and they can be considerable), considering them without the net gain to the party(huge damage output and a swifter death to enemies) is ignoring that DnD/Pathfinder is a team game. One player's strength is the whole team's strength and one player's drawback is always the whole team's drawback.
If there's any doubt about that, just ask the party with a cleric who wears no armor and always engages the biggest guy on the battlefield in round one.
The Speaker in Dreams |
Hmm ... house ruled a lower level on the Howl, eh? THAT would have been nice to know. ;-)
Ok, so on the lighter crunch req:
1) Full Barb can hit all req's by level 7 (+7 bab, pick up the Howl at 6th, and get the 4 feats - still steep, but by 7th level as well). This means it can hop in at level 8 overall and be Barb 7/FB 1. So ... now we're looking at Barb 15, FB 5 if you drop it down, but the rest of the crunch noted earlier remains true - only difference is that now you can enter 1 level earlier.
2) Fighter/Barb - same is true here - one level earlier means +1 more fighter level. SO ... Greater Wpn Focus would come into play (but not GWSp), and they get 1 more feat ... otherwise the same losses stand.
The Speaker in Dreams |
Oh, and I have to agree with Speaker in Dreams point, Golden Pony. Consider adjusting the BAB requirement and adjusting the class back to a 5 level PrC.
My suggestion in doing so would be:
1) Frenzy, Berserk Warrior, Frenzy Power
2) Supreme Cleave
3) Frenzy Power
4) Greater Power Attack
5) Greater Frenzy, Frenzy Power
Yeah ... I think I'll second this breakdown.
I'm also going to re-state the idea of changing "rage" into "frenzy" somehow for both simplicity, AND flavor. Essentially, becoming this class is a full sacrifice of the "rage" ability to work as it did.
One other note: since you have barbs operate w/the -10 to the "thinking" skills, I'd think that the FB probably *should* be reduced to "no use EVER" on the same skills to further differentiate between them, and as one more trade-off for taking the PrC in the first place. If barbs *could* work through the haze, the berserker should absolutely NOT work through it - like at all. Their whole WORLD is haze ... no clarity for them, especially compared to what you've done w/the Barb and the house rule for their skills.
golden pony |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
What's up guys. Ok so I took into consideration the ddvice as I could and streamlined things to make it usable by everyone.
P.S About the rage + Frenzy thing, using them both together incurs -20 to skill penalties. We do not do a one range+frenzy thing only, for flavor a bit, and also 'cos we can do the quick maths. Anyone can change that as they like at their table without any consequences.
Too tired to format everything nicely. I kept as feats power attack (preeq for great power attack) and cleave+great cleave (prereqs to supreme cleave). 3 feats requried at B.A.B +7. Leaves one free for a full barbarian.
Two rage powers: intimidating glare (for the scary aspect, replacing terrifying rage what was its name power from CW) and strength surge( there's no destructive rage feat, and strength surge only makes sense for a frenzy thing that simply boosts your stregnth. Heck you could even consider that while in frenzy, you cannot use your strength surge power).
Frenzied Berserker
The random madness and unpredictability of battle come together in the soul of the frenzied berserker. Unlike most other characters, they do not fight to achieve a heroic goal or defeat a loathsome villain. Those are mere excuses -- it is the thrill of combat that draws them. For the frenzied berserker, the insanity of battle is like an addictive drug -- they must constantly seek out more conflict to feed their craving for battle. Due to their rage-related powers and their single-minded focus towards combat, barbarian/fighters are naturally drawn to this path.
Note: This is an updated version from the tome Complete Warrior.
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Cleave, Great cleave, Power attack.
Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks.
Special: Strength Surge and Intimidating glare rage powers.
Prestige Class features
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Hit die/Attack bonus: d12/full
Good saves: Fortitude
Proficiencies: None
Skill points: 2 + Int modifier
Class skills: Climb, Intimidate, Survival, Swim.
Frenzy (Ex): The Berserker gains the ability to enter a frenzy, following the same rules to enter a rage.
Frenzy grants a +4 morale bonus to Strength, incurs a -2 penalty to AC and counts against the Barbarian’s daily rage rounds limit.
The Frenzied Berserker
1 Frenzy, Frenzy power
2 Supreme cleave, Berserker warrior
3 Frenzy power
4 Great power attack
5 Greater frenzy, Frenzy power
While in frenzy, a berserker cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Furthermore, a frenzied character must attempt to fight every creature in sight at the best of her abilities, starting with her enemies if desired. Finally, the barbarian will enter frenzy during her next turn if damaged previously unless she succeeds a will save, DC equaling the damage received before the following turn.
To end a frenzy, the character must succeed a Will save DC 20 unless she has spent her daily allotment of rage rounds, at which point her frenzy ends automatically. Ending a frenzy is otherwise identical to ending a rage and incurs the fatigued condition twice the time spent in the frenzy.
As an exception to the rule, Frenzy stacks with rage even though both provide a morale bonus to strength.
Frenzy power: Starting at 1st level and every even level thereafter, the Frenzied berserker can chose one of the following powers:
Deathless Frenzy (Su): A Frenzied Berserker under the effects of Frenzy will keep on fighting below 0 hit points without any penalties until she is brought to a negative hit point score equal to her class level multiplied by her constitution modifier. Prerequisite: Diehard.
Improved Toughness: The frenzied berserker gains +1 hp per hit dice, and adds +1 hp to any future hit dice he earns.
Prerequisite: Toughness.
Tireless frenzy: The Frenzied berserker is no longer fatigued after ending her frenzy.
Prerequisite: 3rd level.
Rage power: Alternatively, the Frenzied berserker can choose a Rage power from the barbarian’s list.
Berserker warrior: At 2nd level, Frenzied berserker levels stack with
Barbarian levels for purposes of choosing new rage powers and their effect. Furthermore, the Berserker gains 2 extra rounds of daily rage use per class level.
Supreme cleave: A 3rd level Berserker using Great cleave can hit non adjacent opponents that are within her reach during her cleave attempt, albeit at a -2 penalty.
Great power attack: A 4th level Berserker can use power attack to take a penalty of up to half his attack bonus (and add the corresponding bonus to his damage rolls) when in a Frenzy.
Greater Frenzy (Su): At 5th level, when a Berserker enters frenzy, the morale bonus to her Strength in increases to +8.
Furthermore, she can make an extra attack per round at her highest attack bonus. However, if she chooses to do so, all her attacks made within the round will incur a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
Ex-Frenzied Berserkers: Should a Frenzied berserker’s alignment change from chaotic, he loses his frenzy and inspire frenzy abilities and cannot take any more levels in this class.
Thanks a lot for the feedback, it helped make everything clearer, easier and tastier.
Conspicuous |
Alignment: Any chaotic.
Base Attack Bonus: +7.
Feats: Cleave, Great cleave, Power attack.
Skills: Intimidate 7 ranks.
Special: Strength Surge and Intimidating glare rage powers
Just to throw this out there: if you wanted to go Fighter/FB, you would have to have 4 levels in Barbarian--two rage powers. This is BEASTLY for a prestige class requirement, and reminds me of PRC req's attached to Forgotten Realms classes (personal shudder). The particular with these is Intimidating Glare. Yes, Barbarian scary, rawr. Simple enough; that'll be the case already if you require 7 ranks in Intimidate--another large amount. When you really break it down to in character logic, the PC does not need to have an "Intimidating Glare" to know how to make people bleed more profusely.
The original class--which has Deathless Frenzy--is stronger than this one, and yet only requires a couple totally useless rage feats (which only require a rage/frenzy ability from somewhere). It may sound complicated, but basically the PRC goes from needing 1 level in Barbarian to 4 levels and would get less out of it.
PF Cleave sucks. I'm just going to throw that out there.
... And flavorwise, you need to be really endurant to push your body's adrenaline non-stop like that, you get my idea.
Could a couple ranks in Survival help in this way? Perhaps Acrobatics (if a bit of a stretch) ?
Tireless frenzy: The Frenzied berserker is no longer fatigued after ending her frenzy.
Prerequisite: 3rd level.
Comparing for a quick second: Barbarians get this at level 17. This way would be level 10 (7 bbn, 3 FB). 17 -> 10 = HUGE jump. You can't say it's to help counter the whole "possibly attack party members" schtick, because the extra Frenzy strength already does that. Even at 5th (total lvl minimum 12), the level disparity is way too large to justify. IMO? Chuck this and replace it with something else.
Berserker warrior: At 2nd level, Frenzied berserker levels stack with Barbarian levels for purposes of choosing new rage powers and their effect.
(( placed bold for emphasis )) By this, it may imply that your progression of acquiring rage powers continues through the Frenzied Berserker levels. If that is the case, you'd likely gain one at FB 2, 3, 4, and 5 (being that FB gives some of its own). Clarification would be groovy.
On the whole, an inspiring idea. These gaming companies spend a LOT of time and money on balancing these classes, feats, spells, and class features to cut off Ub3r Numb3r 0bs3ss0rz from ruining games for others. To say numbers aren't important is to simply be limited in point of view. It would be nice to think that everyone plays Role Playing Games to role play, but I'll retain my skepticism.
That aside, I think this class adds a unique kick to a Barbarian's options (which are non-existent beyond archtypes). Bear Warrior was fun as well, but this classes needed this lovin'.
Arbitrary comment about "fear of TPKing": how about limiting the "OMG BLOOD ORGIE". Until you're out of fuel or everyone's dead seems harsh, so try "for the next X rounds"--I'd try 2 rnds. That way, the danger is DEFINITELY still there, but you don't need to worry about destroying small villages. Or the entire party. One or two is just fine; they knew what they were agreeing to, after all :)