Calling all first time PBP players (no wait list edition)

Gamer Connection

Hi guys. I plan on running two Pathfinder games at a time on this forum, just for those who have never participated on a PBP before. If you're a PBP newbie, or have played a PBP but never a Pathfinder/Golarion PBP, you can sign up here.

Each game will have five players. Right now I have two games waiting in the wings; one already has two or three players. The first eight forum members who sign up here will get to create new characters and play.

After all slots have been taken I will stop accepting applications. Neither will I "wait list" potential players. But once a game finishes I will immediately post a notice here for another five new players.

The only requirement is that you have never participated in a play-by-post game before, or a game set in the Pathfinder world of Golarion at all.

The target posting rate is at least once a day. Please let me know in advance if you don't think you can meet that rate.

Character creation guidlines:

Level 2

20 point buy

Full hit points

1000 gp to buy equipment and magic items.

Pathfinder rules online

I'd love to participate, I will start on a character.

Sounds perfect, will start planning a character.

Howdy! I've never done a PBP before and would like to play, and I can do 1 post/day.

I am very interested in trying a PBP game. I can commit to 1/day.

Should we (the players) try to coordinate a bit on character types so we don't end up with a party of bards or something?

When do we need to have our characters ready?

The Exchange

Er ill read up on rules and mebbe by the next time i might know how to plays :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would like to hop onto here from the old thread!

*signs up* I can meet the posting requirements and will remain active. I have always wanted to try PBP!

Looks like 6 of 8 so far (edit: make that 7). As for coordinating characters I am thinking of playing a Halfling Druid, and toying with the idea of multiclassing with Barbarian right away (though druid would be the favored class).

I'm considering half-elf bard, possibly rogue...

Grand Lodge

i'd like to give it a try i've haven't play any pbp before... i can't really post on friday and weekends though.

Dark Archive

I'd love to get in on a PbP, I have never done one, But have plenty to time to post! I work at a call center M-F and have Internets on my Phone, can post any time!

I've been Itching to play some kind of Tengu, its sounds full of Flavor over your standard Human sword Swinger/ spell caster, Lots of RP Ideas going on in my head.

Let me know if thats ok, if not, I can do something more basic.


I'd love to give it a try and get involved in a PBP.

I've never played PBP, and although I have the Pathfinder rules I don't have the Golarion setting. So I might need a primer on 'where I come from'...

Bragol wrote:
When do we need to have our characters ready?

As soon as you can.

Justiciar Te wrote:

I've never played PBP, and although I have the Pathfinder rules I don't have the Golarion setting. So I might need a primer on 'where I come from'...

Here's the Wiki for Golarion:

But unfortunately I already have enough players, Justiciar, for now.

Could the following players:


go to this thread:

Silent Tide OOC

Could the following players:


go to this thread:

The Hyrdra's Fang OOC

Recruiting is now closed. Apologies to Joe and Justiciar. But I'll open up recruitment once a game has concluded. I'm running Pathfinder Society modules (without the Pathfinder Society organized play rules), which are short adventures. Game play will finish within two months from now, so be on the lookout for this thread around then.

One player has dropped out of my Hydra's Fang Incident game. The first to respond here (and has never participated in a PBP) gets to take his place.

Reporting for duty sir.
Will have a character up within a couple hours.

Welcome to the game!

roger Gilbert has not posted in the Hydra's Fang OOC thread at all.

Joe Porterfield, would you still like to join?

Justiciar, are you available to play?

If neither of them are available, I'd love the opportunity to join in.

I've played in one Pbp before, about 3 years ago (unfortunately it died pretty quickly), but never with Pathfinder rules or in Golarion.

I think I've contradicted myself by asking Joe and Justicar if they want to play. "No wait list" should mean just that.

The next person to post gets to join my Hydra's Fang game.

Scarab Sages

Are you still recruiting?

One PbP under my belt, 3.5 rules, though more free-form than number-crunching.

Snorter, you're in. Please go here jZsTheHydrasFangIncidentOOC

Recruiting is now closed.

Scarab Sages


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