DustinGebhardt |
I have a player whose character is a cleric of Sarenrae. Soon, this character will get summoned before Sarenrae and granted a power, dubbed the "Divine Sunburst". But I'm a little stumped on what this power should be. My initial thoughts:
-Smite evil, as per the paladin. Maybe with an effective paladin level of (Cleric - 3)?
- Bonus spell. The spell can be of any level. But before this ability can be used again, the cleric must spend time "absorbing sunlight" for an amount of time equal to ??? (maybe the level of the spell just cast, squared times 2, in hours. Ex 8th level spell = 128 hours (roughly 10 days of 12-hour sunlight)). Note that the campaign is fast-paced, with little downtime, so a penalty like this is quite restricting.
- Ability to empower his weapon. Maybe once per day give his weapon an extra +2 (or +whatever)? Or make it vorpal? or holy?
- X times per day/week he can spontaneously use a metamagic feat.
Some rules that I want to stick to:
- I don't want it to be a constantly used ability
- "Instant Win" buttons are okay, but need to be tempered with a time/usage restriction
- I do want it to perhaps scale with level, if possible
- I'd like it to be flavorful, if possible.
- I'd like it to be unique and novel. This is why I'm hesitant to go the Smite Evil route.
Your thoughts?
DustinGebhardt |
The players will soon begin a modified Legacy of Fire campaign-arc. I had already planned for this character the become the wielder of Tempest. I'm concerned that your suggestion plus Tempest would create some unbalance.
But it's a great idea. I wonder if it can be tweaked. Let me think on it some more.
Set |
Emit a blinding glare that doesn't hinder his allies, but causes anyone attempting to strike him to treat him as if he has partial (or even total!) concealment. 1 round / character level of this glow per day (need not be used consecutively), and it can be activated as a free action on his turn, but for every round he expends, he needs to spend an hour in direct sunlight to 'recharge' (which won't generally be a problem, in this environment).
Gui_Shih |
Divine Sunburst (Su): You can channel the power of the sun into a brilliant blast of intense light. Once per day, so long as you have had at least one hour of exposure to direct sunlight, you may unleash a 20-foot radius globe of searing light centered on yourself. All creatures caught within the globe, except you, suffer 1d6 points of damage per your cleric level and are blinded and nauseated. The nausea fades once their wounds are healed.
A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 cleric level + Charisma modifier) negates the blindness, halves the damage, and reduces the nausea to sickened.
An undead creature caught within the globe suffers double damage, though they are still entitled to a Reflex save. Creatures specifically harmed by light are instead destroyed on a failed save.
Alternatively, you may use this ability to provide yourself with adequate rest and nourishment for 24-hours as per a ring of sustenance.
In my CoT game, I awarded the party cleric (of Sarenrae) an ability called 'Anoint the Sick'. The player had chosen the birthmark trait and had a mysterious background. He never knew his parents, only that he was recovered as a child from an ancient temple to Sarenrae by the PFS. I felt he had a saintly air, so I wanted to give him a little miracle.
Anoint the Sick (Su): Your blood functions as holy water. You can create one dose of holy water by causing yourself 2 points of Con damage. Your blood is only effective in this use as long as it is warm (about 15 minutes). In addition, you gain the ability to Lay on Hands (including mercies) as a paladin equal to your cleric level. This use of the ability also causes 2 points of Con damage and requires your blood to come into contact with the intended subject.