Mark Chance |

In an effort to post more actual game content, I asked the Swift Storm to make an appearance in a Spes Magna blog post. She agreed upon condition that I hand over two humans for her and her flight to hunt. Consequently, I'm currently looking for volunteers to help me hold up my end of the bargain. Meanwhile, you can cautiously check out this harpy menace by clicking on the previous link.
So, what about you? Got any villains you'd like to share?

Felgoroth |

This is not so much a villain as it is a "monster" in the works but I figured why not. The Serewood

Madcap Storm King |

A lot of my Villains are still in use. There's one the PC's won't be fighting again, so I can include his stats/background below. (If you're in my Sunday game, please refrain from clicking below)
Medium Construct
6d10 +20= (53)
Init: +5
AC 20 = 10+ 5 + 5
DR 10/ Magic and slashing
Speed: 40 ft or Climb 20 ft
BAB +6
2 Slams: +11 (1d8+3 plus grab)
Saves: Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +3
CMB +9 (+11 to grapple) CMD 24
Feats: Weapon Finesse (b)
Special: Immune to spells that only affect living creatures etc.
Grease eliminates its improved grab ability, Acid (or acid spells) deals 1/3 normal damage but also slow the golem for 1d3 rounds. It also releases any grappled enemies from grapple. Fire spells deal normal damage.
Being in grapple does not cause a spider silk golem to lose its Dex bonus to AC, but it instead loses 2 AC against opponents outside the grapple.
Type II Spider Silk Golem, Drider Silk Golem
Large Construct (Sentient) CR 9
13d10+43= (114)
Init: +8
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft, Perception +23
AC 24 =10+ 8 -1+ 6 +1
DR 10/ Magic and Slashing
Speed: 40 ft or Climb 40 ft
BAB +13
2 Slams: +21 (1d10+7 plus grab) or Mswk Drow Curve Blade +22/17/12 (2d6+10 18-20 x2) and 1 slam +16 (1d8+3 plus grab)
Saves: Fort +6 Ref +11 Will +8
STR 24 DEX 26 CON - INT 17 WIS 14 CHA 14
CMB +21 (+23 to grapple) CMD 36
Feats: Weapon Finesse (b), Iron Will, Power Attack, Cleave, Critical Strike, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Skills: Stealth +25, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +24, Climb +36, Intimidate +23
Special: Immunities as Golem, but can be affected by mind-affecting effects, acid as spider silk golem, and grease. Fire spells deal normal damage.
Being in grapple does not cause a spider silk golem to lose its Dex bonus to AC, but it instead loses 2 AC against opponents outside the grapple.
Shifting form (ex): This lets a Type II spider silk golem make a less powerful slam attack even if it is using both hands for something.
Languages: Drow, Nimenish, Shazuran, Elven, Goblin
Spider Silk Golems are en exclusively drow creation. Flexible and quick, the golems are highly responsive.
Drider Silk Golems are used to head various assignments from the Drow crown. The construction of the golem is a way for Driders to redeem themselves. First numerous spells are cast upon the Drider, and they are ceremonially poisoned. The poison causes their spinnerets to go into overdrive, smothering the Drider and slowly killing them over three days. As the Drider is on the brink of death, he is killed and his soul and body are incorporated into the golem. After a year period of learning to control themselves, the Drider silk golems are trained and dispatched. No single being may control a Drider Silk Golem, despite any amulet used to do such.
The Drider Silk Golem I used at a Drow military outpost they raided was cold, calm and collected, and absolutely not afraid of being snuck up on. He took to heart the part of the conversion that involved him dying, and accepted death wholeheartedly. With him was a basic drider with whom he had had a relationship while he was a drider: Her husband has become a recurring foe for the PCs, since one of them struck the killing blow on her, and his well-trained mind (Ties to the shadow plane grant mild magical abilities) felt her die. After some investigation he found out who it was. What he doesn't know is that the drider silk golem and her were an item after her transformation. After the Golem was created... Let's just say their relationship wasn't doing so well.
Also going to use a kobold sorcerer as a possible villain (I doubt it). His "shctick" is... (same stipulation as last spoiler)
Built-in Spring Sheath (As in the Adventurer's Armory)
Lightning-Eater: This limb will absorb 12 points of lightning damage the user is hit with each day. After being absorbed into an internal Ioun battery inside the limb, the user can unleash a lightning bolt that deals 2d6 electricity damage for each day the Lightning Eater’s absorption was maxed out, to a maximum of 10d6 damage. If the lightning eater’s lightning power is full, the resistance disappears. When it is discharged, the resistance comes back the next day. A creature may have multiple lightning eater limbs, but only one may be applied to each lightning attack.
Greater Spell-Locked: +1 on saves vs spells and reduces the fatiguing property of a single ioun stone used to cast a spell of third level or lower once per day (Homebrew stuff), is actually studded with ioun stones.; Force Blast Variant Another variant catches the magical energy of a spell directed at the user that is successfully resisted. If the wearer succeeds on a saving throw versus a spell, he absorbs a number of spell points equal to the level of the spell. He can channel these into a damaging blast of force with one variant, with d6 of damage equal to the level of the spell as a ranged touch attack. (Force blast variant, 1500 x capacity of limb for spell points) Limb capacity: 8
Unlike the stereotypical kobolds in most settings, these ones are fairly intelligent, since the subterrainian kingdoms are not nice places they need to be in order to survive. Since mining accidents often leave kobolds crippled and in some tribes they are forced to kill them to conserve food, a particular kobold in this tribe used the technology they use to make mechanical equipment to construct artificial limbs and other unique gadgets using the properties of processed Ioun stones.
Mynthar is actually stereotypical in one regard: He HATES non-kobolds. He doesn't really have the resources to care about those not in his tribe, and since in his experience dwarves have been nothing but genocidal bastards and the drow... Well, see above. Basically if it doesn't have a tiny lizard tail he doesn't like it. He also doesn't have time to deal with anything they put forward, will not help them, and did I mention he doesn't like them?
Well, OK, striking against the drow he might like (He does have a bit of a vendetta after all that needs oiling- I mean stroking every once in a while), and he is willing to let them stroll around town and give his people money, but dragon-gods help him if he's going to be all friendly about it.
The good points of him mostly extend to kobolds: He is one heck of a good manager, and his arcane prowess is pretty intimidating. Unlike most kobolds in the setting he recognizes the value of divine magic and pours money into a small sect of worshippers of the now absent dragon gods. He also has an ally in the form of a kobold druid who is important elsewhere, but that's beside the point: The guy is somewhat innovative and open to new ideas (That come from kobolds). He has pioneered a socialist caste-based system that seems to be working with efficiency, providing more funding to castes in need or producing a lot. He is of firm belief, despite revering dragons, that kobolds can work just fine without them.
Mynthar has a few scars across his otherwise smooth, reptilian features, and tends to grin a lot, when amused, angry, or for emphasis. His scales are a deep brownish red, and his underbelly is a stark white. He wears a short-sleeved orange and blue robe made from silk and subterranean plant fiber. He wears no footwear, but does sport symbolic tattoos on each leg and on his tail, and wears jeweled gold anklets and tail rings on special occasions. He wears a pair of small brass bracelets at all times shaped to look like an Ouraboros, with the eyes of the serpent's head shaped perfectly in ruby with a milky white slit in the center of the eye. His left arm bears the same tattoos as his legs, and he has a few gems embedded in his arm in a "v" pattern near the shoulder. His right arm appears armored somehow (although on closer examination, this is impossible: the armor would be much too tight), and is covered in orange plates of a light metal of an unknown composition, and painted in a similar pattern to the tattoos. It is studded deeply with the same kind of stones as are embedded in his left arm. On the middle finger of the right hand rests a brass ring with strings of electrum running along it. He is very hot-blooded, and intolerant of outsiders. He doesn't like others imposing their rules on him. His favorite thing is seeing his society run smoothly. He will actively try to gather information about other cultures at all times. He loves children (kobold children anyway), and sleeps soundly no matter what he's done. He's a sucker for a brilliant gemstone or a well-made machine. His favorite color is orange. He views magic as a good solution, but not necessarily "the" solution.
Will post the stuff for my drow villain when I have him statted up.

Felgoroth |

Lemmy, Human Bard 10 (my game is kind of low magic, that's why he lacks a lot of magic items)
HP: 86, AC: 17, Flatfooted AC: 14, Touch AC: 12
Str: 16 (14+2)
Dex: 14 (13+1), Ref: 9
Con: 14, Fort: 5
Int: 14
Wis: 10, Will: 7
Cha: 16 (15+1)
1: Arcane Strike
H: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Great Axe)
3: Dodge
5: Mobility
7: Spring Attack
9: Vital Strike
Skills: Climb 8 ranks, Escape Artist 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Engineering) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Geography) 3 ranks, Knowledge (History) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Local) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Nobility) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Planes) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 3 ranks, Perform (Dance) 5 ranks, Perform (Sing) 8 ranks, Perform (Strings) 5 ranks, Stealth 8 ranks, Use Magic Device 8 ranks
Items: +2 Great Axe/Masterwork Bass Guitar, MW Chain Mail, 3 Daggers, Deck of Many Things (PHB pg. 544)

Madcap Storm King |

Thanks, Your Majesty! I like the golems, and may have to yoink! them.
Sure, no problem. It's not on there but they're around CR 5. They're a nice low CR Construct that fits with the Drow flavor I kept of being magi-capable, cruel and obsessed with spiders.
Hmm, no one's ever referred to me as your majesty before... I could get used to this!