[IC-PBP] #47 - The Darkest Vengeance


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Grand Lodge

Kitchen: There is actually just tepid water in the barrels.
Kitchen Store Room: You find a secret door.
Conference room: Ummmm, nothing.
Bedrooms: Just sappy letters to loved ones and dirty clothes... nothing of value or importance.
Storage: The thugs' stash includes several valuable oil paintings, an ivory and silver candelabra, silk bed sheets, and a sack containing an assortment of semi-valuable jewelry. None of these belong to the Pathfinders nor the manor, you can probably sell these to 'defray' your costs for this mission. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Shalla and Tambric accompany Levistus upstairs to the conference room, where they proceed to take a good look around the table and the bedrooms,

particularly for books,
before returning to the kitchen storeroom where the others seem to be congregating. "Before we open any secret doors that might be in there," the halfling offers, "maybe we could try to find out what might have killed the former occupants," he turns to Thovar, "if we take their bodies out of the barrels, do you think you could learn anything useful?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

"Not a bad idea my friend. However, these blood-stains leading up to this secret door indicate that our answer may lie in there. Either we have a survivor that can answer some of our more pressing concerns or possibly a body that may be able to do the same. Now, if someone would be so kind as to open the secret door we can continue our exploration." He looks expectantly at the dwarves.


Levistus is trying to stay aware of the passage of time in order to predict his spell wearing off. At the 45 minute mark he will send his "lackey" out of the house to be on his way.

Grand Lodge

You find a few books, but nothing of particular interest, just general Ustalavic history books, and one book of bad poetry.

OK, I'll try and remember... but you'll probably have to make an opposed CHA check to have him follow you past the bloodstained secret door/fight for you/etc.

The Exchange

Levistus wrote:
He looks expectantly at the dwarves.

Olo arches an eyebrow...."I'd better kill something in the next hour...or get something to eat/drink. Thank the anvil I am not a gnome or I would be turning white by now!"

Olo pushes and pokes at the possible "sercret door" with his hands.

Grand Lodge

Olomorn Rubyax wrote:
Olo pushes and pokes at the possible "sercret door" with his hands.

The wall swings back with a creak.

Dusty stone steps descend into darkness, curving around themselves and blocking the view of the floor below. Numerous footprints of varying sizes show that this passage was used recently in both directions.

Top Floor
Main Floor

Please give me a marching order when you decide to descend down the stairs.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

Levistus' illuminates the area with a nonchalant wave of his hand. The light emanates from his now un-slung crossbow.


Just to be clear, Levistus was making sure that the "thugs" were searched thoroughly before we released them. Well, if we released them, not sure exactly where they went.

The Exchange

Itsgottabeodin wrote:
Please give me a marching order when you decide to descend down the stairs.

Olo can go first...unless the rogue would like to scout ahead for traps, then he'll go second, right behind her.

Grand Lodge

Their pockets have been thoroughly emptied. You can be sure they'll clear out as soon as you guys head down those stairs ;)
If you plan to bring your lackey, you're going to have to make a lot of CHA checks(make both, his mod is -1)... basically every time you try to get him to attack anyone/do something/go somewhere... like right now. ;)

We'll wait until everyone has checked in, or until I get back on the 2nd and then we'll proceed... with more DMPC'ing if necessary.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer


Cha check or diplomacy check? Cha check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Add +5 to that if it's diplomacy.

Liberty's Edge

Olomorn Rubyax wrote:
Olo can go first...unless the rogue would like to scout ahead for traps, then he'll go second, right behind her.

Shalla, and then Tambric can follow behind Olo.

Dark Archive

Female Human Rogue 1

Apologies for the lateness of my reply. Hectic work schedule and partially knackered PC to blame.

As they toured the house, Marianna surreptitiously kept an eye open for any statues that looked out of place.


Marianna is looking out for the statue she has been sent to retrieve. Given what has happened, she is going to try and 'pocket' it instead of taking the rather obvious step of getting a rubbing.

As they discovered the secret door, Marianna peered into the darkness. Glancing around at the others, she shrugged her shoulders and kicked off her shoes.

"I'll shout if something jumps me."

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Grand Lodge

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 1d3 ⇒ 2 1d3 ⇒ 2 1d4 ⇒ 3 1d4 ⇒ 2 1d4 ⇒ 4 1d4 ⇒ 3

Marianna stealthily descends down the steps, Olomorn following close behind. Marianna comes to the end of the stairs, and peers around the corner to see a worm-like creature nailed above a door to her right(West). It still moves, but it's odd black eyes have not yet spotted Marianna. Shalla is about to follow behind, when Marianna puts a foot down and triggers a pressure plate. A whistling grinding noise comes from the stairs, and sharp spikes shoot up from the floor, piercing Olo and Marianna through the feet. Marianna take 5 damage, Olo take 7.

Map. Extinguished torches hang on the walls, and blood smears the floor in small, footprint-sized blotches, with a larger pool trickling under the central doorway on the southern wall.

Grand Lodge

Thovar hears the trap activate, and sighs. Moving forward to the lip of the stairs he calls on Abadar to heal his companions. 1d6 ⇒ 5

Dark Archive

Female Human Rogue 1

Marianna whimpers as her foot is pierced by the trap, but relaxes as the cooling healing magic flows through her. Returning to the task at hand, she points out the worm-like creature to Olo.

"You ever seen something like that?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

Shocked at the sudden and deadly looking trap Levistus freezes for a moment and looks at the stairs he is standing on worriedly. GLancing ahead at the floor where the spikes just came from and asking apparently everyone equally, "Hmmmm, are you certain it won't go off again?"

The Exchange

Marianna d'Bourdelay wrote:
"You ever seen something like that?"

Knowledge (Dungeoneering):1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Dark Archive

Female Human Rogue 1

"I doubt it," Marianna answers Levistus while Olo peers at the creature thoughtfully, "However, I suppose that doesn't mean that there aren't going to be more traps down here."

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Grand Lodge

You're not sure what it is, but someone put it there for a purpose, and that purpose was not to kill it... despite the spike.
You find nothing of further interest, but you can tell that the trap has been tripped, and will not switch on again unless you reset the trap.

The Exchange

Olo walks back a step, motions for Mariana to follow. And then he whispers to the party....

"I have no idea what that thing is....but that nail was to keep it there. I suggest we kill it/put it to sleep....before it sees us..."

Liberty's Edge

Moving down the stairs surprisingly quietly, Shalla peers around th corner before speaking softly to Olo, "Maybe we should take it down and help it, it doesn't seem to be in any condition to threaten us, even if it is hostile."
Stealth (take 10)10 + 7 = 17

The Exchange

Shalla wrote:

Moving down the stairs surprisingly quietly, Shalla peers around th corner before speaking softly to Olo, "Maybe we should take it down and help it, it doesn't seem to be in any condition to threaten us, even if it is hostile."

Stealth (take 10)10+7

"Hmmmm....there is a chance that it is a trap of some sort...I'll leave it to the party to decide...

Olo shrugs, indifferent.

Olo won't care, but if we wind up killing an "innocent" - Ed the player will feel like crap! :) But I really don't trust that thing, whatever it is....I vote we kill it or incapactate it in some way.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

In an dismissive whisper, "Of coarse we should slay it. It's obviously being used as some sort of alarm for whoever put it there. Someone whom we probably don't want to know that we are approaching." Seeing that Shalla and some of the others seem reluctant, "Oh, fine. I'll deal with it. After I daze it, run up there and stuff it in a bag or something. Just make sure you keep it quiet."

Levistus will step out and cast Daze on it.

Grand Lodge

The wormy thing slumps on the spike, dazed for a moment.

Liberty's Edge

"Would you like to give me a hand?" Tambric says to Olo as he passes down the stairs with a wide grin, "it might be a little heavy for me to lift on my own."

The Exchange

Olo shrugs and walks down the stairs to help....

Grand Lodge

You've got 10 seconds while the thing is dazed, what exactly are you doing with it?

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

LOL, I know, I love the nonchalant attitude ;)

Liberty's Edge

I'm a halfling – I'm always nonchalant :P

I think the plan is to get over to it and silence it, perhaps by wrapping it's head in a blanket/cloak, or gagging it with something, and then get it down from the spike.

Grand Lodge

Olo manages to pull the thing off the spike and hands it to Tambric, who proceeds to bind the creature's... orifice, and wrap it in a blanket. The creature comes to and begins struggling and lets out a muffled shrieking, thankfully quietened by the blanket.

Same Map Extinguished torches hang on the walls, and blood smears the floor in small, footprint-sized blotches, with a larger pool trickling under the central doorway on the southern wall. North is ->

Liberty's Edge

Shalla move to the bottom of the stairs and looks with concern at the pool of blood seeping beneath the door. Moving over to it quietly, she hunches over to listen for any signs of movement beyond.

Stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Grand Lodge

Shalla hears nothing beyond

Liberty's Edge

"I don't hear anything through here... should we move on? Or do you think we should take a different door first?"

The Exchange

"Never turn your back on blood, friend."

Olo moves to the door (with blood seeping under it). He holds his axe with one hand and gently pushes the door open (assuming it is not locked). He'll look inside and step in if need be for a better look.

Grand Lodge

The door creaks open revealing a small crowded storeroom which contains the garroted body of a half-elf(further inspection reveals that he is a pathfinder) huddled over a wooden crate marked “sunrods.”

The Exchange


Olo steps into the room and looks around....he opens the crate and if there are in fact sunrods in it,lights one.

Perception roll 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Nope - nothing here to see....:)

Grand Lodge

The room lights up as Olo activates the sunrod. Around him are various and sundry items: brooms, soap, boxes full of other rather un-exciting contents... and the body.

Liberty's Edge

Tambric, in the light of the sunrod that Olomorn lit, looks down at the fallen pathfinder quietly for a moment before examining the body for any further clues to his identity.

Grand Lodge

Tambric finds: a composite(+0) longbow with 20 arrows, hide armor, a potion of cure light wounds, and a small notebook. This is the journal detailing Mercra's reconnaissance of northern Ustalav. You can surmise that the body you search is indeed Mercra.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

Levistus watches with well disguised interest what exactly is being pulled off the deceased pathfinder.

Bluff: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Liberty's Edge

"We should probably arrange for this man's burial, and those upstairs, once we have finished our investigation here," Tambric says, as he sifts through the pathfinders possessions.

"Still, perhaps his belongings might help us," he says, holding up a vial to the sorcerer, "I imagine this is a magical potion of some sort, what do you think?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

Uses detect magic on all the items.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

"Interesting. I'll take a look." He holds the vial in one hand and his chin in the other while raising an thoughtful eyebrow.

Grand Lodge

The only magical item is the potion, which you identify to be a potion of cure light wounds.

Liberty's Edge

Tambric also highlights to the others a composite longbow, and a quiver of twenty arrows, while leaving the dead pathfinder wearing a suit of hide armour. Flicking through a book, the halfling speaks to the others, "Looks like a journal, seems our fallen comrade is named Mercra... nothing in here relates to the happenings here though, just logs of his travels elsewhere in Ustalav."

The Exchange

"Well," Olo grunts, "Let's get moving then...."

Olo will gently push open the other two doors and step inside the rooms. He straps one lit sunrod to his back and takes three more.

Grand Lodge

The other two storerooms are bare and dusty, the odd broom or mop lying in the corner.

Liberty's Edge

Slipping the book into his pack after flicking through it, Tambric returns to the room at the bottom of the stairs.

"Just the one door left then," he looks over to Marianna, "is it safe?"

Grand Lodge

Marianna walks up to the door, inspecting it for traps.

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

"Clear... you first Olo." She says with a smile.

I'm with "Marianna" in some other games and he has been MIA for a couple of weeks... looks like Mike might not be coming back either. :(

The Exchange

I'm with "Marianna" in some other games and he has been MIA for a couple of weeks... looks like Mike might not be coming back either. :(

Ack....should we pull the plug on this one then? Not fair/much fun for you if you are running a game with just two players.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

I count 3. Tambric, Olo, and myself. Besides, my impression from the last one we did is that they are not very long. As long as Itsgottabeodin feels like DMPCing Marianna I think we'll be ok. My vote is to continue and solve this mystery.

I do have a question though. This Mercra Pathfinder guy. Did he look like he was wounded and fled to this room or was stuffed here by someone? Levistus will take a 20 searching for secret doors in that small room while the rest were searching the other storerooms and door for traps.

Hmmmm, one other thing, did anyone else notice that the blood was in small footprint sized blotches? I am assuming they are too small to have been Mercra's. Anyone good at tracking?

After searching the storeroom for secret entrances Levistus carefully examines the bloody footprints trying to determine where they go, "These most likely belong to our murderer. Very likely the same individual who pinned up that.....whatever that thing was."

He'll take a 20 on those too for a whopping 21 total.

EDIT: of course, just had the thought that maybe they ARE his footprints after stepping in that trap. Guess I'll wait to find out :)

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