Admiral Jose Monkamuck |

Just checking... if some...thing is buffed to the eyeballs and under the effects of both invisibility and nondetection, it would be undetectable by a PC with permanent arcane sight. Right?
Last I checked nondetection wasn't automatic. The person with the detection would have to make a caster level check or something like that. It is true that if the PC failed whatever check it was they had to make then they would not be able to see it even with Arcane Sight. Which is not remotely the same thing as being "undetectable".
If you really want to make it hard to find combine Superior Invisibility (check the Spell Compendium) with Mind Blank. Unlike nondetection Mind Blank states that the recipient is immune to all divination effects. Depending on which Superior Invisibility it is (I think there is more than one write up) then I believe it covers just about every mundane sense there is.

Admiral Jose Monkamuck |

Ah, thank-you Admiral.
I just checked the SRD and yep, caster level check.The party is 11th level, so a Mind Blank baddie is a bit harsh. A caster level check will be a piece of cake tho'. Hmmmm...
A fun scroll or two doesn't always throw things out of whack.....
One thing to remember, you mentioned it was permanent arcane sight. Which means that either it was done with the permanency spell OR from an item. Both of those effects would have it's own static caster level that is NOT based on the level of the character with the effect. In most cases those CLs tend to be quite a bit lower....

Crust |

Remember that see invisibility and arcane sight affect the caster only, not the subject (or subjects) warded by nondetection or mind blank.
True seeing has a range of "touch" and a target of "creature touched." It bears an effect that enhances one's eyesight. Looking at things while under the effect of true seeing is not attempting a divination upon an object or creature warded by nondetection or mind blank.

Crust |

Remember that see invisibility and arcane sight affect the caster only, not the subject (or subjects) warded by nondetection or mind blank.
True seeing has a range of "touch" and a target of "creature touched." It bears an effect that enhances one's eyesight. Looking at things while under the effect of true seeing is not attempting a divination upon an object or creature warded by nondetection or mind blank.
Whoops... Arcane sight's detect magic effect would require a caster level check to penetrate nondetection as I understand it. My bad.