Adam500 |
Warning Spoilers Below.
Alright, so my current AoW game is nearing the home stretch. I want to go all-out for Savage Tides as my next campaign (I'm gathering the music, building a 3D Sea Wyvern, and probably will costruct other set pieces).
Something that has always irked me a bit is that despite my massive collection of minis I'm always doing something like: "This Large mini is a dragon, I know it dosn't look like it. Pretend" So I've decided to crack my wallet open and buy proper minis for the enemies and allies of this campaign.
To that end I'm going to start compiling a list of characters in need of minitures and what minis I plan to use. I'm posting this here, because honestly its a lot of work and I could do with some help. I'm not perfect and I could either miss a better mold of a mini (using primarily D&D skirmish minis, but I'm not adverse to metal either) or I had trouble finding a mini at all.
With that here is my first post, the miniature list for There is no Honor
Lavinia Vanderboren- not required, but will be useful as the campaign progresses
Soller Vark- human armed with a light crossbow and rapier
7 Thugs- human armed with a light crossbow and rapier
3 Rhagodessa - I don't think these were ever made, so I'll need to do conversion
Iron Cobra - Iron Cobra 36/60 Aberrations
3 Ravenous Zombie Pirates - Largest group size encountered, need to pick a good zombie sculpt
1 Huecuva Cleric - still looking
5 small monstrous crabs - still looking
6 Rogues - Defiant Rake? 43/60 Dungeons of Dread humans with hand crossbows/rapier, Lotus Dragons, largest group size encoutered
1 Human Illusionist - Human wizard armed with a sickle?
1 Worg - need to find good sculpt
1 Prisoner - The Lotus Dragon guy tricking the PCs
1 Crocodile - need to find good sculpt
6 Ixitxachitl Scouts - Not sure about these. Suggestions?
Churtle - Everyone's favorite Kobold, need good sculpt
1 Bugbear Zombie - looking
1 Crested Felldrake - 19/80 harbringer wouldn't mind an alternative, looks a little ugly to me
Rowyn Kellani - need to find good sculpt

![]() |

Quite a daunting prospect! I like to have decent minis too, but even for the minor characters who appear for five minutes... wow, I take my hat off!
Let's see if I can remember my TINH...
For the ixits I used manta rays from some cheap plastic kids "Creatures of the Sea" toys. Got crabs in the packs too - and sharks, and a crocodile! Dinosaur packs and a lick of paint gave me a Firedrake and I got lots of dinos for the Isle of Dread for 99 cents here and there.
This new reaper one looks like a nice Lavinia: LINK
Nice Reaper crocodile: link
For rhagodessa's I used those ugly beige D&D minis with six legs and a weird vertical slit mouth. Forget the name. I'd recommend making cutouts or converting spiders if you have the time.
If I think of more I'll add hem to the thread. The search function on the Reaper site is very good though. You can search for "Wizard Sickle" or whatever, and all their minis are tagged according to profession, race, weapon etc. (only a tiefling sorceress with a sickle by the way)
Good luck, and post links to photos of your collection!

Matthew Vincent |
5 small monstrous crabs - still looking
6 Ixitxachitl Scouts - Not sure about these. Suggestions?
There are suitable D&D minis for most of what you listed (lemme know if you need links to stores that sell singles), but for the above two:
Crabs and manta rays can often be found in $1 bags/tubes of plastic underwater sealife (from dollar stores, Fred-Meyer, etc.).
Adam500 |
An update: Ive picked out okay looking minis for most of the first adveture. I don't mind metals but I'll stick as close to plastics as I can.
Sollar Vark - Vampire Hunter 11/60 Unhallowed
Thugs (7) - Human Crossbowman 5/60 Dragoneye
or - Human Rabble 27/40 Legendary Evils (Not sure which of these two to use, thoughts?)
Rhagodessa (3) - Mad Slasher 54/60 Aberrations I feel like this needs some conversion work, maybe attach a head and paint accordingly, but what head? Wolf? EDIT: I could also use deathjump spiders as the base, but I digress.
Iron Cobra (1) - Iron Cobra 36/60 Abberations
Pirate Zombies (3-9) - Gravetouched Ghoul 53/60 Unhallowed
Huecuva Cleric (1) - Repainted Cleric of Lathander 1/60 Archfiends
Lotus Dragon Thieves (6) - Defiant Rake 43/60 Dugeons of Dread
-should I get more of these just in case? How many more?
Human Illusionist (1) - Wand Expert 27/60 Angelfire
Worg (1) - Worg 80/80 Harbringer
Prisoner (1) - Prisoner 40/60 Night Below
Crocodile (1) - Monitor Lizard 29/60 Underdark
Kobold (1) - Kobold Miner 38/60 Underdark - will probably clip the pick
Bugbear Zombie (1) - Blood Ghost Berserker 44/60
Crested Felldrake (1) - Crested Felldrake 19/80 Harbringer
Rowyn Kellani (1) - Voice of Battle 25/60 Deathnell - this mini actually fits really well I think, maybe needs minor work
Lavinia Vanderboren (1) - I'm looking through the various metal mini suggestions now and will pick from there probably.
Small Monstrous Crabs (5) -
Ixitxachitl Scouts (6) -
For these two, I'll see what I can dig up at Wall Mart or a dollar store or wherever as people have suggested.
In other news I've started building a 3D miniture-scale model of the Sea Wyvern. For the prow, I'm going to get a plastic Wyvern mini and attach it to the ship (after painting it gold or something). Trying to decide if the sculpt from Aberrations or Dungeons of Dread would be better for this.
Once I get the final descisions for minis for TinH out of the way I'll move on to BWG. Should be easier I think.

Robert Hradek |

In other news I've started building a 3D miniture-scale model of the Sea Wyvern. For the prow, I'm going to get a plastic Wyvern mini and attach it to the ship (after painting it gold or something). Trying to decide if the sculpt from Aberrations or Dungeons of Dread would be better for this.
I would go with the DoDread wyvern, it looks more figureheady, unfortunately neither looks all that cool.
Here are some minis that I used for the first two modules.
Rhagodessa - I did use the Deathjump Spider 54/60 Though later on there are huge sized Rhags, so I went with the "permian arachnids" from a Primeval action figure, being they are taxonomically related, same # legs and pedipalps and types of fangs.
Picture of a real "Rhagodessa" aka Camel Spider.
Lotus Dragon Thieves/ thugs - I used Defiant Rake, as well as many others for variety: Halfling Tombseeker 20/60 Night Below, Assassin 27/60 Night Below, Changeling Rogue (w/head swap) 14/60 Unhallowed, Drow Assassin (painted human) 20/60 Demonweb,Drow Adventurer (painted human) 11/60 Demonweb, and Sharn Redcloak (cloak painted green) 44/60 Demonweb
Shefton - Cloaktrick Rogue 43/60 Against the Giants
Bugbear Zombie - Bugbear Warrior (w/ eyes gouged out and weapon removed) 33/60 Demonweb
Lavinia Vanderboren - I used this mini for early Lavinia , then I used a heroclix mini because it fit and was cheap
Small Monstrous Crabs - Playmobil crabs were about the right size, but difficult to get, If you don't mind them being hermit crabs, these are a good size and cheap also.
Ixitxachitl Scouts - The toy manta's are usually too big. The stingray from Reaper is the correct size for a small creature, and you can order just it out of the set.
Crested Felldrake - I used the Chainmail metal mini for this.
Sollar Vark - I used Heroclix Ra's al-Ghul and shaved his hair off and painted him dark.
Pirate Zombies - I used a mix of GW empire state troops and zombies sprues to make my own set of zombies.
Huecuva Cleric - GW vampire counts skeletons made my hecuva cleric.
Brissa Santos (GW demonette with heroclix head and megaminis eels)
I found a neat picture on-line that worked well for her and I based this mini off of it. First the party sees this, a frightened sick girl, but when they get closer, they see this.
Diamondback (heroclix "Scarab" mod)
w/ stiltwalkers
Harliss (darksword minis)
Nemien (pirates of the carribbean minifig w/feather)
Violet fungus (Mushroom with tentacles from horrorclix)
Savage Krenshars (DDM with painted velcro to represent the squiggly things)
Savage Deinonychus (jurassic park board game mini)
savage phanaton (heroclix "super ape igor" with tentacles)
Savage Pirates
(Pirates of the carribean mini figs)
(Star Wars and DDM)
(mage knight and heroclix)
(horrorclix and dreamblade)
(horrorclix and metal mini)

Adam500 |
Also on the subject of the 3D terrain of the Wyvern, I'm not sure how tall to make the masts, or how many/where to put the crows nest(s). I can make out 1 nest in the pictures Ive seen in the adventures, but that dosn't help much.
EDIT: Specifically the picture in Dragon 350's Savage Tiding.
There is also a second picture, of it damaged, in Dragon 353.

Bellona |

Also on the subject of the 3D terrain of the Wyvern, I'm not sure how tall to make the masts, or how many/where to put the crows nest(s). I can make out 1 nest in the pictures Ive seen in the adventures, but that dosn't help much.
EDIT: Specifically the picture in Dragon 350's Savage Tiding.
There is also a second picture, of it damaged, in Dragon 353.
There might be some information about masts, etc., in the Stormwrack 3.5 supplement. The Sea Wyvern is a caravel after all, and there are more detailed ship descriptions there, including caravels.

Robert Hradek |

Also on the subject of the 3D terrain of the Wyvern, I'm not sure how tall to make the masts, or how many/where to put the crows nest(s). I can make out 1 nest in the pictures Ive seen in the adventures, but that dosn't help much.
Usually there is only one crow's nest on any ship, usually on the tallest mast. Though all of the pictures of the wyvern have it on the middle mast, but strangely between the bottom and top sails...
Ahh, the picture of the wyvern in the dungeon before the savage tide even started (#138) has it with a crows nest on the first and second mast, below the top sail.A suggestion for a shortcut for a 3-d wyvern is to get the Pirateology ship model. It is exactly the correct lenght, but 1" too thin. Close enough though, and it looks really amazing for the price.

Adam500 |
Usually there is only one crow's nest on any ship, usually on the tallest mast. Though all of the pictures of the wyvern have it on the middle mast, but strangely between the bottom and top sails...
Ahh, the picture of the wyvern in the dungeon before the savage tide even started (#138) has it with a crows nest on the first and second mast, below the top sail.A suggestion for a shortcut for a 3-d wyvern is to get the Pirateology ship model. It is exactly the correct lenght, but 1" too thin. Close enough though, and it looks really amazing for the price.
Thanks for pointing out that picture in #138! Its exactly what I was looking for, just didn't remember it being there.

Adam500 |
Back to the topic of minis (the 3D boat is out of the prototype phase and in production):
What do you guys think of using Storm Silverhand probabaly repainted a little, as Lavinia? I's also probably remove the wand.

Robert Hradek |

Back to the topic of minis (the 3D boat is out of the prototype phase and in production):
What do you guys think of using Storm Silverhand probabaly repainted a little, as Lavinia? I's also probably remove the wand.
In my opinion, the best mini for Lavinia is by Reaper. Unfortunately I was already using another mini before I saw it.
I do have some suggestions if you want to stick with DDM, which I try to do myself. It saves time and that way I can get some value out of all the money i have put into them. Though Storm is a bit too unfeminine for the character of Lavina. More feminine ones for DDM would be
Cleric of Sune or
Evermeet Wizard, though they would need wand to sword changes. Also the Elf Warmage would look good repainted, or maybe even the Kalashtar Bodyguard.
Be sure to post pics when you are done with your ship.

Adam500 |
Robert Hradek wrote:maybe even the Kalashtar Bodyguard.I particularly like this one.
Not sure I agree with Storm Silverhand being unfeminine, though that picture from the WotC site isn't the best.
I'll consider the Kalashtar model, and if I can get it I'll use the reaper model. Next time I post it will be with Adv #2's mini list.

Laurellien |

Okay, here is the list of miniatures that I used/will use with links to where they can be bought (all stores with multiple regions will link to the uk version) If a character is not mentioned, then the model that I am using is OOP
Minor NPCs
- Keltar Islaran and Father Feres - Saruman and Grima - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150076 a&prodId=prod1080061
- Churtle - Lizardman Skink (converted) - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130030 4&prodId=prod820859
- Tolin Kientai - Armoured Boromir - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150060 a&prodId=prod1070083
- Zan Oldavin - Hasharin - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150082 a&prodId=prod1090085
- Kaskus Kiel - Plastic Gimli from Balin's Tomb - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat129001 1&prodId=prod1140216
- Amella Venkalie - Vandora Waverunner - http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/swashbuckler/sku-down/03155
- Skald - Elf Lord with Bow - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130029 5&prodId=prod790852
- Urol Forol - Dwarf Mage - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130028 3&prodId=prod1140287
- Tavey Nesk - Merry - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150070 a&prodId=prod1060280
Significant NPCs
- Harliss Javell/Lirith Veldirose - Isabella Florentina - http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/isabella/sku-down/03130
Grunt Villains
- Lotus Dragon thieves - Rangers of Middle Earth - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150061 a&prodId=prod1070029
- Hungry Dead/Helvur's Pirates - Warriors of the Dead - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150061 a&prodId=prod1880009
- Worg - Warg - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat150077 a&prodId=prod1080112
- Savage Pirates - Ghouls - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130034 2&prodId=prod1050048
- Savage Krenshar - Chaos Hounds - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat138000 3&prodId=prod1570038
- Trub Glorp Hunters - Skinks (maybe sans crests) - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130030 4&prodId=prod820859
Minor Villains
- Nemien Roblach - Gandalf (mines of Moria) - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat129001 1&prodId=prod1140216
- Kersh Reftun - Marauder - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat138000 3&prodId=prod1040523
- Gut Tugger, Ripclaw, Basilisk - Cold One - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130023 7&prodId=prod1490005
- Diamondback - Wardancer Lord - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130035 7&prodId=prod800853
- Lorb-Lorb Tub - Skink Chief with sickle - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130030 3&prodId=prod820851
- Chief Lorpth - Skink Chief with helmet - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130030 3&prodId=prod820850
- Drevoraz Kabran - Gagnar Scragslayer - http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/gagnar/sku-down/03188
- Bua Gorg - Skink Priest - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130030 3&prodId=prod820848
- Blue Slaad - Troll - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130032 1&prodId=prod840936
- Varrangoin - Chaos Fury - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130022 9&prodId=prod1040558
- Lars No-Neck Helvur - Sartosan Pirate Captain - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130020 0&prodId=prod1340011
- Aquatic Hydra - Dark Elf War Hydra - http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat130023 8&prodId=prod1380000
Major Villains
- Vanthus Vanderboren (young) - Faramir - N.B. could easily be used for Tolin
- Rowyn Kellani (young) - Arwen
- Rowyn Kellani (advanced) - Deladrin
More on this later...

Matthew Vincent |
Anyone know any really good sites to buy minis from?Auggies