Character Insanity

Homebrew and House Rules

In a few weeks, we should be reviving a Savage Tide campaign that included some extra adventures. Where we left off, the entire party except my Swashbuckler/Rogue was killed. My swashbuckler was already on a path of revenge, thinks his wife and child are dead, and had accidentally killed one PC by knocking him off of a cliff and drowning him. In our last adventure, he ended up under the control of a mind flayer. While under control, he killed another PC and remains under the control of the mind flayer. The DM is going to allow my character to remain in the game, but with certain psychological issues due to being captured by an illithid for months doing unknown depravities, including, I imagine, cannibalism. I am trying to find a good source in the D20 games for some kind of game mechanics for psychosis. All I have found is some minor stuff in the Black Company CS w/out game mechanics, and some major attribute damage in Ravonloft. Does anyone have any ideas?

I would expect anything Cthulhu-related to have some good stuff on insanity.

Dark Archive

D20 Call of Cthulhu (WOTC) has insanity rules, i will be using them in the campaign i'm currently working on for Pathfinder, i'm going to be adding Sanity points as a character stat from the d20 Call of Cthulhu book. But of course my campaign is going to be fairly heavily bases on a Cthulhu type Mythos. Creatures from beyond space and time of known man.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The upcoming GameMastery Guide has rules for insanity too. Insanity is a new form of affliction that shares a lot of similarities with the rules for diseases, although they generally do a lot more than just tinker with your ability scores...

If your group has a copy of the 3.5 Unearthed Arcana, you may find some useful material in the Taint rules.

Heroes of Horror expands on the Taint system and may also have some mechanics you can make use of.

Thanks all. I don't have Cthulu or Heroes of horror (my DM might), but will check out the Unearthed Arcana. I looked there already but must have missed it.

Another important step would be to decide on a type of insanity.

Schizophrenia(hearing voices + poor impulse control) is not the same as paranoia(deep suspision about everyone).

The type of insanity can play a role in which set of rules you use.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Charender wrote:

Another important step would be to decide on a type of insanity.

Schizophrenia(hearing voices + poor impulse control) is not the same as paranoia(deep suspision about everyone).

The type of insanity can play a role in which set of rules you use.

That is also covered in the upcoming GameMastery Guide. There's a half dozen or so different insanities presented. They do different things.

Once we get closer to the book's release date, I'll see if I can't get a blog post up to preview the insanity rules.

James Jacobs wrote:
Charender wrote:

Another important step would be to decide on a type of insanity.

Schizophrenia(hearing voices + poor impulse control) is not the same as paranoia(deep suspision about everyone).

The type of insanity can play a role in which set of rules you use.

That is also covered in the upcoming GameMastery Guide. There's a half dozen or so different insanities presented. They do different things.

Once we get closer to the book's release date, I'll see if I can't get a blog post up to preview the insanity rules.

That would be crazy, man.

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