Death-Lok's Kingmaker PbP Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I would be in.

The Exchange

Zennor and I are in.

Thought I might be able to keep things going!

Sorry I had that hiatus there for a while. Just got bogged down a bit. How big is our group right about now?

That look right? Real life can kick you in the pants sometimes, but we have good players. I'm game for looking for a replacement dm to help out, and if that fails, I think we can still come up with something between us. Don't abandon ship yet!

The Exchange

DM Post Ghost wrote:
Thought I might be able to keep things going!

I appreciate your quick response but how will you run Kingmaker for us without the Kingmaker books?

Do you intend to buy the first one as a pdf or, more likely, use your own stuff instead? If the latter then can you explain how you what you mean in a bit more detail?

Apologies for the third degree but Vanulf and I have been let down twice now in as many months but we want to play in this adventure.

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

Thanks for the interest DM PG but I've decided to give up playing my character to run this campaign. If you're interested in joining as a player please visit the recruitment thread located here:
From the Ashes:Kingmaker Reborn-Open Casting Call

Hell's Vengeance Battlemaps; Jade Regent Battlemaps; Kingmaker Battlemaps; Mummy's Mask Battlemaps

Garyn, you still out there? If you're still interested in playing this campaign let me know by tommorrow otherwise i'm going to have to replace you to get things moving again.

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