Snatcherbanderwocky |

Sorry I had that hiatus there for a while. Just got bogged down a bit. How big is our group right about now?
That look right? Real life can kick you in the pants sometimes, but we have good players. I'm game for looking for a replacement dm to help out, and if that fails, I think we can still come up with something between us. Don't abandon ship yet!

![]() |

Thought I might be able to keep things going!
I appreciate your quick response but how will you run Kingmaker for us without the Kingmaker books?
Do you intend to buy the first one as a pdf or, more likely, use your own stuff instead? If the latter then can you explain how you what you mean in a bit more detail?
Apologies for the third degree but Vanulf and I have been let down twice now in as many months but we want to play in this adventure.

GM Wulfson |

Thanks for the interest DM PG but I've decided to give up playing my character to run this campaign. If you're interested in joining as a player please visit the recruitment thread located here:
From the Ashes:Kingmaker Reborn-Open Casting Call

GM Wulfson |

Garyn, you still out there? If you're still interested in playing this campaign let me know by tommorrow otherwise i'm going to have to replace you to get things moving again.