[IC-PbP] Lady Anita’s Final Revelations.


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Sovereign Court

The Song and Rose playhouse is a small, two storied building near the gates to the Ivy District but still within the Foreign Quarter, some say to avoid the need to join the Performer’s Guild. The wooden doors to the establishment stand open, and a queue of patrons is forming for the evening performance of what the posters outside advertise to be a hilarious, yet tragic comedy by the ‘renowned’ Chelish playwright Julio Valari.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK walks confidently through the queue of patrons to get directly in:
"Make way! Make way! I, Nicephora, Dancer and Bringer of Victory to the Green Dragon Racing Boats of Absolom, have business inside!"
NIK makes sure Samant and his BIG CLUB are closeby, and that both Garin and Zeldin are following.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 5 HP: 50/50

Garion looks at Samant and Zeldin, shrugs and says, "I was going to ask if we wanted to look around a little to see if we could discover anything but it appears that decision has been made for us." With a grin, he follows Nik.

Male Sky Elf Game Master lv 20


Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK winks at Garion with confidence, and a BIG smile
"Trust me! this is MY world yur in now!"

Indeed Garion, indeed! I do wonder if she recalls that you cannot unkick down a door?

Just a quick note... Zeldin has not been shopping yet (I don't think!?!) and so he is unarmed... He prefers a diplomatic mission at this point. :)

Zeldin is scanning the crowd to see anything that seems out of place...

Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

and Calix, if it is appropriate to our direct action...

Intimidate 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2
Laithoron wrote:

HEY YOU! wat r u doing here? do u think NIK needs a new dress before entering the Song and Rose? ;-) giggle

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Samant follows Nik closely... wincing as she draws so much attention to our little band.

Sovereign Court

Nik strides confidently past the queue, followed by the other three prospective Pathfinders, the patrons outside allow her to pass without resistance, apparently impressed by her announcement, but upon reaching the doors she is intercepted by an half-elven man wearing clothes which have clearly been carefully designed to look as cheap as possible while still remaining elegant. "Excuse me ma'am," he says in a haughty tone, "but I am afraid you will need a ticket just like everyone else, no matter what..." he sniffs dramatically, "affiliations you may claim with the boat races."

Zeldin:You could have bought a few things on your way here if you wanted to.

Laithoron wrote:

Back to work you! Don't you have a costume to be making?

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"Are you saying that I don't have the required dancing skill to perform here?"
NIK tries to make room around her, kinda urging Samant to help if I can!
"Or that I have TOO MUCH of it?"

NIK puts on quick dance routine (a very seXXy one!)

Perform Dance 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

In a LOUD voice so everyone can hear:
"By Calistria THERE Good Friend is my entrance ticket!"

Sovereign Court

The half-elven man watches the performance with a detached aloofness, his left eyebrow raised appraisingly. At the culmination of Nik's dance, a few members of the queue begin to clap in appreciation, soon joined by others, but the half-elf just nods quietly. "You do have... some talent," he concedes grudgingly, "but now is hardly the time for an audition, the curtain rises for The Infernal Follies in less than an hour... if you return after the performance, we can discuss your career then."

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

To the crowd:
"Good people of Absolom! I hope you enjoyed this dance! Tonight Inside you will enjoy SO MUCH MORE ThanX to the Song and Rose and the work of the great Valari!"
NIK gets closer to the half-elf so only he can hear
"Consider this a free warming of the crowd. I'll give them an even better repeat performance if you just help me and my friends out with something. It will only take a second of your time!"

Sovereign Court

The half-elf narrows his eyes as he considers Nik's words, please can you make a diplomacy check. (You don't get the bonus from your Charming trait for this one.)

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

I had this FEELING! ahhh theater people! giggle
are Samant, Garion or Zeldin eXXtra handsome btw?

Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Calixymenthillian wrote:
(You don't get the bonus from your Charming trait for this one.)

hahahaha Calix... I do not think I have ever heard it put so diplomatically in my life!!

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

Zeldin's info does say "strikingly attractive!" giggle
maybe his eyes are on YOU Zeldin!
FYI Calix against me the "charming" bonus wuld work both ways if that can help clarify my .. hummmm ... interests! :-)
so absolutly NO judging on my part there!
I m actually starting to like this half-elf!
If it can help explain the 20 I rolled ...

NIK leans close and adds:
"I know how the snobs from the Performer's guild can treat foreigners and bohemians like us. I'm not from here you know. I was a nobody from the North until dancing gave me a chance to become somebody! I just need a bit of help from a fellow performer!"

Sovereign Court

The half-elf lets out a small sigh, then nods, "I can see the potential benefits in that arrangement... come inside and we can discuss this small favour. I am the proprietor of the Song and Rose, Ivan Thraine."

Ivan leads the group through the playhouse doors and into a small office to the side of the entrance, he sits behind a tidy desk and motions you to take seats opposite.

Zeldin Tarr wrote:
hahahaha Calix... I do not think I have ever heard it put so diplomatically in my life!!

Tact is my middle name.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK lets the guys have the chairs while she sits on the edge of the desk, legs neatly crossed amazon-riding style!
"By Calistria well met Master Thraine! I'm Nicephora but I hope yul cal me NIK! All my friends do! And this is Samant, Garion and Zeldin. We are worried about what happened to the great Lady Anita Landross. We want to help her, and since you know her well, we thought you could help us help her."

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK, on her way to the office and now she is here, looks around to see if there is anything she can spot that would give me an idea why this Lady Anita wuld have liked this place.

Cuz she seem to like animated things is there any clues like that Nik can see? Like maybe the play beeing about animated people or dolls?

Sovereign Court

You can make a Perception check if you want, to look for that sort of thing.

"Ah, Lady Landross" Ivan says affectionately, "it has been some time since she last graced us with her attendance... almost a year in fact, she had tickets to a performance but never arrived—I had assumed she had gone off on another of her expeditions. It would not be the first time her work had prevented her from indulging in the Arts. If there is any way at all that I can help her, I am at your service."

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
not sure if my new trait about noticing hidden things gives me a +1 here

To Master Thraine: "Expeditions? Desna's stars that sure sounds exciting! what kinda expeditions did she do? Did you ever go visit her at her place? Do you anyone here, or a patron here, she was REALLI close to?"

Sovereign Court

Not really, it's not hidden.

In a small cushioned basket in the corner of the office, a tiny metallic 'creature' lies curled into a small ball, if it where not for the rhythmic movement it would not even be recognisable as anything other than a ball of metal.

"Oh, she is a Pathfinder, don't you know?" Ivan says with a smile, "she is always flying off to some exotic locale to uncover the secrets of the past."
"I did visit her keep once or twice, to discuss her writing..." he pauses for a moment, looking away, "she is an aspiring playwright you see, I was helping her to conceptualise her vision."
"Hmm... she has occasionally attended the theatre with gentlemen friends... though they never last long, she doesn't have much time for relationships."

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"She was a playwright? isnt it great how everyone likes the arts! I just BET her vision had to do with animated things like that metallic cutie in that basket!"
NIK points to it
"So you visited her keep? I bet she had like lots of those animated things protecting it! That must be something FUN 2 see right?"

Sovereign Court

"Ah yes, art truly is the universal language, no?" Ivan says, "Actually her play doesn't really focus much on animated creatures... though I don't think I should really be telling you much more about that before it is finished."

"Oh, she does have some wonderful artifices in her home, I didn't go past her reception area, so I can only wonder what she might have beyond... I commented on how interesting they where, and she gave me Buttons here as a gift," he points to the metallic ball, before clapping his hands, "Buttons! Come on!"

The tiny creature uncurls itself to reveal a smooth construct with a vaguely feline form. 'Buttons' stretches, and then leaps up onto Ivan's lap, who rests a hand fondly on its back.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"They were many of them in that reception area? I bet they must have looked a LOT more dangerous then Buttons right?"

Sovereign Court

"Well, some of them looked quite formidable, not that Buttons here is completely harmless," he pats the construct on his lap proudly, "she is quite dangerous to some of our smaller intruders."

Ivan stops speaking for a moment, considering the group with a tilted head, "You seem very interested in the protections in Lady Anita's home... how exactly do you know her?"

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK takes out her Pathfinder's Wayfinder and shows it to him:

"Look I m not gonna lie to a fellow performer: I don't know her very well! But like me she is a Pathfinder and we try to help each other when we can. Like entertainers who help each other ... you know. Well she dissapeared and we are all REALLY worried so we want to find her and help her if she's in any kind of trouble. So if she is a true friend of yours, you can help her by telling us how we can get inside her keep without getting ourselves killed. Calistria make me ugly if i m not telling you the truth!"
NIK kisses her lucky coin on Calistria's side
"And if I m lying you have seen us, u know our faces and can report us to the city law!"

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

CALIX wats the reputation of the Pathfinders? Are they well known good guys?

Sovereign Court

Not good guys exactly... they tend to get a mixed reception, some people see them as noble scholars, others see them as irreverant tomb-robbers. In Absalom opinions tend to be more positive though.

"That looks just like Lady Anita's Wayfinder!" Ivan exclaims with a gasp, raising both hands to his mouth, "she said she had it commissioned to her own design!"

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"We each have one crafted to represent a bit who we are! Mine is all pink and flowery because ... well ... cuz that s me! pink and cute and flowery!" giggle "so will you help us Master Thraine? Lady Landross needs us, you friend needs you!"

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Samant clears his throat, we're not going to take up anymore of your precious time, but is there anything the Lady might have said before her disapperance? Any beaus that may have felt slighted? Any distractions that were causing problems in her work? We've been sent to discover why she has gone, and any information you may provide could prove beneficial to our cause.

Sovereign Court

Ivan nods at Nik's explanation, "Of course, I will try to help, but I don't really know anything about how to bypass her security..." he looks over to Samant, "As far as I know, all of her relationships ended amicably, she is very considerate you see, I don't know why anyone would wish her ill."

Ivan looks distracted for a few moments before leaning over his desk confidentially, "To be completely honest, the Lady did seem rather disturbed by some of her discoveries, she refused to tell me the details, but whenever our conversations turned to her more recent expeditions she would get very quiet."

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Do you have anyone else we should speak with that may have additional information?

Sovereign Court

"I'm afraid I cannot think of anyone else who might be of assistance to you," Ivan says, shooing Buttons back to her basket, "as I said, her romances tended to be short-lived, so I doubt they would be of any help to you."

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Well thank you for your information, and we'll let you get ready for your show.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"Yes ThanX ever so much Master Thraine! Yuv been veri helpful! I ll let u know what we find out about Lady Landross!"
NIK gets ready to go ...

When we are ooutside, to Samant,Garion and Zeldin:
"Lady Anita did something in her last expeditions that musta gone very wrong! I've been like curious from the start why she would have left the Pathfinder Society in the first place. Maybe THAT S the reason! What do you think we should do next? Go 2 the keep?"

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

She's been out of the pathfinders for several years, no reason was given for her quitting the pathfinders

The question is; what should our next step be?

Male Half-Elf Cleric 5 HP: 50/50

I would think we should inspect the keep next. See what there is to see."

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"But dont u find it kinda strange Samant? I mean the Pathfinder Society seems like a pretty sweet deal, why would someone just leave giving no reason? Garion I think if there are like no more clues we can find in the city u may be right the keep culd be the next place 2 look! I realli hope we culd learn more about her tho ..."

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)
Nik aka Nicephora wrote:
"But dont u find it kinda strange Samant? I mean the Pathfinder Society seems like a pretty sweet deal, why would someone just leave giving no reason? Garion I think if there are like no more clues we can find in the city u may be right the keep culd be the next place 2 look! I realli hope we culd learn more about her tho ..."

I've read her profile in the archives, just as I've studied all of ours, and every other pathfinder out there. She was a secretive woman. I'm not sure asking around the city would be more of a benefit than breaching her home. My vote is the keep and if that turns up a dead-end we can attempt to ferret out further information.

Calix: Do we have a sense of how entering the keep would be viewed by the locals, and the authorities? Should we be sneaking in, or can we make a daylight approach?

Sovereign Court

You know it has been designated as off limits by the district council, so entering it without their permission would be illegal. It is on a public street though, so you could take a look around the outside without any difficulties.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"Well lets go to the keep then! Just stay close with that club and make sure none of those animated dummies get their dirty hands on me! Number rule at the Taverna: no touching the Dancing Girl!"
Nik winks at Samant
"Not unless she wants to of course!" giggle

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Until it gets dark we can just scout the building. We need to figure out the best point of entry, away from random passersby, nosy neighbors, etc. The council designated this off limits, because some of their patrols never returned. We need to assume whatever guardians are left behind are hostile.

Samant says this all pretty quickly, slightly flushing at Nik's previous statement.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

"Sounds like a great plan to me! Let's do it!"

CALIX: Can we stroll around the building and check it out? Best way to get in like Samant says? If we find possible places to get in, NIK will try to distract any possible people looking at us so the rest of the gang can check things well. If noone is around, NIK will check too

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

CALIX - I had an idea: is it at all possible there are sewers under that maybe have access to the keep? Is it possible to find that out?

Sovereign Court

By the time the group arrives at Lady Anita's keep, the sun has already sank beneath the rooftops, leaving the street cast in purplish shadows. There are few people on the street a this time of the evening, and making a quick circuit of the building reveals it to be enclosed by a high black-iron fence, beyond which sinks a small stream that stands as a pale imitation of a moat. A bridge extends from the single gate in the fence, across to a pair of heavy wooden doors set into a thick outer wall, containing a four story tower built of dark stone within.

As the group return to the front of the building, a small patrol of three watchmen nod a polite acknowledgment as they continue down the street, and a small boy climbs nimbly down from a streetlamp he had just illuminated, moving on to the next one quickly.

There are some sewer gratings around the area, so it is quite likely that the sewers pass beneath the buildings along the street, the only ways to be sure would be to explore, or to get hold of the plans to the sewer system.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

NIK whispers this 2 the group:
"I was thinking of maybe goin in thru the sewers if at all possible. I dont think we shuld climb that fence, too much risk of be seen! I can try and pick the lock of the fence gate!"
NIK tries 2 remember the 3 watchmen and the boy, just in case.

CALIX: from my old "friends" at the Taverna and boat races is there someone I know that would have a plans of the sewers? like the guy that sold me the tools?

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