Government folly

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RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Andrew R wrote:
Those are arguable things but to just throw the race card and accuse anyone not lockstep in your conclusions of racism are not conducive to any discussion and not acceptable.

I don't recall accusing you of being a racist (at least, not lately), but you were the one who said police were justified in harassing minorities. It's not really about race, either. Kelly Thomas's story, from an adjacent county? That guy was white. He just happened to be schizophrenic.

So, if you're not white, and well-off, and healthy, what's your gameplan? None of these people were suspected or wanted for a crime. None of them were even slightly aggressive towards the police. What do you have to do to not get killed?

A Man In Black wrote:
What do you have to do to not get killed?

Well, like in any other situation, you have to shoot first.

I understand this is a recursive problem, however.

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Those are arguable things but to just throw the race card and accuse anyone not lockstep in your conclusions of racism are not conducive to any discussion and not acceptable.

Dude no one's even bringing up race but you.

Cops shot an unarmed man who wasn't a suspect in an investigation. Shot him dead.

Why the F@&~ is that EVER OKAY?!

[poe's law]Because it will never happen to me or my family.[/poe's Law]

Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.

Andrew R wrote:
Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.

What are you even talking about? No one is talking about your family. Get a grip.

The Exchange

A Man In Black wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Those are arguable things but to just throw the race card and accuse anyone not lockstep in your conclusions of racism are not conducive to any discussion and not acceptable.

I don't recall accusing you of being a racist (at least, not lately), but you were the one who said police were justified in harassing minorities. It's not really about race, either. Kelly Thomas's story, from an adjacent county? That guy was white. He just happened to be schizophrenic.

So, if you're not white, and well-off, and healthy, what's your gameplan? None of these people were suspected or wanted for a crime. None of them were even slightly aggressive towards the police. What do you have to do to not get killed?

And you are again making it about race. Maybe it is the fact that he is a gang member that ran when he saw the cops. I said they are justified on keeping a closer eye on high crime areas, minority neighborhoods happen to almost always fit the bill. Do not run from the police, comply with all orders and no sudden moves for pockets.

The Exchange

meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.
What are you even talking about? No one is talking about your family. Get a grip.

"because it won't happen to my family" notice the quote?

Andrew R wrote:
meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.
What are you even talking about? No one is talking about your family. Get a grip.
"because it won't happen to my family" notice the quote?

Yes. He wasn't talking to or about you.

I repeat. Get a grip.

Andrew R wrote:
And you are again making it about race. Maybe it is the fact that he is a gang member that ran when he saw the cops. I said they are justified on keeping a closer eye on high crime areas, minority neighborhoods happen to almost always fit the bill. Do not run from the police, comply with all orders and no sudden moves for pockets.

There is no again. You brought up race first.

Running from police isn't a crime.
And even if it were, it's not one that requires deadly force.
And even if it WERE, once you shoot someone, and they're on the ground, you don't shoot again execution style.

And then sit around, while he's still alive and visibly moving without making any effort to help or ascertain his situation.

Maybe the first thing you do isn't covering your own butt by setting up a police cordon and blocking civilian cameras.

I am, as often, reminded of the words of the great Philosopher Carlin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Andrew R wrote:
Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.

No I don't, but I know about mine. I know we live in an area where police are afraid to shoot dogs because it will get them sued and fired: much less the people.

Most people are ok with the police doing this because its not going to happen to them: its someone else's problem.

You have nicer areas with low crime where the cops are easy going because they're not being shot.

In the worse areas you have cops getting shot at, which makes them paranoid towards the populace, which makes the populace paranoid towards the cops, which makes the cops paranoid towards the populace which...

A white person may be a criminal , but at the end of the day they're still a human criminal. I really have to wonder if thats been lost by the police with regards to minorities in some areas.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Andrew R wrote:
And you are again making it about race. Maybe it is the fact that he is a gang member that ran when he saw the cops. I said they are justified on keeping a closer eye on high crime areas, minority neighborhoods happen to almost always fit the bill. Do not run from the police, comply with all orders and no sudden moves for pockets.

And if you don't, the penalty is death.

What about the schizophrenic guy who didn't do anything but cry and do as told? What about the guy who was shot on his own lawn by a plainclothes police officer because he confronted an armed man on his own property? What were they supposed to do to deserve to live?

"They had it coming" is so fundamental to the authoritarian mindset the you guys may as well be arguing with a brick. Step one in justifying inhumane treatment is to dehumanize the victims.

The Exchange

A Man In Black wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
And you are again making it about race. Maybe it is the fact that he is a gang member that ran when he saw the cops. I said they are justified on keeping a closer eye on high crime areas, minority neighborhoods happen to almost always fit the bill. Do not run from the police, comply with all orders and no sudden moves for pockets.

And if you don't, the penalty is death.

What about the schizophrenic guy who didn't do anything but cry and do as told? What about the guy who was shot on his own lawn by a plainclothes police officer because he confronted an armed man on his own property? What were they supposed to do to deserve to live?

Those are very different cases. I disagree with the plainclothed officer situation completely. Don't know the details on the schitzo.

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Are you kidding me, i have witnessed the police surround my father guns drawn. you don't know jack about me and my family.

No I don't, but I know about mine. I know we live in an area where police are afraid to shoot dogs because it will get them sued and fired: much less the people.

Most people are ok with the police doing this because its not going to happen to them: its someone else's problem.

You have nicer areas with low crime where the cops are easy going because they're not being shot.

In the worse areas you have cops getting shot at, which makes them paranoid towards the populace, which makes the populace paranoid towards the cops, which makes the cops paranoid towards the populace which...

A white person may be a criminal , but at the end of the day they're still a human criminal. I really have to wonder if thats been lost by the police with regards to minorities in some areas.

And yet everyone blames the cops 100% not the populace that helped create the problem with criminal behavior and supporting the criminals over law and order at every turn.

The Exchange

meatrace wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
And you are again making it about race. Maybe it is the fact that he is a gang member that ran when he saw the cops. I said they are justified on keeping a closer eye on high crime areas, minority neighborhoods happen to almost always fit the bill. Do not run from the police, comply with all orders and no sudden moves for pockets.

There is no again. You brought up race first.

Running from police isn't a crime.
And even if it were, it's not one that requires deadly force.
And even if it WERE, once you shoot someone, and they're on the ground, you don't shoot again execution style.

And then sit around, while he's still alive and visibly moving without making any effort to help or ascertain his situation.

Maybe the first thing you do isn't covering your own butt by setting up a police cordon and blocking civilian cameras.

Actually sir running from the police IS a crime. If an officer yells stop and you run he has every right if not duty to catch you.

Deadly force is often used when the office perceives a threat. To wait and hope the guy is just hungry and reaching for a snickers bar is asking for injury or death so they react. Do not reach for belts and pockets, hands in the air.

NO proof in ANY article i've seen say anything about on the ground execution BS. Please show me the proof that went down that way....

Also police are not paramedics with full trauma gear so what do you suppose they do beyond waiting for the trained and equipped people to show?

Andrew R wrote:

Actually sir running from the police IS a crime. If an officer yells stop and you run he has every right if not duty to catch you.

No, not everything that is against the law is a crime.

You say there is no 'proof' of the ground execution "BS". I say there are witnesses attesting to exactly that.

It has precisely as much likelihood of being the case as the idea that he was "reaching for something" when he was shot. That's what cops ALWAYS say. Sorry, being paranoid is not an excuse for executing an innocent civilian...then turning your guns on the neighbors who come out to see what the ruckus is.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Resisting arrest.

The officer has to actually be arresting the individual. Refusing to stop is not a crime in of itself.

Andrew R wrote:
And yet everyone blames the cops 100% not the populace that helped create the problem with criminal behavior and supporting the criminals over law and order at every turn.

And with good reason. Fuzzy, warm and gushy causal links with something as broad as 'society' and 'culture' are hard to pin down in any particular case.

The bullet on the other hand undeniably came from the cops gun, which was in the cops hand, which he chose to fire.

And yes, you can legally run from the cops, as long as they don't have any other reason to be chasing you oddly enough.

Who's more paranoid?
A guy who is innocent running just becasue he sees a policeman, or a policeman who supposedly sees a known gang member who's served time for gun crimes reaching into his waitband, and fires upon him?

This situation has too many variables that are s##~ty on both sides for anyone to make a broad brush judgement about blame. A guy lost his life becasue of those s~$@ty circumstances. There's enough blame to go around to all parties involved.

The Exchange

Kryzbyn wrote:

Who's more paranoid?

A guy who is innocent running just becasue he sees a policeman, or a policeman who supposedly sees a known gang member who's served time for gun crimes reaching into his waitband, and fires upon him?

This situation has too many variables that are s%%*ty on both sides for anyone to make a broad brush judgement about blame. A guy lost his life becasue of those s&&*ty circumstances. There's enough blame to go around to all parties involved.

Agreed. i just have a problem with the cop haters.

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
And yet everyone blames the cops 100% not the populace that helped create the problem with criminal behavior and supporting the criminals over law and order at every turn.

And with good reason. Fuzzy, warm and gushy causal links with something as broad as 'society' and 'culture' are hard to pin down in any particular case.

The bullet on the other hand undeniably came from the cops gun, which was in the cops hand, which he chose to fire.

And yes, you can legally run from the cops, as long as they don't have any other reason to be chasing you oddly enough.

No, it isn't hard to pin down. Neighborhoods known for violent crime and citizens that never saw a thing (unless it was those evil police, then they saw it all and read the cops mind to know it was racial) are not vague concepts

The Exchange

BigNorseWolf wrote:

And yes, you can legally run from the cops, as long as they don't have any other reason to be chasing you oddly enough.

Citation of that law please.

Grand Lodge

Andrew R wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

And yes, you can legally run from the cops, as long as they don't have any other reason to be chasing you oddly enough.

Citation of that law please.

Don't you need to cite a law that makes it illegal to run from the police instead? They don't make laws that say 'you may run from the cops' too often as far as I know. You're usually allowed that freedom by default.

Besides, I already linked the resisting arrest page.

The Exchange

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

And yes, you can legally run from the cops, as long as they don't have any other reason to be chasing you oddly enough.

Citation of that law please.

Don't you need to cite a law that makes it illegal to run from the police instead? They don't make laws that say 'you may run from the cops' too often as far as I know. You're usually allowed that freedom by default.

Besides, I already linked the resisting arrest page.

Yep but that isn't the only law ever to exist. I know here we have "fleeing and eluding" but i think that is a vehicle specific offense. Ask an actual cop from each state, im sure there is a law.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Know what, we're done here.

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